Chapter 373: Slave

373 Slave

"You… you are the one who triggered the golden sky!"

When everyone heard that, they instantly realized why she said that. Together with his unparalleled progress and this phenomenon that was caused by his wife. They could somehow picture it in their head.

All of them thought the same thing, 'If his wife could do it, he should be able too.'

The people from Heavenly Sword Sect were more convinced that was the case because they had a memory about Alex's master. Alex's master was a god-like being, there was no way his disciple would be an average cultivator.

Of course, Alex could not just say 'yes. I am the one.' He tried to lie with a poker face. "I don't know what you are talking about. I know about the phenomenon, but I don't know the person who triggered it."

They twitched their eyebrows as they cursed inwardly, 'There is no point hiding it anymore!'

"You... you can't fool us anymore," Letizia shouted.

Suddenly, they felt a killing intent from the side along with a woman's voice, "It's true that someone said 'Ignorance is bliss.' Sadly, there is always someone who is foolish enough to poke something they shouldn't. If you just say it anywhere, you might be able to stay alive. Fufu…"

They turned their heads only to see Anna grabbing her scythe. When they saw that, the people from Rainbow Flower Sect immediately took out their weapon. However, the people from Heavenly Sword Sect did not. Even if they knew about it, they would not dare to do something against Alex.

"What is this? Are you going to fight? Don't forget we have a Martial King with us?" One of the elders from Rainbow Flower Sect shouted. Her eyes were glancing toward Xiang Bai.

"Why don't we talk about this first? We can settle it with Heavenly Oath." Cecilia said.

"Like mother, like daughter. You two immediately go toward Heavenly Oath to settle it." Alex narrowed his eyes. "Even with Heavenly Oath, your daughter could convince you in a roundabout way and led us to this situation. And do you think I will believe it again?"

"Alex, Nelson should already finish in killing the entire Royal Family from the Southern Kingdom, right? Call him here and have him kill all of them… No, Leoz should be enough to kill these bunch of people." Anna was telling them that killing them was a piece of cake for them.

When they heard that, Cecilia and the others immediately released their Spiritual Energy.

"You won't get away." Alex flicked his finger before an array appeared in front of him. The array immediately erected a spherical barrier and trapped all the people from Rainbow Flower Sect inside.

The people were bewildered. They knew how Array Master made an Array. However, Alex just made an array with a flick of his finger. This was insane, and they never knew Alex was also an Array Master.

"Silver Cut." Cecilia immediately struck the barrier.

Even though Alex had used his Space Element to enhance the barrier. As expected from a Martial King. It could put a big crack on his Jadeite Mirror Array.

However, Alex immediately took out Nelson's card. "Summon."

Nelson was surprised he was summoned here. But, he instantly knew why Alex summoned him.

"Nelson. I am sorry to trouble you here. But I need all of them to die." Alex said coldly before glancing at Xiang Bai, Charya, and the first elder.

As soon as they felt his glance, they knew what to do. Although it was a shame, they would need to do it.

Nelson also released his Spiritual Energy.

"3-Star Martial King?" Cecilia immediately recognized this energy. It was not from Xiang Bai. Instead, it came from the young man that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She sweatdropped. They would not survive a full barrage from two Martial Kings, especially when she looked at Nelson, who appeared to be a young man.

Even though she also appeared to be young, in reality, her age was the same as Xiang Bai. She just luckily ate a medicinal herb to maintain her youthful appearance back in the day. However, it was different from Nelson. If a young man like that was so powerful, what about the old man behind him?

"Oi oi… Alexander… No, Young Master Alexander, how about exchanging our favor and let us go this time?"

"That favor is nowhere enough to buy your lives. You are just trying to fish in troubled water. In fact, without the Rainbow Flower Sect, I can solve the trouble alone." Alex said coldly.

"Young Master Alexander. Can you just please let us go this time? We can cancel the favor, and we will be the one who owes you a big favor instead. My daughter is still young, and we can treat this as a life lesson."

"Life lessons are good. Sometimes, it costs you some money. Sometimes, it costs you a fortune. Unfortunately, this time, it cost you your lives." Alex said coldly.

Letizia just realized what kind of blunder she unconsciously made. It was never her intention to say it away. She was just too surprised with what she found and unconsciously blurted it out.

She suddenly kowtowed. "Alex… No, Master Alex… I will become your Slave. If you want me to die, I will die. If you want my Sacrificial Ice, I will give you. Even if you want to use me at night, you can do whatever you please. But… but… Please, spare my mother and the others. This is all my fault."

"Letizia!" Obviously, Cecilia was dumbfounded to see her daughter suddenly did this. She gritted her teeth, "No. If you want to take someone's life, just take mine. I am the only Martial King in the Rainbow Flower Sect. My life is worth more than the others."

Her action made the people from Heavenly Sword Sect hesitate. However, Anna was still unconvinced. "Hmph, your Pure Ice Element is still not awakened yet. Killing you here is better since you cause us endless problems, especially with Rainbow Flower Sect. And do you think you are important just because you are a sect master or Martial King."

