Gate of God

Chapter 1062 - Breakthrough the Land of the Source of God!

Chapter 1062: Breakthrough the Land of the Source of God!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

In terms of speed, although the shadow was not as fast as Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five and the three beasts, it acted before them.

“Who is that?!”

“Who dares to snatch the fruit?”

“Ridiculous, who dares to snatch our fruit?!”

The three beasts’ faces turned ugly. All of them noticed the fruit in the flower but they did not expect someone else to discover it earlier than them.

Who was it?

At this moment, the shadow landed on the ground with radiance flowing in its snow-white fur. Judging from its body size, it was about the size of the three beasts.

Moreover, there was a long tail behind the white body. It made loud sounds as it swung continuously and hit the floor.

“Roar!” A loud roar broke the silence.

“It’s Monster Emperor Baizhi!”


Mu Qingfeng, Yan Qianli and the rest finally saw and realized that the person who snatched the fruit was none other than the injured Monster Emperor Baizhi who was hiding between the mountain rocks.

“Baizhi?!” The three beasts were equally stunned.

However, what happened in front of them was the reality. Monster Emperor Baizhi acted faster as though she had predicted that the fruit would grow from that position.


Monster Emperor Baizhi stepped out with her claw and stepped on the grass. She looked up into the sky and roared loudly.

Turning into her original form!

Monster Emperor Baizhi had turned into her original form when she attacked.

As the Nine-Tailed White Fox, her biggest talent was her premonition. Her premonition was way better than any godly beasts, including Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five and the three beasts.

The flower bloomed and the fruit appeared.

Monster Emperor Baizhi immediately sensed where the flower was. Then, she attacked without hesitation and swallowed the fruit in front of the three beasts and Xuanyuan Five.

Boom! A powerful aura radiated outwards from Monster Emperor Baizhi in circles and the flowers and grass were blown from the ground.

Flower petals flew in the air.

It was an extremely beautiful scene.

However, what was strange was that the broken tail of Monster Emperor Baizhi kept growing and grew out again.

Her broken tail grew out again!

Moreover, not only did her broken tail grow out again, Monster Emperor Baizhi’s white fur became more clear as though there was radiance flowing.

“How dare you snatch our fruit!”

“Kill her!”


The three beasts were furious.

Although they were also monsters, they exploded in anger when they saw Monster Emperor Baizhi snatch the fruit from them.

The three beasts attacked together.

They hit Monster Emperor Baizhi like three tall mountains.

At this moment, Monster Emperor Baizhi turned around suddenly and stared at the three beasts with her green eyes. To one’s surprise, her iris turned golden instantly.

Besides her eyes, her nine tails were also changing. The nine colors of her nine tails become more obvious as the light shone.

Red, blue, green, gold, silver, black, white, purple…

Her nine tails turned into nine different colors!

“Roar!” A breath spurted out from Monster Emperor Baizhi’s mouth and she attacked Hun Dun and Qiong Qi with her claws.



The lightning was striking non-stop.

The two beasts flew back because of Monster Emperor Baizhi’s claws and knocked down Tao Wu who was behind them.



The three beasts fell on the ground with their eyes wide open.

Besides them, Mu Qingfeng and Yan Qianli who were standing in midair were also completely stunned.

How powerful was Monster Emperor Baizhi?

She was only at the peak of the Sagely State. She was once the most powerful in the Holy Region because her original form was the Nine-Tailed White Fox.

It was understandable for Monster Emperor Baizhi to fight against a Godly State expert when she struck with full power. After all, all the Godly beasts’ gift was terrifying.

However, if she was to fight against the three beasts…

Moreover, in the situation of one against two or one against three, it looked impossible.

However, it was reality. Monster Emperor Baizhi really managed to cause the two beasts to fly back even though she also took a few steps back.

“She became more powerful?!”

“Monster Emperor Baizhi became so powerful after she swallowed the fruit?!”

“Her broken tail grew out again and the colors of her nine tails changed completely, turning into nine different colors. Was this the real capability of the Nine-Tailed White Fox?”

“No, she made a breakthrough, Monster Emperor Baizhi made a breakthrough!”

