Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1039 What Really Happened? Final

Amidst the lively festivities, Olivia spotted Lord Information amidst the crowd. She approached the elf with a warm smile, extending her greetings.

"Lord Information, it's a pleasant surprise to see you here. I didn't think you would come," Olivia said, her voice filled with genuine warmth. Lord Information turned to face her, a bright expression on his face. He knew the significance of his role in the recent events, having aided Noah with crucial information that ultimately led to the Dark Lord's defeat.

"Why wouldn't I be here? This is a momentous occasion, a celebration of the Dark Lord's downfall," Lord Information replied, a glass of wine in hand. He began strolling through Lady Diana Winston's magnificent garden, inviting Olivia to join him.

They walked side by side, engaging in a pleasant conversation.

"I am sorry for your loss, Lady Olivia," Lord Information expressed his condolences for Olivia's loss, understanding the pain she must be feeling after losing Ricky, her former lover. Olivia sighed, acknowledging his words with a sense of regret.

"I hope he finds peace," Olivia responded, her voice carrying a tinge of melancholy.

Lord Information shifted the topic, curious about Olivia's future plans now that the Dark Lord had been vanquished. He acknowledged Olivia's exceptional talent as an alchemist, recognizing that her skills rivaled even those of the Dark Lord himself.

"What are your future plans now, Lady Olivia? With the Dark Lord no longer a threat, you stand as one of the most esteemed alchemists in the world. Say what you want about the Dark Lord, but his knowledge in alchemy was unparalleled, except perhaps by one man who is not present," Lord Information remarked, alluding to Noah's own prowess in the field.

Olivia pondered the question, her footsteps gently guiding her along the dazzling flower beds that flourished beneath the shimmering night sky. She considered a future filled with tranquility, a life of peaceful solitude.

"To be honest, I have no idea. Perhaps I will find a place to settle down and spend the remainder of my days in peace and quiet," Olivia replied, her voice filled with a hint of longing for a life away from the chaos and turmoil of the past.

After pondering for a moment, Olivia shared her intentions with Lord Information. 𝘣𝘦𝘥𝘯𝑜𝘷𝘦𝘭.𝑐𝑜𝑚

"I have plans to assist Noah in rebuilding River Town. The people of River town deserve to have their homes restored after the devastating final battle between Noah and the Dark Lord," Olivia revealed, her voice filled with determination to aid those in need.

However, her hopeful aspirations were soon met with unfortunate news as Lord Information interjected, delivering a somber revelation.

"Unfortunately, Lady Olivia, the Skyhall has made the decision to close off River Town. The aftermath of the battle, including the radiation emitted by the god-killing arrows and the residue left behind, has rendered the area highly hazardous," Lord Information disclosed, shedding light on the grim aftermath of the clash between the two powerful entities.

Shaken by this revelation, Olivia's concern for the displaced residents of River Town grew stronger.

"But where will the people go? What will happen to them?" Olivia questioned, genuine worry etched on her face.

"They will be relocated to Bredia. However, we both know the history between the Dark Lord and King Bredia. Considering the Dark Lord's affection for the people of River Town and their devotion to him, it is unlikely that King Bredia will treat them fairly. They may find themselves living as almost slaves, with homes and no collars around their necks," Lord Information explained, his words painting a grim picture of the fate awaiting the River town residents.

Olivia's mind raced, recalling the incident when her teacher, the Dark Lord, had nearly beaten King Bredia to a pulp in his very throne for attempting to harm the people of River Town. Now, with the Dark Lord defeated, King Bredia's vindictive nature seemed to have resurfaced, seeking revenge on those whom the Dark Lord held dear.

Curiosity piqued, Olivia inquired about Noah's awareness of the situation.

"Does Noah know about this?" she asked, hoping for a glimmer of hope.

Lord Information nodded solemnly, his expression mirroring Olivia's concern.

"Yes, he is well aware. Unfortunately, he is left with no viable alternatives. No kingdom would readily accept the people who once worshipped the Dark Lord as immigrants. Noah may have emerged victorious in defeating the Dark Lord and earned the title of hero, but he lacks the resources and political power to accommodate the displaced residents. It is King Bredia who has agreed to take them into his kingdom," Lord Information explained, the weight of the situation evident in his voice.

As they continued their discussion, one of Lord Information's assistants, a golden-haired elf, emerged from the garden to deliver an important message.

"My lord, King Bredia has requested your presence in his chambers," the elf reported.

Olivia was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, as it seemed that King Bredia and Lord Information were about to meet. Sensing an opportunity, Lord Information turned to Olivia and proposed an idea.

"Speaking of the devil, Lady Olivia, why don't you accompany me to this meeting? Your presence might bring some positive influence to the plight of the River town people," he suggested, his eyes filled with hope.

After a moment of contemplation, Olivia nodded in agreement.

"If it won't pose any inconvenience, I will join you in this meeting," Olivia expressed, her determination shining through. Lord Information's face lit up with a smile, appreciating Olivia's willingness to help.

"Fantastic," he replied, handing his empty wine glass to a servant nearby.

With their decision made, Olivia and Lord Information soared through the sky, their destination set for the Kingdom of Bredia. The castle of King Bredia loomed majestically, a symbol of his wealth and authority. Under the clear night sky, the castle radiated an air of festivity, with decorations and lights illuminating the surroundings in celebration of the Dark Lord's defeat.

