First Marriage, then love: wife, never divorce

Chapter 609

Chapter 609: Chapter 609: Who’s sticking by whom


Tomorrow was little feather’s fifth birthday, but tomorrow was Dongfang Mo and Fang Zining’s engagement. Obviously, she couldn’t help little feather celebrate his fifth birthday tomorrow.

Then, she packed her documents and was about to tell little feather about tomorrow’s birthday when Ah Min’s voice came from outside the door. “Miss Yan, great-aunt asked you to bring little feather to Mo Yuan. She said she has something to ask you. ”

“Oh, got it, ” Yan ru replied. Then, she turned around and saw little feather walking out of the bathroom. She hurriedly said to her, “let’s go. Your great-aunt wants to see you again. Didn’t you need to see her when you came back from school? ”

“I went straight to the plum garden today, ” little feather smiled slyly. “Mommy, wasn’t I in a hurry to give you that gift? ”

Yan Ru nodded and immediately gave little feather an appreciative look. Then, she held her hand and walked out of the door with her. After all, her great-aunt liked little feather very much. Moreover, she was already 75 years old She didn’t want to upset her.

Dongfang Yunxia actually heard little feather mention her birthday a few days ago, so she remembered it. She knew that it was tomorrow, but Dongfang Mo was getting engaged tomorrow, so she decided to celebrate little feather’s birthday one day earlier.

“little feather, don’t be angry with your uncle. He might not know that tomorrow is your birthday, ” Dongfang Yunxia held little feather’s hand As she walked towards her car, she said lovingly to her, “but your uncle’s engagement is a big deal. He’s already 34 years old. If he doesn’t get married, he’ll get old. ”

“I won’t, ” little feather’s tender voice was soft and soft. She turned to look at Dongfang Yunxia and said, “Old Lady, actually, you’re worrying too much. I think that big lie… uncle doesn’t have the mood to get engaged at all. ”

Little feather almost called Dongfang Mo a big liar. Fortunately, he reacted when he met Yan ru’s eyes and immediately changed his words, so he didn’t expose himself.

“nonsense. ” Dongfang Yunxia glared at little feather Then, she pretended to blame him and said, “little feather, you’re still young. You don’t know anything about adults. Old Lady, I won’t tell you anymore. Anyway, your fifth birthday is early. I’ll take you out to celebrate tonight. Tomorrow, you can wish your uncle well. ”

“Alright then. ” Little feather agreed slightly helplessly. Then, he helped Dongfang Yunxia to the car and asked softly, “Old Lady, does my mommy want to go with me? I think my mommy wants to celebrate my birthday too. ”

“Of course I want to go with you. ” Dongfang Yunxia smiled and pinched little feather’s nose. Then, she turned her head and said to Yan ru who was standing at the side, “hurry up and get in the car. What are you waiting for? ”

Yan Ru nodded and quickly opened the back door for Dongfang Yunxia. She let her and little feather sit in the back seat together. Then, she opened the door of the front passenger seat and sat in.

The driver was not uncle Liu, but a young driver, Xiao Liu, whom Dongfang Mo had specially assigned to Dongfang Yunxia. This person was in his thirties. Yan Ru had never seen him before, so she did not know if he was new.

“Let’s go to Nichang. It’s a good place, and it’s good at keeping secrets, ” Dongfang Yunxia instructed her driver, Xiao Liu. “It’s the high-class Leisure Club that Zining and I went to last week. ”

“great aunt, actually, little feather is very small. There’s no need to bring her to such a high-class place, ” Yan ru quickly turned around and said to Dongfang Yunxia, who was sitting in the back row. “actually, you can just bring little feather to mcdonald’s or KFC for a while. ”

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