Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1021 Turning Sea Realm Against Salesi

Upon learning that Salesi was working against him in the shadows, Michael's suspicions were confirmed. He had always suspected that Salesi held more secrets than she let on. Even when he had attacked Nagaland, her kingdom, and Gaya had inflicted harm upon her family, Salesi had remained elusive.

This absence hinted at a deeper purpose behind Salesi's actions. Now that Michael knew for certain that Salesi was plotting against him and that Evan was working for her, he saw an opportunity to manipulate Evan to his advantage. Killing Evan would be futile, as he was a god who could only be truly slain with a specialized weapon. Instead, Michael decided to use Evan as his spy, a valuable asset in his quest for dominance.

With his plan forming in his mind, Michael turned his gaze towards Gaya, issuing a command.

"Deliver my gift to Victoria," he instructed Gaya, sending a shiver through Evan's heart.

"STOP!" Evan's desperate shout echoed through the space as he lunged at Michael. With a sneer, Michael swiftly evaded Evan's attack using his lightning-dash spell.

Following Michael's order, Gaya retrieved a vial of blood tonic from her storage ring. She removed the gag from Victoria's mouth and forced the potion down her throat. Evan's anguish filled the air as he witnessed Victoria coughing, unable to speak a word before Gaya silenced her once more.

Eyes gleaming with a devilish grin, Michael delivered a cold ultimatum to Evan.

Evan seethed with anger as he approached Michael, his movements slow and deliberate. Michael remained floating in the water, showing no intention of evading Evan's wrath. As Evan drew nearer, he grasped the collar of Michael's armor and shook him forcefully.

"Your blackened soul knows no mercy, Ghost. You will suffer in the depths of hell," Evan cursed, compelled to help Victoria despite his anger.

Michael's response was a calm and sinister snicker.

"I have already been to hell, Evan. Now, tell me everything you know about Salesi and her little plan to defeat me," Michael spoke, his voice steady. He gently removed Evan's hand from his collar, asserting his dominance.

As Evan massaged his hand and reluctantly swallowed his saliva, Michael placed a hand on Evan's shoulder.

"Don't make me threaten you again and again every time I ask you a question, Evan. My beautiful wife," Michael gestured towards Gaya, continuing his words.

"Isn't very good at being patient. She will kill Victoria, and it'll be your fault," Michael calmly stated, his voice carrying a sense of warning.

Just as Evan was about to reveal Salesi's plans, a sudden burst of golden light enveloped him, teleporting him away from Michael in an instant. Gaya, witnessing the unexpected turn of events, turned to Michael with surprise, seeking an explanation. Michael, however, had anticipated this move, knowing that Salesi would have contingency plans in place to protect her subordinates from divulging sensitive information. Unbeknownst to him, Salesi had intended to teleport Evan earlier, but the rune placed upon him had failed to activate. Otherwise, Evan would have been teleported away even before confessing his allegiance to Salesi.

"Now that Salesi has made her move, it is time for me to make mine," Michael calmly stated, his mind already racing with plans.

"What should we do about her?"

Concerning Victoria's fate, Gaya inquired, her dagger tracing along Victoria's face with a twisted sense of sadistic delight.

"Leave her alone but clean out their treasury," Michael ordered, confident that Gaya had already taken care of this task. With Victoria under the influence of the blood tonic, Michael held the power to end her life with a mere snap of his finger. Evan was well aware of this, and he would obey Michael's every command. Michael anticipated that Salesi, being the mastermind he believed her to be, would try to intervene and prevent Evan from falling into his grasp. However, Michael had prepared for every possible scenario, devising cunning plans to outmaneuver Salesi at every turn. As he had stated, it was now his turn to take action, and Salesi would soon discover the extent of his strategic prowess.

"I did that already," Gaya playfully chuckled, revealing her sinister nature that aligned perfectly with Michael's own.

"And human, meet me at our designated meeting spot soon. We need to locate our missing subordinates," Gaya instructed, receiving a nod of agreement from Michael. Upon his return from Itonys, Michael had contacted Gaya, only to discover that one of the three portals set up at the wedding had been tampered with. Those who had used this specific portal were teleported elsewhere, away from the dark castle. In other words, someone had kidnapped some of Michael's subordinates. Fortunately, Raylene and little Cindy remained safe in the dark forest.

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As much as Michael desired to reunite with Gaya and locate his subordinates, he knew that reaching the Celestial stage was crucial. Only then would he ascend to the next level of godhood and be able to bring back the system online permanently.

With Gaya and Victoria vanishing from his sight, Michael's gaze turned determined. He knew exactly where to go nextβ€”the Sea Serpent Hall. It was time to unleash his wrath and claim their powerful artifacts. Every artifact he consumed would grant him experience points, bringing him closer to achieving his ultimate power.

As he swam through the depths of the ocean, Michael's mind was consumed by thoughts of domination. He envisioned himself confronting the soldiers of the Sea Serpent Hall, each one standing in his way. His dark grin revealed his thirst for power as he plotted their demise.

One by one, he would strike them down, absorbing their souls and turning them into experience points. He would relish in the surge of energy that would flow through him with each kill, fueling his ascent to godhood. No one would be spared, for in Michael's path, there was only destruction and a relentless pursuit of power.