“Was it because of the fruit?!”

The remaining sect leaders looked at each other and the Nine-Tailed White Fox with nine different colored tails. All of them were shocked.

Her powers managed to increase so tremendously within such a short period of time.

If Monster Emperor Baizhi made the breakthrough by herself, they would definitely not believe it.

It must be the fruit!

After Monster Emperor Baizhi swallowed the fruit, she turned into a real godly beast and had the power to fight against the three beasts. This was too exaggerated.

“Something is wrong with the fruit” Mu Qingfeng regained his senses.

After Monster Emperor Baizhi swallowed the fruit, the turn of event happened and her broken tail grew out again. Her nine tails turned into nine different colors and she immediately made a breakthrough and entered the Godly State.

“The fruit!”

“Hurry, see if the fruit is still here!”


As the sect leaders were busy looking for the fruit, a sound was heard and a beam of green light shone from a distance away.

The rays shot up to the sky and a green fruit grew in the rays.

“There is… there is one there?!” Apart from the sect leaders, Mu Qingfeng, Yan Qianli and the rest were so excited that they shook.

Monster Emperor Baizhi managed to make a breakthrough to the Godly State after she swallowed a fruit.

That had already become a reality.

Now that the second fruit grew out again, how would they not be excited?

If they managed to snatch the second fruit, they might make a breakthrough to the Godly State like Monster Emperor Baizhi.

“Qiong Qi, all of you are cruel in nature. Now that I have made the breakthrough to the Godly State, do you think I will still be afraid of you?!” Monster Emperor Baizhi spoke as she moved back and was about to swallow the green fruit again.

However, a shadow moved faster than Monster Emperor Baizhi and the other sect leaders.

It was Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five!

It must be said that this thousand-year-old golden dragon was very composed. Although he did not manage to get what he wanted, he had no intention to participate in the battle again.

He completely ignored the battle with the three beasts and Monster Emperor Baizhi.

When he saw the changes on Monster Emperor Baizhi, he was determined to look for the fruit and acted like a hunter that had been waiting for his prey for a long time.

Meanwhile, at the instant when the green light shot up, he moved.

He tumbled in the air as he stepped on the clouds. Before the people around him could react, he had reached the fruit.

Then, he opened his mouth and the fruit, along with its roots, got sucked into his mouth.

“Smack smack!” Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five made some smacking noises as he showed a satisfied expression. He looked extremely happy.

“Xuanyuan Five!”

“You scheming old dragon!”

“How dare you snatch the fruit while we are fighting!”

The faces of the three beasts turned extremely black as the growled furiously when they witnessed the Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five snatching the second fruit with their own eyes.

However, Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five clearly did not bother about it.

He raised his head and felt the change of his body. Meanwhile, the golden radiance on his body became thicker and a seven-colored pattern formed on his body.

“Roar!” The Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five roared and a cloud of haze was produced. The seven-colored radiance looked extremely terrifying as it bloomed in the haze.

“There is still the third fruit!”

“Let’s not fight with Baizhi and get the third one!”


The three beasts looked extremely greedy as they witnessed the bloom of the seven-colored radiance. However, they did not waste their time with Monster Emperor Baizhi.

That was because they could tell that they had a chance.

After the flowers withered, fruits would be borne. Their powers would be boosted after they swallowed a fruit.

At this moment, who would have the will to fight?

The three beasts moved immediately. With their sharp sense of premonition, they looked around and was ready to snatch and swallow the fruit once it appeared.

Meanwhile, Hong You and the twelve warlocks also moved.

They were not stupid.

What happened in front of them was extremely obvious. Their chance came and they would definitely be unwilling to lose out. None of them continued to wait. They spread out and were ready to snatch the fruit.

“Pavilion Master Mu, Prince Yan, should we start snatching the fruit too?” One of the sect leaders swallowed his saliva and asked.

“What do you think, Prince Yan?” Mu Qingfeng’s eyes lit up.

As the sect leader of the Five Sects of the Holy Region who was once looked up by others but had since fallen from his position, how would he not be tempted given such a good opportunity?

