Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1015 Fighting A Fallen God I

As Michael surveyed the soldiers, their weapons held tightly in their grasp, a faint smile curved his lips. The tension in the air was palpable, but he knew there was no need for conflict. They were merely pawns in a game they did not fully comprehend.

"Soldiers," Michael spoke with calm authority, his voice carrying across the room. "There is no point in engaging in combat. I have no quarrel with you."

The soldiers exchanged uncertain glances, their eyes flickering with a mixture of confusion and suspicion. They had been trained to follow orders without question, to defend their realm from any perceived threat. Yet, standing before them was the enigmatic Dark Lord himself, the very embodiment of the danger they were taught to fear.

Before the situation escalated further, Valen, seated regally upon his throne, leaped to his feet. His eyes widened with both surprise and concern as he hurriedly made his way towards Michael, leaving behind the council of elders who watched the unfolding scene with bated breath.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion, Dark Lord?" Valen's voice resonated with authority, demanding an explanation for the sudden appearance of the formidable figure before him.

Michael turned his gaze towards Valen, meeting his piercing stare. "Valen, I mean you no harm," he replied, his voice laced with a cool confidence. "I have come here seeking information, not conflict."

Valen's expression softened slightly, curiosity mingling with caution. "Information? About what?"

From within the depths of his black, flowing coat, Michael retrieved a weathered map, causing the soldiers to tense up at the mere movement of his hands. Their fingers tightened around their weapons, ready to strike if necessary. Ignoring their reaction, Michael unfolded the map and laid it upon the nearest surface, revealing a parchment hidden within his pocket.

Valen felt reluctant but eventually took the map from the Dark Lord's outstretched hand. As he unfurled it, his eyes widened in shock and disbelief. The map displayed their vast sea realm, with intricate markings indicating various locations of significance. But what caught Valen's attention was a particular spot marked with a bold X—the treacherous and uncharted region known as Widow's Down.

"You're pointing at Widow's Down," Valen stated, his voice betraying a mix of astonishment and caution. "It is a dangerous place, shrouded in mystery and peril. Why would you be interested in that forsaken area?"

"You don't have to worry about that, Valen. I just want to know if there is a way to reach this Widow's down you speak of quickly," said Micheal calmly and cryptically.

Elder Markey, standing among the council of elders, a spark of realization lit up in his eyes. His mind raced with possibilities as he swiftly formulated a plan. This was an opportunity they couldn't afford to miss, an opportunity to potentially rid themselves of the Sea Serpent Hall's menace once and for all.

"Dark Lord," Elder Markey interjected, his voice soft but carrying a sense of purpose. "If you are truly interested in Widow's Down, there might be a way to expedite your journey."

All eyes turned towards Elder Markey, including Mutrad's, who felt a sense of apprehension at the old man's sudden plan. Mutrad understood the potential benefits of utilizing the Dark Lord's power against their enemies, but he also knew the dangers of underestimating Michael's capabilities.

"What do you mean, Elder Markey?" Valen inquired, his gaze shifting between the elderly council member and the Dark Lord himself.

Elder Markey's wrinkled face bore a knowing smile. "Legends speak of a secret wind tunnel known only to the Sea Serpent Hall. It is said to be hidden away, leading to an area closest to Widow's Down. If you were to make use of this tunnel, you could potentially reach your destination swiftly and unnoticed."

Mutrad's eyes widened in surprise, realizing the extent of Elder Markey's plan. The old man was attempting to manipulate the Dark Lord, to utilize his power to eliminate their enemies. While part of him recognized the practicality of such a strategy, another part warned against underestimating the Dark Lord's motives and capabilities.

Michael, observing the exchange, maintained his composed demeanor. His eyes narrowed slightly as he assessed the elderly council member before him. He sensed the undercurrents of manipulation, the hidden intentions within Elder Markey's words. 𝐛𝐞𝗱𝗻𝐨𝐯𝗲𝗹.𝐜𝐨𝐦

After hearing Elder Markey's words, a small, enigmatic smile played upon Michael's lips, his thoughts concealed behind his calm exterior. Mutrad, who had pledged his loyalty to the Dark Lord in secret, knew him better than anyone else in the hall. He gazed at the Dark Lord with unwavering eyes, understanding the complex nature of the situation. Meanwhile, the soldiers in the room jerked with unease at the Dark Lord's movement, fully aware that if he wished to attack, there would be no stopping him. They were acutely aware of the power he possessed—a power that could easily turn their encounter into a massacre. However, the Dark Lord's purpose in being there was not to unleash destruction upon them but to seek a swift path to Widow's Down.

With his hands casually clasped behind his back, Michael began to pace around Valen and his entourage, his footsteps measured and deliberate. As he circled them, his voice resonated with a calm confidence.

"Please forgive my skepticism, but I have lived long enough in this world to know that nothing comes without a price. Furthermore, the Sea Serpent Hall holds a significant position among the great eight clans, does it not? I understand that your sea realm prides itself on maintaining peaceful relations among the three clans. However, it is difficult for me to believe that the secret wind tunnel you propose, known only to the Sea Serpent Hall, is a mere coincidence," Michael calmly stated, his eyes keenly observing the reactions of the elders and Valen. As he expected, a flicker of unease passed across their faces, revealing the hidden agenda of the House of Halrid.

