First Marriage, then love: wife, never divorce

Chapter 1287

Chapter 1287: Chapter 1287 Lei Zhenyu came


He was originally in a bad mood, but he had a lot of things to do during the day, so he laid on the bed and thought about everything. He fell asleep soon after.

The next morning, it was still past six o’clock when she heard footsteps coming from the stairs. She quickly got up. It was indeed Mu Yao. This little girl was carrying her small luggage bag down the stairs.

“Hey, where are you going so early? ” Ru Yu rubbed her eyes that had not woken up yet.

“Back to Binhai. ” Mu Yao rolled her eyes at her, then ignored her and said, “hurry up and go back to sleep. Uncle Ahao just called me and said that the helicopter is hovering in the suburbs waiting for me. I’ll go there quickly. ”

“Do you want me to send you back in the car? ” Ru Yu followed her up a few steps and asked again.

“No, there’s someone waiting for me at the door. You go back and sleep. ” Mu Yao didn’t even turn her head and walked straight out of the door.

Ru Yu yawned. Since Mu Yao didn’t want her to send her back, she continued to go back to her room to look for Eunuch Zhou. Anyway, today was the first day after Christmas, and the studio was still on vacation. She would only go to work tomorrow, so she could sleep all over.

In order to let herself sleep soundly, she specifically turned off her phone to prevent Lin Yuxin from calling her for no reason. She didn’t have the mood or time to accompany her today.

Ru Yu slept until noon. She wasn’t woken up by anything, but by hunger. She had no choice but to get out of bed, wash up, and go downstairs to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Of course, there was nothing to eat, because Che Qixuan had been gone for several days, and the fridge was empty. Even if she wanted to cook a bowl of noodles for herself, she couldn’t.

Well, food was the most important thing to the people. She couldn’t starve herself to death, right With this thought in mind, she went back upstairs, found some clothes to change into, and prepared to drive to a nearby restaurant to find food.

When she opened the door, she found that it had snowed last night. It was indeed a bit like Christmas in Europe and the United States. Fortunately, it was noon, and she was wearing a down jacket, so it was not absolutely cold, just a little cold.

She walked to her car outside the door very naturally, but she was surprised to find that there were two slightly familiar maybach parked in front of the courtyard. She frowned. If she remembered correctly, this should be Lei Zhenyu’s car, right?

Lei Zhenyu came to look for her Oh, she finally remembered. Although she was willing to divorce Lei Zhenyu, she still had to go through the formalities, just like when she divorced Jin Zhengnan.

Of course, her divorce with Lei Zhenyu was different from her divorce with Jin Zhengnan because they could part on good terms. Of course, as for whether they could still be friends after the divorce, she reckoned that it was impossible between her and Lei Zhenyu, right?

Of course, it was not as incompatible as between her and Jin Zhengnan. She thought about it. In the future, she and Lei Zhenyu would probably be more strangers, right?

With this thought in mind, she took the initiative to open the courtyard door. Since someone came to talk to her about this matter, she should at least receive him politely, right Problems had to be solved.

Lei Zhenyu, who was originally in the car, obviously saw her, so when she was looking at the courtyard door, he had already pushed it open and got out of the car. As soon as she opened the courtyard door, he had already reached out and pulled her to his car outside the courtyard door.

“Hey, we want to talk… ” Ru Yu meant that she wanted to talk, go in and sit down …

Unfortunately, she didn’t say it out loud. Of course, she didn’t have the chance to say it out loud because Lei Zhenyu pressed her against the car door and lowered his head. His thin lips directly covered her pink lips A deep French kiss blotted out the sky and covered the earth as it fell… …

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