Gate of God

Chapter 443: Venting Anger

Chapter 443: Venting Anger

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

If Fang Zhengzhi's initial attack on Yun Qingwu stemmed from ignorance, then... his attack on Canyang despite knowing Canyang's powers...

What was that?

"How dare he?" Yun Qingwu looked at the figure in blue. She really wanted to ask him where he found the guts to do so, but she swallowed her words.

She already had an answer.

Fang Zhengzhi.

He seemed like someone who was ignorant and afraid to die, yet at times, he had terrifying courage.

Was there anything that he didn't dare to do?

Yun Qingwu looked at Canyang, who was on one knee. She knew better than anyone that Fang Zhengzhi had not gotten lucky.

The distance.

He was too close!

Yun Qingwu and Canyang were not far apart to begin with. Furthermore, Fang Zhengzhi was in between the two of them. He was closer to Canyang than anyone else.

He had been restrained by the Heavenly Dao.

This was supposed to mean that his death warrant had been signed.

Initially, Canyang had raised his guard against Fang Zhengzhi. However, after seeing Fang Zhengzhi struggle to no avail, he had let down his guard.

After all, Canyang had an even more important mission.

That was...

He had to protect Yun Qingwu!

He had to protect Yun Qingwu from being struck by Chi Guyan's attacks.

Of course, the more important reason was that Canyang was blind.

That, compounded with the distance factor...

Even if he was Canyang...

He would not be able to block Fang Zhengzhi's strike.

Shock, disbelief, and terror.

Everyone looked at the figure in blue. They were not Yun Qingwu and did not know the same things that she did.

A half sage!

Fang Zhengzhi had actually managed to hit a half sage!

A cold breeze blew past as the night continued to darken. The stars in the sky provided some source of light, but no warmth.

"Half sage?" Fang Zhengzhi looked at Canyang and smiled confidently.

He knew that Canyang was a half sage.

But so what?

If Ping Yang was willing to try her luck despite being in the Star Conglomerate State, he should definitely try it since he was in the Supernatural State.


He had no other choice.


Fang Zhengzhi had toyed with that option, but where was he to go. He was faced with a demon army to his front and the gates to the Iron Hill Settlement at his back.

He would be like a lamb walking into a pack of ravenous wolves if he stepped forward. If he turned back, he would be diving into a slaughterhouse...

A single misstep...

And he wouldn't even know how he died.

Fang Zhengzhi was not stupid. More importantly, he knew that he would not be able to gain much distance.

Even if he tried to run, he would not be able to run far.

As such, instead of running away...

Why not...

Fight it out!

When it came to sneak attacks, Fang Zhengzhi was an expert.

For a blind man like Canyang, what was the sense that he relied on most? It would be his hearing of course! He would use his hearing to determine position.

As such, in order for his attack to succeed.

He would have to confuse and muddle up Canyang's sense of hearing.

Fang Zhengzhi did it by using an immense wave of force to cause Canyang to lower his guard before using the aftershock to give him the perfect opportunity to strike.


Sometimes, it was just that simple.

Fang Zhengzhi was enjoying the fruits of his labour, but he was not consumed by it. He knew that his attack...

Had barely even scratched Canyang.

Kill Canyang?

That was not something that he was even thinking about.

One needed to know when to retreat and take the small wins.

Fang Zhengzhi knew this very well. As such, he merely smiled to Canyang before turning to look at Yun Qingwu.

Yun Qingwu was his real target.

The cold and aloof Young Master of the Demons was staring at him, wide-eyed. Her white dress accentuated her great figure, making her look like a white lotus in the night.

Fang Zhengzhi looked at Yun Qingwu with fire in his eyes. He was a hunter who had spotted his prey.

The pressure and restraints had nearly pushed him over the edge.

But now...

He had his chance. There was no more blue above Yun Qingwu's head.

Since Canyang had been hit.

The blue light disappeared as well.

Fang Zhengzhi sprang into action before anyone else could react. He shot towards Yun Qingwu like a ray of light.

"Come on, I will let you know what humiliation is!" Fang Zhengzhi screamed as he watched Yun Qingwu's jaw drop in shock.

He could even feel the warmth exuded by her body.

He was close!

As long as he could control Yun Qingwu, then they had a chance at turning this around. He would also be able to turn around and tell the others.

"I'll take my leave first!"

That would be the perfect outcome.

Fang Zhengzhi chuckled, relieved to be finally free from his restraints. He was going to prove to everyone...

That his decision to jump onto the battlefield...

Was the right one!

The wind screeched past his ear as he approached the speed of sound. His body became a ray of light and Fang Zhengzhi felt as though he was in control of everything.

However... his body was eventually stopped.

He was stopped a mere inch away from Yun Qingwu, his arm already prepared to grab Yun Qingwu's waist.

His initial intention was to grab Yun Qingwu by her waist, do a 360-degree flip before placing Yun Qingwu on the ground.



There was nothing after that.

He was immobilized.

Fang Zhengzhi wanted to turn around, but he couldn't move, almost as if his body had been imprisoned. His teeth couldn't even chatter.

Damn it.

That bloody Heavenly Rebirth Dao.

