Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1096 The underworld of realm of gods

Chapter 1096 The underworld of realm of gods

Michael cracked his neck as he reclined on Vilnius's throne, propping his legs casually on the table. His eyes remained fixed on Vilnius, who was slowly regaining his composure.

"What did you do?" Vilnius inquired, his voice tinged with suspicion.

Michael chose not to reveal the exact nature of his actions, maintaining an air of enigmatic authority. He held the power of the blood tonic over Vilnius, a secret he intended to safeguard.

In the aftermath of the pain Vilnius had just experienced, Michael could effortlessly incapacitate or even kill him with a mere snap, thanks to the nanites coursing through his victim's veins. Given Vilnius's current Qi Awakening realm, he was no match for Michael's power, even without resorting to his godly abilities.

Surprisingly, Michael's Eyes of Darkness still revealed a yellow aura around Elmer, signifying that Elmer possessed greater strength than Vilnius himself.

"Now, unless you'd like to meet your demise prematurely, I'd advise you to remain silent and do as I say," Michael commanded coldly, exerting his newfound control.

Vilnius hesitated, his muscles tensing as he considered taking a step forward. But the memory of the excruciating pain he had just endured held him back.

"In the eyes of the world beyond this room, you are still the leader of the Vilnius gang. However, both of you will answer to me," Michael asserted, reinforcing his dominance.

"Now, sit," he growled, his voice carrying a menacing authority that sent shivers down the spines of Elmer and Vilnius. They reluctantly complied, settling into the chairs before him.

Vilnius's clenched fists and bulging veins betrayed his frustration as he witnessed Michael sitting arrogantly in his throne, feet propped up on the table.

"Elmer, from this moment forward, you will be executing my orders in the field. And Vilnius," Michael turned his gaze to the fuming orc.

"You will be responsible for fencing and handling the sale of our ill-gotten gains in the black market," Michael declared, punctuating his command by placing his gleaming dark sword on the table, its ominous blade pointing directly at Vilnius.

"But should either of you entertain any thoughts about betray me, rest assured, I can be exceedingly violent," Michael warned, causing the room's lights to flicker ominously.

"Now, Elmer, are you ready to accept your first order from your new boss?" Michael inquired, his voice unwavering and firm.

Elmer remained in a state of shock after the abrupt turn of events. One minute, Vilnius had been giving him orders with authority, and the next, John had nearly killed Vilnius. Elmer had initially seen John as an asset to further his position within the Vilnius gang, but he never anticipated that John would ascend to the role of boss.

"I don't appreciate your lack of enthusiasm," Michael remarked, a veiled threat lacing his words. As the room's atmosphere seemed to chill, Elmer hastily responded.

"Yes, boss," Elmer affirmed, his voice tinged with compliance.

"I need you to procure the blueprint of the Eden's Garden, along with any and all information you can gather about the place," Michael ordered Elmer, his tone unwavering. The elf nodded and departed the room, leaving Michael alone with Vilnius.

Once they were alone, Vilnius couldn't contain his frustration any longer. His voice carried a growl of warning, "When those above me catch wind of this, you'll find yourself neck-deep in shit, human."

Michael raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Who's above you?" he asked calmly.

Vilnius couldn't help but let out a mocking chuckle. "Did you think I was the top dog in the Vilnius gang?" he sneered. "We're just a cog in the giant machine that controls the entire underworld."

Intrigued, Michael leaned forward. "Tell me more," he urged.

Vilnius, however, wasn't inclined to cooperate. "Why would I?" he retorted defiantly.

With a sinister smile, Michael slowly raised his fingers and ominously added, "With a snap of my fingers, I can make you feel like you're in hell."

Vilnius vividly remembered the excruciating pain he had just experienced, but before he could respond, Michael snapped his fingers once again, subjecting Vilnius to intense agony. Vilnius could only mumble, "No more," as the pain overwhelmed him.

As Vilnius gasped for air, the intensity of the pain gradually waned. Michael, his curiosity unabated, leaned in closer. "Tell me more about what you meant," he demanded.

Vilnius, still shaken by the excruciating ordeal, began to speak in a hoarse whisper, revealing secrets he had guarded closely. "The Vilnius gang... it's just a small piece in the grand design of the underworld that worships God Agra."

Michael's mind raced as he recalled the vicious bandits who had met their demise at his hands, all of them fervent Agra worshippers. He also remembered the intense battle against the angel of God Agra. This revelation hinted at something far more expansive and sinister.

"The underworld," Vilnius continued, "it's under the dominion of God Agra and his malevolent influence. My gang, we're merely a minuscule cog in the intricate machinery of darkness."

Intrigued, Michael pressed on, "Can you tell me how many such gangs exist in the underworld, under the influence of God Agra?"

Vilnius winced, the memory of recent agony still fresh. "I don't know the exact number," he admitted, "but I know there exist countless factions, all devoted to Agra,"

Michael pondered the ramifications of this revelation. The underworld, controlled by a god and countless factions each with its own dark agenda, presented an intricate and dangerous landscape. It was a chilling reminder of the scope of the forces Michael was entangled with and the daunting challenges he would face in the days to come.

