Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 519 Was She Even Worthy?

Chapter 519 Was She Even Worthy?

  It was as though Ryu couldn’t see the gorgeous body before him. For all intents and purposes, Isemeine was practically flawless and had a certain appeal that neither Elena nor Ailsa had had. 

Isemeine’s body was exceptionally toned. It carried a sort of muscular leanness that was accented by a perfect balance of feminine wiles. 

Her every breath caused her abdominal muscles to expand and contract, showing the faint outline of a powerful core. Every line was a gorgeous masterstroke.

Her arms and legs were just as toned as her torso. And, just like it, the both of them toed the line of musculature and femininity, giving Isemeine a sort of exotic appeal most women didn’t have. 

It all seemed perfectly capped off by her breasts. They had the suppleness and soft texture, not to mention the size, one would expect from a woman near the top of her gender. And yet, a powerful strength was layered beneath, giving them a perkiness that was almost impossible to find. 

She was truly gorgeous. Even without taking a peek at the beautiful folds that lay between her legs, she was already enticing enough, and that was even considering that cuts, bruises and blood that now littered her being from head to toe. 

And yet, it was still as though Ryu hadn’t seen any of it. It was like his mind was so clouded by rage that he couldn’t even sense the seething of his own blood or the unconscious, partial uplifting of a certain member that couldn’t have been more obvious in the absence of his clothes. 

At the same time, Isemeine, who would have most definitely made a snarky remark about the raging dragon she could clearly see with her own two eyes, didn’t even have the heart to. For the first time in her life, she truly felt like dying. 

Every time Ryu pressed into her body, her entire life flashed before her eyes. It was like she was continuously experiencing near-death again and again. Just the process alone made her feel as though she was losing her mind. 

To make matters worse, her qi was spinning out of control. The backlash was getting worse and worse and she could feel that what she had dreaded the most was coming. 

On one end, every press of Ryu’s finger dunked her into an icy hell. 

On the other, her qi made her feel as though she was beginning to burn from the inside out. 

Yet, despite the fact she was certain that Ryu should be able to feel what was happening with a single look, he didn’t say a word, he didn’t take a single pause, he didn’t even look her in the eye any longer. 

Isemeine felt like screaming, but her voice felt heavy. It was like she was drowning beneath an ocean of water, her lungs filling up with the salty liquid and tearing her up from the inside out. 

The truth was that the Martial Gods were separated into branches by their Bloodlines. Each Bloodline had access to a special sort of qi that gave the Martial Gods the strength that they had. 

Fidroha, the first Apostle Ryu had ever met, had a deep red qi that almost manifested like a fog, a lot like Isemeine’s with the exception of the color. 

This special qi was an innate Vital Qi all Martial Gods had access to. Whereas most could only use their Vital Qi within their blood, a restraint that even Ryu was tied under, Martial Gods were able to extend their Vital Qi outside of their bodies to produce more flexible and powerful effects. 

As one might expect, each one of these Vital Qis had a different ability. And, as one grew into their bodies and strengthened them, more and more of these abilities would be unlocked. However, by the same token, each Vital Qi had their own drawback as well. 

Fidroha’s red Vital Qi, known as Berserk Vital Qi by the Martial Gods, was able to exchange Vital Qi for strength. In fact, the almost sacrificial technique Ryu had learned from Edwin but had yet to use was created with Berserk Vital Qi in mind. 

The result of its use was a great burst increase in strength that would last for as long as you could sustain it. The drawback, however, was that any injuries your body suffered while being under the influence of this qi, especially while trying to sustain more strength than it could handle, would be amplified many times over after dispelling the Vital Qi. 

Isemeine’s white gold Vitals Qi, known as Heaven’s Dew Vital Qi, was especially well known for its Healing Factor. It was also a great training complement as it allowed those who used this qi to replenish and strengthen their bodies far quicker than others could. This resulted in a bodily strength that existed separate from purely Vital Qi that relied strictly on the power of their flesh. This was why Isemeine had displayed a superhuman amount of strength from the very beginning. 

As for the drawback… It was quite unique. Due to Heaven’s Dew Vital Qi’s characteristics, it could be used passively most of the time. However, it also had several levels of activation. 

At the deepest level of activation, one’s cells enter a hyper active state. This not only allowed a greater Healing Factor, it pushes one’s thinking speed and reaction time to the utmost limit. 

As a consequence, one’s biological clock is pushed past its limits and the instincts of the body are pushed into overdrive. 

If one was feeling hunger, they would feel exceptionally hungry. If one was feeling thirsty, they would feel as though they could swallow a lake whole. If one was feeling fear, it would be amplified to the greatest degree… 

This pushed the body into a state of survival and the most basal instincts took over. Unfortunately, in such a state, the body would also begin to shut down and inhibitions would be lowered to an extreme. 


Isemeine finally pushed through the water she felt filling her lungs. 

”Are you even a man?! Do you not see me?! If you’re going to fuck me, then fuck me!”

Ryu’s finger paused. 

Isemeine felt as though she had finally gotten through. Her body seemed to feel as though it was at the end of its rope. If she couldn’t pass on her genes now, she would never be able to. 

It was a thought without logic or substance. She was a woman. If she was going to die any moment now, then how would she pass on her genes?

But at the moment, her thoughts were jumbled and aimless. On one hand, she felt an instinctual fear toward Ryu. On the other, this fear had warped into the submissiveness a woman would feel toward a man. And, on yet another, it was further twisted into a sick roleplay fantasy formulating in her head that all began because of her own initial thoughts that Ryu would rape her. 

Yet, just when she thought she would be ravaged by Ryu, a faint excitement bubbling forth and causing a fragrant liquid to drip between her legs and drench those precious lips… 

Ryu turned and floated away. 

Finding a seat on a mountain peak with Isemeine in sight, he sat in silence. Without a word or even an inclination toward touching her again, after brining Isemeine to the brink of madness, he would watch as she fell into true depravity. 

Rape her? Was she even worthy?

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