God of Fishing

Chapter 969 - Old Turtle

Chapter 969: Old Turtle

Three days later.

Han Fei had more money than ever before.

He traded more than 3,500 pieces of ultra-quality spiritual weapons for 3.02 million catties of spiritual spring and over 23,000 spiritual fruits.

Plus the 301 Semi-Divine weapons, after deducting the 2 % commission, he had a total of 4.6 million catties of spiritual spring, which was equivalent to 4.6 billion points of spiritual energy, and 47,840 spiritual fruits. So now he had at least more than 7 billion points of spiritual energy.

During this period, Le Renkuang sent him the resources he collected for him, although they were nothing at all compared with Han Fei’s current property.

At this moment, Han Fei had 55,000 spiritual fruits on him.

As for the low-quality Divine weapon and mid-quality Divine weapons, Han Fei certainly wouldn’t sell them.

At this moment, money meant nothing to him. He should use these Divine weapons to refine his Blood-Drinking Knife, big seal, fishing rod, and long stick.

He happened to have 2 ultra-quality Divine weapons and 3 mid-quality Divine weapons. It wouldn’t be a problem for him to refine the three mid-quality Divine weapons into a high-quality one.

The Empyrean Waterfall.,,

When Han Fei opened the fog array at home, he couldn’t help but exclaim, “The Demon Purification Pot doesn’t have enough energy to refine an ultra-quality Divine weapon yet? It seems that I have to get the third small vine as soon as possible!”

Han Fei intended to re-refine the ultra-quality Divine weapon. But immediately, he found the problem. A lot of spiritual energy had been consumed, but the refining progress was extremely slow.

If he continued with the refining, it might require a huge amount of spiritual energy. Although he didn’t lack spiritual energy right now, there was no need for it. Even if he refined the ultra-quality Divine weapon, he wouldn’t be able to exert its full strength for now!

According to his speed of cultivation, after he became a peak-level Hidden Fisher or a Law Enforcer, he should be able to exert the full power of a mid-quality Divine weapon.

So he didn’t touch those two ultra-quality Divine weapons, but chose to refine the three mid-quality Divine weapons into a new Blood-Drinking Knife, a gold seal, and a Dragon Pole.

Han Fei thought that renaming them was too much trouble! Therefore, he simply kept the original names of his weapons.

As for the fishing rod, he named it Dragon Burying Pole. This name was good, and he would just keep this name.

Three months later.

By the Empyrean Waterfall…

A man and a cat were sitting on the rocks fishing.

In the middle of the man and the cat, there was a stone, on which two fruit plates were placed with rare fruits like pineapple in them.


Han Fei ate the pineapple while pulling the fishing rod. “Big Yellow! If you continue to have your way with those poor cats, there won’t be any cats left!”


Big Yellow bit off half of a pineapple in one bite and said in depression, “I just wanted an offspring, but they died. Am I destined to be lonely?”

Han Fei sighed. “So, maybe you’re the one and only cat.”


A Red Blood Butterfly Fish was pulled up by Big Yellow. With a puff, Big Yellow killed it with his paw.

But Big Yellow didn’t eat it. He looked at Han Fei and said, “How come you haven’t caught any fish yet?”

Han Fei said casually, “I’m not fishing. These Red Blood Butterfly Fish are not delicious at all.”

Big Yellow changed the topic, “Your strength doesn’t seem to have changed.”

Han Fei smiled and said, “I’m still digesting it.”

“Does it take so long?”

Han Fei sneered. “So long? Look at yourself, do you still think it’s long? I’ll be done at most in three months.”

Yes, the price to be paid for the improvement of strength wouldn’t be small. Besides, after eating the Source Water, Han Fei’s way of promotion was temporarily turned from difficult to hell mode.

Now his physique was too strong. He had tried for three months, but he hadn’t broken through even a single barrier.

Of course, this was temporary.

After Han Fei’s cultivation was completed, his road to a breakthrough would be fully open. Before going to the Thousand Star City, it should not be a big problem for him to become a Law Enforcer.

But this period of time was really boring.

Luo Xiaobai and the others were different from him now. They had their own way, and if they didn’t work hard, they might not be able to keep up with him.

And he now seemed to have truly become the kind of genius that came around once in a century or even a thousand years.

If he hadn’t obtained the Source Water, he wouldn’t have been so powerful.

But now, even Nameless didn’t want to fight with him.

That was because they knew they were not his match.

Besides, the Source Water and the growth of strength also brought changes to him.

For example, the Agility of Wind of the Phantom Glass Wings had doubled in speed.

The power of Devil Change had decreased. It seemed that with the strengthening of his physique, the effect of Devil Change had correspondingly weakened.

In this case, Han Fei fought against a junior Law Enforcer and defeated him.

For a time, Han Fei felt that he had lost his goal and idled all day long.

