Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1025 Diana Winston and the Light Flames

Chapter 1025 Diana Winston and the Light Flames

After commanding Stormwing to carry out the task of eliminating Victoria, Salesi departed from the Elon continent and arrived in her secluded pocket dimension. As she materialized within her castle, she made her way directly to her personal quarters. π›πžππ§π—Όπ˜ƒπžπ₯οΌŽπ—°π¨π—Ί

Salesi's room exuded an aura of warmth and comfort. Adorned with rich red curtains, a cozy bed, and an array of furnishings, it emanated a sense of luxury. Countless books, maps, and scrolls adorned the room, reflecting Salesi's thirst for knowledge and strategy. The soft glow of candlelight illuminated the space, casting a gentle, flickering ambiance. Portraits of Salesi adorned one of the walls, capturing her commanding presence and enigmatic nature.

Upon entering the room, Salesi securely closed the door behind her. Retrieving a dagger from her space ring, she made a small cut on her palm, allowing droplets of blood to fall. With her bleeding hand, she pressed her palm against the door. In response, intricate crimson runes illuminated on the surface, accompanied by a distinct clicking sound. Satisfied with the enhanced security, Salesi directed her attention toward one of the portraits hanging on the wall.

Studying the portrait intently, Salesi shook her palm, causing droplets of blood to splatter upon it. As the crimson stains connected with the portrait, a gentle hum resonated from within. Suddenly, bright beams of light shot forth from the portrait's eyes, enveloping Salesi in their radiant glow. Within a blink of an eye, she vanished from the room, leaving behind only the illuminated portrait.

Using the teleported in Salesi's room, she appeared in one of the special prisons of the Skyhall. Stepping into this prison which was an empty hall, Salesi's gaze fell upon a solitary glass cage occupying the center. Within the confines of the cage, a woman with flowing black hair sat in deep meditation. Her hair gracefully fluttered behind her, and a palpable aura of power radiated from her very being.

Approaching the glass cage with measured steps, Salesi extended her hand to touch the cool surface. A mischievous smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she whispered, "Wake up, Harriet,"

After Diana revealed the shocking truth that the Dark Lord was her own son, the Skyhall deemed her dangerous and locked her away in a specially designed cage.

For an entire year, Diana had been confined within the cold, restrictive confines of the cage. Its purpose was twofold: to prevent her from accessing her powers and to isolate her from any human contact. Only Salesi, who harbored a deep-rooted hatred for the Dark Lord, would visit Diana, ensuring her captivity remained absolute.

As Salesi stood before the glass cage, she observed Diana's weary expression. The once fierce and proud woman now appeared diminished, her spirit dampened by the prolonged imprisonment. Diana's powers, once formidable, were nullified by the cage's enchantments, leaving her defenseless and vulnerable.

A mixture of pity and satisfaction flickered in Salesi's eyes as she regarded Diana. The woman who had given birth to the Dark Lord, the one who had caused so much chaos and destruction, was now reduced to a mere captive. For Salesi, this was both a form of justice and a means to further her own ambitions.

As Salesi taunted Diana, she slowly opened her eyes, her gaze steady and resolute. Unfazed by Salesi's provocations, Diana refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing her beg for information about her family. She knew Salesi reveled in the power she held over her, but Diana was determined to maintain her composure.

Salesi smirked, relishing in her role as the bearer of ominous news. "It is happening, Diana, or should I say Harriet Hunt," she taunted, emphasizing Diana's past identity.

With a calm demeanor, Diana responded, "Your two sons are preparing to fight each other. There is nothing to stop them from killing each other. Especially Noah, he is pretty pissed off because of what the Dark Lord, his own brother did,"

Salesi snickered at Diana's words, reveling in the chaos that was about to unfold. "Dean might have swung his sword, but it was you and the Skyhall who orchestrated Alicia's death. You could have stopped it, but you didn't," Diana accused.

Salesi's laughter filled the air, a twisted symphony of malice. "Look at you, still blaming the Skyhall, even after I've told you that your two sons are destined to clash."

Diana remained steadfast, refusing to be swayed by Salesi's manipulations. "I know my sons, Salesi. They will not kill each other. But perhaps you should be more concerned for your own well-being. Noah may be forgiving, but my other son, the Dark Lord, is not known for his mercy."

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Enraged by Diana's calm composure, Salesi retrieved a crystal adorned with intricate runes. This crystal, a rare possession held only by a select few within the Skyhall, granted Salesi control over Diana. Establishing a mental connection with the crystal, Salesi tightly clenched her fist, causing a specific rune to illuminate on the glass cage.

The effect was immediate and agonizing. Diana growled in pain as the rune activated, triggering her pain receptors to overload. Waves of excruciating sensation coursed through her body, causing blood to trickle from her nose and eyes.

Salesi, driven by her sadistic tendencies, intensified her grip on the crystal, prolonging Diana's torment. With each surge of energy she directed into the crystal, Diana's suffering escalated. The pain became unbearable, pushing Diana to her limits.

