God Emperor

Chapter 1020 - Be Condemned by All

Chapter 1020: Be Condemned by All

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

Chu Siyuan had let the word out that he would take full responsibility.

Therefore, even if Zhang Ruochen had killed Guo Lu with one step, he was still arrogant and fearless.

But Chu Siyuan was shocked. The last sip of wine almost choked him.

“You did kill a king of the lower region?”

Chu Siyuan felt his heart beating violently, but pretended to be calm and didn’t go extreme.

Zhang Ruochen was truly reckless and lawless…


Chu Siyuan suddenly realized that he had been set up by Zhang Ruochen. He kept speaking to himself, I have nothing to do with this. Don’t drag me down.

I have nothing to do with this. Don’t drag me down.

The monk who had been busy eating and drinking raised his head and gave Zhang Ruochen a glance. An invisible wince flashed on his face.

All guests recovered from the shock.

Some female guests screamed. And even the powerful Half-Saints all took a deep breath to calm down.

A Ninth Level Half-Saint had been killed. A king of the lower region had been killed. It was insane!

Such events would cause unimaginable shock.

All young talents onsite looked at Zhang Ruochen with fear, regarding him as the Devil who wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone in the world.

Cai Yunji and Cai Jinglun looked into each other’s eyes, and saw shock. Neither of them would have expected that it would go in this terrible way.

Chi Yutang stared at the corpse of Guo Lu. He was shocked for a moment. Then he glared at Zhang Ruochen’s indifferent eyes, and said, “You…are dead…”


Zhang Ruochen appeared to be very calm. He took a glance and found the guards of the Cai Family had gathered around and enveloped the whole lake.

Zhang Ruochen shook his head and walked to Chu Siyuan. He folded his hands and bowed to him. “Elder Saint Painter, I have killed the villains who wanted to murder you as you requested. Now, would you please be relieved?”

Chu Siyuan put on a stone face, not knowing whether to laugh or to cry. But he still appeared to be relaxed.

It was impossible for him to discard Zhang Ruochen now.

And, as the sect leader of the Painting Sect, he had seen great upheavals and changes. How could he panic because of the death of a king of the lower region?

“Well done.”

Chu Siyuan nodded peacefully. And he added, “You reckless juniors dared to try to kill me in public. Do you think that I’m that weak?”

The Saint Painter?

All looked at Chu Siyuan with doubts.

Chi Yutang sneered. “Damn the Saint Painter. Boy, come here and accept your death.”

“Shut up!”

A deafening shout was heard from afar. The ripples of its sound wave spread around.


A saint light came from the far end of the Cai Family Saint Mansion, and landed on the surface of the lake.

All saint figures showed up by sequence. They were all great saints, giving out bright saint light like stars falling in the human world.

“Greetings to the saint.”

Over 90 percent of the monks kneeled and went down on the ground immediately.

Only a few distinguished figures remained standing, but bowed to greet him as well.

A saint appeared; all men must kneel and go down on the ground.

Among them, a saint went to Chu Siyuan and bowed to him. “Student didn’t know teacher was coming to Cai Family. Please pardon me for my oversight.”

The man was the second student of Chu Siyuan, Cai Tong, and also the oldest son of the owner of the Cai Family.

The owner of Cai was about to step down, and had transferred his power to Cai Tong gradually.

Now Cai Tong controlled the whole Cai Family, and was about to be the owner of a famous ancient household.

In other words, Cai Tong was one of the top overlords in the whole Kunlun’s Field.

No more than a few figures would have the honor to be bowed to by Cai Tong. Apparently, the Saint Painter Elder was one of them.

Many monks’ faces lost color.

Especially the few students of the Way of Confucius standing behind Chi Yutang couldn’t help themselves from shuddering.

The Way of Confucius valued “the difference between the high and the low, the order of the old and the young, the distinction between the up and the down and the inner and the outer.” Nobody should go beyond the manner. They had to respect the teachers and the Way.

A student who disrespected his teacher would be scorned and resisted by all students of the Way in the whole world. And the man they had offended was a Patriarch of the Way of Confucius.

Chu Siyuan appeared to be quite annoyed. He scolded, “The young students in the Sacred City are all talents. I’ve been shocked by them during this visit.”

Cai Tong heard the coldness in his teacher’s voice, so he looked at Cai Jinglun sternly. He said in a low voice, “Jinglun, what’s going on? Who has offended the Master?”

Cai Jinglun noticed Chu Siyuan who was sitting there. He walked to him immediately and knelt on the ground. He said with fear, “Greetings to the Grand Master.”

Chu Siyuan turned his face away and didn’t want to respond to Cai Jinglun, appearing to be aloof and superior.