Cecilia gritted her teeth and shouted, "We are breaking through them. Inform all the other disciples to retreat!"

"You won't go away." With all this time, Nelson managed to secretly make his usual trap. With just a flick of his finger, there was a dark circle beneath their feet. From that circle, the black tentacles appeared and restricted their movement.

"Shadow Bind."

Nelson's Shadow Bind restricted all of them from moving a single step. Cecilia might probably break away at any moment.

However, at the same time, Nelson came to Alex. "Young Master. I think we should accept her as your slave."

"?!" Alex turned to Nelson with a confused look.

"I mean, we can nurture her for a while and give her Sacrificial Element to Lady Alicia." Nelson gave a suggestion. Little did he know that Alicia managed to become a true Ice Phoenix Spirit Queen. And because 'the system girl,' AKA Lin Xingzhi was accompanying Alicia and Firia to go through all of that, she could not inform him.

If he knew about it, he would not suggest this and killed all of them here. And when Alex knew about it later, he could not break his promise as he was not someone who could easily break a promise.

Alex contemplated a bit. It was indeed a bit tempting to do that, and it would give Alicia a powerful strength. However, Alex knew they had another problem. "What about the others' memories of this? If they try to spread it, I will be in trouble."

"Don't worry, Young Master. I have the solution for that. I could manipulate their memory a little bit. Although it is not at the level of sealing or erasing memories, it still deviates the memory a little bit. In other words, they will only remember they have a casual talk in this place. But they will never remember they talked about the Golden Lightning."

Cecilia broke away from the restrain and tried to help the others. However, at this moment, Nelson disappeared once again. Cecilia tried to stop him with her sword but to no avail. His movement was so fluid and escaped from her pursuit.

He appeared again behind Letizia with his sword on her neck. This action froze everyone, including Cecilia.

"If you do anything to her, I will fight it out with my life!" Cecilia shouted at Nelson.

"Her offer is interesting. Since she is not awakened yet, I will forcefully awaken it. I heard that the easiest way to awaken a Pure Element is to have them experience something remorseful. Let see… how about killing you because of her mistake?" Nelson said coldly as he disappeared.

Cecilia raised her sword as Nelson appeared in front of her. Their sword collided with each other, and Cecilia suddenly pushed him back. "All elders, Hurry up and break away from that skill. As soon as you break free, take Letizia and leave! I will stall him here."

"You think you can buy enough time for them?" Nelson said coldly. When she heard that, she felt her cheek was hot. She realized that Nelson managed to graze her cheek with his sword at that exchange.

"Mother! No… No!" When Letizia saw that, she shouted as tears started forming in her eyes. Just from her speech alone, she was planning to die in this place. Letizia looked at Alex as she kowtowed again and again. "Please… I will do anything… please don't kill my mother and the others…"

"Little girl… That's not the problem here. Your offer is interesting, but I still can't let them go because they know too much."

"We can swear Heavenly Oath… we promise we won't tell anyone."

"You already promise you won't go against him and won't tell anyone. In reality, you explained it to them in a roundabout way. Do you think your word, your Oath, your promise, or whatever it is, is credible?" Nelson said coldly.

Letizia gritted her teeth. It was like he said. Everything was her fault. If she did not say anything from the start, they would not go to this place and get this trouble. If she could control her emotion, she would not blurt Alex's Golden Lightning at that very moment.

However, she could not do anything other than begging Alex. "Please… Master…"

Alex twitched his eyebrows as he could understand why Nelson did this. Nelson wanted to let Alex be the good guy while Nelson became the bad guy.

Alex could only sigh, "Stop. Nelson."

Nelson acted like he was surprised by his order. He tried to give his reasoning to Alex, "But Young Master, they still know-!"

"Enough. You have a skill that could manipulate a certain memory, right? Use that!"

"Yes, after reaching Martial King, this is one of the uses of my soul. But even if I can do it, I can't let them go. If I change that memory, they will just leave without a price! At least, you need to take her as your Slave! I am sorry if I offended you, but this is my request, Young Master." Nelson said.

Alex closed his eyes while furrowing his eyebrows. He looked like he was weighing something. After a while, like he had made a decision, he opened his eyes and looked toward the people from Rainbow Flower Sect. "That depends on the opposite party."

"No! If you need a slave, then you can just have me. I am more beautiful than her and a Martial King! I am more useful than her." Cecilia tried to protect her daughter.

"Mother!" Letizia shouted. She knew she needed to bring this to an end by her own hands. She had to solve the problem she made. She looked at Alex, "With Heaven and Earth as the witness, I, Letizia La Scola…

"Wait, Letizia!" Cecilia shouted, trying to stop her. However, she could not go to her as she was stopped by Nelson.

"Letizia La Scola, shall be the slave of Alexander Sirius for the rest of my life as I swore my eternal loyalty to him and all the things I have is his, including my treasure, my body, and my life."

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