Gate of God

Chapter 555 - The Plan Begins

Chapter 555: The Plan Begins

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

There was silence.

The courtiers, the royal guards and the servants all looked at the spot where the golden light landed, despite the fact that dust was still obstructing their vision.

“His Majesty is truly enraged!”

“It is the Emperor’s rage, the Emperor’s rage…”

“There is definitely a problem with that letter!”

Thoughts flashed through the courtier’s mind. However, all of them were simple baseless conjectures. No one knew the true content o the letter.

The Crown Prince Lin Tianrong was trembling.

He was the prestigious Crown Prince. However, under the immense pressure from the Emperor’s rage, he would also feel a shiver down his spine. This was the power of the Majesty.

Perhaps, one day, he could attain such power too.


It was still too early for him!

King Duan Lin Xinjue knelt down on the floor. On the surface, he seemed to be pleading for mercy for Lin Tianrong. However, anyone could see that he had a cold-blooded smile on the side of his lips.

“Father is enraged! It has been years since he was so angry. Fang Zhengzhi, you are truly something! To be able to let father feel so indignant with just a few letters. Even I am starting to get curious, what exactly did you use to frame my Third Brother?”

Lin Xinjue sniggered as he cast his glance onto the place where the golden light landed. Slowly, his eyes widened as the smile on his face became more obvious.

So that was why!

“It is a secret chamber!”

“There is a secret chamber underneath the study room!”

“How can it be?”

As the dust settled, the courtiers had also discovered the secret chamber underneath the study room. This was supposed to be a well0hidden room. However, all the disguise were no match for the beam of golden light that shone through the horizon.

Lin Tianrong also slowly moved his gaze towards the secret chamber. He stared straight into the entrance to the secret chamber which was blasted open and the black secret passage that was illuminated by the moonlight.

In an instant, his body shivered and he became extremely pale. Even his legs became wobbly.

It was the secret chamber!

Did father know about the secret chamber?

How could that be? Wasn’t it about the Southern Region Noblelite? What has that got to do with the secret chamber? What was happening?

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong could not connect the relationship between the two. How would a letter regarding the Southern Region Noblelite lead to the discovery of his secret chamber underneath his study room?

They were two completely different issues altogether…

But now, they were so coincidentally connected together.

“Might it be…” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s mind whirled at a high speed and when he once again cast his gaze onto Fang Zhengzhi, he finally understood.

It was deliberate!

It was a deliberate act to say that the letter was from the Southern Region Noblelite!

The aim was to make the Crown Prince deny the accusations so as to give him the authority to tear open the letter in front of everyone else. He could then expose this to the public.

At that moment, Crown Prince Lin Tianrong finally understood the entire ploy.

Fang Zhengzhi was not looking for any letters to begin with when he circled the study room. He was merely checking the validity of the secret chamber he had heard about. He then used “childish” methods to lower his opponent’s guard.

“Damn it!” Li Tianrong felt bitter. As the prestigious Crown Prince, he was played in the Fang Zhengzhi’s palms again and again. It felt extremely terrible.

“Do you have anything else to say?” Lin Mubai’s voice interrupted Lin Tianrong’s thought and pulled him back into reality.

“I have committed a sin and I should not have lied to father. You son… indeed constructed a smaller study underneath my main study. But… your humble son do not know that father was referring to this issue!” Lin Tianrong kept his head firmly to the ground. He was very clear with the information the secret chamber contained.

It contained all the conversations he had with the courtiers and the ploys he had so prided himself on accomplishing. However, it was now all exposed by the Emperor, Lin Mubai.

The moment these things were made known to public…

He would die!

So would the courtiers who had joined him in his hideous acts!

“Your Majesty, please calm down. Although the Crown Prince had hidden some things from you, there must be a reason for it. Perhaps the Crown Prince really did not know what your Majesty was referring to!

“Yes, your Majesty! It can be thought of as a type of protection as well, creating a secret chamber underneath the main study. After all, certain ancient books cannot be placed so flippantly in the main study. They have to be treated with care! Please forgive the Crown Prince for his ignorance!”

“Please forgive the Crown Prince for his ignorance!”

The courtiers looked at the exposed secret chamber and all knelt down simultaneously. Cold sweat broke out on their foreheads even though they had no idea what the Crown Prince was hiding in the secret chamber.


