Gate of God

Chapter 1037 - Super Terrifying Mega Weapon, Kneel Upon Hearing It!

Chapter 1037: Super Terrifying Mega Weapon, Kneel Upon Hearing It!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

The intense liveliness all around caused the tree branches that had just emerged from the ground to grow bigger, while some branched out further and more leaves started growing.

“Wow, more Trees of God are growing?!” Ping Yang was so shocked that her jaw almost fell onto the ground. “Does this mean that men can become pregnant and give birth?”

What the f*ck!

Fang Zhengzhi almost slapped Ping Yang’s head. Since when did she become so abnormal?

Could this be the legendary ‘one is marked by the company one keeps’…

Wait a minute!

It felt like he was scolding himself?

Fang Zhengzhi shook his head helplessly and did not want to recall what Ping Yang had said. However, the strange scene ahead of him made him realize what the Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five was worried about.

Nangong Mu’s aura seemed to have changed completely after he swallowed the fruit of the Tree of God.

If Nangong Mu felt like the black hole with the killer aura initially, the Nangong Mu now had seemed to have become the real Tree of God.

The powerful growth spurt allowed the power of the Tree of God to flourish close to perfection.

The broken branches could re-grow.

The tree branches were no longer afraid of being broken, so how were they going to continue the battle?

Fang Zhengzhi had guessed that the Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five had hidden some of his powers and did not show the powerful ability of his fifth claw, but now, he seemed to have some understanding.

The Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five had yet to show his fifth dragon claw and would rather bite and tear furiously. This meant that if he used his fifth dragon claw, he would deplete his strength extensively.

The Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five would not worry if he was facing an ordinary opponent.

Once he used his dragon claw, his opponent would die.

However, if the opponent was a “cockroach” who would not die so easily, then it was a miserable thing.

Moreover, Nangong Mu seemed to be concerned about the Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five as well. He had yet to expose his full body and completely hid in the Tree of God.

Xuanyuan Five could not kill him in one strike.

Even if he used his fifth claw, Nangong Mu might not die. Perhaps that was what the Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five was worried about.

After Fang Zhengzhi figured this out, he turned to Yun Qingwu who was beside him. “Do you have any way to let Nangong Mu come out from the Tree of God?”

It is such a waste if he did not utilize the “military advisor” beside him and wrecked his own brain.

Fang Zhengzhi was a minimalist and therefore would not be so wasteful.

“Are you talking to me?” replied Yun Qingwu calmly.

“Why are you asking this Demoness, what idea will she have?” Ping Yang was instantly unhappy and pouted angrily.

“Then, Your Highness, please tell me how?”

“…” Ping Yang was speechless.

What other ways were there? The fact that Nangong Mu has yet to reveal himself from the Tree of God meant that he had his own worries. Unless he wanted her to call for him to come out?

Ping Yang could only say that she was not good at thinking about schemes.

“You can consider using provocations,” said Wu Yuer as Ping Yang fell silent.

“How?” asked Fang Zhengzhi.

“This… I haven’t thought about it yet. You can think about it, didn’t I give you some inspiration? Aren’t both of you friends in the past?” Wu Yuer pouted and gave a look that implied that she could only offer help to this extent.

“It’s a good plan but I have already used it before.” Fang Zhengzhi knew that this was the limit of Wu Yuer’s ideas.

She could remind him and give him inspirations.

However, it would be asking too much for Wu Yuer to design a complete and flawless scheme. After all, Wu Yuer’s strength was not on formulating schemes but rather on making business deals.

Putting hopes on a sly dealer to fight a battle?

That may be possible for small fights but definitely not possible for big-scale fights.

Fang Zhengzhi looked at Yun Qingwu again. “I have already provoked Nangong Mu once. I don’t think the effect would be good if I used it again. Do you have other ideas?”

“Yes.” Yun Qingwu did not hesitate for long.

“I don’t believe!” Ping Yang snorted coldly and turned her head to the side. However, she purposely turned her ears towards Yun Qingwu.

Wu Yuer did not make too many comments. She knew that Yun Qingwu was terrifyingly good at coming up with schemes. However, she was slightly indignant and wanted to hear what were her ideas to let Nangong Mu reveal himself from the Tree of God.

“What method?” Fang Zhengzhi asked in a straightforward manner.

“Provocation,” replied Yun Qingwu calmly.


