Gate of God

Chapter 674 - How Many More Times?

Chapter 674: How Many More Times?

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Fang Zhengzhi knew science. In his previous life, he was a youth who had received a good education.

When water evaporates, even the gods could not intervene.

Furthermore, this was a horrible way to die.

When the water content in a body is completely gone, the bones and muscles will completely lose their functionality. The person will turn into a dry corpse.

Very ugly.

Fang Zhengzhi thought that if he had to die, he wanted to die in a cooler fashion. For example, he wouldn’t mind dying from the beauty of his own appearance. However, dying in such a way whereby one wouldn’t even have a proper corpse was not something he wanted.

However, what could he do?

The heat in his body was not something he could resist or control. The energy was too intense and too wild and it seemed to be increasing.

Fang Zhengzhi knew that this was caused by the medicinal properties of the Thousand Years Fire Herb.

Would he really die like this?


His life had already been saved by Mu Qingfeng. Now, he would die at the hands of Chi Guyan. Furthermore, he would die because of a stalk of Thousand Years Fire Herb.

Could there be anything more tragic?

Just as Fang Zhengzhi was about to stop resisting and allow Chi Guyan to kiss him to death, the intense heat in his body suddenly surged forth.

This sensation was akin to a huge volume of water suddenly discovering an exit.

When the energy surged forth in his body like floodwater and exited through his organs, they were immediately lured by a powerful attractive force and they reached his mouth.


Fang Zhengzhi opened his eyes wide in shock.

This was because he saw the face of Chi Guyan, who was pressing down on him with all her life, slowly turning red. She was becoming as red as fire.

The intense energy in his body slowly stabilized too.

“Chi Guyan was able to suck away all this heat energy?” Fang Zhengzhi made a sudden realization. However, he quickly discovered that something was amiss.

If that was the case, wouldn’t she die?

Fang Zhengzhi never expected this. Normally, Chi Guyan was an arrogant and uncaring person. However, at crucial moments like this, she would abandon her life to save his?

At this moment, he was extremely touched by her action. Heat in his body rushed to his brains, making him slightly dizzy.

This could also be because he lost too much water from his body. Suddenly, he felt sleepy. This drowsiness caused countless images to flash through his mind.

A clear river.

A plump little body stared with big black eyes as he happily barbequed a fragrant Fire Plume Chicken.

At this moment, a girl who was about five years old jumped out from behind him.

Her face looked like a porcelain doll. However, with her haughty demeanor, she looked like the main lady of the house. No matter how one looked at her, she appeared comical.

“You chicken-stealer!” The little girl hollered at the little boy indignantly as she placed her hands on her waist.

When Fang Zhengzhi saw this, he laughed in his heart. It was a relaxed laughter from the heart.

This was because he knew the girl would soon be kicked into the river.


Indeed, the girl fell head-first into the water.

“Thief, my chicken!”

“You’re thinking too much, it’s my chicken!”

He never expected the deepest memory of his youth would be the first time he met Chi Guyan. Fang Zhengzhi’s head was in a blur.

At this moment…

The image changed once more. Now, it went to the time when he met her at the Divine Constabulary.

“Without trust, a man cannot stand straight upright. If you break a promise, you lose trust. No matter what, since Young Master Fang raises this issue, I’ll live up to my promise. I’ll wait for him for two more years! In these years, I won’t discuss marriage with anyone. Please permit me this, Father Lord!”


What nonsense!

Fang Zhengzhi knew clearly that this was a reason Chi Guyan used to stop others from seeking her hand in marriage.

However, because of this promise, he was linked inextricably with her…

“I’ll wait for you at the Heaven Dao Pavilion. If you can defeat me there, I’ll be the woman who warms your bed.”

In the Northern Mountain Village, on the rooftop of a small farm, a couple stared at the moon in the sky. They made a promise to each other.

“Chi Guyan, don’t die!” Fang Zhengzhi did not know what he was thinking. However, he could not let her die just like this.

Perhaps, sometimes it was better to be selfish, especially when lives were involved.

However, he realized that he could not selfish here.

He knew that if he pushed Chi Guyan away now, he may be saved. However, if he did so, his life would be worse than torture.


Yes, Fang Zhengzhi was shameless many times. He could use unscrupulous methods to win, but this did not mean that he was a selfish monster.

He hesitated no more.

Fang Zhengzhi’s hand moved. He naturally placed it on Chi Guyan’s waist and pressed her close to his own body. He hugged her tight.

At that moment, he felt Chi Guyan’s body tremble.

Without knowing if it was because of the heat, or because of discomfort, Chi Guyan furrowed her brows. Her bright eyes shone with a flame-like energy.

Her skin was as red as blood. Fog steamed off her body.

However, one had to admit…

When he placed his hands on her waist, it was extremely comfortable. Even though a pink dress blocked him from touching her skin, he could still feel how smooth her skin was.


Fang Zhengzhi did not want to always be the passive one. Hence, he started to actively extract as he probed the warmth and wetness in her mouth.

He took in a deep breath.


Instantly, Fang Zhengzhi felt that he had sucked the unbearable heat back. Then, it went straight for his organs like a flash flood.

“Motherf*cking b*lls!” Fang Zhengzhi wanted to curse because it was such an uncomfortable feeling. It was so uncomfortable until he felt like exploding.

The kiss between Fang Zhengzhi and Chi Guyan did not last very long. However, they were still entangled. Furthermore, from their positions, it felt slightly weird.

Chi Guyan was half-kneeling on the ground as she embraced Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Zhengzhi too grabbed Gu Chiyan’s waist. It was an intimate move, but it seemed abnormal.