They knew that somewhere in that stash of secret documents, their names would appear.

At this moment, saving the Crown Prince,

Was akin to saving themselves.

The Majesty Lin Mubai then stared at the kneeling courtiers and frowned while keeping silent. He then moved closer to the secret chamber a step at a time.

“Father, your son will repent! I beg for your forgiveness!” As Lin Tianrong saw Lin Mubai walking closer to the secret chamber, he shuffled forward a few steps and hit his head hard on the ground. A blood stain could be seen on the ground where he continuously begged for forgiveness.

“We beg for your forgiveness, your Majesty!”

“The Crown Prince is indeed guilty. However, he is still the Crown Prince. May the Majesty believe in his will to repent and give him one last chance!”

“Yes, may the Majesty forgive the Crown Prince!”

When they saw Lin Mubai waling towards the secret chamber, all the courtiers exchanged glances and once again knelt down simultaneously to beg for forgiveness.

“Father, I am truly repentant. Please give me one last chance. I will stay in the residence to reflect on my wrongdoings. Please forgive me!”

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong had already guessed the content of the letter. He also knew that the moment Lin Mubai entered the secret chamber, he would be finished.

He was now making a risky bet.

He was betting on Lin Mubai’s last shred of kindness and benevolence.

“I have already given you a chance. However, you did not seem willing to take it that time. How can I then, give you another chance?” Lin Mubai said as he stared coldly at Lin Tianrong. The raging presence surrounding him did not seem to be diminishing.

“Father!” Lin Tianrong was desperate and could care less about his reputation. He immediately knelt down right at Lin Mubai’s feet as stared at him with a tear-stricken face.

“Hmph!” Lin Mubai kicked him away and quickly walked towards the secret chamber. Lin Tianrong’s pleading did not budge him at all.

As King Duan Lin Xinjue observed this scene, an expectant look appeared on his face.

Secret Chamber?

The secret chamber underneath the study room!

No one would believe it if the Crown Prince said that there was nothing inside. Once the information inside the secret chamber was exposed, he would definitely be ripped of his Crown Prince title.

As he stared at Lin Mubai who was moving closer to the secret chamber, he felt agitated. This was because the moment Lin Mubai entered the study room, it would signify the end of the Crown Prince.

“Father, can you still remember the queen. She as the queen for the Great Xia Dynasty as well as my mother. However, now that mother left on her own accord, I am the only one left. Although this Crown Prince Residence might seem prestigious, it is lonely. I have always remembered the look on mother’s face when she left!”

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong quickly walked towards Lin Mubai and threw himself onto the ground. He then smashed his head repeatedly on a stone, causing blood flow profusely from his forehead.

Lin Mubai finally stopped in his tracks as his whole body trembled.

As the courtiers saw this scene, they seemed to see their last saving grace and exchange glances. Following which, they also spoke.

“Your Majesty, the Crown Prince had lost his mother since young. He might have made some mistakes here and there. May the Majesty forgive him and give him another chance!”

“Yes, your Majesty. When Queen Yan was present, she had made many contributions to the Great Xia Dynasty. May your Majesty forgive the Crown prince on this accord!

“Please have mercy, your Majesty, forgive the Crown Prince’s sin of not being properly raised and restrained. May you put him under house arrest and let him reflect on his wrongdoings!”

“Please have mercy, your Majesty!”

“Please have mercy!”

The pleading sounds of the courtiers overwhelmed the residence as more than half the courtiers knelt onto the ground. They were pleading for the sake of the Crown Prince.

“Queen Yan?” Lin Mubai lifted his head ever so slightly and stared at the shimmering stars in the horizon. A figure then appeared in his head.

Gentle, magnanimous, wise and meticulous.

She was the most peaceful queen. She had once controlled the entire 3000 concubines huge imperial harem with grace and order. The Great Xia Dynasty had enjoyed peace within the imperial harem under her control.

Until she willingly gave up her seat.

Without any regrets.

Following which, Ping Yang’s mother left the palace and left an imperial harem with no leader.

At that time, almost all the courtiers encouraged Queen Yan to once again take up the reins as the queen. However, Queen Yan did not so do.

She merely said, “The position of the queen belongs to her! Even if she left, it will always be hers. NO one can ever replace her!”

She then “left”.