Fang Zhengzhi did not need to look to know that Canyang had already recovered. He also knew that he had fallen into a trap.


Just at that moment, a howl rang out through the air as a humongous figure charged.

That figure blocked out the moonlight and the starlight.

The snow-white wings flapped and a powerful wave of force swept towards the person behind Fang Zhengzhi like a blade.

There was someone in red fiery armor on top of the beast, her eyes filled with determination.

They even glowed golden.

That was an animalistic glow, almost like a death god. She stabbed at Canyang with incredible speed.


Columns of flame shot skyward as the red light illuminated everything below. It even stained the night sky red.

Ping Yang!

Fang Zhengzhi turned to look at that small figure flying back and spitting out blood. This was the first time he admired her barbarism.

This girl...

She must be mad!

Isn't she afraid of dying?!

What was she thinking?

Just as he was thinking about that, he saw a ray of silver light on the horizon, almost like a bolt of lightning, shoot towards the ground.


A loud explosion rang out.

This was vastly different from Ping Yang's attack. This time, a crater was formed in the ground as columns of dust and rock shot skyward.

"Chi Guyan?!" Fang Zhengzhi was shocked by what he saw. He realized that Ping Yang was not the only daredevil.

Chi Guyan was one as well!

They clearly spend too much time together...

The question is, who was the one who had influenced the other?

Fang Zhengzhi could not confirm anything, but he knew that he now had the opportunity to strike back.

For his initial strike...

Fang Zhengzhi had not chosen Yun Qingwu as a target because she still had that blue light above her head.

As long as it was there, Yun Qingwu could not be hurt.

But now...

The blue light was gone.

Fang Zhengzhi would be an idiot not to seize this opportunity.

"Break!" Fang Zhengzhi bellowed as light shot out from his body.


He moved.

Yun Qingwu was stunned. Even before she could try and escape, a hand grabbed her by the waist.

This hand was extremely warm.

Fang Zhengzhi could not help but feel slightly aroused by this, but he was in no mood to entertain any of those thoughts now.

He made up his mind.

With a sudden burst of strength, he raised Yun Qingwu up.

"You..." Yun Qingwu's eyes were on the verge of popping out of their sockets. She wanted to ask how Fang Zhengzhi had managed to break free.

However, Fang Zhengzhi clearly had no intention of answering her questions.

Her feet were lifted off the ground and she was being held by her waist.

This was not a good feeling. Even the usually calm Yun Qingwu struggled to break free. However, to her surprise, her body felt like it was being trapped by some form of force.

"Heaven... Heavenly Dao! He... he really figured it out?!" Yun Qingwu was stunned. She knew exactly how the restraints were formed.

She also knew what they represented. She really wanted to scream out loud, but she realized that she was being pushed to the ground. More importantly...

She was heading for the ground, head first!

"Bang!" Yun Qingwu's eyes widened. Even before she could say anything, she felt her head impact the ground and her world went dark.

She had fainted.

"Heavenly Dao, he now wields the Heavenly Dao..." Yun Qingwu thought to herself as her eyes closed.


It was quiet...

Countless eyes stared at the pale and comatose Yun Qingwu. None of them could figure out what had just happened.

From Fang Zhengzhi escaping his restraints...

To Fang Zhengzhi's attack on Canyang... and Ping Yang and Chi Guyan's subsequent attacks...

All the way to...

Fang Zhengzhi's attack on Yun Qingwu.

He had lifted Yun Qingwu off the ground. And then, to everyone's surprise...

He had slammed her head first into the ground!

"Young master!"

"Ah, this fella, he... how dare he..."

"Kill him, we must kill him!"

All of the demon soldiers were infuriated. They could even have accepted seeing Fang Zhengzhi cut a way through them after escaping his restraints.


They could not stand seeing Fang Zhengzhi humiliate their Young Master.

Head first?!

What was he thinking?!

Even if he wanted to take Yun Qingwu as a hostage, he should have kept her conscious! What was the meaning of knocking her out like that?

No one could understand.

"Rubbish!" Just at that moment, an aged voice rang out discontentedly. The tone was filled with anger and hurt.

Canyang was finally triggered.

For many years, Canyang had not felt such rage. Even after hearing about Fang Zhengzhi's actions at Feng Su...

He had not felt this enraged.


This was unadulterated humiliation. He never expected that Fang Zhengzhi would have managed to break free from his restraints, twice!

The Heavenly Dao...

The Dao that he had spent his entire life trying to understand. Had it just been broken by a human? A teenager?

Canyang had never seen such a talent.

If it was possible, he would write down everything that he had learnt and pass it to Fang Zhengzhi, even if Fang Zhengzhi was not a demon.

He could ignore the feud between the demons and the humans. In fact, he did not want to kill unless it was absolutely necessary.

If not...

Ping Yang would have been dead by now...

However, there was one thing he could not tolerate.

That was Yun Qingwu being humiliated.

His primary mission on this expedition was to protect Yun Qingwu. Yet, Yun Qingwu had just been knocked unconscious in the most humiliating fashion!


A bolt of lightning shot through the sky, illuminating the night sky.

Canyang clenched his fists and his black cloak was blown back by the wind, revealing a blue robe. That blue... was the color of the sky.

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