Gate of God

Chapter 1064 - Tree of Cloud Pattern, Eye of the Source of God

Chapter 1064: Tree of Cloud Pattern, Eye of the Source of God

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

There was a type of lie called the unknowing glance to the back.

The meaning was, when you looked back, you would realize that the world was dark and people were unpredictable.

That was exactly what Nangong Mu felt. He thought he was very careful but still fell for Fang Zhengzhi’s trick.

“How annoying.” Fang Zhengzhi sighed as he looked at Nangong Mu beside his feet before he looked at the vines on top of him.

The scent of flowers wafted through the air.

It looked like a place full of reiki.

In fact, several broken petals fell through the gaps of the vines and landed on the ground before turning into sparks and disappeared.

“This place is indeed special, Yan Xiu, Yan’er, Ping Yang, don’t you think this place is the Source of God? I feel that the smell of the flowers… is a little different!” Fang Zhengzhi turned and looked at the three of them after he spoke.



Ping Yang, Yan Xiu and Chi Guyan looked at each other speechlessly before their gazes fell on Nangong Mu who was on the ground.

So Nangong Mu was knocked unconscious like that?

Wait a minute.

Source of God…

This place was the Source of God?!

“Shameless brat, did you say that this is the Source of God?” Ping Yang regained her senses. She looked shocked but somewhat excited too.

Fang Zhengzhi did not die.

Moreover, he was as shameless as ever.

Therefore, Ping Yang would definitely not feel sad. Her state of mind went back to normal and looked at the vines above her.

“Source of God… is open… opened?” At this moment, the unconscious Yun Qingwu woke up and opened her eyes gradually as she spoke softly.

“I’m not very sure, but we didn’t die and the scent of the flowers has… uh? Aiyo, what the f*ck!”


As Fang Zhengzhi screamed in surprise, a huge crack formed on the ground. The hole was probably caused by severe destruction of the ground and the slight movements caused by the fight.

Fang Zhengzhi was standing right on the crack of the hole.


“Shameless thief!”


Chi Guyan and Yan Xiu instinctively wanted to grab onto Fang Zhengzhi but just as they ran over, a crack formed beneath their feet and they fell with Fang Zhengzhi.



Along with some dull sounds, Fang Zhengzhi, Chi Guyan and Yan Xiu, as well as Ping Yang, Yun Qingwu who just woke up as well as the unconscious Nangong Mu, fell into the crack.

The ground seemed to have completely cracked open.

However, fortunately, they did not fall too deep into the crack. They managed to land successfully although their postures were rather unglamorous.

As Fang Zhengzhi fell first, he was at the bottom.

Meanwhile, since Chi Guyan was the closest to him, she fell on top of him. Although this was supposed to be common sense, the issue came when Chi Guyan sat on Fang Zhengzhi’s head.


There was an unwanted blessing.

After all, even though Chi Guyan was the one who sat on his head, who would like someone to sit on his head?

“Are you alright? Shameless thief?”

“You… can you lift your butt first?”

“Lift my…” Chi Guyan froze. Just as she was about to stand up, she sat down again suddenly and looked stunned.


Why did she sit down again after standing up?

Could she just lift her butt?

Sometimes, Fang Zhengzhi really could not understand what Chi Guyan was thinking about. She was indeed intelligent and pure.

‘However, there is definitely something wrong for her to sit on my head and still look at me, right?’

‘Does she really think I am easily bullied?’

Fang Zhengzhi did not bother to be nice. He flipped over and caused Chi Guyan to fall flat on the ground. Just as Fang Zhengzhi was about to use the long-lost ‘dragon-claw’ technique on her, he saw Yan Xiu, Ping Yang and Yun Qingwu staring at him.

They were indeed young and energized…

“Cough cough… are all of you alright?” Fang Zhengzhi climbed up from Chi Guyan and looked at the rest.

However, none of them answered his question.

They still stared at him with their eyes wide open.

Chi Guyan also stared at him with the same expression as earlier on.

“What’s wrong, is there a flower on my face?” Fang Zhengzhi felt strange and looked down before his eyes widened like Ping Yang.

Chi Guyan was below him.

However, that was not the most important thing. The most important thing was that there was a huge crowd of black cloud pattern flowing below Chi Guyan.

They looked as though they were alive.

“Where… are we?” Fang Zhengzhi looked around and was shocked because he saw the black cloud pattern around him too.

The entire world was flowing with a black cloud pattern.

The cloud pattern flowed continuously. The air between the mountain rocks gave off an extremely special force that was so strong that it was beyond one’s imagination.

“Source of God, this place is the Source of God!” Yun Qingwu spoke as she looked around. Her voice trembled significantly, “And if I’m not wrong, this is… is…”

“Is what?” asked Fang Zhengzhi.

In terms of breadth of knowledge, Yun Qingwu was definitely the best at it. Even Chi Guyan could not match up to her.

“The eye of the Source of God!” Yun Qingwu did not hide anything.

“Eye of the Source of God?!”

“Eye of the Source of God?!”


Ping Yang and Yan Xiu could not calm down after hearing that.

Although they did not understand what the Eye of the Source of God was, they could infer from its name that it was the center of the Source of God.

“No… if this place is the Eye of the Source of God, by right, there should be a tree, but…” Yun Qingwu stopped halfway through her sentence.

“Tree?” Fang Zhengzhi looked around. Apart from the black cloud pattern, there were only mountain rocks that looked extremely hard.

Where was the tree?

Moreover, why would trees grow at the foot of the mountain?

Was this place not the Source of God?

Fang Zhengzhi was suspicious. He knew that Yun Qingwu had a good understanding of the Source of God and her knowledge probably came from the “An Ancient Handwritten Letter” that he had never read before.

