Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1027 Sabrina’s Plea To Her Brothers II

After using the teleportation scroll, Sabrina found herself at the edge of the dark ocean. It was the first time she had laid her eyes upon this foreboding body of water, as her previous knowledge had only come from books and newspapers. As she stood on the beach with its black sand, Sabrina understood why it was called the dark ocean. Stretching out before her was an endless expanse of black water, while the sky above was filled with menacing storm clouds and lightning bolts illuminating the darkened sky. The wind howled with an eerie sound, and in the distance, she could spot several tornadoes swirling between the sky and the ocean, forming an otherworldly bridge.

In the far horizon, she caught a glimpse of her brother's floating mountain, the Dark Lord's stronghold, hovering above the dark ocean. Sabrina knew that once she crossed the boundary line, known as the void line, she would no longer be able to rely on arch energy to fly. So, reaching the floating mountain by air was not an option.

With a flick of her wrist, Sabrina summoned a golden cube, one of the many artifacts she had acquired during her time at Mazeroth Academy. As she lightly tapped the cube with her toe, it transformed into a magnificent golden boat. This boat was a gift from Wulfric, the headmaster of Mazeroth, awarded to Sabrina for her victory in a duel. It had wings attached to its sides, resembling a fantastical creature. Sabrina climbed aboard the boat, grasping the paddle firmly. The wings on the boat began to flap, harnessing the power of the wind through intricate gears and mechanisms, propelling the boat forward with remarkable speed.

As Sabrina's boat forged ahead, battling against the tumultuous waves and the raging storm, it shuddered under the relentless assault. Nevertheless, Sabrina remained resolute, maintaining her steady grip on the paddle. Though she knew that her brother, the Dark Lord, would not be awaiting her in the dark castle atop the floating mountain, she held onto the hope that he would be watching from a distance, ready to meet her.

The closer she drew to the towering floating mountain, the more ferocious the weather became. Dark clouds loomed overhead, unleashing their fury in the form of thunderous roars and flashes of lightning. Amidst the tempest, Sabrina caught sight of figures clad in gleaming silver and sky-blue armor, their wings of feathers shimmering in the stormy sky. With a single glance, she recognized them as the Skyhall angels, the very beings who had brought their wrath upon the world since her mother, Diana, revealed the truth about the Dark Lord being her son. Their presence had ushered in a wave of change, and they had captured the dark castle.

Sabrina couldn't help but ponder why the Dark Lord's army had retreated rather than putting up a fight. The whereabouts of his vampires and undead forces remained a mystery, leaving her with lingering questions and doubts. Yet, for now, she set aside those concerns, pushing them to the recesses of her mind. All she could do was cling to the hope that her brother, the Dark Lord, would come to her. In her heart, she believed that making her way toward the Dark Castle and relying on the chance that he might be watching over his stronghold was her only avenue to meet him.

As the boat battled the fierce waves, a group of Skyhall angels descended from the dark clouds, their graceful forms hovering in the sky. Their ethereal presence enveloped the air around them, their wings outstretched as they encircled Sabrina's boat. Among them, one angel stood out, adorned in silver armor with intricate gold and crimson red linings that shimmered in the dim light. With a determined expression, he removed his helmet, revealing fiery red hair and a dark-skinned face marked by a prominent scar running across his left eye.

His voice resonated with a mixture of curiosity and disdain as he asked, "What business do you have, venturing towards the dark castle?"

Sabrina's eyes met his, and without hesitation, she replied, "I am hoping to meet the Dark Lord." 𝓫ℯ𝓭𝓃𝓸𝓋ℯ𝓁.𝓬𝓸𝓂

The angel's snicker carried a hint of bitter resentment as he clenched his fist, his rage simmering beneath the surface. The memories of the Nagaland war flooded his mind, where he believed his brother had been slain by the Dark Lord. The pain of that loss burned within him, fueling his determination.

"You hope to meet the Dark Lord?" he scoffed. "Do you not know the atrocities he has committed? The lives he has destroyed?"

Sabrina maintained her composure, refusing to engage in a futile argument with the enraged angel. She understood the prejudice held by some of the Skyhall angels towards her and her family, but she also knew the truth was far more complex than their narrow perspectives allowed.

The angel's voice dripped with venom as he continued his tirade, his anger palpable. "Your brother, that evil scumbag, has brought darkness upon this world. Your mother's decision to give birth to such a devil has caused nothing but pain and suffering."

