Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 664 Playing Field

Chapter 664 Playing Field

At that moment, it felt as though all of the Martial God's delicately structured plans were being torn down one after another.

Ryu, who could see the full scope of everything that was happening for the first time, felt that his Life Partner was truly too amazing. Ailsa couldn't have picked a more perfect time.

The Martial Gods had just been thoroughly humiliated by Ryu and Ryu alone. Not just this, but they were under the current observation of everyone who could be considered to control the Fate of the martial world as a whole.

It could be said that this event alone was enough to cause a swelling of Fate for Ryu and the Awoken Moon Sect he represented as their Throne. Though Ryu couldn't be certain of how the Awoken Moon Sect was doing now, what he was sure of was that they were both still in existence and surviving. Ryu's help had most definitely aided them in birthing several powerful talents in recent years.

Still, these matters were just the tip of the iceberg.

Not only had Ryu gained, but the prestige of the Martial Gods had taken a hit, not only because of Ryu dealing with their geniuses, but also of exactly which genius he had dealt with.

For Galkos to be able to become the chosen candidate of the Martial Gods to be Ailsa's fiancée, there was no doubt that he was talented to an extreme. It could be said that in the last billion years, Galkos was an undisputed number one talent of his generation. At the very least, he seemed to be the most talented male of his generation.

Whether this was the reality or not didn't matter, because this was what the Martial Gods presented to the outside world. And, even though Galkos' cultivation had been suppressed and it could be said that he wasn't used to battling under such handicaps, the ultimate truth was that he had lost thoroughly to Ryu while being the face of the Martial Gods.

To put things simply, he wasn't some nobody. Most of the Kings and Queens of the Martials Gods had been so for billions of years already, it could be said that Galkos was the first of the younger generation since the Martial Gods stepped into this world to cross this barrier. Or, at the very least, he was the most high profile with the exception of Elena herself.

With all of these things laid out, it made the significance of Ryu's blow to the Martial Gods all the more obvious, and it was a devastating one.

However, even then, Ailsa still hadn't felt that it was enough.

Rather than having Ryu breakthrough right then, Ailsa still chose to lie in wait.

When the Heaven's Punishment vanished, the World Sea Realm experts all came boring down. Yet, not only had Ryu not bowed down to their demands, he had even stepped into the sky to stand level with a World Sea Realm expert.

It was then that Ailsa came out and dragged the Faeries into this mess, shaking up the situation once more. Then, Ryu became not only a talent, but a talent with a Faerie princess as his life partner in addition to a talent that the Faeries had no choice but to protect.

In that instant, Ryu had not only become a genius who would shake the world in the future, but he had become a genius capable of stirring the martial world into all out war right this moment. The weights of these two matters were vastly different.

Choosing this perfect moment, Ailsa pushed Ryu into action. Stirring the latent high quality qi that had laid dormant within him ever since Ailsa initially stopped his breakthrough, Ryu rocketed through the final thin paper layer.

As the ultimate cherry on top, this breakthrough had shaken the World Sea Realm experts into making a sudden realization: Ryu had Heavenly Pupils! When it came to those of rare talents, those with Heavenly Pupils were the peak of the peak. The number of geniuses in the whole martial world, which encompassed trillions of worlds with at least billions of people, that could have the luck to be born with such a pair of eyes.... Could be counted on a single hand.

And the result… was devastating for the Martial Gods.

Ryu could suddenly see it all. He could see all the delicate cob webs of Fate that connected the stars in the skies, how each pull could cause a butterfly effect that could change everything and exactly how the Martial Gods had used this to twist and mold the martial world into their image.

He could see the Fate that had been displaced to the Holy Wing Clan that allowed them to birth so many Saintesses in such a short time. He saw the Fate diverted to the Viridi Clan that allowed them to birth a genius with the Heavenly Wind Pupils. He could see that barren land of Fate that should have been for his Tatsuya Clan, the lack of Fate that led his Ice Phoenix and Fire Phoenix Clans to fail in having a generation awaken their Ice and Rebirth Flames, and even the shackles around his Kunan Clan that prevented his grandfather from ever passing the trials of the Tribulation Shrine.

Every tangled up web was laid before Ryu and he watched as they all began to collapse, pushing and pulling against one another with his own Fate Star as the very center.

Ryu knew exactly what was happening. The Fate that was lopsided now wouldn't go back to where it was originally meant to be. Even though this Fate was rightly that of his Clans, Fate that they had shed blood, sweat and tears over countless epochs to accumulate, Ryu knew that this breakthrough of his wasn't enough to change things to be back the way they were.

And, even if by some miracle it could, his Clans no longer existed. With only himself maintaining it all, it would only be a matter of a few million years before this Fate dispersed once again and Clans and Sects began to rise and fall as they fought over it…

However, what this would do was reset things. No matter the Clan or Sect, they would all suddenly be on an even playing field.

In truth, even in this case, the Martial Gods would have a great advantage. They had so many more people and already had a strangle hold on most of the martial world. But…

So what?

An even playing field? He, Ryu Tatsuya, wouldn't be afraid even if the odds were stacked against him. An even playing field should be the nightmare of the Martial Gods.

All of this Fate? Fate that was rightfully his to begin with? Fate the lack of which had caused the deaths of his beloved grandparents…?

He would take it all back.


The web of Fate shattered, the enigmatic energy suddenly spreading out evenly over the whole of the martial world.

In that moment, Ryu heard a faint voice calling out to him, a voice that had been buried beneath the bundle of Fate ties…

Ryu's pupils constricted into pinholes.

'My… Spiritual Foundation…?'

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