Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1086 Kingdom of Durran I

Chapter 1086 Kingdom of Durran I

As Michael emerged from the forest, he caught sight of a grand temple in the distance. The temple stood proudly on a small island, surrounded by a serene, reflective lake. The water glistened in the soft daylight, enhancing the temple's ethereal beauty.

The temple itself was a majestic structure, its architecture reflecting the power and strength of the orcs. It was adorned with intricate carvings, and metal-armored orcs patrolled its perimeter. These sentries kept a vigilant eye on anyone who approached.

"We should wait until nightfall to make our move," Ayag suggested in a low voice, watching the orcs' vigilant patrols.

Pink, still connected via the earpiece, chimed in with a suggestion. "Why not use the Spyders? They can give us an advantage."

But Michael had something even more surprising in store. He reached into his inventory and retrieved a small, sleek drone. With a swift movement, he activated it, and the drone's propellers whirred to life.

Pink, hearing the distinct sound of the drone hovering, couldn't contain her shock. "Is that a drone?"

Michael smiled and replied, "Yes, it is."

Pink was awestruck. "That's OP in this world."

Michael smiled as he reached the edge of the forest. He settled himself on the ground and patiently awaited the setting sun. Closing his eyes, he began to meditate, seeking to maintain his focus and clarity of mind during this crucial wait.

As Michael meditated in the quiet of the approaching night, a strange sensation overcame him. It was as though whispers had taken form inside his mind, faint and ethereal. These whispers began to coalesce into voices, echoing like distant chants.

"God of Darkness," one voice called out, its tone reverent, "Dark Lord, bless us with your darkness."

"Protector of Shadows," another voice joined in, fervently imploring, "Hear our prayers. We beseech you."

Soon, the voices multiplied, overlapping with one another, creating a harmonious chorus that resonated in his consciousness.

"Lord of Eternal Night," a chorus of worshippers pleaded, "Guide us through the shadows. Protect us from the hunters who stalk our every step."

"God of Shadows," yet another voice entreated, "Bestow upon us your mercy and blessing. Let your darkness shield us from harm."

In this meditative state, Michael could feel the collective devotion of his worshippers, their cries for protection and guidance. They worshipped him, the God of Darkness, with unwavering faith, seeking his aid in their darkest hours.

Their voices filled his mind, a symphony of devotion, and Michael couldn't help but feel the weight of their prayers.

[The host should start responding to their prayers and build your worshipper base]

Michael, deep in his meditation, heard the system's suggestion. It made sense, but he knew he had more immediate concerns at hand.

"I have too much on my plate right now. I won't ignore them forever, but they've survived here without me this long. I'm certain they can survive a bit longer," Michael replied to the system, his focus unwavering. π›π—²ππ§π—Όπ˜ƒπ—²π—Ή.𝗼𝐫𝗴

As the sun vanished beyond the horizon, the world was bathed in darkness, and the temple ahead became a radiant beacon. Its marble structure gleamed brilliantly, crowned by a powerful orb that emitted a shimmering golden light, casting a warm aura around the sacred grounds.

The orcs, adorned in their formidable metal armor, were illuminated by this brilliant light.

From the safety of the forest's edge, Michael retrieved a tablet and a fleet of drones from his system storage. With a calculated precision, the drones soared toward the temple, transmitting their live feed to Michael's tablet.

Michael scrutinized the drone feeds displayed on his tablet, absorbing every detail of the temple's surroundings. His eyes were fixed on the golden orb at the pinnacle, which illuminated the orcs patrolling the temple grounds below. Ayag and Sarba, perched on his shoulder, keenly observed the feeds with him, acting as his extra set of eyes and ears.

As Michael continued to watch, he noticed the orcs engaging in casual conversations while making their rounds. Their voices and laughter cut through the still night, providing valuable insights into their day-to-day lives.

One orc, leaning against a pillar, boasted about his strength. "I swear, I lifted a boulder that must've weighed a hundred stone last week!"

Another orc, sitting on a nearby bench, chimed in with a smirk. "You always exaggerate, Grunk. It was more like fifty stones, and you had help!"

Laughter erupted among the orcs, their camaraderie evident.

Meanwhile, Michael patiently charted the patrol routes in his mind. He noted the positions of the guards, the entrances and exits, and potential hiding spots. The tension in the air was palpable as he planned his entry into the temple undetected.

