Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1072 The realm of Hades

Chapter 1072 The realm of Hades

Both Sarba and Ayag were unaware of Cain's teleportation ability, but in that moment, more immediate concerns took precedence over questioning him.

To their astonishment, they found themselves inside a familiar location – the temple of the Goddess of Healing, Ava.

As Michael abruptly materialized within the temple, Fayeth was taken aback. She rushed to his side, her worry evident in her expression.

"What happened?" Fayeth's concern was palpable as Michael clutched his throat and collapsed, blood continuing to spurt from the wound.

Fayeth's attention was also drawn to the three-headed hydra perched on Michael's shoulder. Ayag wasted no time in explaining the urgency of the situation.

"We can't waste time on explanations. Heal him," Ayag urged urgently. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Fayeth swiftly waved her hand, and a soothing green wave emanated from her, gently enveloping the hall. As the wave passed over the patients in the temple, they all slipped into a peaceful slumber.

"We need to take him to my chamber," Fayeth declared decisively. With another wave of her hand, an invisible force lifted Michael off the ground and guided him through the doorway. Through the threshold, he was carried into Fayeth's private chamber. Vedora settled on Michael's chest, their concern evident in their gaze.

Fayeth's chamber exuded a sense of coziness, with a carved wooden statue of a woman positioned at its forefront. Flowers were carefully arranged at the feet of the statue. Throughout the room, several herbs grew in pots, emitting a soothing aroma. Glowing emerald green runes were scattered around the room, adding an enchanting touch. The space was imbued with an atmosphere of healing.

"His healing potion is failing to heal him," Sarba said pointing his gaze at Michael's arm where the APD ( Automatic potion and pill Dispenser) was built in. Fayeth touched Michael blood and sense dthe healing potion in his blood.

"His healing potion is ineffective," Sarba remarked, his gaze fixed on the built-in APD (Automatic Potion and Pill Dispenser) on Michael's arm. Fayeth reached out and touched Michael's blood, sensing the presence of the healing potion within it.

"No, it's what keeping him-" Fayeth's words were cut short abruptly. Ayag noticed the sudden pause and followed Fayeth's gaze to the statue in the room, its eyes emitting a radiant emerald green glow.

"Is he a god?" Fayeth directed the question at Vedora, the three-headed hydra on Michael's chest.

Caught off guard by the intensity in Fayeth's eyes, all three heads of the hydra hesitated. Fayeth's unwavering determination, however, prompted a response.

"The longer you delay, the more you risk losing him," Fayeth's voice turned cold and resolute.

Once again, Fayeth pressed for an answer. "Is he a god or not?" This time, her voice held an even deeper chill.

"Yes," Sarba finally admitted, despite Ayag's exasperated reaction to his revelation.

"Idiot," Ayag grumbled, but Fayeth paid her no mind.

"He is a god, yes. So he cannot die," Cain confirmed, but Fayeth was already busy collecting herbs around the room.

"My duty as a healer extends to all, regardless of their status or nature," Fayeth declared. Despite the potential risks to her temple and colleagues, her oath to the Goddess of Healing compelled her to aid anyone in need.

Though aiding a rogue god might jeopardize her temple and its occupants, Fayeth chose to prioritize her healing duty towards Michael.

"While a god may not die, there exist fates worse than death for them," Fayeth explained. Ayag was taken aback by her words.

"That angel said something similar," Ayag murmured, though Fayeth didn't delve into further investigation. Her focus was healing the rogue god, not unraveling mysteries.

"What do you mean?" Cain inquired. Fayeth gently removed Michael's hand from his throat and placed a cloth on the wound before closing her eyes. Her hands emitted a dim green glow, transferring the energy to Michael. The glow then formed a protective layer over his wound.

"If a god sustains severe injuries, their soul can become temporarily trapped in Hades. The longer their body remains unhealed, the longer their soul remains in this state," Fayeth explained solemnly as she applied more herbs to the wound.

"That doesn't make sense. How is that possible?" Ayag voiced her confusion.

Undeterred, Fayeth focused intently on the wound. Her devotion to Goddess Ava had bestowed her with special sight, enabling her to perceive what was hidden from normal vision.

"He was stabbed with a blade dipped in Emperor Nagin's poison… it's incredibly rare… who could have done this?" Fayeth couldn't contain her question, wondering who could have inflicted such a wound. Emperor Nagins were exceedingly uncommon and potent serpents, existing alongside the realm's monsters. It was said they could devour a god's soul, a theory the gods didn't dare to test. These ancient creatures were elusive, and even the gods wouldn't seek them out for experimentation.

One thing was certain: Emperor Nagin's poison had the power to corrode a god's physical body and blood to the point where their soul became trapped within Hades.