As Lord Information and Olivia were escorted by the royal guards, they entered a grand and opulent chamber, befitting a king. The room was adorned with intricate tapestries depicting scenes of valor and triumph, while golden chandeliers bathed the space in a warm and inviting glow. The air was filled with the scent of lavender and sandalwood, creating an atmosphere of regality.

In the center of the chamber, a large wooden table stood, polished to a lustrous sheen. On the other side of the table, King Bredia sat upon a magnificent chair, his back turned towards the entrance. His gaze was fixed upon the kingdom outside the window, where the festivities honoring the defeat of the Dark Lord were in full swing.

"My lord," Lord Information respectfully bowed, awaiting the king's response. Olivia stood beside him, her eyes scanning the chamber as the royal guards exited, closing the door behind them.

"Your majesty, I brought Lady Olivia to this meeting about the river town people. I hope you don't mind,"

Lord Information's words hung in the air, unanswered by King Bredia.

As the seconds ticked by, an eerie silence hung in the air. Lord Information's anticipation turned to confusion, for there was no acknowledgment from King Bredia. Suddenly, a searing pain coursed through his side, causing him to gasp in shock. He looked down, disbelief etched across his face, as he saw Olivia driving a dagger into his gut. The betrayal cut deep, both literally and figuratively, as Lord Information grappled with the overwhelming realization that he had been deceived.

A mixture of shock and terror consumed Lord Information as his mind raced to comprehend Olivia's treachery. There had been no sign, no inkling that she would turn against him. His thoughts swirled in a whirlwind of questions, desperately searching for a reason for her betrayal. Yet, no answer emerged from the depths of his bewildered mind.

In a stunning turn of events, the king's chair slowly rotated, revealing a figure that sent shivers down Lord Information's spine. It was not King Bredia who sat upon the regal seat but the Dark Lord himself. The chamber seemed to darken, the air heavy with an ominous presence as the true mastermind behind the deceitful facade was unveiled.

A sinister smile crept across the Dark Lord's face as he reclined in the chair, exuding an air of nonchalance. With a subtle flick of his wrist, he effortlessly summoned an empty chair behind Lord Information. Overwhelmed by blood loss and wracked with pain, Lord Information crumpled into the chair, his gaze locked with the Dark Lord's piercing eyes.

"The greatest betrayal comes not from enemies but from those we once called friends. Did you think only you can play that game?" asked the Dark Lord with a sly smile.

Unbeknownst to Lord Information, he believed he had remained hidden in the shadows, playing a crucial role in providing the map that led to the Dark Lord's defeat. It was an illusion he held onto, thinking that Noah had vanquished the Dark Lord using the god killing arrows. Yet there he was, face-to-face with the Dark Lord himself, his wicked smile illuminating the truth.

With a swift and calculated gesture, the Dark Lord flicked his wrist, conjuring seven exquisite silver arrows adorned with intricate runes. These were no ordinary arrows; they were the very same god killing arrows that Lord Information had aided Noah in finding.

As the shock of the Dark Lord's presence settled in, Lord Information sensed a flicker of the Dark Lord's immense power. It shattered the illusion that he was merely at the Half Celestial stage, the stage he had displayed during his battle with Noah. Instead, Lord Information now beheld the unmistakable aura of the Celestial stage radiating from the Dark Lord. The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning, dispelling any lingering doubts about the true extent of the Dark Lord's strength.

Struggling against the pain coursing through his body, Lord Information managed to turn his head toward Olivia, who stood motionless nearby. The world believed that Olivia had abandoned her allegiance to the Dark Lord when his true identity was exposed. However, Lord Information's mind pieced together the puzzle, connecting her betrayal to the return of the Dark Lord. It became painfully clear that every action, every deception, was orchestrated as part of the Dark Lord's elaborate plan.

"All this time..." Lord Information's voice faltered, weighed down by the enormity of the truth.

The Dark Lord leaned forward, his eyes glinting with a mischievous glimmer. He began to narrate a story to Lord Information, his voice laced with an eerie charm.

"Once upon a time, there was a mighty lion who ruled over the animal kingdom. The lion possessed immense strength and power, causing fear to ripple through the hearts of the creatures in his domain. Yet, a cunning pack of foxes believed themselves to be far cleverer than the lion. They plotted and schemed, thinking they could outwit the powerful king of the jungle."

"But you see," the Dark Lord continued, his voice dripping with intrigue, "the foxes were blinded by their own perception of strength. They failed to recognize the lion's intelligence, for they only saw his might. They assumed that the lion's seeming laziness was a sign of weakness, a vulnerability they could exploit."

"The truth, however, was far from their limited understanding. The lion was not lazy; he simply did not view the foxes as his true adversaries. He saw no need to waste his energy on mere distractions. The foxes, in their arrogance, mistook his disregard as a lack of intelligence, a sign of their imminent victory."

"But you, dear Lord Information," the Dark Lord's voice grew softer, a sinister undertone beneath his words, "are akin to those misguided foxes. You failed to see the depths of my cunning, to comprehend the extent of my plans. You believed yourself to be the orchestrator of events, but in truth, you were merely a pawn in my grand design."

Lord Information listened in stunned silence, his mind racing with a mixture of fear and realization. The Dark Lord's narrative had painted a vivid picture of his own ignorance and underestimation.

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