Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 427: Angel

Chapter 427: Angel

Ryu followed Niel in silence. The latter kept looking at him as though in hopes that Ryu would expose exactly what it was he had spent so much time talking to Sarriel about. But, Ryu remained just as stoic as ever. In fact, he seemed to have retracted a bit of the warmness he had begun to exude, going back to his usually extraordinarily cold demeanor. 

Ryu didn't have the mind to care for Niel's curiosity. His mind was on something else entirely. 

So, even after Niel led them to the treasure vaults, his lip twitching all while watching Ryu practically clear them out, Ryu didn't speak a single word. In fact, even up until the point Niel brought him to one of the best Immortal Caves the Sect had to offer, the former still didn't manage to get a word out of him. 

With a dull thud, the door of the Immortal Cave shut, leaving Niel stranded outside, his lip absentmindedly twitching. 

'… Did she taste that good?'

These were the only words Niel could think. Luckily Ryu didn't hear them, or else he might lash out with his signature cold glare. 

Without a choice, Niel could only choose to turn and leave. 

Ryu began to silently arrange the haul he had gotten from the Moonlight Blossom Sect's vaults. 

The Immortal Cave he was given was quite spacious indeed. It had room for leisure, sleep, meditation and training, all of which was illuminated by a dim violet light. In addition, the density of Moon Setting Qi and Withering Blossom Qi, two of the Sect's most favored types of Death Qi, were exceptionally high. 

'… Why didn't you accept her offer?' Ailsa finally asked softly. 

She could already see the reason why. In fact, she quite agreed with it. But, for some reason, completely outside of her usual self, she wanted to hear it from Ryu's own mouth. 

She entered her full form, facing Ryu cross legged. Her ruby eyes danced across his face as though not trying to miss out on a single detail. She scanned his eyes especially, feeling as though they might be the most prone to revealing something. 

"Such a sensitive matter can't be left to someone else." Ryu said plainly. 

Ailsa continued to scan Ryu's face. 

"Why?" She pressed. 

Ryu looked up from his spatial ring, retrieving his mind from it and focusing on Ailsa. A clash of silver and crimson crossed through the air, their gazes locking onto one another. 

"Because you're too important." Ryu said just as plainly. 

Ryu's face didn't seem to carry a hint of emotion. He spoke the words as though they were a matter of fact, an inconsequential truth so fundamental that it didn't require any fanfare. 

But, it was these exact words that caused Ailsa's lips to close the distance between them. 

Ryu blinked, feeling a softness and a heavenly fragrance assault his senses. However, by that point, Ailsa had already pushed him down, her chest pressed flushed against his and her lips sealing his own. 

Ailsa's hands held onto his cheeks, a tear falling from her closed eyes. 

She had never kissed anyone before. But at that moment, she just knew that it was all she wanted to do. She wanted to feel closer to him than she ever had before. She didn't know if Ryu would get angry, but for that instant of time, she held onto a faint hope that the answer to that was no. 

It was then that Ailsa felt two strong arms wrap around her slender waist. Her body suddenly felt as light as a feather, flipping from its position on top in one instant to being on the bottom in the next. 

Ailsa's lips separated from Ryu's, her hands still on either side of his face. She looked up, the tears still threatening to fall from her eyes. 

She gazed up at him lovingly, this look alone capable of melting any man's heart. 

Ryu gazed back, his own expression having softened considerably. He kneeled on all four above her, scanning her face just as she had scanned his own. The lingering feeling of her soft lips tingled across his own, enticing him to take another taste. 

Without another word, Ryu did exactly that. 

Ailsa's heart fluttered, emotions she had never felt before latching onto her soul. The feeling of Ryu's kiss was like an orchestra playing in her mind. The strings vibrated with a heavy tune, the horns resonating with the very sides of her skull. 

Beside herself, she began to feel a heat lighting her lower belly. 

She allowed Ryu's tongue into her mouth, gasping for air despite her cultivation. Her heart beat faster, her tender skin flushing red. 

Ryu's scent intoxicated her. Scenes of rushing waters, tall maple trees, and spicy herbs tickled her senses. It was as though he encompassed the whole world… her world. 

Sparks seemed to fly between them, a fiery passion lighting the room. Their tongues intertwined… Ryu's rough and large, Ailsa's soft, small and pink. The latter didn't seem to stand a chance, feeling like a small boat in a raging storm. However, it was exactly that feeling of helplessness, of being under the whims of the man she loved most, that filled her with a tangible excitement. 

Ailsa's sensitivity reached new heights, her thighs squeezing around Ryu. She wanted more, feeling that the clothes that separated them were more of a curse than anything else. 

But she was still that helpless little boat. All the strength she had didn't seem to matter in the slightest at that moment. 

Her intoxicating fragrance, her soft lips, her tall and curved figure. It all became like malleable clay in the hands of her love. 

All of her senses stood on end. Maybe it was because of the man she was in the arms of was her Life Partner, maybe it was because he could read her mind and understand her every intention, or maybe it was because she was just too inexperienced, her body being too sensitive. But her heavy breathing only became heavier, her beating heart only thumping more forcefully. 

It was then that it happened. 

A low bestial growl from Ryu made her shudder. A subtle grinding touched what lay between her hips and beneath her clothes. 

The sensation was too much. 

Her back arched, her legs locking around Ryu's hips. What sounded like a phoenix's cry left her lips, arcs of electricity following up her spine. 

Her moan reached the ears like the song of an angel. 

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