Chapter 395: Strategy Vs Strategy

395 Strategy Vs Strategy

That night, Evelyn came to him while crying. She told him everything from the start. He learned that Hazel Kingdom did not want to kill them, but joining the alliance alone already made them an enemy of his. Of course, it did not mean the entire kingdom was his enemy. And since their entire group had been killed. Alex decided to let this matter go for the time being unless they tried to do something funny again.

As for Mount Hua Sect, he really wanted to kill them. He decided if they fought Mount Hua Sect, he would kill all of them. Of course, he was sure Xiang Bai wanted to do that too. As for Zhou Kingdom, he did not need to say anything as their fate had been decided by him a long time ago.

And when he heard about Thiveapia Kingdom together with their betrayal, which was only a misunderstanding. He decided to let Evelyn decide what she wanted to do with them. Because of her condition, Alex wanted her to rest first before deciding it since she should make the decision with a cool head.

Lastly, it was the Southern Kingdom. He did not know why they suddenly helped Evelyn and the others, but he could roughly imagine the reason. It must be fear as they were afraid their kingdom would be razed to the ground by him next time. After all, having the entire Royal Family die in a single night without anyone knowing was a nightmare.

He remembered that the Southern Kingdom locked their kingdom down for two or three months because they were afraid they would be the next. Fortunately, what they expected never came and started the civil strife. All in all, Alex did not need to care about this kingdom anymore since even if they wanted to rise up again, it would be in a long time.

The next day, Evelyn had somehow calmed down. Alex was watching her through the night since her emotion was a bit unstable.

However, when she came to him the next day, Evelyn seemed to have gained her resolve.

"Big brother Alex… I think I am going just to stay away from this political thing??? I won't become the sovereign of my kingdom. Instead, I will focus on the Martial Path.

"Back then, I was really grateful to you for teaching me Seven Stars Cut. You also taught me the basis that somehow made my power strength increase by leaps and bounds. It was the same as these few months' training.

"I really couldn't thank you enough. I thought I couldn't do something for you with the help of my kingdom. I realized… no matter if it was about the wealth in the auction, your strength, or this whole war aspect, I really could not help you. Instead, I became the burden you need to help.

"That's why I have decided. I will move forward in my Martial Path without considering the other things. That way, I might be able to help you in the future, no matter how small that is. For now, I will win today's battle first."

"..." Alex looked at her without saying anything. The young girl had finally taken the first step to soar in the sky. He could only say, "I am looking forward to it."

"Yes." Evelyn nodded as she started walking toward her teammates, "I am going."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we watched something interesting yesterday. To think the competition has so many twists that even I was overwhelmed by the sight of it.

"And even today! We will witness the competition between Heavenly Sword Sect and Rainbow Flower Sect.

"Let us give a big applause for the participants as we welcome them into the arena!"

Evelyn and the others walked into the arena and showed themselves. It was also the same as Mina and the rest.

The arena was circular, with around two hundred meters wide. It was a huge arena for a commoner that could hold more than a thousand people. However, it was the limit they could make after considering this would be used by Martial Lords later.

But, for today, this was their arena. In this battle, they would decide who would be the winner and who would be the loser.

"As I announced yesterday. There will be five battles in total, and the first three will be the winner.

"There won't be any rule too in this tournament. You can kill or cripple your opponent, and as you have expected, our host, Honda Sana, would make sure no one would stretch their hands to the participants.

"You can surrender in this competition. Do note that you can't attack them after they surrender. The first battle will be a 3 versus 3 battle followed by 2 versus 2 battle and lastly finished by three 1 versus 1 battle.

"Without further ado, let us start the competition!"

"Uoh!" The crowd was cheering for them.

The participants did not care with all of this cheering, because they had decided their line up.

"Let us see the participant for Rainbow Flower Sect first. Their line up is…"

An hour ago,

In the Rainbow Flower Sect's team, they were busy discussing their line up. The elders had several suggestions for their line up, but Mina suddenly agreed with one of them.

"We need something that can catch them off guard. I am sure you already know the biggest threat in this battle, right?" Mina said.

"Evelyn." One of them said.

"None other." Mina nodded. "That's why we need to do something to catch her off guard. What do you guys think of the single battle where people have the lowest expectation?"

"..." They contemplated for a bit before Nakagawa Hiina said, "The fourth battle…"

"Yes. We will strike in that spot and win this tournament. For that, We will need to win at least two battles before the fourth battle."

"If you want it that way, then I will be in the fifth battle. After all, I am the weakest in this team." Suddenly, a brown-haired woman said.

"..." Everyone was surprised when she heard that. She never expected that she would say it before they would suggest it.

Mina looked at her before she said, "Thank you very much."

