First Marriage, then love: wife, never divorce

Chapter 882

Chapter 882: Chapter 882 love is a superstition of the right place at the right time


After settling Xi Yuancheng’s funeral, Mu Ru brought mother Wang to one inch ink city to live there, saying that it was for her to take care of her old age.

However, mother Wang said that she was still young and was only in her fifties, so why should she take care of her old age There were many things to do in one inch ink city, so she could help take care of them. Then, Mu Ru was pregnant, so she had to learn how to be a sister-in-law. When Mu Ru had a child, she could take care of Mu Ru and the child.

Mu Ru knew that mother Wang did not want to eat for free, so she did not object because mother Wang had always been used to doing things. Now, she was not used to not doing anything and playing every day.

Dongfang Group’s bid was successful. Dongfang Mo originally wanted Dongfang Jun to work at Dongfang Group, but he had already completely fallen out with Xingwang Group, and his shares had been withdrawn from Xingwang Group.

Of course, because Xingwang Group didn’t have Dongfang Yingwu’s support, and Dongfang Jun forced them to withdraw their shares, the company that was already a fledgling was now waiting to close down.

However, Dongfang Jun seemed to be a little busy recently, so he didn’t report to Dongfang Group immediately. Instead, he was busy with his own matters. As for what he was busy with, he didn’t tell Dongfang Mo, so Dongfang Mo didn’t know, and Mu ru didn’t know either.

Dongfang Group successfully bid for the best piece of land in Binhai, so Dongfang Group was completely out of trouble. Now, they were ready to enter the real estate industry.

The days of the Dongfang family calmed down just like that. In the blink of an eye, it was the end of June. The Dongfang family welcomed little feather’s end-of-term cultural performance. At the same time, they also predicted that little feather would go to Korea for the summer vacation.

Dongfang Mo was very opposed to little feather going to Korea for the summer vacation because he didn’t want his daughter to be separated from him. However, little feather argued that her father also missed her, and she couldn’t forget her father just because she had a father.

Dongfang Mo had no choice but to agree to this request. In fact, he had originally planned to take mu ru and little feather on a trip during the summer vacation. However, it just so happened that mu ru was pregnant. Liu Hao also said that miscarriages were the most likely to occur in the first three months, so it was not appropriate for them to go on a trip.

On the day of little feather’s end-of-term performance, Dongfang Mo specially took half a day off to go to the kindergarten with mu ru to watch the children’s performances. After that, they even participated in parent-child activities.

Mu Ru looked at such a serious person and was actually willing to lower herself to participate in those childish and funny activities for her daughter. She could not help but feel a little touched in her heart.

Especially when she saw Dongfang Mo carry little feather to carry water with him, she couldn’t help but shout to them, “come on, come on, Yu Yu, come on! ”

Little Feather giggled on Dongfang Mo’s back. This might be the first time she experienced the fun of playing games with her father, because in Korea, when there were parent-child activities in kindergarten, it was her mother who accompanied her to do them.

Therefore, she felt that it was good for her mother to be pregnant at this time. She thought that if it wasn’t for her mother being pregnant, her father, who had always been cold, arrogant, and arrogant, would definitely not accompany her to play these games.

At the end of the event, everyone danced the rabbit dance together. All the parents and children held hands and formed a circle. The dance teacher was in the middle. Everyone followed her singing and rhythm and followed her movements.

“Front, back, front, back, front, front, front… ” Dongfang Mo’s big hand held little feather’s small hand. The two of them danced seriously to the music.

Perhaps it was because Dongfang Mo had never danced this kind of dance before, so he always danced wrongly. He danced backwards when he was in front, but he danced forwards when he changed to back Mu Ru, who was watching them dance from the side, laughed until tears came out of her eyes.

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