Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 521 Do You?

Chapter 521 Do You?

“I watched as you tortured a living, breathing man until he witnessed his own body turning into a corpse puppet. Where was your moral high ground then?

“I’ve only been observing you for a few days yet you’ve already done things I believe are far worse. 

“That girl over there, if she’s left to her devices, will die. Her hindbrain is working in overdrive and she’s in constant fight or flight. Her body is in the weakest state it will ever be, but it’s simultaneously pushing itself to be the strongest it could be at the same time. 

“After you used your [Death Acupoint], the situation was only exacerbated. She might have had a chance to survive originally if you had simply left her alone. But now, there’s an over 95% chance she’ll die if she cannot vent. 

“You believe that not raping her is the higher moral good in comparison to watching her torture and kill herself? How does this make any sense?”

Eska finished her words, expecting all sorts of rebuttals. But, what actually happened left her completely speechless. 

Ryu began to laugh. It was a laugh that even held a bit more madness than even Isemeine’s screeches in the distance. 

“I can tell that you’ve only been following me for a few days. Do you think that the reason I haven’t touched her is because there is a higher moral good I’m seeking after?”

“Is that not the case? If it wasn’t because of this, why have you not touched that Sarriel girl when it is clear and obvious that this is what she wants? You worry too much about ridiculous things and are overly sensitive. You try to hide yourself behind a veneer of cold when the truth is that this is simply a role you’ve been playing for years.”

Eska was a being that had lived for trillions of years. When she had set her mind on something, it would take more than a few sentences to sway her. Whereas someone else might have already faltered, she didn’t hesitate in her analysis, believing herself to be perfectly correct. 

“You are right.” Ryu spoke. “When it comes to women I care about, I will not rashly make such a decision.”

“Then you need to change.” Eska said coldly. 

“But she isn’t a woman I care about.” Ryu said just as evenly. 

Eska frowned. That was right, Ryu shouldn’t have any feelings for Isemeine at all, at least not feelings that existed outside of hate. 

“You believe I’m not touching her because of some moral good I’m aspiring to, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. 

“How many women have thrown themselves at me in my lifetime? Why is it that I’ve never entertained them? Why is it that I’ve never visited a brothel? Why is it that I won’t touch her?”

Ryu’s voice came out in near booming intervals, its low rumbling quaking the mountain. The strength of his Heaven Gate was still going strong, red veins pumping across his cheeks as the energies of the world bowed down to him. 

“It’s because none of them are worthy of me.”


Eska felt that time had frozen for a moment, her heart skipping a beat. She couldn’t remember the last time her emotions had fluctuated like this. After experiencing so many years, her emotions had already been buried deep within an impenetrable iceberg. 

At that moment, a shimmering form appeared before Ryu. 

She was gorgeous beyond measurement. Her flowing white hair, the illusory silhouette of her immaculate figure, the delicate sculpting of her perfect features… And yet, even with all of this, it was the temperament of a Sky God refined over trillions of years that could truly grip the hearts of man. It was the kind of demeanor that could have one pining even after the slight parting of her lips or the soothing mellow of her voice. 

“Am I also unworthy?” She asked, her tone just as detached as always. 

Ryu frowned, his lips opening to answer. But, Eska cut him off. 

“Do not misunderstand. I am a Sky God, I am not one of your little wives easily swayed by your handsome face or your demeanor. There have been many a Sky God who have failed to win my heart. And to be very honest with you, compared to them, you are nothing. You might be more talented than they ever were, but they were and are, you only could be. 

“You do not need to worry about my emotions, nor do you need to worry about taking advantage of me. This is a simple transaction. The future of my Zu Clan is in your hands. 

“Watching you these last few days, each one of your actions, one after another, has been more foolish than the last. And now, you want to kill the only lead you’ve had to find out the truth of what happened to your family. Your mind is clouded and your cultivation is suffering as a result. Have you even taken a small step out of the Lower Connecting Heaven Realm since you entered it?”

Ryu’s frown deepened. But, this time he didn’t have a response. 

Eska waved a hand, causing Isemeine’s body to shoot out from her trapped position. 

“I originally intended to do this with that Sarriel girl. That way I could both help you and see if she’s really betrayed you. But, this is a much better option. At least this way, you will have no emotions involved.”

Isemeine’s vision was too clouded to grasp what was going on. She couldn’t react as Eska’s soul sunk into her body and she couldn’t even hope to fight back with the current condition of her mind. She had no ‘will’ to speak of left at this moment. 

Isemeine’s body began to morph. From an athletic build, her curves became more gentle, her skin becoming even fairer and her hair beginning to grow out from its short cut until it swept by her hips. 

In the blink of an eye, ‘Isemeine’ was no more and all that remained was the gorgeous sight of Eska’s naked body. 

With graceful movements, Eska kneeled between Ryu’s legs, unperturbed by the raging rod before her. 

Her slender hands reached forward, grasping onto its heat lightly. Her lips slightly parted as she looked up toward Ryu’s heated gaze. 

“Do you accept?” She asked. “If so, from this day forth, you will be my Lord Husband.”

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