God Emperor

Chapter 815 - Ghost King Formation

Chapter 815: Ghost King Formation

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

The water in the Blood River was as cold as ice, giving off a smell of blood.

The closer to the river bottom, the deeper the color of water was. At the bottom, it became completely dark red, and its temperature dropped to the lowest. For an ordinary Fish-Dragon Realm Monk, diving to the river’s bottom would mean freezing to death.

Zhang Ruochen kept counting how deep they had gone. Ghost King Bloodmoon did not stop until they were already 1,000 meters deeper. Then she rushed to a black stone wall at the river’s bottom and hit it with her palm.


Rays of scarlet lights appeared on the stone wall and sketched strange lines into a huge formation 150 meters in diameter.

At the center of the Formation, there was a two-meter-wide crack, splitting to its left and right to leave a deep passageway. Looking at it from afar, it was like the eye of a devil.

Ghost King Bloodmoon stopped for a little while, shot a glance at Zhang Ruochen and Blackie who were behind her, then changed into a blurring shadow, and rushed into the passageway.

“Something is wrong. That was a Ghost King Formation. If we intrude into it, we can fall into her trap,” said Blackie.

“We have no choice but to follow her.”

With no hesitation, Zhang Ruochen dashed into the deep and serene passageway, following closely behind Ghost King Bloodmoon.

Blackie was also clear that it was their only chance. Knowing that unpredictable danger could befall them if they intruded into the Ghost King Formation, they had to follow her.


The power of the Thousand Treasure Cassock was delivered from the river surface to its bottom which was more than 1,000 meters deep. Waves and waves of golden light energy crashed into the river and exploded with tremendous power.

All of a sudden, all the dead souls in the river vanished without a trace.

The small island in the river sank completely, turned into pieces of giant rocks, and fell into the river bottom.

Zhang Ruochen and Blackie escaped from that as they dashed into the passageway. But now they were caught in another hopeless situation: Ghost King Formation.

Their surroundings totally changed once they’d entered the passageway, as if they had intruded into a dark world devoid of anything.

In the darkness, 72 huge gravestones were like 72 mountains spanning into three circles, surrounding and trapping Zhang Ruochen and Blackie in a Battle Formation.

With his strong Spiritual Power, Zhang Ruochen found a weak spot in the Ghost King Formation, then wielded the Abyss Ancient Sword to chop it.


A cloud of ghost fog came out and warded off the Abyss Ancient Sword.

In the ghost fog, circles and circles of shrinking waves generated huge reverse power, and shook Zhang Ruochen away.

Zhang Ruochen was well-prepared for this. Therefore, he only stepped backwards ten more meters, and resolved the power.

Zhang Ruochen put away the Abyss Ancient Sword. He stood at the center of Battle Formation and said, “Ghost King Formation is truly powerful. Even the weakest spot couldn’t be cracked by me.”

The voice of Ghost King Bloodmoon sounded from above the Battle Formation. “You are clever as you know your strength well. Even with ten times your current cultivation, you couldn’t you break Ghost King Formation.”

Zhang Ruochen scanned the horizon but only saw the boundless darkness, and found no trace of Ghost King Bloodmoon.

An instant later, the voice of Ghost King Bloodmoon sounded again. “Young man, you didn’t expect to fall into my hand? You have insulted me before. Now, it’s time for you to pay me a heavy price.”

Blackie glanced at Zhang Ruochen with eyeballs rolling, and said in a low voice, “you really insulted her, Zhang Ruochen? Couldn’t tell you were like that. Haha!”


Zhang Ruochen glared at Blackie and lifted his head to look into the darkness. He said, “Ghost King Bloodmoon, I can’t break Ghost King Formation, but Budda Xinshu surely can. You are severely wounded now, not even with Ghost King Formation can you defend yourself from him.”

“That’s none of your business,” said Ghost King Bloodmoon.

Zhang Ruochen said, “Why should you be so stubborn? Actually we could work together and manipulate Ghost King Formation together. After beating off the strong enemy, we should still have time to settle our resentment.”

“You are really clever, but I’m not buying it. When I’ve finished…using Ghost King Formation…to beat off… him…”

Before Ghost King Bloodmoon could finish her words, Ghost King Formation had a violent quake.

Deafening rumbling sounded from the edge of the Formation. Closely after it, the noise of massive collapse pressed in.

Apparently, Buddha Xinshu had arrived at the river bottom and began to attack Ghost King Formation.

“Damn it.”

Ghost King Bloodmoon had no time to deal with Zhang Ruochen. She managed to use Ghost King Formation to fight against Buddha Xinshu who was outside of the Formation.

Blackie said, “Buddha Xinshu had the Thousand Treasure Cassock, and the beautiful Ghost King was too wounded to defend him for long. Once Ghost King Formation was broken, none of us could escape the disaster.”

Zhang Ruochen slightly shook his head and signed. “It’s a pity that Ghost King Bloodmoon wouldn’t work with us, otherwise we still would have had a chance to try our best to fight against Buddha Xinshu.”

With no way out, Zhang Ruochen had to open the Third Seal of sarira to release the Third Level Power. He had almost acquired the power of a Half-Saint to open the seal.

Surely Zhang Ruochen wouldn’t have wanted to use that power if he had any other choice.

Once he used it, he would lose one of his last resorts for survival.


With the strength of Thousand Treasure Cassock, Buddha Xinshu’s attack was extremely scary. He had already cracked a corner of Ghost King Formation within just 15 minutes.

