Chapter 368: Phenomenon

368 Phenomenon

Anna just said to stop them from trying to force marriage or whatsoever. She stated that Alex would not have anyone he did not love.

When they heard that, their expressions were darkened. Letizia already prepared to sacrifice herself for the sect. However, Alex and Anna rejected her before they even came to that topic.

"Fufu… How nice is it… The Rainbow Flower Sect was founded because the founder had a terrible experience with that 'lust.' She founded the sect so the disciples would have a backing if they got troubled with that. Now, I am truly curious about the mysterious but powerful Alexander Sirius. If I am not wrong, you only became a disciple two years ago, and your strength was only a Martial Master at that time." Cecilia said while narrowing her eyes.

"Haha… I am just lucky." Alex said casually. He then tried to change the topic, "Well, since the sect master could not accept my gift, I am truly in a hard situation."

Alex then moved toward sect master Xiang Bai and presented him the space ring, "Sect Master, this is not much, but I hope you can receive it. It is only a few Heaven Tier Martial Arts as well as two rank 5 weapons."

When the people from Rainbow Flower Sect heard that, they froze. Even Xiang Bai was dumbfounded when Alex suddenly did this.

"Maybe we can dominate both tournaments…" Alex said in a playful tone.

"Hahaha… good good. Really a good disciple." Xiang Bai did not reject him or whatever because he knew, with Alex's Master, Alex would not have any shortage of this kind of thing. So, this was a kind of bonus after helping him a bit.

When the elders from Rainbow Flower Sect realized what they just missed, they were eyeing their sect master, Cecilia. However, Cecilia was thinking about something else. It would be bad to suddenly say she wants it. However, since Alex wanted to play that way, she said, "Ahem, since the misunderstanding is solved. How about the two of you have a chat for a while."

She thought since Alex could easily give something like that away. It would be even more worth it to keep his favor. Alex's plan to make her regret her decision a bit instead backfired him. It just made her have more reasons to save that favor for later.

Alex cursed in his heart. 'This woman is persistent.'

He thought about doing it, he could incite the elders or even her. That way, he could just throw another weapon and Martial Arts away and be done with this favor thing. As for Xiang Bai, he already prepared the same thing to give him. However, she did not get baited.

However, at this particular time, there was a sudden event that shocked the entire world. Alex and the others turned their heads to the sky. They could see the blue sky suddenly shone in golden color.

After that, the sky was split by something. When they saw that… no, when Alex saw that, he felt an unbearable pain in his heart. Suddenly, the tears came out of his eyes. Because he not only felt the pain in his heart, he also felt warm.

It was not a pain because of suppression or sort. Instead, it was very painful because he was missing them so much. He knew it was his master coming to grab Firia and cured Alicia… he knew it because he felt the reaction of his Pure Fire. It was like the Pure Fire inside him was calling its other half.

However, judging from the situation, it seemed the phenomenon came from the Northern Continent. Alex was clenching his heart with his left hand as he stretched his right hand to the horizon. Suddenly, he heard four words. The four words that were dedicated only to him.

"Husband, I love you."

He teared up at this moment. Even when he felt unbearable pain from his cultivation, he would not let out a single tear. However, these four words were enough to make him tear up.

When he closed his eyes, he did not know why, but he felt Firia was in front of him. The fiery red hair, her beautiful eyes, her warm and strong personality, Alex could clearly feel it. It was like Firia was standing in front of him.

Coming closer and closer before she hugged him. He hugged her back, smelling her unique scent, even if this was not real, Alex felt very warm. At this moment, he completely forgot the outside world.

There were only him and Firia, hugging each other. They both were completely savoring the taste of reunion and soothing each other's heart from this unbearable loneliness. Firia was also teared up.

Her hug was telling him how she missed him. But it also told him, they would be fine… She would get stronger, and Alicia would be recovered. She hugged him strongly, telling him that everything was going to be alright.

Alex hugged her even tighter. Sadly, it did not last long as her image suddenly disappeared in his embrace. However, even after she disappeared, Alex did not open his eyes until the sky dimmed down.

"It's alright. I will keep getting stronger until the day we can meet again. I will be alright here, so you take care of yourself too, as well as Alicia." Alex said while slowly opening his eyes. He wiped the tears on his face.

He then noticed that all the people were watching him. However, they did not dare to approach him.

Anna then came to him, "Is it Firia?"

Alex nodded his head.

"Don't worry. They are on the right hand. Alicia will be healed, and Firia will become stronger. So, it is you who need to get stronger now." Anna said.

"Yes. I know." Alex nodded again.

When they came back, they could see the shocked face of everyone. They would want to check the phenomenon and see who made such a phenomenon and invited them to the sect. However, it was too far from them. And as they expected, it came from the Northern Continent.

