Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1033 Michael Overpowers Noah

As the battle raged on, Michael's serpent maga fighting style proved to be an advantage, allowing him to gain the upper hand over Noah. His dark armor, with several runes, provided additional protection that surpassed even the sturdy dwarven-made armor worn by Noah.

With a swift and devastating strike, Michael landed a powerful blow to Noah's jaw, stunning him. Seizing the opportunity, Michael firmly gripped Noah's face and forcefully drove his knee into Noah's already injured visage. The impact was jarring, causing Noah to stagger backward.

Raising his hands, Michael conjured bolts of black lightning, crackling with raw power. The ominous energy surged from his fingertips, resembling twisted serpents as they streaked through the air with deadly accuracy. With a resounding impact, the bolts struck Noah, sending him hurtling downwards through the sky.

When Noah descended, his body spiraling toward the ground, Michael unleashed his devastating meteor spell. Summoning the fiery might of the cosmos, he willed a blazing meteor to manifest, hurtling towards Noah with unstoppable force. The flaming celestial object blazed across the sky, leaving a trail of fiery residue in its wake as if the heavens themselves were igniting in anticipation.

As the fiery meteor hurtled towards Noah, it left a scorching trail of orange hues across the darkened sky. Its sheer magnitude and radiance cast an eerie glow upon the battlefield below, capturing the attention of all who witnessed its descent.

Soldiers locked in combat below paused, their expressions shifting from determination to awe as they looked up, their eyes widening in disbelief. The sight of the impending cataclysm was both mesmerizing and horrifying, as the fiery orb grew larger with each passing second, consuming the sky with its blazing brilliance.

With an earth-shattering impact, the meteor crashed down upon Noah, engulfing him in a tempest of flames and debris. The force of the collision unleashed a shockwave that rippled through the air, sending tremors across the battlefield.

The town below bore witness to the destructive power of the meteor, its impact decimating the structures in its path. Countless buildings crumbled and collapsed, reduced to nothing more than smoldering ruins. The intense heat melted metal and reduced stone to ash, leaving behind a scarred landscape of devastation.

Noah's army, already engaged in a fierce battle with the undead forces, was caught off guard by the meteor's sudden arrival. The relentless onslaught of fire and destruction obliterated vast sections of the undead army, their bodies disintegrating under the overwhelming heat and force. The ground shook beneath their feet as the remnants of the meteor continued its destructive path, leaving a trail of desolation in its wake.

"Noah!" Norvin's anguished cry echoed across the battlefield as he witnessed the catastrophic impact of the meteor on his comrade. Filled with desperation, he attempted to take to the skies, seeking to reach Noah's side. However, his path was abruptly halted by Gaya, who had assumed her fearsome naga form.

"Leaving so soon?" Gaya hissed, her serpentine tails coiling around Norvin, binding him tightly. Norvin struggled fiercely, desperately trying to break free from her grasp. But Gaya's strength was overwhelming, and her hold on him was unyielding.

With a swift and forceful motion, Gaya propelled Norvin into the air, his body hurtling through the sky. In a seamless transition, Gaya transformed into her human form, her golden bow materializing in her hands. Without hesitation, she drew an arrow, her aim locked onto Norvin's vulnerable form. As the arrow found its mark, a devastating explosion engulfed Norvin, amplifying the impact of the attack.

Despite the excruciating pain and the devastation surrounding him, Noah mustered the strength to rise from the wreckage caused by the meteor's impact. His eyes surveyed the destruction and loss of life, fueling a fit of deep-seated anger within him. Blood trickled down his wounds, staining his tattered armor, yet his resolve remained unyielding.

With a firm grip and gritted teeth, Noah balled his hand into a tight fist, his anger coursing through his veins. Fueled by his newfound determination, he launched himself upward, soaring toward the darkened sky to confront his brother once more.

In the mid-sky, the two brothers engaged in a fierce battle, their contrasting powers colliding with explosive force. Michael unleashed torrents of black lightning, crackling with malevolent energy, while dark beams erupted from his eyes, seeking to engulf Noah in darkness. With each strike, Michael displayed both his mastery of darkness and his raw physical strength.

Noah, agile and determined, dodged and weaved through the onslaught, his movements guided by a mixture of instinct and years of combat experience. However, he couldn't evade every attack, as Michael's power overwhelmed him at times. Devastating blows landed upon Noah, pushing him to the brink of exhaustion and testing his resilience.

But Noah wasn't defenseless. As Michael aimed his most powerful strikes, Noah summoned a shield of pure light, emanating from within him. The shield formed a radiant barrier, shimmering with divine energy, protecting him from the Dark Lord's onslaught. It absorbed the impact of Michael's attacks, providing Noah with crucial moments to counter and regain his footing.

Amidst the intense battle, Michael taunted Noah with biting words. "You've always had everything handed to you, Noah. The privileged life, the support of others. It must be nice," he sneered, his voice laced with bitter resentment. "Meanwhile, I've had to fight tooth and nail for every ounce of power I possess. But no matter how much you try to stand against me, you'll always be in my shadow." πš‹πšŽπšο½Žπš˜ο½–πšŽπš•.πš—πšŽπš

Noah gritted his teeth, his determination burning even brighter. Ignoring Michael's taunts, he focused on his own inner strength and the memories of loved ones lost. With a surge of resolve, Noah summoned his light-infused fists and retaliated with a barrage of powerful strikes, each carrying the weight of his love and desire to protect.

