Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 800 Number Two

Ryu watched on coldly as the griffin’s approached, his body not moving in the slightest. He didn’t feel like he needed to. Or, more accurately, he just didn’t want to. Giving an enemy any sort of leg up, even if it was just a superficial psychological win, wasn’t like Ryu in the slightest. In fact, he would rather suffer than allow such a thing when it came to himself, let alone when it came to someone he wanted to protect. 

In truth, Ryu didn’t know what the purpose of the Griffins were for coming here. However, he didn’t think it was a coincidence at all. The place he was in now was completely uninhabited and was no less barren than the original land he had come across the first time he came to the Moon World in this life. There was no way they would come here without a purpose. 

When Ryu first came across Little Gem, it was in a place just like this one. The little one was just about to be born but judging by the situation she was in at birth, the chance that she would have survived was close to nil. 

Ironically, Ryu had almost died back then due to his run in with Zulfiqar, a young man he had yet to properly settle his debts with. But, that was once again because the momentum of Little Gem’s birth had caused such a great commotion, a far greater commotion than Ryu’s lightning needle could have possibly hoped to measure up against. 

It was clear and obvious why they were here. 

Little Gem shifted within Ryu’s robes, her little body shivering uncontrollably. She seemed to want to get closer and closer to Ryu, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t seem to do so. She was already as close as she could get but she wasn’t satisfied with just this much in the slightest. 

She released little whimpering sounds that could break the heart. Ryu’s cold gaze gave way to a softened expression, his hand stroking the little one’s head. It seemed that Little Gem was only able to calm down somewhat after feeling Ryu scratching the back of her fluffy eats and feather crown. 

Ryu could remember quite well how he felt when he found Little Gem. The little griffin reminded him a lot of himself, cursed from birth, forever unable to grasp at power that should have been rightfully hers…

From the moment they found her, Ryu and Ailsa had both agreed that if there was something in this world that had talent that could rival or surpass Ryu, that something would most definitely be a someone in Little Gem. 

However, this wasn’t what Ryu felt connected the two. That sort of helpless feeling when talent that was yours couldn’t be used, that hatred you would feel for the world, that insignificance. It was almost better if you hadn’t been born with such talent at all. At least then you could be normal, at least then you could blend in with everyone else and escape the scrutiny. 

Of course, Ryu wasn’t one to accept that sort of mediocrity. The way he looked at it, if he was going to be sealed away because he was too talented, give him weak talent so that he could climb to the top anyway, give him something he could do, something he could work with, some way that he could place one step forward at a time. 

Even as a baby in her egg, Ryu could feel these emotions coming from Little Gem. They weren’t so complex or thought out, but he could feel the resentment, the unwillingness, the feeling of abandonment. 

The Griffin was one of the very few Ancestral Beasts who didn’t have live births. But, with that came the ability for their elders to measure their talent precisely long before they hatched. Those that were worthy gained a great amount of resources to facilitate their birth and those that were unworthy were left alone, thrust to separate worlds without first receiving the support of the Clan. It was clear and obvious which received the best benefits and which did not. 

As a Cursed Beast, Little Gem didn’t receive the support she should have as a hatchling, making her already frail constitution all the more frail. If she had really landed in Zulfiqar’s hands instead of Ryu’s, it was likely that the little one would have died within a few weeks to months of her birth. 

And yet now… The Griffins were looking for her? 


The hoard of Griffins came to a grinding halt, a wall of wind threatening to send Yaana, Ailsa and Nemesis flying off into the distance. However, it was precisely then that Ryu’s gaze flickered, a stifling pressure snuffing out the wind as though it wouldn’t dare to move without Ryu’s say so. 

Three of them stood loftily in the air, looking down. 

Ailsa and Yaana took the opportunity to come to Ryu’s side, their expressions both frowning and serious. They were no less fond of Little Gem than Ryu was, and this was especially so for Ailsa who had practically spent every minute of everyday nurturing the little one. 

The lead griffin’s gaze narrowed before its expression turned to one of surprise. As expected, there was a fluctuation here and this change wasn’t a small one in the slightest. 

“Xie’lan. Return.”

The name carried momentum and weight. Ryu didn’t miss it when Little Gem’s forehead gem glowed beneath the call. It seemed that the little one had already been given a name before she was shipped off to this place. But, that would make sense. 

Even if the Griffin Clan didn’t want to invest in Little Gem, in the small chance that she found a way to break the curse, they would most definitely not miss the chance to have such a genius by their side. Little Gem was already close, just a measure away from the Second Order. Once she reached that step, there would be a large watershed that would allow her to improve like a flooding tide of water. And, there was no doubt that these Griffins sensed that. 

Ryu smiled lightly, pulling Little Gem out from his robes and holding her up. 

“Are you Xie’lan?”

Little Gem’s adorable large white eyes blinked with one part apprehension and fear, and another part anxiety. She had thought that Ryu was going to give her away, so she had hardly registered the words at all. But, when they did finally settle in, the little griffin furiously shook her head so hard that Ryu was worried she might twist it off. 

Ryu’s smile grew a measure brighter. 

“Are you Little Gem?”

“~Mie! Mie!”

Little Gem’s little wings flapped as hard as they could as she nodded, even her tail began to wag. When she ran out of ways to show her enthusiasm, even her  paws began to wave around frantically. 

Ryu laughed, bringing the little one into his embrace. 

“Well, you heard her. Why haven’t you scrammed yet?”

The lead griffin’s gaze only narrowed further. This human had actually understood their language easy enough to communicate using it with such ease. To make matters worse, this might as well have been a slap to their face. 

“Human, I planned to leave you be as you’ve a certain bond with our Princess. But, it seems that you don’t appreciate kindness.”

“Ai, it’s like I have princesses all around me. Am I really just so lucky? First my wives, now even Little Gem. I almost feel bad for ever having hated the Heavens.”

Yaana blushed profusely at this sort of praise. Since when was she a Princess? But then she remembered that Ailsa and Elena were so in the literal sense. Still, she could feel Ryu’s intention through their soul connection and knew that he included her as well.

Yaana might not have seen herself as a Princess, but as the adopted daughter of the Tatsuya, what was she if not one? 

The Griffin’s temper threatened to flare when he heard Ryu’s words. Not only had he given their Princess such a ridiculous and demeaning name, he was now comparing her to one of his wives? Since when could human scum compare to the royalty of the greatest of the Ancestral Beasts?!

Ryu handed Little Gem to Ailsa, gazing toward her. 

“You need to trust me more. I don’t like making the same mistake twice.”

Ailsa shuddered slightly when she heard this, but the warmth in Ryu’s gaze and the smile on his face spoke volumes. 

“My Princesses can all stay here and look pretty. This Prince of yours wants to stretch his limbs out a bit.”


“Yes, Nemesis. You count as one of my Princesses too until the day you can beat me!”

Ryu’s uproarious laughter shook the skies as Nemesis neighed in dissatisfaction. 

In a single step, Ryu stood a mere ten meters from the snout of the leading griffin, a distance that might as well have been a hair’s breadth considering its sheer size. A wide grin spread across Ryu’s face, his arms raising into the air as rolling clouds of thunder began to form. 

“How about I show you today why your eyes will always be number two?”

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