Gate of God

Chapter 472: Something was wrong

Chapter 472: Something was wrong

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

What was he going to do? What was he going to do now?

Was he going to f*ck her? Or was he going to f*ck her...

Fang Zhengzhi struggled internally as the footsteps came closer...

Then, the footsteps stopped and the blanket covering him was lifted. Then, he felt a shake...

It was clear...

Princess Shan Yu was on the bed!

"She's gotten in! She's really gotten in bed!" Fang Zhengzhi screamed in his mind. He felt like Princess Shan Yu was mad.

At the very least, she should have said a few comforting words...

At the very least, she could have assured him that she would be gentle...

However, Princess Shan Yu had slid under the covers without a single word.

"Is it beginning?" Fang Zhengzhi thought to himself nervously.

He had no idea what Princess Shan Yu would do to him, or what position she would do it in. Most importantly...

He had no idea when Princess Shan Yu was going to start.

In fact, Fang Zhengzhi wanted to sit up and get out of there...

However, his body was still jelly and he couldn't move. All he could do was wait and let Princess Shan Yu do as she pleased.

Something was wrong...


After a long pause, Fang Zhengzhi realized that Princess Shan Yu made no contact with him.

In fact, it was almost as though she was...


Oh? What is happening?

Fang Zhengzhi was confused. He expected Princess Shan Yu to pounce on him like a ravenous wolf.


Was she sleeping?

Fang Zhengzhi couldn't open his eyes. He couldn't see the light in the room nor Princess Shan Yu. All he could do was wait.

He was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

However, he could hear the breathing next to him. Princess Shan Yu was sleeping soundly.

Her unique fragrance was intoxicating.

Fang Zhengzhi was familiar with this fragrance. He had smelt it many times from his interactions with Princess Shan Yu.


If Princess Shan Yu wanted to bed him, what was she waiting for?

Doesn't she know that you can only have a baby through sex? Was she that dumb? Did she think that merely sleeping together would get her pregnant?

Fang Zhengzhi did not want to be raped.

However, if that wasn't the point, then why was he stripped naked?!

Just as he was thinking about it, he felt Princess Shan Yu roll over. Her leg was now resting on his body.

It was a great feeling...

It was almost as if he was being wrapped by a warm cushion.

"Calm down, calm down... if you can resist the temptation and control yourself, she can't do anything about it!"

Fang Zhengzhi tried to convince himself. At that very moment, a hand pressed on his chest.

Then, a body leaned in...

Fang Zhengzhi knew Princess Shan Yu's body quite well. When the body pressed against his, he confirmed that this person was Princess Shan Yu!

"Is she doing it now? What a despicable move!" Fang Zhengzhi fumed. He had thought that she just wanted to sleep peacefully...

But he didn't expect that...

She really wanted to rape him.

What was he going to do now?

What could he do?

Just as Fang Zhengzhi thought about it, the limb began to feel his body. It started at his chest, then slowly extended downwards...

Then it stopped!

It stopped for more than five minutes!

Fang Zhengzhi felt like he was about to explode. At that very moment, a scream pierced through the air.


The only way to describe this scream was ear-piercing.

Fang Zhengzhi's ears rang...

He never expected that someone could scream that loudly. Most importantly, he didn't expect his rapist to scream.

What was she screaming about?

Why would Princess Shan Yu scream?

Shouldn't he be the one screaming?

This b*tch wanted to rape him, but still screamed for help? Fang Zhengzhi couldn't understand what was happening.

Hang on...

Something was wrong...

Didn't this b*tch want to make a baby? Why would she scream before it was done...

Furthermore, based on her character, she wouldn't scream this way unless she was truly shocked...

What was happening?

Fang Zhengzhi had yet to figure out what was happening when the doors opened. Then, the voices of the servants rang out.

"Protect the Princess!"

"The Princess is in shock, catch the assassin!"

"Quick, lockdown the palace!"

The servants were extremely well trained. The people giving the orders were all servants.


Fang Zhengzhi felt like something was amiss...

The voices of these servants were foreign to him. They were different from the people who had helped him in here.

Why would there be two groups of people?

Something was wrong!

Ordinarily, servants did not change.

Hang on...

If the servants had changed, there were only two possibilities. The first one was that the servants who had helped him had been chased away.

But the possibility of that was low.


Princess Shan Yu screamed.

And she screamed very loudly.

That meant that Princess Shan Yu wasn't afraid to let others know that she was about to rape him. As such, why would she chase those servants away?

That was unnecessary!

That left only the second possibility.

That was...

This room wasn't his!

A chill radiated down his spine. Then, it rose all the way to his head, causing him to shudder.