Despite his ruthless determination, Michael was not driven by mindless bloodlust. He possessed a sense of pragmatism and offered an alternative to the soldiers of the Sea Serpent Hall. He would give them a chance to escape, sparing their lives, but only if they chose not to stand in his way.

As he made his way through the city toward the Serpent King's castle, the streets were filled with chaos. The city was being evacuated, and the presence of armed soldiers patrolling the area added to the tension. Confused citizens approached the soldiers, seeking answers amidst the growing uncertainty.

"Why are we being forced to leave the city? What is happening?" a concerned citizen inquired.

"Where is the Serpent King? Is this related to the battle with the human earlier?" another citizen questioned, unaware of Evan's true identity.

The soldiers focused on their mission, responded with stern commands, ordering the citizens to keep quiet and follow their orders.

"Stay silent and obey! It's for your own safety," a soldier barked in response.

The citizens, though perplexed and anxious, had no choice but to comply. They continued to be escorted out of the city, their questions left unanswered.

As Michael calmly flew towards the castle, the soldiers of the Sea Serpent Hall quickly took notice of his presence. They formed a defensive circle around him, their faces contorted with a mix of shock and disbelief. The aura of power radiating from Michael, reaching the Half Celestial stage, left them stunned and awestruck.

With a mere thought, Michael willed his armor to remove the skull mask that concealed his face. The mask effortlessly moved into the armor, disappearing from sight, revealing Michael's faceβ€”a face that sent shivers down the spines of those who recognized him.

Some of the soldiers gasped, their eyes widening as they realized they were in the presence of the infamous Dark Lord. Memories of his past power and brutality resurfaced, causing a ripple of fear to spread among the ranks. The soldiers hesitated, their instincts urging them to reconsider their confrontation with this formidable adversary.

Surrounded by the soldiers, both in the air and on the ground, Michael maintained his floating position with an air of dominance. Among the sea of guards, a tall and bulky mermon soldier clad in crimson red armor and fiery red hair stepped forward, his voice tinged with a hint of fear and shivering.

"Why has the Dark Lord come here?" the mermon soldier questioned, struggling to maintain composure in the face of Michael's imposing presence.

"Take me to your elders," Michael's voice resonated with an air of calm authority. "Your Serpent King has been killed by one of Queen Salesi's subordinates. I have no desire to cause further harm, unless you stand in my way and attempt to impede my meeting with your elders."

The soldiers and their red-haired general exchanged wary glances. Despite their own power and numerical advantage, they understood that they were no match for the might of the Dark Lord.

The soldiers huddled together, their voices hushed yet filled with fervent discussion. Whispers echoed among them as they debated the Dark Lord's offer.

"Are you brain dead? Who in their right mind would willingly fight the Dark Lord?" one soldier scoffed, rolling his eyes. "We're not the main characters or villains in some epic novel. No need to die for the elders."

"Exactly!" another soldier chimed in. "We have a duty to protect the castle, but that doesn't mean we have a death wish. Let's be practical here."

A sly grin spread across another soldier's face. "You know, I heard about those fools from the Guardian Guild who thought they could stand in the Dark Lord's way. Ended up dead for no good reason. Not the brightest bunch, huh?"

Amidst the murmurs, the soldiers came to a unanimous decision. They would follow the Dark Lord's offer, opting for survival rather than a futile battle. π›πžπ—±π—»π¨π―π—²π—Ή.𝐜𝐨𝐦

In the end, their practicality won over. With a collective nod, they turned to their red-haired general and relayed their decision. It was clear that fighting the Dark Lord would only lead to their demise. They would follow his lead, ensuring their own survival while leaving the fate of the elders to the whims of the powerful being before them.

"The elders will meet you in the throne hall," the red-haired general informed Michael. Taking a moment to assess the situation, Michael surveyed the city, his eyes meeting the gaze of the general.

"There is no need for panic among the citizens. I am not here to bring destruction. Since you all have chosen to stand down, I see no reason to take any lives," Michael assured, his decision surprising even himself. Despite Michael's inclination to kill and convert soldiers into experience points, he refrained from doing so with the Sea Serpent Hall soldiers, who chose not to fight. Their unexpected display of rationality surprised him. Typically, soldiers and cultivators acted on impulse rather than making practical decisions. However, the Sea Serpent Hall soldiers demonstrated a level of intelligence and discernment that Michael hadn't anticipated. It intrigued him to see individuals capable of assessing the situation and making a wise choice.

Fortunately, Michael had a new way to gain experience points by absorbing artifacts. With this in mind, he planned to strike a deal with the elders and acquire some of their most powerful artifacts. Additionally, he saw an opportunity to pit Salesi against the Sea Realm, shifting the blame for the Serpent King's demise onto Evan. Michael knew that the Serpent King's soul would seek another vessel and return, but he intended to forge a god-killing weapon in the meantime. His ultimate goal was to eliminate the Serpent King before the truth was revealed permanently.

The pieces were falling into place, and Michael's schemes were taking shape. As he prepared to meet the elders, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The city of Sea Serpent Hall would soon witness the extent of his power and cunning.

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