Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 470 Follow Along

Chapter 470 Follow Along

  The Spectral Mink could be considered to have two high class affinities in both Space and Wind. They were well known for their speed. But, their offensive output was enough to make anyone go numb as well. Very few who had ever seen their Wind Spectral Scythes had ever lived to tell the tale. 

Ryu immediately crossed this possibility off of the list. His spatial affinity was only average, and that was just considering his overwhelming comprehension abilities and sensitivity to energy. Objectively, if these things were ignored, his spatial affinity was nearly nothing. 

This wasn’t entirely true, considering every Heavenly Pupils wielder had a modicum of spatial qi affinity due to their Inner Worlds. But, compared to Ryu’s other talents, he saw it as nothing even if it would be enough for a lower class genius to brag about for their entire lifetime. 

The Wind Elemental Faerie was an excellent choice. However… Ryu felt a small bit of discomfort using the dissected remained of a Faerie, even if it was just the research it produced, to strengthen himself. 

The usual Ryu wouldn’t have such hypocritical feelings. After all, he had a tome of human skin that he read through without a care in the world. 

It could be said that this wasn’t a discomfort Ryu felt, but rather one Ailsa felt. With their souls fused like this, he could instinctually tell. 

For that alone, he chose to ignore that option. 

Therefore, the final remaining choice was the Wind Dragon. 

Compared to the Fire Dragon, the Wind Dragon was far weaker. Though, this didn’t say much since the Fire Dragon was the strongest Dragon Ryu was aware of. There were plenty of Dragons the Fire Dragon was stronger then. 

However, when it came to speed, the Wind Dragon was unmatched amongst those of the Dragon Race. 

While the Fire Dragon was a western type dragon, the Wind Dragon was eastern and had a long, snake-like willowy body. 

The Wind Dragon also had decent attack strength, but Ryu didn’t care much for this. It seemed he would have to study the body of the Wind Dragon well. 


Ryu stepped out of the crystalline jade for the first time in a long time. He felt the distinct lack of Ailsa’s presence immediately. But, toward such a thing, he could only sigh. 

Ryu closed his eyes. ‘It’s no longer appropriate for me to continue to interfere in the Zu Clan matters…’

Originally, Ryu wanted to join Violet Olive to stir up trouble for the Zu Clan and find an outlet for him to train. If he ran into some trouble, then good. But, he couldn’t very well continue doing this now that he had one of their Ancestors as his Master, right?

At this point, Ryu even hesitated about still having Esme as a corpse puppet. 

He had invested a lot into Esme up to this point. And, she was also the best option for dual wielding his twin daggers. As a former Mental Realm Master, she was definitely the best option. 

Ryu sighed. Thinking back to the bright smile Balaur left him with, urging him to come back once he was ready to enter the Soul Birth Realm so that he could help Ryu reform his soul, Ryu almost felt like he was looking at one of his grandfather’s. 

’Forget it.’

Ryu entered Osiris with a thought, finding himself appearing in the very same spot he had died. When he revived he was given an option of either returning to the city or this place, but he obviously chose this place. 

Seeing that Esme was still there, kneeling on the ground where he had been lying dead a moment ago, he sighed agin. 

Ryu went through the process of sending Esme out and was soon back in the Immortal Cave with her standing before him. With a wave of his hand, her soul completely dissipated. 

Like ash floating in the wind, her body crumbled and fluttered away. 

Though things were like this, Ryu didn’t feel much heartache. In fact, he felt much lighter and freer. Very soon, he was sure that he’d have an opportunity to get himself many more corpse puppets, maybe some even more powerful than Esme. 

With that, Ryu returned to Osiris and secretly entered the city to exchange the quotas for Violet Olive. Then, he left as though he had never set foot in the city to begin with. As for if he’d ever see Violet Olive again…? Who knew?


Ryu walked out from his Immortal Cave weeks later, his expression indifferent and his eyes steady. Before him, a group of elders stood along with the youths who would be entering the Tri Palace. 

Sarriel’s eyes brightened when she saw Ryu. But, when she simultaneously saw a distinct lack of Ailsa, she blinked, feeling somewhat confused. 

Unfortunately, when she tried to see through Ryu this time, she felt as though she had been rebuffed by a strong wall, leaving her stunned. She couldn’t wrap her mind around what could change in such a short period of time. At the moment, Ryu felt like a bottomless pit she couldn’t get to the bottom of?

How could she know that in the time she hadn’t seen Ryu, he had gone from just 9 seals undone to over 50? In the beginning, the biggest advantage Sarriel had over Ryu obviously wasn’t the quality of her Pupils, but rather the number of seals she had undone in comparison to Ryu. But now, they were back on an even playing field. 

And, on such an even playing field… How could the First Ranked Heavenly Pupils lose? 

Ryu swept a gaze over Sarriel. But this time, he could see through her disguise with a single look. For the first time, Sarriel felt as though she had been completely stripped naked as Ryu’s gaze lingered along the outline of her hidden curves. 

From start to finish, Ryu didn’t seem to notice Zulfiqar’s murder filled gaze in the slightest. 

”Shall we go, then?” The amiable elder Ryu had now learned was Zulfiqar’s master, Elder Xanfyr, spoke with a leisurely pace. 

Ryu nodded, his gaze not leaving Sarriel. 

”Mm.” Xanfyr nodded. 

At that moment, a massive carriage appeared in the skies, pulled by spectral horses that stood at just over a hundred meters tall. Their eye sockets trembled with green flames and their hooves danced with the same eerie color. 

”I will follow along.” Ryu replied. 

Before anyone could wonder what Ryu could possibly mean by that, a sonorous cry filled the skies. The call alone seemed to disperse all the wraiths the surrounded the Sect. 

”QI! QI!”

Little Rock appeared, shooting into the skies with a coat of golden lightning wrapped around his gorgeous, silver feathered body. Lights bounced off his almost scale-like feathers, shimmering with a metallic hue that reflected a rainbow of colors. 

Little Rock’s long, slender neck shot up proudly, a single flap of his wings causing the massive spectral horses to shiver despite being only a fraction of their size. 

Ryu lightly stepped, falling like a feather to Little Rock’s back. 

”Sarriel. Come here.” He said with an irrefutable tone. 

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