Silently, Sabrina bore the weight of his words. She was well aware of the judgments and accusations that had been cast upon her family. Despite her inner turmoil, she knew it was futile to argue or reason with the angel. The prejudice against her and her family was deeply ingrained, and she understood that attempting to change their minds in this moment would be an exercise in futility.

The angel's voice grew colder as he delivered his final words. "The Dark Lord is not in his castle; it is under the control of the Skyhall. Consider yourself fortunate to have been admitted to Mazeroth and granted protection. But know this: in my eyes, you and your entire family can rot in hell."

"If I were you, I would fly away and disappear from my sight," Sabrina finally spoke, her voice carrying a warning that resonated through the dark ocean.

"Do you think I am foolish for venturing into the depths of the dark ocean, knowing that the Dark Lord is not in the castle? Have you ever stopped to consider that I am here because I know he will be watching, observing everything within his domain? Do you truly believe he would allow you to retain control of the castle for long?" Sabrina's questions hung in the air, causing the Skyhall angels to pause and contemplate the true meaning behind her words.

"I am here to talk to the Dark Lord and if you get out of my way, I will take him somewhere else and talk. Otherwise, he will slaughter you all," Sabrina's words carried a sense of determination and an underlying warning, causing a flicker of uncertainty to pass through the angels' eyes.

As the angel leader snickered, his twisted grin revealing his dark intentions, he confidently asserted, "Although I cannot kill you, little girl, I can certainly ensure you leave this place with a few broken bones. Consider it a lesson in humility."

With those words, the angel began his descent, his wings gracefully guiding him downward toward Sabrina's boat. The intricate contraptions embedded in their armor, powered by arch energy crystals from the Akilan realm, granted the angels the ability to fly and enhanced their combat prowess.

However, Sabrina remained composed and steadfast, her gaze unwavering as the angel landed on her boat with a resounding thud. Ignoring the threatening presence before her, she refused to flinch or display any sign of fear.

Raising his hand, the angel prepared to deliver a forceful slap to Sabrina, confident in his ability to intimidate her.

As the angel leader's hand descended towards Sabrina, a sudden eruption of hot blood splattered across her face. The angel leader's expression twisted in agony and confusion as he stared at his arm, which now ended abruptly at the missing wrist. Blood sprayed from the severed limb, painting the air in crimson hues.

A moment of shock and disbelief held the other angels captive as their eyes followed the dark trajectory of a floating sword. The black blade glistened with a macabre sheen, dripping with the evidence of its lethal strike. With a steady and deliberate motion, the sword soared through the air, homing in on its intended target—the Dark Lord himself.

Sabrina turned her head and beheld the awe-inspiring sight of her brother, the Dark Lord, suspended in the air. His commanding presence radiated power, accentuated by the spread of his black metallic wings. The wind tousled his dark hair, framing his stoic countenance as his cold gaze fixated upon the angels, their impending doom evident in his piercing eyes.

As the Dark Lord, returned to his domain, the angels of the Skyhall quivered in fear, witnessing his formidable presence firsthand. Their eyes met his for a fleeting moment, before he shifted his gaze towards them. A sinister darkness enveloped the area, as his eyes flickered with an eerie hue, ignited by the ominous flames that danced within.

Though the Skyhall angels boasted their arch energy crystal-infused armor, the Dark Lord held absolute dominion over the dark ocean. Crackling bolts of dark lightning emanated from his outstretched hand, an awe-inspiring display of his power.

"Dark Lord," the angels muttered, their voices tinged with apprehension. However, before they could mount any defense, the Dark Lord unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts, each one piercing through their heads with deadly precision. In an instant, the angels plummeted from the sky, lifeless forms descending like fallen flies. The Dark Lord's might was unrivaled, and the Skyhall angels were but feeble adversaries before him.

Once the fallen angels lay still upon the ocean's surface, the Dark Lord approached Sabrina, his intense gaze locking with hers. In her desperation, Sabrina mustered the courage to plead with him, hoping he would grant her a moment to speak.

"Please, Ghost, give me the opportunity to talk to you," Sabrina beseeched, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty, her heart yearning for a chance to reach her brother's troubled soul.

"If you are here to stop the fight between your brother Noah and me, you are going to be disappointed. Soon, only one of us will stand and the other will fall," the Dark Lord declared with an air of finality.

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