Chapter 481 The Man in Her Dream (Five)

Chapter 481 The Man in Her Dream (Five)

"So, are you going to tell Uncle Jacob about Vincent?" Derek asked Shun when they arrived at his office.

Shun replied, "I guess we shouldn't disclose about him. But I will suggest to Uncle Jacob that Hailee should learn how Alliance works."

"Alright. So what do you want me to do?"

After Shun explained a few things to him, Derek ordered his assistant to call for Jacob.

It didn't take long, and Jacob arrived. Derek is seated on the sofa inside his office while the other two men occupy the single couches, facing each other.

Jacob had been worried about his daughter, so he was restless sitting on the couch. He was impatient to hear Derek's diagnosis of why Hailee had lost consciousness.

"Uncle Jacob, these are my findings after all tests I performed on Hailee." Derek placed a folder on the coffee table in front of his uncle. He went on, "She has an eating disorder. I suggest hiring a nutritionist and dietician to watch her diet."

Jacob slightly nods his head, listening to Derek's further explanation. He was not surprised to hear Derek's report as Hailee craved to eat any kinds of dishes, especially those she found that had a fascinating appearance. She would dine in any restaurant she would hear of or find a new one and try their food to the point of hiring the chefs to prepare a special meal for her.

He thought it was fine. But he overlooked the fact that it would cause harm to her balanced diet.

"Alright. I will hire the best nutritionist and dietician, but I need the trusted people," Jacob gaped at Derek, giving him a knowing look that he needed his recommendation.

"I will provide you the best medical staff I know from Australia, Uncle Jacob."

"Thank you, Derek. Anything else I should keep in mind?" Jacob wondered why Shun was also present when Derek could talk to him alone, so he was skeptical. He looked at Shun and was about to ask the guy when he spoke.

"Uncle Jacob, I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it, Shun?" Jacob didn't leave his gaze at his nephew. He saw his daughter holding hands with Madison. It is not just simply the two of them losing consciousness at the same time. He is aware of Madison's ability, similar to Lady Isabella.

"I understand you don't want Hailee to get involved in the association. But don't you think it is about the right time she will learn how things run around the Alliance?"

Jacob took a moment of silence to digest Shun's suggestion. After his wife died, he swore to let his daughter live a fulfilling life without involving her in the association. But it doesn't mean he closes the possibility that Hailee might step in one day.

However, his daughter must marry someone he could trust and can protect her and his future grandchildren.

"Shun, I'll be honest… I don't want my daughter to grow up and fall in love. I'm glad that until now, she didn't think of having a boyfriend. I'm happy that despite the boys having romantic feelings toward her, she is na?ve not to notice anything."

'Because her heart is reserved for someone, uncle.' Shun didn't hide the small smile that appeared on his lips.

"Don't worry, Uncle Jacob. Hailee will come to that at the perfect time. My intention for Hailee to introduce our world is to prepare her for what comes in the near future."

Jacob looked straight into Shun's eyes. He asked, "Is Madison foreseeing something in my daughter's future?"

Shun nodded and replied, "That is why I want to train Hailee. But there is one thing, Uncle Jacob. Madison told me that Hailee is often bothered by a nightmare. Maybe it is also why she had abnormalities with sleep that caused her to have low blood. Would you agree if Isabella did something about it?"

Hearing this, worry showed in Jacob's eyes. He said, "Mrs. Brown actually notices that there are times Hailee looks pale in the morning. My daughter would only tell her it was just a nightmare, but if it harmed Hailee's health. Then, please help her, Shun."

"I will, uncle."

Guilt struck Shun's heart. However, it was best for Hailee to forget about it while he could not figure out what preparation they must do.

"About your suggestion, Shun. Let me speak with my daughter. She plans to build a city in the Land of Promises that she inherited from our ancestors. Don't you think it will distract her if she enters the association now?"

Shun didn't reply right away but pondered. After a minute of silence, Shun gave his answer. "It would be best that Hailee become occupied most of the time, Uncle Jacob. Besides, Hailee's team received intensive training under me in the passing years. It was your request to have loyal men around Hailee. With their experience, things would be easy for my cousin since her friends are Mafia bosses."

Jacob felt little ease listening to Shun's enlightenment. He trusts Shun that he is only concerned about Hailee's safety, so he wants to train Hailee.

However, the truth is that Shun wanted to watch Hailee closely and monitor her activities. At the same time, he wants to distinguish if one of Hailee's friends would become that man's puppet.

So then, he would not let that man come close to his cousin. He is sure that man would do everything to win the game.

"Is it too unfair that either Hailee or Uncle Jacob is unaware of your original plans?" Derek queried Shun after Jacob left the office.

Meanwhile, Shun has not been moving even once in his seat but fell into deep thoughts while his gaze didn't leave the chess pieces finely arranged to their positions on the chessboard placed in the middle of the coffee table.

Now that his train of thoughts was interrupted, Shun released his chin from his hand and reached for the chessboard. He swept the chess pieces and cleared out the chessboard.

Lazily, Shun picked up the pawn and scrutinized it closer. For a moment, he was clouded with such emotion.

"That man started a new game. We have to figure out everything soon and start to play our own game."

After saying that, Shun placed the pawn down on the chessboard, followed by the other chess pieces. The last chess pieces he set up are the queens and kings.

"I hope it is a smart move not to tell Uncle Jacob or Hailee about her destiny. I'm concerned that our lies are what would make Hailee hate us in the future, and the worse will happen."

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