There was a short pause of silence. Wu Yuer and Ping Yang were stunned for a moment before they exploded in anger.

What on earth?


She was Yun Qingwu, the so-called hope of the Monster Race and Demon Race with amazing ideas. Yet, she thought of a plan that was identical to that of Wu Yuer?

Wu Yuer wanted to curse.

Meanwhile, Ping Yang began to curse. “Chey, didn’t he already say he had used provocation once, you are still suggesting that? Demoness, do you even…”

Ping Yang did not complete her sentence.

That was because Fang Zhengzhi had used both his hands to seal her mouth.

“How to provoke?”

“Know yourself and know your enemies and you shan’t fear a hundred battles, Nangong Mu is a Human and any human would have his weakness. Nangong Mu’s biggest weakness is none other than his brother.”

“Nangong Hao?!” Fang Zhengzhi was jolted awake.

He had made use of his friendship with Nangong Mu earlier on. Because of that, Nangong Mu hesitated and gave him a chance.

Yet Yun Qingwu’s idea…

Was definitely more straightforward.

“Hmm, you have fought with Nangong Hao before. With your ability, you definitely could use Nangong Hao’s tactics. If you used Nangong Hao’s tactics to fight against Nangong Mu…” Yun Qingwu did not continue her sentence as she knew that she had said enough.

“…” Ping Yang and Wu Yuer fell silent again.

They looked at each other and had the same expression in their eyes. Yun Qingwu was indeed a terrifying Demoness.

Fang Zhengzhi did not probe further.

That was because just as what Yun Qingwu was thinking about, he definitely already knew how to force Nangong Mu out of the Tree of God.

This provocative tactic…

Was indeed very provocative!

Fang Zhengzhi was confident that even if Nangong Mu knew that it was a provocative tactic, he would definitely come out from the Tree of God and swear to kill Fang Zhengzhi.

Gaining profits while taking risks, one was extremely determined.

Perhaps that was Yun Qingwu’s scheme.

Fang Zhengzhi gritted his teeth. He did not want to use this provocative tactic if he had a choice as it would target the most painful spot in Nangong Mu’s heart.

He remembered the scene when he first met Nangong Mu and fought alongside him, burning the Crown Prince Residence together and entering the Heaven Dao Pavilion together.


Till date, he had not forgotten that they were friends.

Yet given the current situation, he had no other choices. Nangong Mu had swallowed the fruit of the Tree of God and gained immense powers.

The broken branches healed and were extremely hard to deal with.

Moreover, Fang Zhengzhi knew that Nangong Mu had a large number of troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race supporting him. These monsters and soldiers obeyed him and were willing to sacrifice for Nangong Mu.

The immense powers and the endless supply of “energy” made it valid to call Nangong Mu as the “powerful king” of the new generation.

He had to force Nangong Mu out from the Tree of God.

Otherwise, this battle would never end. The troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race would all die and the ordinary disciples of the Human Alliance would not be able to escape the fate of death either.

If Nangong Mu’s broken tree branches kept growing and end up occupying the entire area, the place would end up becoming a gigantic “killing ground”.

Fang Zhengzhi did not want to touch on the most painful spot of Nangong Mu, but neither did he want to see the place filled with blood and remains of bodies.

“Nangong Mu, the brother and friend I used to call… sorry!” Fang Zhengzhi stood up slowly as he pushed on the ground. “Pass me a sword.”

“Mine?” Wu Yuer was about to remove her soft sword on her waist.

“I think you are referring to this sword.” Yun Qingwu’s voice was heard and somehow managed to whip out a long white sword.

Wuwei Sword!

Fang Zhengzhi was stunned.

Why did Nangong Hao’s Wuwei Sword end up with Yun Qingwu? What was happening?

“During the battle on the Heaven Zen Mountain, I sent a troop of soldiers undercover at the foot of the mountain. Although they did not manage to stop the Nangong Nobles when they escaped, they managed to keep this sword,” explained Yun Qingwu.

“…” Fang Zhengzhi did not have time to probe about the details but he scanned Yun Qingwu from head to toe.

“There are indeed other places to store things on my body. Since you stole my pendant, I developed this habit. Now are we on the same team?” said Yun Qingwu calmly.

“Hmm.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

Yun Qingwu sighed softly but her expression changed soon after.