"That Marli… she did this," Ayag hissed with a venomous tone.

Once again, Fayeth found herself taken aback, but before she could respond, Cain interjected.

"If a god's soul is trapped in Hades, does that mean they're considered dead?" Cain's curiosity emerged.

"Shut up, you fool. He's not dead, and now's not the time for a history lesson," Ayag snapped.

"No. The soul will eventually return to its body. However, what emerges from Hades might not be the same soul that entered. And such a poison is beyond the reach of anyone outside the pantheon," Fayeth conveyed her shock and disbelief.

"As far as I'm aware, Goddess Marli isn't part of the pantheon," Fayeth added. Fayeth explained, her disbelief evident.

"As far as I know, Goddess Marli isn't part of the pantheon," she added.

"She might have betrayed him to change that. Before the betrayal, we were attacked by Rainar's angels. My guess is that Marli and Rainar struck a deal that required her to betray him," Cain theorized.

"Or maybe she was plotting against us all along," Ayag retorted.

"Tell me more about Hades," Cain inquired, a question that almost prompted Ayag to snap at him.

"Is this your top concern right now?" Ayag's voice was filled with exasperation.

"Both of you need to calm down. He's been through worse and always managed to prevail. This is merely a minor setback for us," Cain assured them, his words surprising even Fayeth.

"But what we need most at the moment is information. Fayeth, please enlighten us about Hades," Cain requested.

Hearing the term "Hades," Ayag and Sarba's minds briefly wandered to their restaurant, coincidentally named Hades.

"Let me focus on healing him. This poison is corroding his body, and I lack an antidote," Fayeth replied.

"What if the poison consumes his entire body? Would that permanently trap his soul in Hades? In a way, it could be seen as killing a god," Cain's chilling words further rattled Fayeth.

"It appears you're more interested in learning how to kill a god than in finding a way to save your friend," Fayeth's tone turned icy.

For a brief moment, silence hung in the air, until Cain broke it.

"No, his body will eventually mend. Yet, it might take decades or even centuries. If his soul lingers in Hades for that long, it could twist and descend into madness. When his soul finally returns to his body, he would not be the same. However, this scenario has never occurred," Fayeth clarified.

Cain sensed an inconsistency in Fayeth's explanation. He had a hunch that there was more to the story than she was letting on, so he persisted.

"Imagine a pantheon god injured and temporarily trapped in Hades. What steps would the pantheon take to rescue the soul?" Cain probed.

Temporarily dismissing Cain's question, Fayeth concentrated on healing Michael's body. The poison had turned his throat a ghastly purple, with countless veins pulsating beneath his skin.

"Only rare substances like Emperor Nagin's poison can ensnare a god's soul in Hades. This is one approach the pantheon employs to deal with rogue gods, such as your friend here. However, if a pantheon god were to meet the same fate, they'd summon a soul walker and send them into Hades. The soul walker guides the soul to a specific sanctuary within Hades. What follows is largely speculation," Fayeth explained.

"What's your speculation then?" Cain inquired.

"The most likely outcome is that this sanctuary keeps the soul intact and rational until the god's physical body is fully restored. But I lack concrete knowledge about the intricacies of Hades, aside from what's known within the pantheon," Fayeth sighed.

"If you can't fully heal his body to reunite his soul, we might need to locate one of these soul walkers you mentioned. Do you have any idea where we can find one?" Sarba's words held both urgency and concern.

the antidote," Fayeth replied.

"Please tell me you know where we can find this antidote?" Ayag's "That's a question best posed to the pantheon. I can halt the poison's corrosive effects, but I can't completely heal him without the antidote," Fayeth replied.

"Please tell me you know where we can find this antidote?" Ayag's tone was laced with desperation.

Before Fayeth could respond to Ayag, a forceful knock echoed at the door.

"Lady Fayeth," a voice laden with fear called from outside.

"I'm busy at the moment," Fayeth replied.

"God Rainar's angels have arrived," the voice urgently conveyed.

Upon hearing this, Ayag's heart seemed to stop momentarily.

"Damn it. How could they have found us?" Sarba growled anxiously.

"Perhaps it's just a coincidence," Cain speculated.

Seeing the urgency in the situation, Fayeth swiftly directed them in a hushed tone. "Quick, get under here," she whispered, waving her hand as the wooden floor beneath them creaked open.

With practiced movements, she carefully placed Michael's wounded form and Vedora under the hidden compartment. She closed the door over them, her eyes locking onto Vedora's as she held a finger to her lips. 𝚋e𝚍n𝚘ve𝚕.𝚘𝚛𝚐

"Stay quiet and still," Fayeth whispered to Vedora, who nodded in response.

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