Heaven’s Devourer

Chapter 1556: Infiltrating Underworld Dragons Den

Chapter 1556: Infiltrating Underworld Dragon's Den

Wu Yu continued to shout outside Underworld Dragon’s Den as Primitive Demon King, declaring his intention to enter.

However, three days and three nights later, he was still being ignored. Just as Wu Yu started to doubt his own approach, a severe voice rang out from Underworld Dragon’s Den.

"Primitive Demon King, what manner of trickery is this? A sly and cunning wretch like you, plotting to enter Underworld Dragon’s Den? Get out of Fiendish Underworld Metropolis! If I see you again, I will skin you alive and feed you to the demons!"

The voice thundered from within Underworld Dragon’s Den.

There were originally demon kings clustered around Wu Yu and denigrating him, and now they all backed away with reverent looks.

From their reaction, Wu Yu naturally knew that the voice coming from within was definitely the master of Fiendish Underworld Metropolis, Diabolical Dragon King!

Wu Yu did not expect that his showy declaration of interest would actually be outrightly rejected.

He had even questioned Primitive Demon King’s intentions and sly character.

Or perhaps because Primitive Demon King had previously rejected Diabolical Dragon King’s invitation, citing his unwillingness to work under someone else.

Wu Yu did not know his intentions fully, but it would probably not be as simple as looking down on Primitive Demon King. Wu Yu felt that this might have something to do with Jiu Ying.

Exactly because it had something to do with Jiu Ying, the situation seemed critical to Diabolical Dragon King, and he did not want to let strangers into Underworld Dragon’s Den.

"Look at that guy. Rejected the invitation, and now wailing and begging to join. Seen the merits of Fiendish Underworld Metropolis, hasn’t he?"

"Too bad, our Diabolical Dragon King is not that easily played with. Spurned and then back again? Wishful thinking!"

"Yea! This guy seems to be at a cultivation bottleneck and needs Fiendish Underworld qi. Heh, even Fiendish Underworld Metropolis itself has excluded him now."

The demon kings rained abuse on Wu Yu as Primitive Demon King, sniding and jeering him.

These demon kings were all not even at the fifth tier of the Great Void Demon Immortal Realm. Otherwise, they would not be outside Underworld Dragon’s Den.

Even if such a cultivation paradise existed within Fiendish Underworld Metropolis, it was not so easy to bridge the gap between the fourth and fifth tiers.

No one had managed to do it in the last ten thousand years.

Within Fiendish Underworld Metropolis, there were about 100 demon kings like Caliginous Shadow Demon King, who were stuck at the fourth tier.

Of course, making a breakthrough was not just about Fiendish Underworld qi, but also about their own enlightenment.

Immortal qi alone did not bring breakthroughs, only made the process easier.

After being chastised thus, Wu Yu was dismayed.

It seemed like the identity of Primitive Demon King could not work now. After all, he could not enter Underworld Dragon’s Den with it to find out the truth about Jiu Ying.

Therefore, he turned and left the Underworld Dragon’s Den vicinity.

The other demon kings saw that he slunk away, and paid him no more attention.

Of course, there were not many who would harass him. After all, Primitive Demon King was still a 6-heavens demon king. If he could enter Underworld Dragon’s Den, he would be someone of great eminence in Fiendish Underworld Metropolis.

In terms of ability, there were not many demon kings outside of Underworld Dragon’s Den who could take on Primitive Demon King.

Therefore, no one harried Wu Yu on his way out.

After all, not many were actually brave enough to take on Primitive Demon King in a fight.

Unless the Diabolical Dragon King himself, or the three 7-heavens demon kings under him decided to personally intervene.

But how could such beings bother with a mere Primitive Demon King?

Diabolical Dragon King personally scolding Wu Yu was probably to send him packing and discourage any more shouting.

In truth, the Diabolical Dragon King had no need to personally show himself to reject Wu Yu’s petition.

Of course, doing so guaranteed that Wu Yu would have no choice but to leave.

With anyone else, he might be able to delay for a while longer, and cause more trouble for Fiendish Underworld Metropolis.

Within Fiendish Underworld Metropolis, Wu Yu found a rather remote corner, and then put heads together with Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi, trying to think of how to enter Underworld Dragon’s Den.

"To think that even Old Wu can be struck dumb at times. This pretense isn’t very useful anymore. Seems like you’ll have to rely on daddy here."