The brown-haired woman only shook her head. "This is not a matter of pride, but whether we will win or not."

Mina nodded. "I will take our third win in the fourth battle and with our battle plan have been decided. Then, the rest of the line up will be like this…"

3v3 - Maya Edwards, Zoe Barnes, Cara Montgomery.

2v2 - Gabriella, Janessa Bass.

1v1 - Nakagawa Hiina

1v1 - Mina Sim

1v1 - Kuria Orengo

This line up would surprise everyone.

"Oh! What is this? Usually, the captain will be in the last fight, and optimally, the rest of the team would win the battle so the captain will not use his/her hand. But look at this lineup, the captain, Mina Sim, is the fourth battle.

"Why do I feel this lineup is so well thought? What a twist from Rainbow Flower Sect… How about we ask Rainbow Flower Sect sect master to explain their strategy for this lineup?"

Cecilia chuckled as she said, "We only offered our suggestion to our disciples. As for the strategy, we will trust it in our disciples' hands. You can just look at their positioning. This is a highly powerful line up to defeat the enemy before they meet their captain.

"In our Rainbow Flower Sect, we want our disciples to be a strong and independent woman. So, we only offer our suggestion while you are the one who will decide your own fate. If you want to be stronger and independent, please join our Rainbow Flower Sect."

"Oohhh!" The crowd was mesmerized not only by her sect but also with her beauty.

"Rainbow Flower Sect!"

"Rainbow Flower Sect!"

The people started cheering Rainbow Flower Sect. Meanwhile, in Xiang Bai's room, Xiang Bai was sweating as he never expected that since he was one of the people that followed old tradition. He advised Evelyn to like the way she portrayed.

"Not good…"

Watching this, Alex did not say anything. In fact, he already expected something like this. But the problem was he never suggested anything to Evelyn. It was because of her speech in the morning. So, Alex wanted her to grow up alone.

"We need a countermeasure… but how do we counter this? We can't exactly change our entry." Xiang Bai was trying to come up with a plan but to no avail.

Alex only patted his shoulder.

"You… Do you tell her anything? You have told her, right? This way, she would have made a countermeasure." Xiang Bai looked at Alex with great hope. Of course, the 'she' in his mouth was Evelyn.

Alex only shook his head as he really never told her anything.

When Xiang Bai saw that, his feet felt weak as he dropped to his chair. He sighed. "Well, second place is good too… we can just get the first place in the Lord Competition…"

"It is alright. I may not tell her anything. But, I have trained her these past few months. And I did not train her so that she could increase her cultivation base easily. I also trained her sword as well as how to be a careful person."

"Careful person?" Xiang Bai looked at him in confusion.

"Yes. A normal strategist would think which one will be the best move and which one will be a bad move. However, a careful person would not think which one is the best or the worst. We only think about what our opponent will do and how we want to counter it while maintaining our trump card."

A few minutes ago,

Evelyn and the others also started planning for this competition. Evelyn said, "Well, this plan is trash…"

"Oi oi, you can't say that, you know. After all, this is the plan from the sect master. I mean, it is good enough if we can win without you fighting." Florinda said.

"If big bro… If Alexander Sirius is here, he will beat me up if I go according to this plan." Evelyn said. "This is the oldest but most predictable plan. That's why I won't go with this plan.

"Why, Captain?"

"I need to be careful. And in our dictionary, a bad strategy is a strategy that makes us lose. It will be a good strategy if it can make us win the battle. Just like in a life and death fight, whether it is a dirty move or something, if you can kill your opponent, then it is a good move. Pride won't protect you from surviving another day.

"That's why I know our weakest link will be in the fourth battle, and they must be wary about my power. So, we will make this fourth battle as our standpoint while Florinda will be our last trump card.

"But it will be better if we can win the competition without giving them a chance," Evelyn explained.

"I see, then I will be the bait in your plan captain. All in all, I am not really good in a team fight, and my individual prowess is also not comparable to others. That's why I will be your bait." Elise stood up and said. She then looked at the others with a smile, "So, it's on you guys."

When the others saw her, she knew she must be hurt to sacrifice herself in this. However, it just gave them a new determination for this. They nodded their heads.

Evelyn then announced her plan, "We will go with this…"

The lineup finally revealed for others to see. The moment they looked at that, they dropped their jaw to the ground. If Rainbow Flower Sect's move was already shocking enough, then this move made one freak out.

Evelyn and Alex smirked at the same time as they looked at the lineup.

3v3 - Yasmin, Hanibal, Kokonoe Shigure

2v2 - Anwar Daher, Amazu Agu

1v1 - Evelyn de Viona Thiveapia

1v1 - Elise

1v1 - Florinda

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