This was because…

Normally, the guy should be on top and the girl below, right?

Of course, this was not too important. What was important was the fact that there were many people around them. They were kissing in full view of everyone.

This went against public morality.

“Sister Chi Guyan… she and this shameless guy, oh my god! Am I seeing things? How can this be possible?”

“Can their marriage vow be real?”

“Elder sister… no! This cannot be! She was tricked by this guy. That’s right, she fell for his tricks!”

None of the Heaven Dao Pavilion disciples wanted to believe this, because the truth hurt them deeply.

They were not the only ones who were shocked.

The disciples of the Nine Pinnacle Mountains opened their eyes wide in shock too. They looked at each other. They did not know what was going on.

Nangong Hao bit down hard on his lips. As he clutched his Wuwei Sword, it shook in its scabbard. He did it subconsciously.

“Fusion of Yin and Yang?” Wan Lei of the Yin Yang Pavilion stared at Fang Zhengzhi and Chi Guyan. He was no shocked like the rest. Instead, he frowned.

As the First Disciple of the Yin Yang pavilion, he naturally knew that men and women were separated by Yin and Yang. At the same time, this was the cornerstone of the Yin Yang Pavilion.

However, as he looked at the fusion of Yin and Yang…

This surpassed everything that he was taught.

“Do they want to use the power of the Fusion of Yin and Yang to guide the medicinal properties of the Thousand Years Fire Herb? No, no, Yin-Yang Fusion can be used for moderation, but it cannot erode the energy of the Thousand Years Fire Herb. 20 people can’t do this, much less two!” Wan Lei was sure of his thinking.

Two people. If they want to moderate a stalk of Thousand Years Fire Herb, it was nearly impossible.

However, if…

It could not be for this reason, right? Why would Chi Guyan do this? What was her objective? Did she really want to die with him?

Wan Lei did not know.

Even the Leader of the Nine Pinnacles Mountain, Tian Xing, was frowning. He naturally saw what the two of them were doing.

However, just like Wan Lei, he thought that it was near-impossible for just the two of them to moderate the medicinal properties of this power stalk of Thousand Years Fire Herb.

Yin-Yang Fusion could help in moderation.

However, it was not invincible.

Tian Xing was suspicious too until he saw Chi Guyan slowly lift the hand she used to hug Fang Zhengzhi. Then, she tapped Fang Zhengzhi’s stomach at lightning speed.

A bright light shone.

Then, it dissipated, as if it had been absorbed by his body.

Then, her fingers moved once more. She moved up by an inch and poked once more. Another ray of light started to shine but it disappeared quickly too.

“Using the body as a crucible!” Tian Xing cried out. Even as the leader of the Nine Pinnacles Mountain, he was shocked when he saw this scene.


Even he had to admire Chi Guyan’s genius-like thinking. However, this idea may not work.

However, only a genius could think of something like this.

When the two of them kissed, Yin and Yang fused. This helped to alleviate the pain one of them felt from the herb. Then, using a body as a crucible, one could turn the herb into a pill.

It was a scary thought, but it was not impossible.

When the disciples from the Nine Pinnacle Mountain and the Heaven Dao Pavilion heard the voice that came from Tian Xing’s mouth, looks of shock crossed their faces.


“She’s using his body to cultivate the Thousand Years Fire Herb?”

“This… this is too ludicrous? Will it work?”

No one was sure if this would work, as it had never happened before in recorded history.

Of course, it was because no one wanted to try it.

“Kaboom!” At this moment, a huge explosion could be heard. Then, countless black granite and shrapnel flew into the air.

Then, a human figure appeared before Tian Xing and Wan Lei.

Long white robes billowed in the wind. Long white hair cascaded down until his shoulders. His gaze was calm but anger, shocked but in admiration.

“Guyan, eh… with me here, do what you must!” When Mu Qingfeng noticed Fang Zhengzhi and Chi Guyan, who were locked in an embrace, he sighed. However, he quickly turned to look at Tian Xing and Wan Lei with a resolute expression.

“The Sage State Black Jade Stone Statue is destroyed?!”

“How long did it take? That was a Sage State… It was equivalent to a Sage State cultivator!”

“Mu Qingfeng is indeed as powerful as our master!”

When the Nine Pinnacle Mountain disciples looked at Mu Qingfeng, who stood in front of Tian Xing and Wan Lei, and then at the shattered chunks of rocks, they were all shocked.

Fang Zhengzhi was shocked too.

However, he was not shocked that Mu Qingfeng destroyed some Sage State Black Jade Stone Statue. Instead, he was shocked that Chi Guyan used his body to cultivate pills.

“So, I’m just a test subject?” Fang Zhengzhi did not know if he should be touched or angry.

It was an odd feeling.

While Chi Guyan saved him, it was no different from harming him.


It was called an ‘experiment’ because it brimmed with countless possibilities. No one knew what could happen.

“Whoo!” The heat in his body was sucked away by Chi Guyan once more, which made her face as red as flame.

Her entire body was like a piece of heated metal.

Fang Zhengzhi could sense that she was uncomfortable. This was because her hands had stopped, and they were trembling non-stop.

For someone with actual experience, he knew the pain of inhaling the heat a second time. It was much worse than the first.

Of course, the third would be even scarier.


Did he want a third time?

As Fang Zhengzhi pondered this serious problem, a famous quote appeared in his mind. All guys like to hear a woman say, “I want.”

However, the phrase they feared even more was…

“I want more!”

“For f*ck’s sake, how many times before it’s over?!” Fang Zhengzhi stared at the eyes in front of him, which started to shine with light.

It was extremely bright, like the stars in the sky.

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