Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1030 Noah And Michael Meets

As Michael soared beyond the void line, he activated the runic teleportation, transporting himself and Eve to the outskirts of the River town. The town lay under the vast expanse of the night sky, illuminated by the gentle glow of the moon and the stars that adorned the sky.

The enchanting river flowed alongside the town, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the shimmering moonlight as it traced a winding path through the heart of the landscape. The tranquil murmur of the river echoed softly, adding a serene melody to the ambiance.

In the near distance, majestic mountain chains rose proudly, their lush peaks reaching toward the heavens. Among these natural wonders, the remnants of the Sun Rise sect's abandoned buildings stood as silent witnesses to what Skyhall did to all the sects.

The River town itself was encased in a glistening pale blue dome, shielding it from the outside world. The ethereal barrier enveloped the entire town, casting an otherworldly glow upon the streets and buildings within. It stood as a testament to the powerful enchantments woven by the Skyhall, trying to control the damage that would fall upon the outside world when two gods fight.

As Michael appeared out of the protective dome, his gaze was drawn to the expansive hillside that stretched beyond the town buildings, once used by the river town people for farming. It was upon these fertile lands that Noah and the formidable Skyhall army now stood, patiently awaiting Michael's arrival.

The sight of Michael's presence in the sky immediately caught the attention of the opposing forces. Noah's eyes locked onto his twin brother, the Dark Lord, as he hovered above, accompanied by his wife Gaya and their loyal ally, Eve Voldiguard. A tense silence settled over the battlefield, the air pregnant with anticipation.

Standing strong behind Noah, an army of eight thousand soldiers stood at attention, their resolve evident in their unwavering stance. Among them, Norvin, transformed into his true form, a towering gorilla with lustrous golden fur, commanded their attention with his booming voice.

"Activate the lights!" Norvin's command reverberated through the air, resounding across the expanse of River town like a resolute thunderclap.

As Norvin's commanding voice echoed, the darkness within the energy dome was swiftly extinguished by the radiant glow of strategically placed orbs. These luminous spheres, carefully positioned throughout the town, emitted a brilliant light that served to weaken Michael, the God of Darkness, while bolstering Noah, the God of Light. Standing resolutely beside Noah was Maisy, a determined young girl who had once sought to claim Nightmare when he was but a mere baby. Her fists clenched in anger, she stood as a staunch ally of Noah.

Among Noah's formidable army stood the Beleforts, Alicia's family, united in their quest for vengeance to avenge their fallen heirs, Alicia and Peter. Their determined gazes were fixed upon Michael, the Dark Lord, as they prepared to face him head-on. Accompanying them were the proud Skyhall angels, adorned in shimmering silver and sky blue armor, their feathery wings gracefully adorning their backs.

Adding strength to Noah's forces were the beastmen, an assortment of humanoid beings with the characteristics of tigers, lions, wolves, and eagles. These majestic creatures exuded a fearless presence, standing tall without a trace of trepidation. However, their eyes scanned the battlefield in search of the Dark Lord's army, only to find that Michael had arrived in River town with only his wife, the Dark Queen Gaya, and his loyal friend Eve Voldiguard.

Among the various races inhabiting this world, only the dwarves and the beastmen had chosen to ally themselves with Noah in his battle against Michael. The dwarves, known for their resilience and craftsmanship, stood side by side with Noah's forces, lending their strength and expertise. Meanwhile, the beastmen, remarkable beings possessing both human and animal traits, also joined Noah's cause, their fierce and untamed nature adding a formidable edge to the alliance.

On the other hand, the elves, under the wise command of Nithroel, had opted to remain neutral, abstaining from taking sides in the conflict between Noah and Michael. Surprisingly, the majority of the orcs, often perceived as ferocious and warlike due to their intimidating appearance, were actually a peaceful race. They found solace in scholarly pursuits, their intellectual pursuits far outweighing any inclination towards combat. It was their love for knowledge and tranquility that kept them away from the war against the Dark Lord, as they preferred a life of peaceful contemplation over engaging in violent conflicts.

As the battle drew near, Noah's army swiftly organized themselves into formations, each group positioning themselves strategically across the river town. From a bird's-eye view, the scene resembled an intricate mosaic of soldiers, with the different races and factions standing in distinct patterns.

The Skyhall angels, resplendent in their silver and sky blue armor, formed a tight-knit formation near Noah, their wings spread wide, ready to take flight at a moment's notice. The beastmen, with their bestial features, assumed a ferocious formation, their ranks resembling a pack of predatory creatures preparing to strike. The dwarves, renowned for their craftsmanship and resilience, assembled in a compact yet sturdy formation, their stout figures forming a resilient bulwark in the midst of the army.

Amidst the organized chaos, murmurs and whispers filled the air among Noah's forces. Some wondered aloud where the Dark Lord's army was, expressing eagerness to put an end to his reign once and for all. Their anticipation was palpable as they eagerly awaited the clash that would decide the fate of their world.

"I hope the Dark Lord's army shows up soon. I've been waiting to take him down for ages!" one soldier exclaimed with a determined glint in his eyes.

"Patience, my friend. The Dark Lord will soon face the wrath of our united forces," another soldier reassured, his voice filled with confidence.

Meanwhile, the dwarves, known for their practicality and occasional humor, chimed in with their own distinctive remarks.

"Hey, lads! Make sure you lot protect us and our magnificent weapons. We're the heart of this battle, after all!" a dwarf bellowed with a hearty laugh, earning chuckles and nods from his fellow dwarves.