She used her death to send a message. The message was that the queen of the Great Xia Dynasty could only be that woman. No one else was befitting enough for that role.

No one understood Queen Yan’s actions up till now.

However, one thing was true.

The day Queen Yan died, Lin Tianrong was immediately given the title of the Crown Prince!

And since that day, the Great Xia Dynasty had never gained a new queen.

That was until the appearance of Hua Fei. Even then, she was not conferred the title of a queen. No one ever brought up the issue of the queen or its successor.

“Father, please give your son one last chance!” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong stared at his father’s hesitant face and gritted his teeth before smashing his head onto the stone once again.

Lin Mubai then slowly turned his body. As he stared at a bloodied Lin Tianrong, some minor changes could be observed on his face.

“I do not want to see you in the next month. Stay in your residence and reflect. If this ever happens again. I will punish you together with this sin you have committed!” Lin Mubai said after a long deliberation.

“Thank you, father. I will definitely reflect and turn over a new leaf!” Lin Tianrong was elated upon hearing those words and immediately knelt down to thank the Majesty for his grace.

He knew he had made the correct bet.

All the courtiers also heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing those words.

As long as Lin Mubai did not enter the secret chamber, it meant that everything was still under control. The Crown Prince seat would also still remain in the hands of Lin Tianrong.

This was both a misfortune and a blessing!

At that moment, Lin Mubai then cast his glance on Fang Zhengzhi before glancing at Ping Yang, who was standing beside him. He then shook his head lightly and sighed.

“Ping Yang, will you accompany me for a walk?”

“Alright!” Ping Yang immediately nodded upon hearing those words and bounced in front of Lin Mubai.

“Fang Zhengzhi, Yan Xiu, Nangong Mu, Wen Dabao, will you guys accompany me as well?” Lin Mubai nodded his head before casting his glance back at the rest.

“As you wish!” Yan Xiu, Nangong Mu, and Wen Dabao immediately replied with respect.

On the other hand, Fang Zhengzhi pouted and stared at the rest before he helplessly nodded, “Your humble commoner will do as you wish…”

“Back to the palace!”

“The Emperor returns to the palace!”

“The Emperor returns to the palace!”

As voices rang consecutively throughout the residence, Lin Mubai headed towards the palace. Beside him were Ping Yang, Fang Zhengzhi, Yan Xiu and the rest.

As Lin Tianrong witnessed this scene, he bit his lips and said, “Fang Zhengzhi, I, the Crown Prince will never forgive you. I will never let this go!”

King Duan then cast a glance at LIN Tianrong before shifting his glance over to the courtiers who had recovered from their kneeling position. A hint of disappointment could be seen from his eyes.

However, he did not have the intention to stay. He merely greeted Lin Tianrong and quickly followed behind Lin Mubai.

The courtiers then exchanged glances and waved at Lin Tianrong before quickly making themselves scarce. No one dared to mention anything about the secret chamber.

At that moment, no one dared to bring up the arson case in the Crown Prince Residence despite the fact that the Assassin was still at large.

However, this did not mean that the arson case was closed. This was because the case had already been made known throughout Flame Capital City.

In the night.

In an elegant and secretive accord, a figure whose features was completely concealed by a black-colored cape stood silently.

“Young Master, the investigation of the arson case in the Crown Prince Residence is completed!” At that moment, another figure appeared behind him.

“Speak.” The black hooded figure said.

“There are two spots which caught fire. However, the most important spot was still the study room. The secret chamber underneath the study room was even exposed!”

“The secret chamber?”

“Yes, there is a secret chamber underneath the study room! It was the Majesty who personally blasted open the door to the secret chamber. However, he did not enter the room, merely giving the Crown Prince a month of house arrest. Your humble servant believes that… we should probably push back our plan.”

“Haha, the plan stays. I believe… it is about time our Crown Prince unleash his full power!” The figure laughed as he said. Following which, the figure lifted his head and stared into the moonlight, allowing the silver brilliance to grace his exquisite features.

It was an elegant and delicate face.

A pair of eyebrows so refined they look like bladed edges of a sword. Black glimmering eyes and pale white skin. However, the pair of eyes seemed to be gleaming with too much resolve. It was emanating so much pressure that it would make any ordinary human feel uncomfortable. It was as though someone was looking at an eagle, an eagle staring at its prey from high above.

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