With the orcs engrossed in their conversations, Michael seized the opportune moment. Silently, he maneuvered the drones to a specific location, capturing a blind spot near the temple's entrance. Ensuring that his movements went unnoticed, he used his godly agility to leap from the forest's concealment into the shadows cast by the temple itself.

As Michael crouched low and concealed his presence, he whispered to Ayag and Sarba, "Keep an eye on the patrols for me. Let me know if they change their routines or if anyone's approaching."

The two snake heads nodded silently, their focus unwavering on the drone feeds. Michael, with his heart racing and his senses heightened, began his stealthy infiltration of the temple.

Amidst the orc's banter, one of them suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, Spirits! I forgot something back in the barracks. Be right back!"

The orc promptly altered his patrol route, striding in a direction that would take him perilously close to Michael's hiding spot. It sent a jolt of tension through Michael, who quickly signaled Ayag and Sarba for information.

Ayag's voice hissed urgently in Michael's ear, "Someone's heading your way, Ghost. Swift and quiet."

Without wasting a second, Michael pointed his arm above the temple, and with a mechanical whirr, his Mark 3 grappling hook shot into action. It launched him into the air, and he ascended swiftly, aided by his godly strength and agility. He soared above the temple, feeling the cool night air rush past him as he hung hidden in the shadows, his presence masked by the inky darkness.

As Michael dangled above the temple grounds, he watched the approaching orc with bated breath, praying that his concealed position would go unnoticed.

While Michael clung to the shadowed eaves of the temple, he heard Pink's voice whispering in his head, "Ghost, how's everything going?"

With extreme caution, Michael replied in his mind, "Going good."

Pink continued her telepathic guidance, "Once you're inside the temple, make your way to the west side. You'll find the portal there. Just place your hand on the pedestal, and it'll activate the portal straight to Durran. The other side won't be monitored like this at this hour."

Beneath the shadowed eaves of the temple, the orc who had lingered below called out to another passing orc. They exchanged words about returning to Durran soon to meet their families.

The orc under Michael remarked, "I can't wait to return to Durran. It's been too long."

The other orc nodded in agreement, "Just wait until the harvest festival. We'll get to go to our homes with a nice bonus. It'll be worth the wait."

As they chatted, Michael stayed hidden, taking mental notes of their conversation and biding his time for the perfect opportunity to continue his infiltration.

Ayag whispered, "These orcs don't seem like they're going to move anytime soon, and if we linger here for too long, we'll be spotted."

Michael nodded, his eyes still on the two orcs beneath him. He mentally commanded one of the drones to hover away silently. Then, using another drone, he toppled down a stack of books from a nearby bench, creating a sudden, loud distraction.

The two orcs, startled by the abrupt noise, exchanged surprised glances. One of them said, "What was that? Did you hear something?"

The other orc replied, "Yeah, it came from over there. Let's go check it out."

With cautious steps, the orcs moved away from their previous spot, heading towards the source of the disturbance, leaving Michael free to continue his mission inside the temple.

Michael landed silently on the ground and continued to sneak his way into the temple. The interior was vast and empty, dominated by a massive statue of a burly orc in the center.

Michael couldn't help but ask Pink, "Is that statue the god Norebo?"

Pink's voice echoed in his head, confirming, "Yes, that's Norebo. Now, you need to head toward the portal."

With a quick nod, Michael proceeded to the western side of the temple. There, he found a shadowed room, slightly shielded from the main area. He reached for the doorknob, but it refused to turn. Frustrated, he reported to Pink, "It's locked."

Pink's reply came with surprise, "It's not supposed to be locked,"

Simultaneously, Michael heard approaching footsteps. Ayag urged him, "Do something before they catch us."

Feeling the pressure, Michael summoned his strength and, with a determined effort, broke the doorknob, allowing him to slip into the room just in time to avoid being detected by the approaching orcs.

As Michael hurriedly entered the room, he could hear the muffled conversation of approaching orcs.

One orc grumbled, "We need to check the portal room."

Another replied, "Yeah, I heard some strange noises from that direction."

Michael's heart raced as he spotted the portal. It was a shimmering, circular opening surrounded by intricate runes. In the center of the room stood a pedestal.

Without wasting a moment, Michael extended his hand and firmly placed it on the pedestal. Instantly, the portal lit up with radiant energy, and the runes etched into it began to glow brightly.

As the orcs drew closer to the room, Michael didn't hesitate. He grabbed Vedora and, with one final glance at the temple behind him, leaped into the portal, disappearing just in the nick of time before the orcs reached his location.

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