"Oi, lads! Remember, we've got the finest weapons in all the realms!" exclaimed one dwarf with a thick accent.

"Aye, that's true! They should be protectin' us, not the other way around!" another dwarf chimed in, his voice filled with jest.

Laughter erupted among the dwarves, their camaraderie shining through even in the face of battle. With their distinctive beards and sturdy frames, they exuded a sense of indomitable spirit.

"Don't worry. We'll shield you with our lives and make sure those weapons of yours shine brighter than the sun!" another soldier responded, playfully flexing his muscles.

"I haven't seen so many people wanting to die at once," remarked the Dark Queen Gaya, her voice resonating across the battlefield, laced with a hint of scorn.

"Don't be too quick to judge us. We'll see who do the dying," retorted one of the angels defiantly, their wings fluttering with a mix of confidence and determination.

"Hey, Ghost, you shouldn't have tamed that dragon. Look what happenedโ€”now it's dead," taunted Maisy, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she attempted to provoke Michael.

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"Shouldn't you be at school or something little girl?" Eve questioned with a seriousness that contrasted with Maisy's playful demeanor. Her remark elicited chuckles from some of the dwarves, who found the situation amusing.

"Don't you lot laugh! She's poking fun at one of our own!" growled a fellow soldier, his voice filled with a touch of irritation.

"But it's still rather amusing," the dwarves chuckled, finding humor in the banter exchanged between Eve and Maisy.

Contrary to previous conflicts involving the Dark Lord, the Skyhall had prohibited news reporters and any other individuals from entering Kingdom Bradford to witness the battle between Michael and Noah. As a result, the sky above the river town remained devoid of any onlookers.

Amidst the tension-filled atmosphere, Michael finally broke the silence, his voice laced with amusement. "I must say, I had higher expectations of the dwarves' intelligence. Yet here you are, foolishly attempting to fight against me. Doesn't seem too intelligent, does it?"

With a chilling tone, Michael directed his question at the dwarves, his words dripping with a menacing threat. "Have you ever stopped to consider what I can and will do to your entire race once I emerge victorious in this war?"

As the weight of Michael's words settled upon them, the dwarves couldn't help but notice a gradual transformation in the night sky. The once twinkling stars and radiant moon now became shrouded in a veil of dark and foreboding clouds. The celestial beauty was marred by an eerie darkness that sent shivers down their spines.

The dwarves felt an unease settling within them after hearing the Dark Lord's question. Their voices rose in response, shouting defiantly, "We fight for revenge against the damn elves! The Skyhall promised us that!"

To their surprise, Michael's response was filled with laughter, his amusement reverberating across the battlefield. "You stupid fools," he taunted, his tone dripping with contempt. "Didn't you know that Empress Nithroel has ascended to become a goddess? The Skyhall holds no power over her. If anything, she will unleash her wrath upon the race that harbors such deep hatred against her own people. The Skyhall has deceived you all." said Michael before pausing.

"The dwarven race will face further decline in power, whether you win or lose this war," Michael declared, his voice filled with an air of superiority. The dwarves, known for their craftsmanship and engineering skills, felt a twinge of unease at his words. They were a hot-blooded people, driven by their passions, but lacked the finesse and political acumen of the elves.

The Dark Lord continued, exposing the deceit of the Skyhall and revealing the true power dynamics at play. "Meanwhile, Empress Nithroel and the elves will remain in power. She is a master strategist, capable of outmaneuvering anyone in the realm. When your dwarven race weakens, she can wipe you out whenever she wants."

As Michael laid bare their predicament, doubts began to seep into the minds of the dwarves. They started to question their fervent involvement in the war, realizing the manipulations and risks that lay ahead. The allure of revenge against the elves began to waver in the face of the Dark Lord's revelation.

"Did you hear what the Dark Lord said? It makes sense," one dwarf whispered to another. "No matter if we win or lose, our race will suffer. Is revenge worth sacrificing our future?"

"I mean, think about it. The Dark Lord makes a valid point," the other dwarf responded, scratching his beard thoughtfully. "If the Empress and the elves stay in power, what's our fate? We'll be left vulnerable."

"Yeah, I mean, I'm all for revenge and all, but being wiped out by the empress doesn't sound too appealing," another dwarf chimed in, scratching his head. ๐’ทโ„ฏ๐“ญ๐“ทโ„ด๐“‹๐“ฎ๐“ต.๐’ธโ„ด๐“ถ

"Maybe the Skyhall did lie to us," another dwarf pondered. "We shouldn't have blindly followed their promises without questioning their motives."

The questioning dwarves exchanged serious glances, contemplating the weight of their decision. However, their contemplation didn't go unnoticed by their leaders, who quickly intervened.

"Enough with the doubt! We made our choice, and we must stand by it," one of the leader dwarves bellowed, attempting to silence the dissenting voices.

Upon witnessing the dwarves' wavering resolve, Norvin raised his voice to counter Michael's words.

"Don't let him mess with your minds! Stay strong!" Norvin's voice boomed across the battlefield, attempting to reignite the dwarves' determination.

Meanwhile, Noah locked his gaze with Michael, his twin brother. A mix of conflicting emotions surged within him. On one hand, he had recently discovered that the Dark Lord was none other than his own flesh and blood. On the other hand, the Dark Lord, his twin brother, had taken the life of his beloved wife, Alicia.

Noah's expression remained stoic as he grappled with the weight of these emotions. The battlefield stood as a backdrop to their personal vendetta, an intricate clash of kinship and vengeance.

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