Full Moon of Nanshan said in a smug tone.

"What reliability do you even have? Unless your Gone from the Skies has reached such a high level that even the Diabolical Dragon King can’t see you?"

Ye Xixi was very doubtful.

Full Moon of Nanshan shook his head and chuckled. "You underestimate your big brother Nanshan. He is just as admirable as big brother Yu. Listen well now. Daddy’s Gone from the Skies has already reached the ninth tier - Traceless in Three Worlds. Know what that means? It means that unless one is an eternal demon emperor, no one else can detect daddy’s presence!"

In Demon Immortal Realm, this was an invincible technique indeed!

Because there were no eternal demon emperors left in Demon Immortal Realm, as they had all perished without exception in the legendary historical battle. Even Diabolical Dragon King himself was only an eighth tier Great Void Demon Immortal Realm cultivator, and still far from eternal demon emperor status.

Wu Yu speculated that Diabolical Dragon King must be most concerned with reaching eternal demon emperor level.

Therefore, adopting Jiu Ying as his son might well be related to that. Of course, Wu Yu might be in the dark regarding the specifics. This was all simply Wu Yu’s guess.

"If that’s the case, then you can bring us into Underworld Dragon’s Den to poke around without problems?" Wu Yu said to Full Moon of Nanshan after hearing this.

"But of course. I want to see what that Diabolical Dragon King is bragging about, or hiding. That Underworld Dragon’s Den must be hiding some secrets, or perhaps Diabolical Dragon King is plotting something. And I quite liked that Jiu Ying kid. If Diabolical Dragon King wants to harm him, I’ll have to disagree with him."

Full Moon of Nanshan was still quite a hot-blooded one. He had spent some time with Jiu Ying before, and had a good impression of him. Besides, Jiu Ying was a good friend of Wu Yu. They had started cultivating together.

Therefore, Full Moon of Nanshan would definitely help as best as he could.

"Old Wu, Xixi, just relax in the Floating Dreams Pagoda. Watch big brother Nanshan infiltrate Underworld Dragon’s Den with you. Haha!"

Now that Full Moon of Nanshan had a chance to show off, he would naturally be very excited, and he came to life.

They did as he had instructed, Wu Yu and Ye Xixi inside the Floating Dreams Pagoda, while Full Moon of Nanshan brought them in. Gone from the Skies made him vanish on the spot, and then they headed back along the path that Wu Yu had left Underworld Dragon’s Den from.

Diabolical Dragon King had not even allowed Primitive Demon King to remain at Fiendish Underworld Metropolis.

But now, Primitive Demon King was not here. There was only Full Moon of Nanshan, invisible to all demon kings, sneaking his way into Underworld Dragon’s Den.

It could be said that Full Moon of Nanshan’s Mystique breakthrough had helped Wu Yu solve a huge problem.

This allowed them to enter Underworld Dragon’s Den and snoop around to find out what was going on.

Before long, Full Moon of Nanshan was stepping around deep in Underworld Dragon’s Den. The deeper he went, the more black clouds and dark lightning there was. And in the middle was Diabolical Dragon Palace, where Diabolical Dragon King resided.

Diabolical Dragon Palace looked extremely sinister, sparking with black lightning that crashed against the palace. Full Moon of Nanshan shrank back a little.

"This Diabolical Dragon Palace is really something. Anyone who draws near will definitely be electrocuted into ash!"

Full Moon of Nanshan marveled at it, as he prepared to go closer.

After all, they had come this time to find news of Jiu Ying. And as the adopted son of the Diabolical Dragon King, news must be found within Diabolical Dragon Palace.

However, as Full Moon of Nanshan neared Diabolical Dragon Palace, he saw that there were many terrifying great void immortal designs on it. Even Full Moon of Nanshan’s Gone from the Skies could not help him get near, let alone pass through.

The entire Diabolical Dragon Palace was protected by the great void immortal designs. This meant that sneaking into Diabolical Dragon Palace was not an option.

Full Moon of Nanshan was a little dismayed by this. He thought that his new ability could help them securely gain information. And yet he had failed at the first hurdle, unable to even enter.

"Seems like we can only observe from the outside."

The three discussed privately. They decided to investigate outside the Diabolical Dragon Palace for now. There were dozens of other palaces in Underworld Dragon’s Den, all belonging to the other demon kings.

These palaces were each as wide as a lesser realm!

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