Cai Jinglun told everything to Cai Tong at once.

Of course, in fear for his future, Cai Jinglun wouldn’t dare to offend Chu Siyuan. So his story explained more for Zhang Ruochen and Chu Siyuan.

Cai Tong’s face became gloomier. He stared at Chi Yutang and scolded, “Crown Prince, you dared to attack Patriarch Saint Painter. Aren’t you a little arrogant?”

Chi Yutang could barely support himself, facing the Saint Might of Cai Tong. He regretted deeply.

Who would have known that the old man was the Saint Painter, one of the four well-known veterans of the Way of Confucius?

And Chi Yutang felt fearful too.

The four sects of the Way of Confucius stood for four saint areas of it. All powerful students of the Way of Confucius had been studying in the saint areas.

As the sect leader of the Paint Sect, Chu Siyuan’s students had all taken places in the court. And most of them were in high positions.

If they all came out and reported Chi Yutang’s crime according to the rules of the Way of Confucius, not only Chi Yutang, but Lingxiao Heavenly King would also come to a bad end.

A saint scholar of the Way of Confucius walked out and scolded, “As a royal, you think you can do whatever you want? Chi Yutang, you dared to send people to kill the Saint Painter Elder. How reckless! I’m going to report this to the Empress and depose your royalty as Crown Prince now. Lingxiao Heavenly King should be punished for his lack of discipline as well.”

All the other students of the Way of Confucius began to condemn the actions. “How dare you to fight the Patriarch of the Way of Confucius! Who knows what wicked things you will do in the future?”

“Lingxiao Heavenly King Mansion has cultivated heroes like Chi Wansui, and also a degenerate like Chi Yutang.”

“Degenerate? You’ve praised him. He is even less than a dog or a pig.”

“If Chi Yutang will not be punished seriously, I will go to report to the Empress in the Central Emperor City.”

The students of the Way of Confucius were all irrigated. They appeared to be cynical, tough and fearless of the power, and had scolded Chi Yutang completely.

Even Zhang Ruochen was shocked that the students of the Way of Confucius should be so aggressive, scolding him so sternly and showing no fear to Chi Yutang’s identity.

Chi Yutang was agitated. He tried hard to suppress his anger, and said, “I did make the mistake, and I should apologize to the Patriarch. But the Patriarch has asked to kill General Guo Lu, should he apologize to me too?”

“How dare you!”

The saint scholar of the Way of Confucius shouted. The Qi that came out of his mouth threw Chi Yutang away directly. He said, “Young man, how dare you speak to the Patriarch like that! I will teach you a lesson on behalf of Lingxiao Heavenly King.”

With a bang, Chi Yutang fell hard on the ground. He was severely wounded, and his seven apertures kept bleeding.

A student walked out and said, “Guo Lu was just a nobody. He should not dare to attack the Saint Painter Elder, and killing him was a mercy. We should slaughter all his nine families.”

“Yes, kill his nine families.”

Many students of the Way of Confucius stepped out and scolded Chi Yutang and Guo Lu. A student even suggested whipping the corpse of Guo Lu.

At last, the owner of the Cai Family apologized to Chu Siyuan in person, and softened a little.

Chi Yutang and the monks of the Lingxiao Heavenly King Mansion sneaked away, carrying Guo Lu’s corpse with them.

This time, Chi Yutang had to take the consequences. He had kicked the iron plate, and the toughest one.

Even the superior Lingxiao Heavenly King coming here in person would have to treat the Saint Paint Elder with respect, daring not to offend him.

Now Chi Yutang just wanted to race back and report all to Lingxiao Heavenly King, trying to make up for his fault.

If Chu Siyuan, the old man, used his influence to let the Way of Confucius expand the event, Lingxiao Heavenly King Mansion would face great trouble as well.

The owner of the Cai Family and a few saint scholars invited Chu Siyuan to be with the Cai Family, wanting to host a dinner to ask for Chu Siyuan’s forgiveness.

It was a feast for saints, and young men weren’t qualified to join. So Zhang Ruochen stayed.

Cai Jinglun and Cai Yunji walked to Zhang Ruochen and apologized to him. They invited him to the central island of the Lake Ling.

The banquet went on, but all men treated Zhang Ruochen differently.

The young man beside the Saint Painter would surely have a bright future.

Plus, Zhang Ruochen’s kill of Guo Lu with a step had brought out the fear and respect of all monks.

“I just…sat at the same table…as the Saint Painter. And I have treated him as the plague. Had I known his identity before, I would have clung to him.” Xue Sanyi regretted.

The other few all sighed for their lost fortune as well.

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