Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 454 Extreme Yin

Chapter 454 Extreme Yin

  Elena could feel an overbearing aura enveloping her. Yet, instead of pressuring her, it was overbearing in the sense that a parent might be to a child or a spouse might be to their partner. It stood over her, exuding the air of an undefeatable warrior. 

For a long time, she had thought that she would never experience such a thing. And as for this energy signature, she thought she would never sense it again. But, here it was, all these years later. 

”You’re a bit late… Hubby…”

Ryu couldn’t hear Elena’s thoughts. But at that moment, even if he could, it would be hard to say if he could spare them any mind. 

Ailsa had gone from laying limply in his arms to suddenly violently convulsing. 

She coughed up a mouthful of blood, the crimson dying Ryu’s chest in a rain of red. 

Ryu’s expression changed. Any thoughts he had of continuing were completely thrown to the back of his mind. Without even bothering to wipe the blood from his chest, he rushed into another room without a shattered bed, placing Ailsa down. 

Though his visage was cold, a hint of a panicked light could be seen deep within his eye. 

This change was far too abrupt. He had no idea how things had suddenly turned out this way. Had he really been too rough with her? 

No, that was impossible. Let alone the fact he hadn’t been too abrasive, even if he was going all out in an attempt to kill Ailsa and she just stood there, allowing him to do as he pleased, it was impossible for him to kill her even in that case. 

By now, his and Ailsa’s intimacy was so deep that she could touch upon more than 90% of her strength even without being in the Ethereal Realm. Even though her Body and Qi Realms were far weaker than her main focus, her Mental Realm, it was still enough for her to have stepped into the Dao Pedestal Realm. 

Compared to Ailsa Soul Ascension Realm cultivation, this was pitiful. In fact, now that Ryu thought about it, it was far too weak for someone who had lived for so long. This was especially so because Ailsa had focused all her Mental Realm cultivation on her nurturing abilities as a Cultus Faerie. As such, her actual attacking ability was very limited. 

Before, Ryu had simply assumed that Ailsa’s Qi Realm Cultivation was just as high as her Mental Realm Cultvation. After all, for the human race, a powerful soul couldn’t be stored without a powerful body. As such, every step within the Mental Realm had to be supplemented with a step in Body or Qi. 

But, Ryu hadn’t considered the special abilities of different races. As a Faerie, Ailsa’s soul wasn’t limited by her Body or Qi Realm. Her Soul could improve to infinity even if she had the body of a mortal thanks to her special attributes as a Faerie. 

But all of this was irrelevant. 

Even though Ailsa’s Qi Realm cultivation was only where Elena’s had been almost a billion years ago, it was still far beyond anything Ryu could hope to match right now, especially since Ailsa took every step firmly and as solidly as possible. 

As Ryu scanned Ailsa’s body, he came to realize why it was her Qi Realm cultivation was so slow. 

To put matters into perspective, an absolute genius would reach the Dao Pedestal Realm at just 1 000 000 years old. This same genius would reach the Cosmic Seed Realm at 100 000 000 years old and the World Sea Realm at 1 000 000 000 years old. 

Ailsa was already over 900 000 000 years old, yet she was still in the Dao Pedestal Realm. Though her Mental Realm cultivation more than made up for this, being the equivalent of the Peak Cosmic Seed Realm, this didn’t change this fact at all. 

When Ryu was trying to see what was wrong with Ailsa’s body, he realized that she had actually taken her every step of cultivation as though she was a genius among geniuses despite the fact her Qi Realm talent seemed to be limited by something. 

Others would have moved on when they realized they couldn’t take a perfect step forward. But, Ailsa insisted on taking her Qi Realm to the limits of absolute perfection even if it slowed her down considerably. 

When Ryu wanted to understand why she had done this, he found a flood of emotions instead of coherent thought. He found everything from a will to accomplish her elder brother’s legacy to wanting to be able to stand side by side with her Life Partner when she found him one day. 

The flood of emotions was like a wall of water slamming into Ryu. It was too difficult to put into words, so potent that his gaze reddened. 

Ryu shook his head, regaining his focus. None of this mattered. All he knew was that Ailsa’s cultivation was too deep and powerful to ever have been harmed by him so easily. The only explanation then was… 

’The seal.’

Ailsa’s body had something of Extreme Yin sealed within it. The only thing that could seal Extreme Yin was Extreme Yang. So, somewhat counterintuitively, the only way to release Ailsa’s Extreme Yin was with more Extreme Yin. That would be the best way to destroy an Extreme Yang Seal. 

However, Ryu never expected things to happen like this. 

Something had disrupted Ailsa’s Seal and the result was this. But, Sarriel had never mentioned anything about the seal’s release being dangerous. 

Of course, Ryu would never trust someone else. The issue was that before he could investigate the seal himself, it had begun to undo itself.

Ryu believed that there were only two possibilities. The first was that while Ailsa was trying to nurture his Life Flame, its Extreme Yin Character influenced this change. 

But, that was impossible. Even if Ryu’s Flame entered the Rule Realm or beyond, it would be nowhere near strong enough to deal with a seal of this caliber, a seal he couldn’t even see until this very moment. 

This only left the second possibility….

Elena’s Primordial Yin.

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