However, he was not very sure of the real situation of the Source of God as he had yet to read “An Ancient Handwritten Letter”.

“According to “An Ancient Handwritten Letter”, the Source of God was filled with the scent of flowers and fruits that were formed by the accumulation of reiki. One could turn into a God immediately after eating the fruit!” nodded Yun Qingwu.

“Turn into a God immediately? Then what are we waiting for? Look for the fruits!” Fang Zhengzhi looked around but could not find any trace of the fruit.

Wait a minute!

Filled with the scent of flowers and fruits…

Was the actual Source of God the place above them?

That’s right!

Trees definitely did not grow on the foot of the mountain and had to grow on the mountain. The tree, flowers that gave off a fragrance as well as the fruit were all above them.

“Above us?” Yan Xiu regained his senses.



Fang Zhengzhi and Ping Yang felt speechless.

If the Source of God was really above them, the Heaven Zen Mountain probably had already turned into a battleground.

Moreover, the Source of God was activated.

The flowers and fruits would appear immediately.

It was definitely too late if they went up now.

It was like a popular game in his past world. If one did not manage to pick up a gun immediately after landing, what would happen?

When one was ready to show-off one’s cool moves but realize that one’s opponent had aimed his gun at one’s head…

The reality was cruel.

No matter how cool the move was, one would end up dead.

Fang Zhengzhi did not know what exactly happened above him but he was sure that the outcome would be extremely cruel.

“Shameless brat, look at these cloud patterns…” Ping Yang said as her eyes lit up.

“Cloud Pattern? What’s wrong?”

“Don’t you think they look like a tree?”

“The cloud patterns look like…” Fang Zhengzhi’s body shook as he took a serious look at the black cloud pattern beneath his feet.

That was because the flowing cloud patterns really looked like a tree.

Moreover, it was a gigantic tree. It extended from their feet to a far distance away and surrounded the hard mountain stones around it.

Moreover, the black cloud patterns had different thickness.

The thick ones were like the tree trunks while the thin ones were like tree branches.

If Ping Yang had not reminded Fang Zhengzhi, he would not have noticed it.

A big tree made out of the black cloud patterns?!

“A tree… made up of cloud patterns?” Yan Xiu realized the problem with the black cloud patterns after looking at it closely.

Yan Xiu had a lot of knowledge regarding paintings.

For example, the Mountain River Illustration on his fan was the efforts of the ancestors of the Yan family.

Apart from Yan Xiu, Chi Guyan also had a lot of knowledge in terms of calligraphy and painting. Her eyes lit up after taking a few looks and she began to make gestures with her fingers.

“Tree branches…”

“Tree trunk.”

“That looks like the top of the tree…”

“Shameless thief, move your leg away…”

“Oh.” Fang Zhengzhi quickly stood up and moved his leg away while Chi Guyan continued to look at the rest of the cloud pattern beneath his feet.

“The roots… are there.” Yun Qingwu pointed at a spot with mountain rocks.

“Hmm, they’re covered, the roots should be behind the mountain rocks.” Chi Guyan raised her head and her eyes lit up.

“Why do we have to look for the roots?” Ping Yang did not understand.

“If this is the Source of God, the roots would be the real center of the Source of God. Perhaps there would be something even better than the fruits over there!” Chi Guyan explained patiently.

“I see, what are we waiting for? Let me break this stone now!” Ping Yang finally understood and immediately ran towards the roots.

It was rather dark at the foot of the mountain.

Moreover, after Fang Zhengzhi and the rest fell, the vines above them had disappeared and very little light shone down.

However, with the cultivation state of a Sage, they had no problems seeing things in the dark.

She took a huge step.

Ping Yang reached the front of the mountain rock and raised her fist without hesitation before punching the rock that was painted with cloud patterns.


The ground shook.


Ping Yang flew from the impact.

Plop! She fell on her buttocks.



Yun Qingwu and Chi Guyan frowned.

Chi Guyan did not stop Ping Yang as she agreed with what she did.

However, she did not expect Ping Yang to fail to break open a stone with her cultivation state?

“I don’t believe that this small piece of rock can stop me?!” Ping Yang blushed in embarrassment. Then, she stood up furiously and was ready to charge forward.

“It should be because of the black cloud pattern.” Fang Zhengzhi pulled Ping Yang back with one hand while pointing at the black cloud pattern on the ground with his other hand.

“Cloud Pattern?” Ping Yang did not understand.

“If these black cloud patterns were the tree in the Eye of the Source of God, they should not be separated but take the form as a whole.

“A whole?”

“Yes, that’s why I think we need to successfully break the entire tree in order to break this black rock.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

“That makes sense,” agreed Yan Xiu.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s do it together!” Ping Yang also understood what Fang Zhengzhi meant.

Her attacking power was insufficient.

Would the combination of the force of a few people be sufficient then?

That was what went on in Ping Yang’s mind.

However, Fang Zhengzhi did not have the intention to attack with Ping Yang. Instead, he turned to Yun Qingwu. “Yun Qingwu, you should know what to do?”

“…” Yun Qingwu fell silent.

Ping Yang, on the other hand, was slightly stunned before she took a glance at Yun Qingwu in disdain. “She? This Demoness is not even as good as me? How would she know what to do?”

“Ping Yang.” Chi Guyan called Ping Yang’s name and shook her head.

“…” Ping Yang stuck out her tongue and shut up.

“Yun Qingwu, since we have confirmed that this is the place of the Source of God, should you tell us what is written in “An Ancient Handwritten Letter”?” said Fang Zhengzhi.

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