"I may not know all the ins and outs of your sea realm, but I do know one thing: peace doesn't last. It's just a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of things. People, my friends, always hunger for power. It's in their very nature. Now, considering what happened the last time, your precious Arctic hall must be weakened. And let me tell you something, a weakened predator becomes nothing but prey. And mark my words, when one predator falls, another rises. So, tell me straight, have you become nothing but helpless prey to the Sea Serpent Hall?" Michael's voice dripped with a cool, confident aura, his piercing gaze fixed on Valen and the elders, challenging them to face the harsh reality of their situation.

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle upon the gathered leaders. His piercing gaze scanned their faces, seeking the truth hidden within their expressions. It was evident that the House of Halrid had its own motives and hidden fears, and Michael intended to uncover them.

"So, I ask you plainly, have you become the prey of the Sea Serpent Hall, your once allies turned predators?" Michael's voice resonated with a mix of curiosity and authority, leaving no room for evasion. He awaited their response, poised to unravel the intricate web of power and deception that lay before him.

After hearing Michael's probing words, Valen understood that hiding their troubles with the Sea Serpent Hall was futile. However, he was reluctant to involve the Dark Lord in their affairs. If it came down to it, Valen would rather join forces with the Sea Serpent Hall than engage in a futile battle that would only result in the loss of their fellow House of Halrid members. Valen recognized that there was no point in fighting a losing battle and sacrificing lives. Bringing the Dark Lord into the conflict would undoubtedly lead to victory against the Sea Serpent Hall, but it would also bring destruction upon them. As the Dark Lord himself had pointed out, without the Sea Serpent Hall, the sea realm would become weakened. And as he had warned, when a weakened prey attracts another predator, chaos would ensue. Valen had no desire to witness such devastation.

"Forgive Elder Markey if he had any hidden intentions, Dark Lord. Elder Markey wants what's best for our house, and yes, we do face troubles with the Sea Serpent Hall. However, we will handle this matter within our own realm. We do not require your assistance," Valen declared, his voice filled with a mixture of determination and a desire to protect his people.

Upon hearing Valen's words, Michael simply smiled, his gaze unwavering.

"I respect your choice. Now, I shall take my leave and head towards the Sea Serpent Hall," Michael responded. Valen signaled the guards to escort the Dark Lord through a secret exit, ensuring that no one else witnessed his departure from the House of Halrid.

The soldiers, though fearful, gestured for Michael to follow them. They led him along a narrow glass pathway, offering a breathtaking view of the deep sea. Michael marveled at the beauty before him—the vibrant golden-colored fish and the mesmerizing array of unknown deep-sea creatures that gracefully swam around.

Finally, they arrived at a hall where a circular hollow lay on the floor. Michael knew it would open up, granting him passage into the depths of the sea, where he would journey towards the Sea Serpent Hall.

"Travel north, following the current. It will guide you to the Sea Serpent Hall," one of the guards informed him, to which Michael nodded in understanding. Just as he was about to step into the hollow, Mutrad entered the hall.

"You two, leave us," Mutrad commanded, ordering the guards to depart, leaving him alone with the Dark Lord.

"My Lord," Mutrad spoke once the two guards had left them alone.

"Is it wise for you to meet me alone, my Lord? You don't want the elders to discover that I have secretly pledged my loyalty to you," Michael said calmly, a smile playing upon his lips.

"Some of the elders already suspect my allegiance to you, but they lack any concrete proof," Mutrad sighed, his voice tinged with resignation.

"If you are concerned about me bringing destruction upon your world, fear not. I am not a threat to your realm. Besides, there is a greater danger looming over us as we speak," Michael assured him, implying that the true enemy was none other than the Sea Serpent Hall.

"The gods have arrived, Mutrad. And I have reliable information that they seek to make every sentient being their worshipper. Those who resist them will face annihilation," Michael revealed, his tone carrying a weight of seriousness. It was evident that Mutrad was already aware of the rising threat posed by the fallen gods.

"Are you referring to the fallen gods?" Mutrad asked, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"The fallen gods are mere weaker beings trapped within the mortal realm, Mutrad. There exists a realm above ours, the realm of gods itself. Those deities are the real deal. You call me the big, bad, evil Dark Lord, don't you? Well, just wait until you witness the descent of the true gods upon your precious world," Michael chuckled softly. Truth be told, he harbored no illusions about the benevolence and kindness of the gods in the realm above. The God of Necromancy, Fourcrux, the God of War, and the God of Time and Space were anything but merciful and gentle. In Michael's eyes, the realm of gods was a place even more sinister than the mortal realm.

"So, you can relax. I am not the greatest threat you should fear at this moment," Michael chuckled again, turning to leave.

"Dark Lord, wait," Mutrad halted Michael in his tracks.

"I have information about the Sea Serpent Hall that you should know before you depart," Mutrad said, causing Michael to slowly turn around, his interest piqued.

"The leader of the Sea Serpent Hall has awakened. He is what you refer to as a fallen god."


Expect intense battles and goosebumps badass scenes in this arc. It is time for the Dark Lord's enemies to fall down one by one. The rise of the Dark Lord begins!!!!

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