Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 767 Big Mouth

Chapter 767 Big Mouth

Ryu didn't know who owned this fifth Visualization, but if he was honest, he wasn't thinking about this at all right this moment. Instead, he felt like he was staring into the depths of the universe.

The Visualization was in the form of a Silver Star, but it also felt different from one. Rather than feeling like a dense ball of gas, it was like only its surface was covered in a thin layer of gaseous heat capable of wiping worlds from existence while the inside was instead a transparent mass of complex gears and flickering runes.

The longer Ryu spent looking at it, the more information was forcefully packed into his mind. He had never seen a Visualization so complex and he felt like he would need to stare at this one for years just to grasp its foundation entirely.

He couldn't fathom or even begin to comprehend why it was that this Visualization was so much more complex than the others. Even the second most complex behind it, a title Ryu gave to Flora's

, couldn't match up to even a single percent of its depth.


Even though Ryu couldn't grasp the full Visualization, he could feel its power. Just his instinct called out to him, almost breathing its functions into his mind. He could feel the pride and arrogance of this Visualization alone, he could only imagine the kind of ego its creator had.

'At its most simple… It warps space… At its most complex… It warps reality…'

This was the conclusion Ryu had come to and he didn't need anyone to confirm it for him. He was absolutely certain that this was the case.

In fact, Ryu was certain of another thing as well.

This Crystalline Jade, how was it created? Ryu, of course, knew that Crystalline Jades were natural resources created by the Heavens, but this wasn't what he meant. What he meant was how did all of these facilities enter this place? All of these techniques? All of these Visualization statues? All of those books on the upper floors? And the training rooms on floors even higher than that?

Someone had to have had the ability to transfer things from the Real Plane into this Ethereal Plane, a feat that was nigh impossible even for most Sky Gods. And yet it had happened, it was here.

Now Ryu understood.

Whoever it was that had created this Visualization, they were the ones who had done so. To reach the highest point of this Visualization meant gaining the ability to warp reality itself. And, in warping reality, could you not make the corporeal, incorporeal and vice versa?

'… Who is this person?...'

Ryu's gaze narrowed, but in the end, he shook his head. He didn't care.

It was hard for Ryu to be impressed, and this was the first time he had come across something so unfathomable that his immediate thought wasn't 'I will surpass this one day'. The mountain seemed so tall that even he couldn't see its peak. It was simply too high.

A Crystalline Jade was known for its ability to hole a ridiculous amount of information, but Ryu was certain that despite everything here, despite all the Visualizations and the techniques and the facilities, and even taking into account the souls of four Sky Gods…

This Visualization alone took up 99.99% of the space here. This was how enormous the gap between him and it was.

But, it was precisely because of this that Ryu's mental state shifted. He turned from curious to indifferent about this person's identity. All he knew was that he would make this Visualization his.

"You're mine." Ryu said.

The result of this was completely unexpected, though. The silver star trembled before vanishing into a beam of light. It pierced through Ryu's forehead before he could react, the scent of death permeating the atmosphere.

Pissing off the creation of such a powerful existence wasn't child's play. At certain levels, even techniques could have minds of their own when having been fueled by enough Faith. A Visualization lashing out against arrogant words spoke to it wasn't outside the realm of possibilities at all.

Ryu somewhat understood this. But, his gaze only flickered when he noticed the actions of the silver star. He had no intention of taking a step back now.

However, outside was quaking slightly when it entered Ryu's Mental Realm, nothing else happened. In fact, now Ryu felt that he could feel the layers of the Visualization even clearer than he could before.

'… Why?'

Ryu had great belief in his talent, but his first reaction wasn't happiness, it was instead incredulousness and he even put up his guard somewhat. This only made sense, after all, Ryu's experience with high level beings leaving things within his body wasn't exactly good. The Phoenix Sky God had almost killed him just for attempting to communicate with his true Spiritual Foundation, who knew what the hell this silver star Visualization would do?

Unfortunately, there was no movement from the silver star beyond this. Now Ryu felt like he had a ticking time bomb in his mind that might implode at any moment, and for the first time, he almost regretted words he had spoken.

'Seems my mouth is a bit big…' Ryu chuckled to himself.

Whoever created this Visualization was most definitely beyond the True Sky God Realm. As for how far beyond, Ryu had no idea. But, it was safe to say that now that they had their claws sunk into him, it would take Ryu quite a while to shake them off.

In the end, Ryu could only take a breath and calm down. This Visualization would be greatly useful to him, especially with his recent boost in spatial affinity. For now, he could only look toward the bright side of things. At least like this, he wouldn't have to waste time finding an appropriate method to make use of the gift Yaana had given him.

'Hm?' Ryu's Pupils constricted. 'I can bring my real body into the Crystalline Jade now?!'

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