If this wasn't his room and Princess Shan Yu was inside here... the only possible explanation was that... this was Princess Shan Yu's room!


He was innocent!

He was the one that was about to be raped... he was the victim here. How did he become the suspect?


Was a setup!

Fang Zhengzhi finally understood why Princess Shan Yu didn't notice him. One of the reasons may have been the lighting...

More importantly, Princess Shan Yu never thought that someone would be daring enough to barge into her room and sleep on her bed.

This would explain why Princess Shan Yu fell asleep.


This was not good for him!

Fang Zhengzhi finally understood the plot against him. However, even he didn't predict just how vicious the perpetrators were.

Not only did they kick him into Princess Shan Yu's room, they sacrificed Princess Shan Yu's innocence as well.


Who was it?!

Fang Zhengzhi initially thought that it could be the King. But that was impossible! Crown Prince Lin Tianrong? Possible... but unlikely!

This was the Southern Region palace...

Who could have him sent to Princess Shan Yu's room by servants... and not be found out by Princess Shan Yu's servants...

There was only one man...

That was...

Shan Ling!

"It's Shan Ling! But why would he do such a thing?" Fang Zhengzhi didn't know what Shan Ling's motives were, but he knew he was in trouble.

He had slept with the Princess of the Southern Region!

This was a huge sin!

Even though he didn't move, it didn't mean that nothing had transpired. Furthermore, all the evidence was against him.

And then...

Everything seemed to play out according to a script.

He felt a light in front of his eyes. It was red, and it was closing in on him. A heat wave crashed towards him.

He could only imagine the cloud patterns on Princess Shan Yu's body.

However, the heat dissipated almost instantly. He heard a curious voice next to him.

"Oh? Why is it..." Princess Shan Yu's tone was filled with surprise. She made no attempts to hide her shock.

"Your Highness, it's Official Fang. Why... why..."

"It's Official Fang! I heard that he got drunk at the banquet, why would he appear here?"

"Who cares who he is? Anyone who dares to barge into the Princess's room and... and strip naked... deserves to die..."

The voices of the servants rang out behind Princess Shan Yu. Their voices were filled with shock and surprise.

"Shut up!" Princess Shan Yu ordered.

Then, the room went silent as the light disappeared. Everything seemed to return to normal.

However, Fang Zhengzhi's heart was in turmoil.

Would she...

Really think that I barged in on my own?

Just as he was thinking about it, Fang Zhengzhi felt a hand on his forehead and a finger at his nose checking for signs of breathing.

Then, his eyelids were forced open.

This gave Fang Zhengzhi a chance to see what was happening.

All he saw was darkness.

Other than the darkness, he saw a single figure, her silky black hair resting on her shoulders. Her beige skin glowed dimly in the dark room. She was gorgeous.

"It is Princess Shan Yu!" Fang Zhengzhi recognized the person in front of him instantly.

Then, his world was plunged into darkness.

His eyelids were closed.

"He has been poisoned!" Princess Shan Yu affirmed as she released his eyelids.


"Wasn't he drunk?"

"Who poisoned Official Fang?"

All of the servants began to question the diagnosis.

As for Fang Zhengzhi...

He was moved...

It was almost as though he saw the light at the end of the tunnel. He was glad that Princess Shan Yu was a smart person.

How clever.

She knew that he had been poisoned.

This girl was great!

"Quick, close the doors and stop anyone from coming in!" Princess Shan Yu ordered as she turned around.

The moment the servants heard this, they rushed to help Princess Shan Yu dress.

"Close the doors, don't let news of this get out!" Fang Zhengzhi wanted to scream. However, he couldn't move his lips. Even though he wasn't a high ranking official, Shan Yu was a princess...

If news of this got out...

It would...

Shock the Southern Region and possibly the Great Xia.

They had to keep this under wraps!

"Sister, what is wrong? Why were you screaming?" Just as Fang Zhengzhi thought about it to himself, a male voice could be heard outside the door.

"Close the door!" Princess Shan Yu ordered.

"Your Highness, the Princess is resting, please do not..." The servants rushed to stop Shan Ling when they heard the orders.

"Scram!" Shan Ling bellowed.

Then, two dull thuds rang out...

It was clear...

The servants blocking Shan Ling had been knocked unconscious.

"Brother, why did you hurt my servants?" Princess Shan Yu's voice was icy.

"Sister, do not panic, I am in control of everything!" Shan Ling didn't reply. He simply commented reassuringly before turning around, "What are you looking at? Seal all the exits!"

"Yes!" The response came...

From the response, one could tell that there were hundreds of people outside...

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