However, when they saw Alex suddenly rose to the sky, stretching his hand and clenching his heart like he was in pain. They did not know why, but they felt Alex somehow related to it.

And finally, when he let out his tears, they felt his emotion. It was sadness and loneliness. It was like he regretted it because he was not strong enough. They were wondering what kind of relationship he had with that phenomenon… no, the one who triggered such a phenomenon.

However, for people from Heavenly Sword Sect, especially Charya. They were wondering what kind of burden Alex had this entire time. Their image of Alex was a calm but mysterious guy. They felt Alex could do anything. However, at that very moment, he showed his weakness… maybe the weakness he had been hiding this entire time.

It was at that time Alex showed it all. No, it was because that phenomenon triggered the thing he had hidden this entire time. If they were not here at this moment, they would not see him being like this.

However, it was different for Letizia. As a bearing of Pure Element, she knew what kind of talent she and Alex had. Their talent was the finest. She always thought that as long as she had enough time, she would be able to become a Martial King or maybe Martial Emperor.

As long as she had enough time, she would be able to make her sect proud. However, when she met Alex for the first time and knew his Pure Fire Element. It was for the first time she felt she would not have enough time even if she had every time in the world.

She confirmed that guess when she met him the second time in Nemu Forest. After a short time from their first meeting to their second meeting, she managed to get into 3-Star Martial Lord. And with this third meeting, she had become 5-Star Martial Lord.

However, all of that won't matter as she saw Alex's cultivation stage was already 4-Star Martial Lord. She remembered the first time she met him, he was only a 5-Star Martial Grandmaster while she was a peak Martial Grandmaster.

Even though they had the same talent, Alex kept getting closer and closer to her level. If it continued like that, even if she had all the time she needed, she would not be able to make her proud. After all, Alex would shadow her every time.

Because of that, she always convinced herself that having a marriage with him would be the best. After all, even if she were shadowed by him, he would not do anything to her mother or her sect.

Everything changed today, specifically when she saw Alex became like that. She felt Alex's pain, sadness, and loneliness. It was like even with that monstrous progress, Alex felt it was nowhere enough.

Even though both of their goals were different. She could feel that Alex felt it was not enough.

Judging from his expression, the person that triggered such a phenomenon must be his wife. She remembered Anna's statement. She realized she was nothing compared to his wife. Anna's appearance was above her, and his wife that triggered such a phenomenon… she would not be able to do something like that. And with Anna's statement, she could not think anything she had would be able to make Alex love her.

She bit her lips while looking at him.

"I am sorry for making you see something like that." Alex suddenly spoke to all of them.

"No, no. However, may I know what that phenomenon is? Judging from the distance alone, it should be in another continent." Cecilia asked.

Xiang Bai and the others were also curious about this. However, they did not dare to ask, especially for the people from Heavenly Sword Sect. After all, they knew it was not something they should ask him.

Alex only shook his head. "It is my wife. You might not want to talk about it again. And since it is on another continent, you should not go there… maybe. Even I, can't meet her. So, I hope all of you don't ask about it. Well, if you try to do something funny like Mount Hua Sect or other kingdoms, you will pay the price."

Alex was also wondering why the phenomenon occurred in the Northern Kingdom. According to his master, no dungeon would lead to the Northern Continent. All nine dungeons in the lower world would only lead them to either Nilis Continent or this continent, Wilow Continent.

So he was confused about why it occurred in the Northern Continent, which should have no relation to this.

Alex did not have any mood to talk with them anymore when he realized that Firia had come to the upper world. He had the mood to cultivate.

"If there is no other matter, I need to excuse myself. I will remember this favor in my heart, and I will repay you later." Alex said without an uninterested tone. Of course, even with this favor, he would maintain the basic logic. After all, they just made a move at the right time. In fact, without them, they could solve the problem.

So, if they made such an absurd request, he would not comply.

Suddenly, Letizia shouted in surprise, "Ah!"

Letizia suddenly remembered something. It was about the golden lightning that struck everyone deeply. If his wife alone could do something like that, then he should be able to do something equal. In other words, he was the one who triggered that golden lightning.

They never found anything about the golden lightning. However, at that particular time, she realized that Alex became a wanted person in the Zhou Kingdom. And the reason for that was because he killed the Bell Family in a city nearby.

However, the people from the town said it was from an old man. Everything just clicked in her mind. It would be normal that Alex was the one who triggered it, and that old man just made an excuse so they could kill Alex. That was the sole reason why the Zhou Kingdom was targeting Alex.

She said with a shocked face, "You… you are the one who triggered the golden sky!"

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