Ghost King Bloodmoon could no longer stay calm. She walked out of the darkness, and stopped about 30 meters away from Zhang Ruochen. “Young man, I could work with you for the moment and we could manipulate Ghost King Formation together.”

Zhang Ruochen glanced at Ghost King Bloodmoon. Such an incomparable beauty standing in front of him was truly a sight for the eyes, and one to bring ease to the mind.

Except that Zhang Ruochen had heavenly eyes and noticed that there were hundreds of Inscriptions of Battle Formation between him and Ghost King Bloodmoon.

It was impossible to reach out to her, even if there was only ten zhangs between them.

If Zhang Ruochen dared to hurt her, Ghost King Bloodmoon would only have to move her fingers to manipulate the power of Battle Formation and kill him.

“Too late!”

Zhang Ruochen shook his head, and said indifferently, “One corner of Ghost King Formation has been cracked and Battle Formation has become incomplete. Even if we kept manipulating Battle Formation, we could not defend against Buddha Xinshu. We’d do no better than delaying the time it took him to break through for a while.”

Ghost King Bloodmoon gave him a cold stare, took one step forward, and said, “In that case, why should I keep you alive? I will kill you, take your soul and recover from my wounds. As long as I’m recovered, I’ll go fight him with all my might.”

Immediately, Ghost King Bloodmoon raised her hands, moved the power of Battle Formation, and prepared to attack Zhang Ruochen.

Zhang Ruochen appeared to be super calm, and said, “He has the Thousand Treasure Cassock. You would only lose to him again even if you were recovered. And you absolutely can’t escape from him. Work with me, maybe we could have a slim chance of survival.”

Obviously, Ghost King Bloodmoon knew well that even if she recovered, her strength couldn’t beat off Buddha Xinshu.

As it was, she heard Zhang Ruochen’s words and slowed down her movement to attack him. “We can survive?”

Zhang Ruochen took out Half-Saint Light, wrapped it up with Holy Qi, and then hit it to Ghost King Bloodmoon.

Ghost King Bloodmoon received Half-Saint Light and held it in palms. She could feel clearly a strand of strong power of saint soul diffusing in the white brilliance.

“If I refined it, my wounds would at least recover 70 percent.” Ghost King Bloodmoon gave Zhang Ruochen a stern look and said, “You are kind of sincere.”

Zhang Ruochen said, “To be honest, your cultivation is about the same as Buddha Xinshu’s. But Buddha Xinshu has the Thousand Treasure Cassock, so you can’t beat him.”

“That’s true.”

With both hands holding Half-Saint Light, Ghost King Bloodmoon moved and operated her Ghostly Qi from the whole body, and started to refine the saint soul in it.

“What if I can lend you a battle weapon, which is better than Thousand Treasure Cassock?” Zhang Ruochen asked carelessly.

Ghost King Bloodmoon glared a little, and said, “Are you serious?”

Thousand Treasure Cassock was the best battle weapon Ghost King Bloodmoon had ever seen. It was all-conquering and irresistible. All her six ghost weapons that she had refined through untold hardships…they were smashed by Thousand Treasure Cassock

It was too hard for her to believe that there was a better battle weapon than Thousand Treasure Cassock.

Zhang Ruochen smiled a little and said, “How about Thousand-bone Empress’s Void Sword?”

“The Void Sword is, as expected, with you.”

On hearing the words “Void Sword,” Ghost King Bloodmoon gave a lively look, and even put on a smile. “With Void Sword, I can certainly kill the human outside.”

In fact, there was still a half sentence unspoken by Ghost King Bloodmoon, which was, after I’ve taken care of him, I will slowly deal with you…

For Ghost King Bloodmoon, once her wounds recovered, it would be very easy to deal with Zhang Ruochen, just like pinching an ant to death. So she felt no rush to deal with him before she beat Buddha Xinshu.

Blackie gave Zhang Ruochen a glance, silently passing words to him: …are you serious about lending her the Void Sword? What if she has second thoughts after she’s beaten Buddha Xinshu? Zhang Ruochen, you have to beware of her…

After she’s beaten off Budda Xinshu, her next target is definitely me…

Zhang Ruochen stared with thoughtful eyes at Ghost King Bloodmoon who was refining Half-Saint Light, and said, “Even if she wants to deal with me, don’t I want to deal with her? I’ll take the risk, to see if I can succeed.”

Blackie was a little shocked, thinking to himself, could it be that Zhang Ruochen lent Void Sword to her on purpose, and was prepared to deal with her in this way?

Meanwhile, Zhang Ruochen approached Blackie, and whispered a few words to his ear.

After hearing Zhang Ruochen’s words, Blackie chucked and said, “We have to plan meticulously, otherwise, she won’t fall into it.”

“Okay,” said Zhang Ruochen.

If the weapon spirit was unawake, Zhang Ruochen would never, by any means, lend the Void Sword to Ghost King Bloodmoon.

But now that the Void Sword had been under the full control of Han Xue, and could be taken back at any time, there was no need to worry that Ghost King Bloodmoon would take the Void Sword away.

Zhang Ruochen could compare with neither Ghost King Bloodmoon nor Buddha Xinshu. Facing them, he had no strength to fight back.

Only with strategies to make them fight against each other could he have a chance to survive, or even better, to earn some benefits.

Certainly there would be huge risks during this process, even the smallest inadvertence could cause him to die first.

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