However, realizing her time was limited, Salesi relented, willing the crystal to release its hold on Diana. The agony subsided, leaving Diana panting and weakened from the ordeal.

"As much as I love these little torture sessions," Salesi sneered, "I am pressed for time. With Noah poised to fight the Dark Lord, it falls upon me to ensure Noah's victory and put an end to the Dark Lord's reign before it even begins."

Salesi's gaze bore into Diana's, a chilling intensity emanating from her eyes. "To ensure Noah's success, I need the power of your Light flames. We both know they rightfully belong to Noah, the God of Light."

Upon hearing Salesi's request, Diana emitted a pained chuckle, spitting blood from her mouth. Salesi's demand did not catch Diana off guard, for she knew that one day the Skyhall or Salesi herself would come seeking her primordial flame - the Light flames. However, Diana had no intention of surrendering her primordial flames to Salesi.

With a resolute tone, Diana retorted, "I have a better idea. Why don't you go fuck yourself?"

Salesi's lips curled into a sinister smirk, seemingly unfazed by Diana's defiance. "Is that how a proper lady speaks, Diana? It seems the Dark Lord has inherited his mother's traits. He truly is his mother's son. But, as I mentioned before, I find myself pressed for time. Hence, I have brought forth a little trump card that might persuade you to relinquish your Light flames."

With a swift flick of her wrist, Salesi conjured a mirror crafted from shimmering light. Within the mirror's surface, an unsettling scene unfolded. A battered and bruised man with a long beard, unkempt hair, and countless wounds appeared before Diana's eyes. Pools of blood formed beneath him as he lay unconscious in a dungeon adorned with various implements of torture, such as chains, barbed wire, and a collection of menacing daggers. The man, chained to a wall, seemed to be in a state of profound suffering.

As Diana's gaze met the man's visage, her heart skipped a beat, a surge of anger and anguish piercing through her. The man was none other than Ethan, her beloved husband.

As Diana's gaze shifted to the orc beside Ethan, her heart sank further. The orc stood tall and imposing, his hulking form exuding an aura of brutality. His muscular physique was covered in coarse, greenish skin, adorned with scars and markings earned from countless battles. His beady eyes glinted with a sadistic gleam, and his crooked tusks protruded menacingly from his lower jaw.

"Release the Light Flames," Salesi uttered with a chilling tone. "Each time you refuse, my companion here," she pointed towards the orc, to carry out Salesi's ruthless commands.

"will delight in dismembering your husband, limb by agonizing limb."

Salesi's words hung in the air, their weight suffocating. The orc, known for his expertise in inflicting unimaginable pain, stood ready to carry out Salesi's ruthless commands.

Diana was stuck between tough dire choices once again. But while she was stuck in her thoughts, Salesi gave the command to the orc.

"Take his right arm," coldly said Salesi.

Diana's heart sank as Salesi's command was swiftly executed by the orc. The sound of Ethan's agonized screams pierced the air, reverberating through the desolate hall. Horror consumed Diana as she watched in despair as her husband's right arm was violently torn from his shoulder. Blood gushed from the wound, staining the surroundings with its crimson hue.

"Now if you don't want your husband to lose the other arm, I'll recommend you to give me the Light flames,"

The orc presented the severed arm to Salesi, a grim reminder of the barbarity Diana had witnessed. Salesi's cold words cut through the air, leaving Diana with a harrowing ultimatum - surrender the Light Flames or risk her husband suffering further torment.

"No!" Diana's voice cracked with anguish, her plea desperate and filled with anguish. The sight of Ethan's suffering fueled her determination, yet she remained torn between protecting her precious power and saving her beloved spouse.

Salesi nodded at the orc, worldly telling him to rip Ethan's other arm. However, before the orc could touch Ethan, Diana roared.

"Stop it!" Diana screamed.

Salesi observed Diana's agony and her reluctant submission with a twisted satisfaction. The orc halted, its hand frozen in midair, as Diana's desperate plea echoed through the prison's cold walls.

"Stop hurting him. Ill give you the Light Flames,"

Reluctantly, Diana made a painful decision, her voice laden with a mixture of anger and despair. She agreed to surrender the Light Flames, knowing that it was the only way to spare Ethan from further suffering. With a heavy heart, she closed her eyes, allowing the deep connection to the Light Flames within her soul to surface. A radiant glow enveloped her body as the powerful essence of the Light Flames materialized in a dazzling display. Taking the form of a luminous star, the Flames exuded a brilliant energy.

Salesi, seizing the opportunity, clenched the crystal in her hand, triggering a rune that swiftly extracted the Primordial Light Flames from Diana's being. In an instant, the Flames were whisked away to the mortal realm, where they would seek their destined host, Noah Winston.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?"

Satisfied with her accomplishment, Salesi turned her back to leave the prison, her dark intentions evident. As she prepared to take her first step, Diana's words pierced the air with chilling determination.

"Kill me now Salesi. If you don't, I will get out of this cage, i will find you and i will kill you. That is a promise," Diana's voice dripped with a cold resolve, her eyes radiating an intense and unyielding determination.

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