Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1007 Meeting The God Of Necromancy

Surrounded by the engulfing dark flames, Michael strode forward with an air of calm determination. The skeleton soldiers, drawn to Elder Gravesinger's agonizing roar, found themselves consumed by the intense heat before they could even reach their intended target. One by one, they crumbled into ashes, their lifeless forms scattering into the wind.

Approaching the fallen Elder, Michael raised his finger, summoning a bolt of black lightning that crackled with potent energy. With precision and power, he directed the lightning at the orc's knees, shattering them in an instant. A gut-wrenching cry of pain escaped Gravesinger's lips, and his skeletal minions, sensing their master's anguish, froze in their tracks and collapsed to the ground.

Crouching down, Michael locked eyes with the wounded Elder, his voice dripping with a calm authority. "I do not need you, orc. I am a god and it comes with the power to make anyone become anyone, including the best necromancer. But I have to thank you for collecting all these demon coffins. Ill make sure they were put into good use," he said, a sinister smile playing upon his lips.

"You are meddling with forces you don't comprehend, bastard,"

In a feeble attempt to defy his impending demise, Elder Gravesinger waved his fingers in the air, forming words made of his own blood. But Michael's laughter echoed in response, void of any trace of fear or concern.

"Fourcrux, the god of all that is dead will avenge me,"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I have already incurred the wrath of two gods, and one more shall make no difference," Michael rebuked, shaking his head in mock disappointment. Rising to his full height, he resolved to bring an end to Gravesinger's life once and for all.

Rising to his feet, Michael prepared to deliver the final blow, ending the orc's life once and for all. "If you see your so-called god after you die, do convey my message: 'Stay the fuck away from my path'," he declared, his voice laced with both conviction and a chilling disregard for any divine entity. Dark beams erupted from his eyes, slicing through the feeble body of Elder Gravesinger, spattering the surroundings with a crimson spray of blood. With his demise, the skeletal soldiers, now bereft of their master, collapsed into a cloud of fine white dust, their existence fading into nothingness.

However, as Michael turned around, his attention momentarily shifted to the skull medallion clutched within his hand. He needed to talk to Elidyr about the medallion and this pocket dimension.

But before he could utter a single word, a faint tremor reverberated through the ground beneath him. At first, it was subtle, like the distant rumbling of an approaching storm. However, the tremors grew in intensity, causing the very earth to crack and fissure beneath his feet.

Curiosity tinged with a hint of caution, Michael slowly turned his gaze toward the source of this seismic disturbance. What he beheld left him spellbound and awestruck. Emerging from the fragmented ground, a colossal shadow began to take form, stretching and elongating with every passing moment.

As the tremors intensified, the skeletal frame of an enormous dragon materialized before Michael's eyes. Each bone glimmered with an eerie phosphorescence as if infused with the remnants of countless fallen creatures. Sinewy wings unfolded, casting a haunting silhouette against the bleak sky, and bony spines protruded from its formidable back.

The dragon's hollow eye sockets flickered with a malevolent crimson glow, fixating its gaze upon Michael. The ground beneath him continued to quake as the monstrous creature flexed its immense skeletal muscles, ready to unleash its wrath upon the intruder within its domain.

In this moment, Michael stood in the presence of a fearsome entityโ€”an embodiment of death and decay.

"What the fuck?" Michael exclaimed, his voice laden with disbelief, as he watched the skeletal dragon steadily grow in size before him. Its bone structure expanded and elongated, stretching further into the sky with an eerie grace. The ground quaked violently beneath Michael's feet, threatening to knock him off balance.

As the dragon reached a colossal magnitude, its presence seemed to transcend the physical realm. Suddenly, a chilling voice echoed through the dimension, reverberating in Michael's ears. "You have slain one of my devoted worshippers, Dark Lord," the voice intoned with an otherworldly resonance. "Now, you shall pay the price for your audacity."

A sense of foreboding washed over Michael as he recognized the voice as that of Fourcrux, the self-proclaimed god of all that is death. His calm facade faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. Gathering his composure, he muttered under his breath, "Is this the work of Fourcrux?"

The monstrous skeletal dragon continued to grow, its colossal form dwarfing Michael in comparison. Its bones creaked and groaned, an unsettling symphony accompanying its expansion. The dark voids of its eye sockets bore into Michael's very essence, and an aura of malevolence permeated the air.

In the face of this menacing monstrosity, Michael's expression remained remarkably composed. His mind raced, assessing the situation and formulating a plan to confront this embodiment of death and destruction.

As the skeletal dragon unleashed a torrent of cold crimson flames from its gaping maw, Michael's instincts kicked in. He swiftly dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the searing heat that threatened to engulf him. The flames licked at the air, scorching the ground where he had stood just moments before.