Human, you haven’t exchanged things with me for a long time, the big turtle’s voice rang in Han Fei’s mind.

Han Fei thought, What can you give me now? Spirit Awakening Fluid? But I’ve already had 80,000 kilograms of it! And my pets have just made breakthroughs.

Besides, Han Fei found out that Spirit Awakening Fluid had little effect on Law Enforcers. That was because Spirit Awakening Fluid was a law, which contradicted Law Enforcers.

And if he wanted Spirit Awakening Fluid, there was quite a lot in the Sea Quelling Painting.

However, Tree Spirit warned that the Spirit Awakening Fluid couldn’t be taken too much because it could stabilize the world in the Sea Quelling Painting.

So, Han Fei said casually, “Senior Turtle, what do you want to exchange with me now? Three months ago, so many people became Law Enforcers. You’re going to break the seal, right? Why rush?”

The big turtle was silent for a moment. “I can offer you a better price.”

Han Fei rolled his eyes. But I don’t need anything.

He said, “Senior, we’re both idle anyway. Let’s chat! Where does the spring under you lead to?”

The big turtle was silent and said nothing.

Han Fei looked around and said, “Senior, to be honest, I don’t need Spirit Awakening Fluid now. And when you come out, the big hole under you will show up anyway. How about telling me what you know now? I’m going to the outer sea soon. I can enter the sea demon’s den and grab some demonic stones for you. What do you think?”

The big turtle said leisurely, “Actually, it’s not as complicated as you think.”

Han Fei said carelessly, “Then tell me about it!”

It might be because Han Fei often came to fish here recently, or because the big turtle knew that he was going to break the seal that the big turtle told him what he wanted to know.

The big turtle said, “Actually, what is under me is the corpse of a Deep Sea Giant Demon.”


Suddenly, someone grumbled in the void, and the big turtle instantly fell silent.

And Han Fei was in shock. What did the big turtle mean? A Deep Sea Giant Demon?

Han Fei was pondering…

Damn! A king’s corpse?

Han Fei suddenly figured out why the sea demons kept attacking the Scattered Stars Island and why humans tried their best to guard the island! There was the corpse of a king. Who knew if another king could be made with this corpse?

If the sea demons obtained this corpse and made a king with it, what would happen to the Thousand Star City?

A voice transmission fell straight to the bottom of the pool from the void, Old turtle, don’t think this kid will become your chance.

Han Fei didn’t know Xue Shenqi’s conversation with the old turtle.

On the surface of the lake, Xue Shenqi’s phantom appeared. “In three months, I don’t care what you are going to do, but you can’t stay in the Scattered Stars Island.”

Han Fei was stunned. “Huh? Why?”

Xue Shenqi said indifferently, “The day the old turtle breaks the seal is the time when humans and sea demons will start a big battle. It’s only 8 years away. Your father is expecting you to become a king. Do you really think that is so easy? Have you figured out how to become a Venerable? And have you ever thought about what Dao is?”

Han Fei narrowed his eyes. To become an Explorer, he needed to go to the Water-Wood World. It didn’t seem easy to become a Venerable either… Eight years, it was a bit short! But why was it eight years?

Xue Shenqi continued, “If you want to become a king, you must participate in the battle in eight years.”

Han Fei didn’t think it would be a problem. To become a king, he must be recognized by many people. Besides, the big clans in the Thousand Star City would definitely force him to participate in the war.

However, he asked, “Since this matter is so important, why did you let so many people make the breakthrough and become Law Enforcers here? Didn’t it shorten the time for the old turtle to come out?”

Xue Shenqi said expressionlessly, “There are some things that you don’t understand. Do you think a king-level corpse is really that simple? That corpse contained essences of Dao and can produce a countless amount of Spirit Awakening Fluid. Otherwise, where do you think the undersea chimneys come from? Do you really think that the old turtle wants resources just to get out?”

Han Fei’s heart trembled. What did he mean? So the old turtle wants resources not to come out, but to… To hold down the hole?

Han Fei hurriedly shook his head and said, “But it will make Senior Turtle come out in advance, right? It originally would have taken decades, but now it’s only 8 years away.”

Xue Shenqi looked at Han Fei seriously. “If you hadn’t gotten the opportunity to become a king, this wouldn’t have been told to you. What you said is just what we claim to the outside, but in fact, this is not true. If people make the breakthrough and become Law Enforcers here, the old turtle can absorb some essences of Dao, which can relieve his pressure and help him last longer.”


Han Fei was dumbfounded. So, everyone was kept in the dark?

In fact, Xue Shenqi and the old turtle both lied.

Han Fei suddenly stood up. “So, if those people didn’t make the breakthrough and become Law Enforcers here three months ago, how long would Senior Turtle have lasted?”

Xue Shenqi said deadpan, “Three years.”

Han Fei: “…”

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