Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 668 Lesson

Chapter 668 Lesson

Ailsa fell into silence for a long time. It was hard to tell if this was because her father's words were so grating or if it was because she was just that infuriated. However, after several moments, her heaving chest managed to slow, her breathing becoming even.

Her gaze left her father's scanning the hundreds to thousands of Faeries that had come today. Each gazed upon her with various degrees of emotion but it was clear that there was the resounding presence of Blame.

To the Faeries who knew peace and nothing but peace throughout the large majority of their history, to suddenly be thrust into this maelstrom was unacceptable. It felt to them, without knowing the context of what occurred with Ailsa's elder brother, that their Princess had selfishly thrown her people into a pit of fire to protect her Life Partner.

This matter seemed to remind them all why it was that Faeries with status never sought out their perfect matches. When blinded by love, the things a Faerie with strength, power and influence could do were simply too detrimental to the race overall and Ailsa had suddenly become a prime example.

After the matters that happened truly settled in, not only did they feel an enormous unwillingness in the face of what was happening, but many even began to sprout hatred in their hearts.

In truth, even if they knew the full truth behind everything, they would still feel the same way. While they might not know that this all stemmed from the former Prince, what they did know was that Ailsa's elder brother was also guilty of finding his Life Partner, and that ultimately led to his death as well.

Seeing such gazes, Ailsa's own fiery irises dimmed. The disappointment she felt was immeasurable, even her own uncles couldn't help but look at her with a slight blaming light in their eyes. For a moment, it felt like everything was coming crashing down around her.

Until, that is, she felt a hand envelop her own.

"You want to go now?" Ryu asked.

His words were simple, but they held a core of disregard to them. Even in the face of an entire race and three of their Kings he was unmoved.

Ailsa, who was on the verge of tears, couldn't help but giggle at Ryu's words. Wasn't he too good at pissing people off? He must have known that saying such a thing now would infuriate everyone, including her father who had just 'sentenced' her to a million years of confinement.

"Mm." Ailsa nodded.

At that moment, King Cultus was so infuriated he began to laugh beside himself. His patience had already been running thin with this young man for a long time now.

"Treating my words like air. Do you really think that because you're my daughter's Life Partner that I don't dare to do anything to you?!"

King Cultus' words clearly insinuated that Ryu was hiding behind Ailsa, something many of those present also believed. In fact, he wasn't the only one who believed this. There were a majority among the Faeries that believed that Ryu's boldness was only a product of having them as backing.

This only served to infuriate them all the more. It felt like their lives were being exchanged just so that this boy could show off as he pleased.

"King, I would like to say a few words."

At that moment, a World Sea Realm expert from the Lightning Sprites stepped forward.

"I would like to note that our Clan's [Lightning Divine Mark] was used by this young man in battle. In the deal we made all those years ago, we lower Faerie tribes would provide the Cultus Clan our techniques, but it was only meant for research. These techniques falling in the hands of outsiders seems… Inappropriate."

The World Sea Realm expert who spoke was among the foremost experts of the Lightning Sprites, a man with wild violet hair who went by Imneak.

Before King Cultus could answer, another stepped forward.

"I should also say that I noticed principles of our Fire Control techniques in his movements," a Fire Sprite said.

"And our Ice Control," an Ice Sprite finished.

King Cultus' gaze narrowed. "You've done this?"

Ailsa was about to respond, but Ryu did so first. "And so what about it?"

"Is it your place to speak here?!"

"I speak where I please. As far as I'm concerned, since the Faeries want the rest of the world to fight their wars for them, the least you could do is hand out a few techniques for free."

"What did you just say?!"

"It seems you don't really understand history, and I'm not a big fan of explaining myself. But, since you're my wife's father, I'll make an exception for once.

"Do you know why the Faeries don't participate in existential crises anymore?—"

"What would you know about Faerie history?" Imneak sneered.

"I'm an Origin Grade Ruin Master, there's no history of this land that's ever been recorded that I don't know about. I would suggest you pipe down and drown in the embarrassment that a human can use your own signature technique better than you can. Interrupt me again and you can forget about this history lesson I'm so graciously about to give you."

Ryu looked away, not bothering with Imneak who had become completely speechless in that time.

"The reason is because of the Fey. In the past, the Fey were once your rulers and could be considered real warriors. Though the third Era is known as the Ancient Beast Era, it might very well have been known as the Fey Era if not for the cowardice of your people…"

The momentum of Ryu's words seemed to suffocate everything else. Even while frowning, the Faeries couldn't help but listen. Ailsa couldn't help but think that if Ryu deemed to explain himself more, there would probably be a lot of trouble he could get himself out of. But, clearly, he had no intention of doing so.

"… That said, I am getting ahead of myself. After all, that's the third Era, there is still the Primordial Era before that and the Chaos Era before it..."

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