The dragon, undeterred by its missed attack, lunged forward, its immense jaws snapping hungrily in Michael's direction. With lightning reflexes, he evaded the razor-sharp teeth that aimed to tear him apart. The force of the dragon's jaws clamped shut, sending a shockwave through the air that rattled the nearby coffins.

In that moment, Michael's mind raced, analyzing the situation. He realized that engaging in a direct confrontation with the dragon amidst the coffins would risk damaging the very resources he sought to claim. He swiftly deduced that his best course of action was to lure the beast away from the vulnerable coffins, where collateral damage could be minimized.

With determination in his eyes, Michael swiftly formulated a plan. He leaped back, putting some distance between himself and the dragon, and then turned to face his colossal foe. His gaze met the crimson glare emanating from the dragon's eye sockets, and he smirked.

"I'll take this dance elsewhere," he murmured under his breath, his voice laced with a calculated resolve.

Taking advantage of his agility, Michael sprinted toward the outskirts of the pocket dimension, deftly maneuvering between the towering skeletal trees. The ground trembled beneath him as the dragon pursued, its bony wings stretching wide in an attempt to gain speed.

Michael knew that in order to defeat this formidable opponent, he needed to strategize and exploit any weaknesses.

As the thunderous footsteps of the skeletal dragon echoed behind him, Michael pushed himself to the limits of his speed. His heart pounded in his chest as he weaved through the desolate landscape, the dragon's hot breath lingering on his heels.

Feeling the dragon's fiery breath growing closer, Michael knew he had to change the rules of engagement. With a swift motion, he activated the hidden mechanisms within his armor. Metallic wings unfurled from his back, glimmering with an otherworldly light. With a single powerful flap, Michael soared into the sky, leaving the ground beneath him and the pursuing dragon behind.

The skeletal dragon unleashed its wrath, sending forth a barrage of cold crimson flames that streaked through the air toward Michael. With keen reflexes, he maneuvered through the fiery onslaught, twisting and turning mid-air with acrobatic grace. He weaved between the flames, his movements resembling a dance, his body seemingly defying the laws of physics.

Using his agile wings to their fullest advantage, Michael executed swift dives and sudden ascents, evading the lethal breath of the dragon. He could feel the searing heat as the flames grazed his armored form, but he refused to let it hinder his focus. His mind raced, calculating the dragon's patterns and anticipating its every move.

At times, he executed daring barrel rolls, spinning in mid-air to narrowly avoid the encroaching flames. Other moments saw him executing sharp turns and spirals, exploiting the dragon's sheer size and lack of agility. With each evasive maneuver, Michael demonstrated his mastery over the skies, staying one step ahead of the skeletal menace.

The chase continued, the dragon's relentless pursuit matched only by Michael's unwavering determination. With every passing moment, he grew more adept at evading the dragon's destructive flames, his movements becoming increasingly fluid and precise. He danced with the danger, embracing the thrill of the chase while staying ever vigilant.

Through his agile aerial acrobatics, Michael skillfully defied the dragon's attempts to corner him. He utilized every advantage his metallic wings granted him, soaring higher and swooping lower, taunting the beast with his elusiveness. The dragon's enraged roars filled the air as its frustration mounted, unable to catch hold of its elusive prey.

In this exhilarating game of cat and mouse, Michael's skill and quick thinking kept him one step ahead.

With a burst of determination, Michael flapped his wings with all his might, propelling himself higher and higher into the sky. As he ascended, the force of gravity became an enemy to the skeletal dragon. The higher they flew, the harder it became for the dragon to maintain its grip on the physical realm.

Bones began to dislodge from the dragon's skeletal form, cascading down like macabre rain. The dragon's once-mighty frame showed signs of strain, its movements becoming sluggish and erratic. It struggled to keep pace with Michael, who now circled above it, observing the dragon's plight with a mix of amusement and triumph.

Michael's voice echoed through the air, laced with a mocking tone. "Is this the extent of your power?"

The skeletal dragon emitted a low, guttural growl, a mix of frustration and rage. But its attempts to retaliate were feeble, its once-powerful flames reduced to weak flickers. It thrashed and flapped its remaining bony wings, desperately trying to maintain its altitude, but to no avail.

Michael continued to taunt the dragon, reveling in his advantage. "Come on, just a little further,"

The dragon's weakened form trembled under the strain, bones cracking and splintering as it struggled to stay afloat. Michael's eyes glinted with a mixture of satisfaction and confidence as he watched the dragon's futile struggle.

"Now, witness the true power of a god," Michael declared, his voice carrying an air of superiority.


Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is doing great. Recently, I've told by some readers how they are effected by the price increases in their country. I know that because i have experience too. So because of that, I decided to reduce the prices for the Priv tiers. Note that, if i had other means for an income, i would greatly reduce the prices but since it wasn't the case and the author have to eat, I reduced the prices as much as i could.

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