That was because Fang Zhengzhi’s hand was on her waist and he leaned towards her. “Don’t tell me you think that I won’t snatch things from people on my team?”

“…” Yun Qingwu moves her lips and her body trembled slightly. Her face turned red and it was probably because Fang Zhengzhi was too close to her or because she was too nervous.

However, to her surprise, after Fang Zhengzhi finished his sentence, he loosened his hand on her waist and went behind her.

“Keep it safe, I will take it when I have time.”

“…” Yun Qingwu clenched her fists but gradually let go of them and returned to her calm self. “The most important items of the Monster Race and Demon Race are with me, let’s see whether you can find them!”

As the hope of the Monster Race and Demon Race, Yun Qingwu’s safety was directly linked to the future of the Monster Race and Demon Race. She was the priority of the Monster Race and Demon Race.

The Godly State experts who had always been hiding in the Great Swamp felt that it was the safest place.

However, it was no longer safe.

That was because Yun Qingwu had left the Great Swamp. However, nobody had expected Yun Qingwu to be caught by Fang Zhengzhi despite the protection of five Godly State experts.

Of course, Fang Zhengzhi had never thought about that as well. He also never thought about the reason why Yun Qingwu kept nothing except for some clothes in her second pendant.

As compared to the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven in the first pendant, the difference was stark.

Moreover, the Monster Race and Demon Race was ruling the world for over half a year’s time. With such a high status, how could she be so impoverished that she only had a few sets of clothes?

Fang Zhengzhi initially thought that Yun Qingwu would have hidden her other items in her pendant. If Yun Qingwu had not taken out her Wuwei Sword, he would not have thought about it.

However, it was not the time to search Yun Qingwu’s body for her treasures.

After all, the Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five was feeling unwell.

With the capability of the Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five, he had no problems with tearing the golden tree branches. However, the more he tore them, the more golden fluid dripped on the ground.




As a few more golden tree branches broke, a few golden tree branches grew from the ground, each of them the size of a miniature Tree of God.

Starting from their roots, they sprouted and grew bigger, leaves grew and flowers bloomed…

“Fang Zhengzhi, let me ask you one last time, are you making a wish or not?” The Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five turned around with a look of helplessness and frustration.

“To do nothing means doing something!” Instead of answering the Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five directly, he drew the Wuwei Sword slowly and pointed at Nangong Mu.

It was crystal clear.

That was Nangong Hao’s Wuwei Sword.

“What?” The Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five evidently did not understand why Fang Zhengzhi said that suddenly and what it meant. “To do nothing means doing something? Is this brat stupid?”


At this moment, the golden tree of God shook violently as though it suffered a huge blow.

The rapidly growing golden tree branches stopped moving as though time had stopped.

“Eh? What’s happening?” The Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five froze. A simple sentence was more effective than his gnaws on the tree branches.

How could he tolerate that?

This was so strange!

Or was that sentence a powerful curse?

Fang Zhengzhi did not look at the Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five. He merely looked at the Golden Tree of God in front of him and pointed calmly with his Wuwei Sword. “Nangong Mu, don’t you wish to fight with this Wuwei Sword? I shall grant your wish today, do you dare to accept this battle?”

“Do you dare to accept this battle?

“Do you dare…”

Fang Zhengzhi’s voice echoed in the air. The troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race and the Human Alliance stopped completely upon hearing him.

“Where did this brat find Nangong Hao’s Wuwei Sword from?” Mu Qingfeng was stunned when he saw the Wuwei Sword in Fang Zhengzhi’s hand.

“My name is ‘Chou Qi’, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Nangong Mu’s voice echoed from the golden Tree of God but it sounded different.

“Chou Qi? Haha, being the only bloodline of the Nangong Nobles and the sole descendant of Emperor Yan, you don’t even dare to reveal your real name and is trying to hide your identity. Now you still dare to call yourself ‘Chou Qi’ in front of your brother, what Qi? Why don’t you call yourself Ba, Chou Ba? Or Wang Ba1 , Nangong Hao really did not die in vain, he deserved to die. The Wang Ba brother has a younger Wang Ba brother!

“Fang Zhengzhi, I’m going to kill you!”

“What the f*ck?! You are so easily triggered… I just started and have yet to start my speech officially!” Fang Zhengzhi was evidently shocked. He knew that Nangong Mu would be infuriated but did not expect Nangong Mu to explode in anger so quickly. The effect was indeed shocking.

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