Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1093 Time for a grand heist

Chapter 1093 Time for a grand heist

With the newly acquired medallion securely hanging from his neck, Michael navigated the bustling streets of Durran. Vedora remained asleep in his room as he blended into the festival crowd.

"This harvest festival seems like a big deal," Michael remarked, his gaze wandering over the vibrant celebrations. 𝑏𝑒π˜₯π‘›π‘œπ˜·π‘’π‘™.π˜°π‘Ÿπ‘”

"Yeah. Every year, the orcs invite people from all kingdoms and worshippers of all gods to celebrate their harvest. Say what you want, the food they serve in the festival is damn delicious," Pink chimed in through the earpiece.

The mention of delicious food brought thoughts of his wife, Gaya, to Michael's mind. She was quite the food enthusiast.

"I wonder what she's doing," Michael mused to himself as he weaved through the festivities.

"Now that you have the medallion, what's our next move?" Pink inquired.

"I need to gather some alchemy ingredients to start cultivating in this world," Michael explained.

"Then you should head to Eden's Garden. It's right next to the Celestial Palace," Pink suggested.

"Right, I'll remember that," Michael mentally noted.

"I also need to sell everything I stole from Rideon Funds. I assume selling them in the Celestial Palace is out of the question," Michael asked Pink.

"Okay, I've heard rumors about some black market operations in Durran, but I don't know their locations or how to contact them. I doubt Gilrut does either," Pink admitted.

"Officer Barug might be able to help," Michael pondered. Given Barug's position as a law enforcement officer in Durran, he would likely have knowledge of the black market in the kingdom. Obtaining information from him could facilitate the sale of the stolen Rideon Funds valuables for gold coins.

After all, Michael had no personal use for items such as rubies, diamonds, or artifacts. Although artifacts infused with celestial energy could be absorbed, the artifacts in Rideon Funds were merely decorative, favored by the wealthy for their aesthetic appeal.

"Aren't you excited about us being together again?" Pink asked, seeking Michael's thoughts on their reunion.

"I am," Michael affirmed, his smile evident in his voice.

"However, we both know the rules of this world are different. If we mess up on Earth, we'll end up in jail. But if we mess up here, we'll be killed or worse," Michael cautioned Pink, tempering her enthusiasm.

"I know, I know. But still, killing gods has a nice ring to it. I just miss being paid, though," Pink lamented, a tinge of disappointment audible in her voice.

"I'm working on that," Michael assured her, raising Pink's curiosity.

"I assume you're not going to tell me," Pink guessed, accustomed to Ghost's penchant for secrecy.

"Yep," Michael replied simply.

Amidst the lively celebration of the orc harvest festival, with stalls offering delectable treats and vibrant performances taking place on the streets, Michael skillfully navigated through the cheerful crowd. The revelry was infectious, and the rich scents of exotic foods filled the air.

As he continued his journey, he soon arrived at an awe-inspiring sight. A colossal white marble building, the Celestial Palace, rose before him, its grandeur and opulence drawing the gaze of all who passed by. Its majestic architecture, adorned with intricate carvings of gods and celestial beings, towered over the surrounding structures, exuding an air of divine authority.

Beside the Celestial Palace stood another imposing building, one shaped like a giant leaf, Eden's Garden. The structure appeared to be an architectural wonder, a testament to the orc's craftsmanship and their reverence for the natural world.

With determination in his step, Michael approached the entrance of the Celestial Palace. The massive doors, ornately decorated with symbols of gods and celestial energies, swung open to welcome him. As he entered the palace's interior, he was greeted by an air of solemnity and reverence. Orcs and devotees of various gods moved about with hushed voices, their eyes cast downward in respect.

Making his way to the central hall, Michael inquired about the purchase of celestial crystals. He was directed to a counter where an elderly orc, adorned in robes of deep blue, awaited. The orc regarded him with wise eyes, recognizing the seriousness in Michael's request.

"Welcome to the Celestial Palace. How may I assist you today?" the elderly orc inquired, his voice carrying an air of dignity.

"I'm in need of celestial crystals," Michael replied, keeping his tone respectful.

The orc nodded, understanding the significance of the request. "Celestial crystals are indeed precious. May I know your purpose for requiring them?"

"It's a secret, but I am researching new types of runes. So these new runes of mine require a substantial amount of energy," Michael replied. Pink had mentioned that the orcs held scholars in high regard, particularly those driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to create new things.

As Pink had predicted, the old orc's eyes lit up with interest upon hearing Michael's explanation. It was not uncommon for scholars and runemasters to embark on endeavors involving novel runes. Thus, the orc didn't press Michael further on the matter.

"I understand, my lord. Please, take a seat," the orc gestured for Michael to sit at the counter. He retrieved an emerald box, opening it to reveal several glowing crystals.

"We have mid and high-grade Celestial crystals, directly from the Morina mine. As we all know, crystals from Morina mines are the purest and contain the most energy," the orc explained as he placed the crystals on the table.

"Depending on your runes, you can choose either these mid-grade crystals," the orc pointed to the deep-sea blue crystals, "or high-grade crystals," he added, indicating the dark purple ones.