“Snatch!” Yan Qianli was very straightforward.

Although the current situation was not to the Human Alliance’s advantage, it was unlike Western Liang Prince Yan’s way of doing things if he did not fight for something given the opportunity.

“Could this be the ‘Source of God’ that Fang Zhengzhi had always been looking for?” Wu Yuer also had a strong desire for power but she was more concerned about Fang Zhengzhi.

“Source of God?” Mu Qingfeng froze before he nodded. “Probably. Let’s not bother about this first, the most important thing is to snatch the fruit. Prince Yan, let’s move together in case of a sneak attack!”

“Alright!” Yan Qianli nodded.

The three beasts and the twelve warlocks all had the ability to kill them. Therefore, it would be advisable for them to separate and move in different directions.

However, they had a higher chance of being killed directly by other monsters and demons!

That was because they had discovered that the time taken for the fruit to grow was longer than they had expected.

Since the Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five had swallowed the second fruit, the third fruit had yet to grow out and there were only flowers on the ground.


However, they had to gather their powers!

At critical moments like this, they had to be united or they might be killed straight away.

Mu Qingfeng and Yan Qianli understood that very well. However, not all the sect leaders agreed with their view.

As the saying went, you gain from taking a risk.

A person who mastered the cultivation of Dao had experienced lots of difficulties. Therefore, they were definitely unafraid of danger.

With the current situation, nobody knew where the fruit would grow. Therefore, their chance could be just below their feet.

With this situation, if Mu Qingfeng and the rest were together, who would eat the fruit that was borne?

“Pavilion Master Mu, Prince Tan, I will head over to the North with Brother Li!”

“We will go to the South.”

“Then we shall go to the West.”


Very quickly, the sect leaders headed in different directions and only Mu Qingfeng, Yan Qianli, Heavenly Oasis Saint, Wu Yuer and two others were left on the spot.

“The situation still ended up like this?” Mu Qingfeng sighed.

“Don’t feel this way, Pavilion Master Mu, this is human nature and especially so given the circumstances. I, Yan Qianli, don’t care so much about this. If we find the fruit, Pavilion Master Mu can eat it first!” Yan Qianli waved his hand.

“Alright.” Mu Qingfeng accepted it.

Amongst them, he was the most powerful. If he managed to obtain a fruit as soon as possible and breakthrough the Godly State, they would have a higher chance of obtaining the second fruit.

Therefore, he did not decline the offer.

“Let’s go!” Mu Qingfeng led the rest towards a place where nobody was at.

Yan Qianli followed closely behind.

Meanwhile, Wu Yuer gritted her teeth and looked sad. “Why? Why did the Source of God only appear now, if it had appeared earlier, the shameless brat would not have…”

“Yuer, let’s go.” The Heavenly Oasis Saint patted Wu Yuer’s head. He knew what was going on in Wu Yuer’s mind but it was not the time to feel sad.


“Believe him and believe in yourself. He will definitely come back!” said the Heavenly Oasis Saint.

“Yes, he has a blessed life. He won’t die, he won’t die. He will definitely return. The Source of God appeared, he will definitely not miss such a great opportunity!” Wu Yuer wiped her tears and followed Yan Qianli and the rest with a determined expression.

“I hope so…” sighed the Heavenly Oasis Saint as he looked down.

At this moment, a soft sound was heard. At the center of the Heaven Zen Mountain, a fruit was growing in a bunch of purple flowers.

It was as clear as jade.

It was blooming with purple radiance.

One could feel the strong powers in the fruit just by a glance. The purple beams of aura surrounded the fruit.

“The third fruit!”

“We will definitely not allow it to end up with an outsider this time!”

“Who dares to snatch it will be killed!”

The three beasts widened their eyes. After Monster Emperor Baizhi and Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five swallowed the fruit, they experienced extremely big changes and that increased their desires.


Improve their powers!

They had to get the purple fruit!

“Roar!” The beastly roar echoed in the air.

At an extremely fast speed, the three beasts charged towards the purple fruit without hesitation. With their gigantic bodies, they crushed the grass below their feet as they ran across the field.

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