As the battle escalated, Michael's attacks grew increasingly ferocious, each strike fueled by his deep-rooted anger and resentment. His black lightning crackled with a more ominous intensity, arcing through the air with deadly precision. Dark beams shot from his eyes like piercing daggers, seeking to devour Noah's light.

Noah fought valiantly, but the sheer force of Michael's onslaught took its toll. With each bone-crushing blow, Noah coughed up blood, his body pushed to its limits. He could feel his ribs cracking under the relentless assault, pain radiating through his entire being. Yet, he refused to yield, drawing strength from his unyielding determination.

Through gritted teeth, Michael continued his taunts, his words dripping with scorn. "You think you're better than me, Noah? With your lavish life, your supporters? Let me tell you something. No one handed me anything. I was an orphan, fighting every second just to survive. I clawed my way up, surpassing every obstacle that stood in my path. I earned every ounce of power I possess."

As Michael's words hung in the air, Noah's vision blurred, his body battered and bruised. But within him, a fire burned brighter than ever. Ignoring the searing pain, Noah summoned his remaining strength and launched a counterattack, his light-infused fists radiating with a renewed determination.

The clash between the brothers intensified, a dance of light and darkness. Noah dodged and weaved, evading some of Michael's attacks with sheer reflexes, while others struck true, sending him hurtling through the air, his body crashing into debris with bone-crushing impacts.

As Michael's attacks reached their apex, he abruptly halted, seizing Noah by the neck with a cruel grip. The air grew heavy with tension as Michael's dark eyes bore into Noah's, an expression of triumphant malice etched upon his face.

"Darkness always triumphs over light, Noah. Hardships always prevail over a lavish life," Michael sneered, his voice laced with a bitter satisfaction. With a sadistic grin, he unleashed a barrage of punches upon Noah's defenseless face, each blow resounding with bone-crunching impact. The force behind the strikes sent Noah spiraling through the air, his body tossed like a ragdoll.

Noah's descent was swift and brutal, his body crashing into the ground with an earth-shattering thud. The impact was so intense that it created a sizable crater, the earth quivering beneath the force of his landing. Blood trickled from Noah's broken and battered form, mingling with the dirt and debris that surrounded him.

Witnessing their leader being overpowered by the Dark Lord sent a chill racing through the ranks of Noah's army. The soldiers looked on in stunned disbelief, their resolve shaken by the sight of their champion being mercilessly beaten. A collective wave of unease swept through their ranks, their confidence waning as they struggled to comprehend the possibility of defeat.

In contrast, the vampires of the Dark Lord's army reveled in their leader's dominance. Their cheers echoed through the battlefield, a chilling chorus of adulation for their malevolent master. Their eyes gleamed with fervor and anticipation, their loyalty unwavering as they relished in the impending triumph of darkness over light.

As Norvin witnessed the brutal assault on Noah at the hands of the Dark Lord, a surge of primal rage coursed through his veins. His body underwent a remarkable transformation, growing in size and strength as he assumed his formidable ape form. With a thunderous roar that reverberated through the battlefield, he pounded his chest, a display of his indomitable spirit.

Suddenly, a golden shield materialized around Norvin, shimmering with a protective aura. It deflected the barrage of arrows unleashed by Gaya, their deadly trajectory rendered futile against the impenetrable barrier. Norvin's defiant stance grew stronger as he stood undeterred, shielding himself from Gaya's relentless assault.

Summoning his primal power, Norvin cast his gaze toward the sky, his eyes blazing with determination. An ethereal fist materialized, crackling with raw energy and divine might. With a resounding impact, he unleashed the devastating punch upon Gaya, an unstoppable force that connected with unrelenting power.

The speed and strength of Norvin's punch were unparalleled, catching Gaya off guard. She was sent hurtling through the air, her body twisting and contorting in a violent arc. The impact resonated with an explosive shockwave, leaving a trail of shattered debris in its wake.

But when Norvin soared towards Noah, ready to provide his much-needed aid, his path was suddenly intercepted by Eve, who unleashed her electrifying presence. With a mighty swing of her war hammer, lightning crackling and dancing around its formidable form, she struck Norvin square in the face. The impact reverberated through the air, unleashing shockwaves that rippled across the battlefield.

Staggered by the forceful blow, Norvin struggled to maintain his balance. Before he could fully recover, Eve swiftly closed the distance between them, relentlessly pursuing him through the sky. In a calculated move, she hurled her hammer with pinpoint accuracy, aiming straight at Norvin's chest. The hammer collided with his torso, delivering a bone-crushing blow that further weakened his resolve.

As the battle raged on, the tides began to shift in favor of the Dark Lord. The combined might of Michael, Gaya, and Eve proved to be a formidable force that threatened to overwhelm Noah's army. The dark powers at their disposal grew more potent with each passing moment, casting an ominous shadow over the battlefield.

Noah's forces, once filled with determination and hope, now faced the grim reality of an impending defeat. The Dark Lord's influence permeated the air, sending chills down the spines of Noah's soldiers.

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