"What is the price difference between the mid-grade and high-grade crystals?" Michael inquired.

"Well, the mid-grade crystals are priced at one hundred thousand gold coins each, while the high-grade ones are three hundred thousand," the orc answered. Michael was taken aback by the cost but maintained his composure.

"Unfortunately, the prices are fixed," the orc added before Michael could attempt to negotiate.

"I'll take ten high-grade crystals," Michael said, surprising the orc.

"That will cost you three million gold coins," the orc replied. His astonishment stemmed from the fact that he hadn't seen this young man before, and his attire didn't suggest affiliation with any prominent families in Durran. He couldn't help but wonder who this young man was.

"What can I say? The pursuit of knowledge often comes at a high price. But one cannot halt their quest for greatness due to monetary concerns," Michael responded, adopting the tone of a true scholar.

"That is true…" The old orc agreed, his respect for the young human scholar soaring to new heights.

After subtly manipulating the orc's feelings toward knowledge seekers, Michael made the purchase, which included a complimentary space ring.

"Is there anything else I can assist you with, my young lord?" asked the orc.

"I also require some alchemical ingredients for a friend of mine, and I've heard that Eden's Garden is the best place to make such a purchase. Do you also recommend this place?" asked Michael.

"That is indeed the place for purchasing alchemical ingredients," the old orc affirmed. "Although they offer the finest quality, it's worth noting that their prices are rather steep. I must admit, I hold no love for the money-hungry establishment that is Eden's Garden."

With a contemptuous glance towards the mention of Eden's Garden, the orc continued, "They hold a near monopoly on all the alchemical ingredients in Durran, so whatever price they present, it's non-negotiable."

The orc leaned in slightly, as if sharing a secret. "If you're in no rush, I'd recommend looking for alchemical ingredients outside of Durran. You might find more reasonable prices elsewhere."

Michael let out a sigh of resignation. "I'm afraid I'm in quite a hurry, so I have little choice but to purchase from Eden's Garden."

The old orc nodded sympathetically. "True, they do offer the finest quality, so that's a silver lining."

As Michael turned to leave, the old orc gave him one last piece of advice. "One more thing, my young lord. Don't be disheartened by their poor customer service at Eden's Garden. Focus on the quality of their goods and try not to mind their lack of courtesy."

Exiting the grandiose Celestial Palace, Michael found himself in the equally imposing Eden's Garden, where alchemy ingredients were sold. The interior of the shop was extravagant, with polished marble floors, intricate wooden shelves, and rows upon rows of glass cabinets displaying various rare and exotic ingredients.

Approaching a counter where an old woman stood, Michael tried to purchase a list of alchemical ingredients. The old woman, however, greeted his request with indifference, her eyes barely leaving the ancient tome she was reading.

"I need these ingredients," Michael said politely, sliding the list towards her.

She glanced at it, sighed audibly, and then begrudgingly started gathering the items. "Hm, mandrake root, powdered phoenix feather, moonlit dew... What are you even making with this stuff?"

Michael hesitated for a moment, then replied, "It's a secret recipe."

The old woman rolled her eyes. "Of course, it's a secret. Always is, isn't it?"

As she retrieved each item, she muttered under her breath about the inconvenience of her job. Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration growing within him at the lack of courtesy.

While Michael waited for his alchemical ingredients, another customer at a nearby counter reached his boiling point. He slammed his fist onto the counter and yelled, "This is ridiculous! The prices are astronomical, and your attitude stinks!"

The staff member on the other side of the counter shrugged dismissively. "Take it or leave it. We don't care."

Overhearing this exchange, Michael couldn't help but feel some camaraderie with the frustrated customer. However, his attention was quickly drawn back to the old woman who had been assisting him.

After finally gathering all the items, the old woman placed them on the counter and looked at Michael with a grin that seemed to say she had him cornered. "That'll be two million gold coins."

Michael was visibly startled by the price and asked incredulously, "Two million? Isn't that a bit much?"

The old woman scoffed, "Poor people like you always think that way. If you can't afford it, don't waste my time. Either buy it or get the hell out."

Michael frowned, feeling a mix of frustration and anger. "You know, if you were a bit more polite, maybe customers would want to return here."

The old woman let out a harsh laugh. "Return? They always return. Because they have no choice."

Michael's expression turned dark, and he growled, "You know, it's funny how people who think they're untouchable are usually the ones who are most vulnerable."

With that, he retrieved a space ring filled with coins and transferred the required amount. The old woman snickered as she took the ring, counting the coins before tossing the ingredients carelessly into an emerald-green box.

As Michael left the counter, he muttered to himself with a devilish grin, "I wonder how they'll feel when I clean out this place."

As Michael stepped out of the Eden's Garden, he cast one last look at the imposing building before speaking to Pink.

"Hey Pink, I think it's about time we contact Elmer. I've got a new target in mind for our next heist," Michael said.

Pink's voice buzzed with excitement, "Finally, some action! But please tell me it's not the Celestial Palace."

Michael grinned, "No, we're not going for the Celestial Palace. Our target is the Eden's Garden."

With that, Michael left the building, his thoughts already formulating a plan for their next daring escapade.

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