"So, you didn't mess with me; you messed with the most ruthless and evil god in the entire realm of gods. Agra is someone even the pantheon doesn't dare cross paths with. So, enjoy whatever days you have left, human," Vilnius growled, his voice dripping with a mix of menace and warning.

But Michael, still seated casually on Vilnius's throne, merely chuckled in response. "My dear boy, trust me when I say this. I've heard about stronger enemies countless times. It's like a cycle in my life—I go somewhere, end up facing a stronger foe, and eventually defeat them. Then I move on, and the cycle repeats," he said coldly, his demeanor unflinching. Vilnius was taken aback by the absence of fear in John's eyes.

"But you don't have to worry about Agra or his angels. As your boss, I will take care of my minions. Just do what I say, and you will be fine," Michael said dismissively, waving his hand as if brushing off Vilnius's threats.

"You don't understand," Vilnius retorted. "The moment we finish a heist, we need to offer a large chunk of our spoils to the underworld. If we fail, they will send the executioners. Once they arrive here, you are done for," he added with a cold grin.

Michael leaned back further in the throne and regarded Vilnius coolly. "What do you think will happen when they come here?" he asked.

Vilnius didn't hesitate in his response. "What else? They will kill you," he stated matter-of-factly.

"What do you think they would do to you?" Michael's voice remained cold and calculating. "Put you back in the throne you lost to me? I know how the underworld works far better than you," he continued, emphasizing his vast experience. His reputation as the number one hitman on Earth had led him to deal with the underworld and gangsters extensively, granting him unique insights.

"When they see you've lost your position, they'll consider you weak and unfit to lead this gang," Michael stated bluntly, his eyes locked onto Vilnius's. "We both know that weakness doesn't survive in this line of business. So, can you at least comprehend that they will either kill you or force you to work under a new boss—probably Elmer?" A sly grin crept across his face as he spoke.

Michael couldn't help but notice the flicker of insecurity in Vilnius's eyes, and he knew he had found the key to controlling the orc's stubborn ego.

"You see, Vilnius," Michael began with a hint of amusement, "imagine a scenario where you're no longer the big boss. Picture yourself taking orders from someone who was once your subordinate—a mere minion." He paused, allowing the idea to sink in.

Vilnius's face twisted with disdain at the mere thought of working under Elmer, someone he had been accustomed to bossing around. His ego, as Michael had anticipated, flared with resistance.

"And not just any minion," Michael continued, his voice dripping with calculated cunning, "but one who has proven himself capable of leading this gang to heights you couldn't reach." He leaned in, locking eyes with Vilnius, pressing the advantage. "Can you imagine the humiliation, Vilnius? The shame of bowing your head to someone who once bowed to you?"

Michael's words hung in the air, expertly exploiting Vilnius's ego and feelings, knowing that the orc would loathe the very idea of being subordinate to Elmer. It was a testament to Michael's strategic mind, his ability to manipulate those around him to achieve his goals.

Michael maintained his cunning smile as he continued to play on Vilnius's ego and fear of humiliation.

"Think about it, Vilnius," he said in a low, persuasive tone, "working under a new boss allows you to maintain the illusion of power. You can still boss around your minions, making them think you're in control. But more importantly," Michael leaned in closer, his voice almost a whisper, "under my leadership, you'll still be Elmer's boss outside this room." 𝘣𝑒𝘥𝑛𝑜𝘷𝑒𝑙.𝘤𝘰𝘮

Vilnius's brow furrowed as he considered the proposition. Michael's words made sense, and the idea of retaining some semblance of authority appealed to his ego.

"I don't want to expose myself to the light," Michael continued, his tone conspiratorial. "I prefer to work from the shadows. But, Vilnius, if the executioners come and you spill the truth, they won't just demote you. They'll strip you of everything and make you work under a minion."

Vilnius's growl revealed his inner turmoil. Michael had painted a vivid picture of the potential consequences of defiance.

Vilnius growled, clearly torn between his ego and the practicality of the situation. "It's not certain they would do that," he muttered, his stubbornness showing.

Michael chuckled softly, a hint of menace in his smile. "Are you willing to take that chance, Vilnius? Because I assure you, I won't hesitate to expose your little secret to the world if you don't play by my rules."

Michael's cunning manipulation had placed the orc in an impossible predicament, and it was clear that he had little choice but to comply with his new boss's wishes.

"But don't worry about the executioners or Agra himself. I will take care of them. As my minion, you do what I say," Michael leaned back on the throne, emphasizing his newfound authority.

"It seems like you got me by the balls, John," said Vilnius.

"Boss," Michael corrected Vilnius, his tone unyielding.

"Inside this room, you address me as Boss," Michael reiterated, his voice carrying a cold authority.

"It seems like you got me by the balls, Boss," Vilnius reluctantly repeated, recognizing the shift in power.

"That's good. Now go tell your minions to rest and eat well. We will hit the Eden's Garden day after tomorrow," Michael said calmly, startling Vilnius.

"Are you crazy?...Boss," Vilnius corrected himself quickly, trying to adapt to Michael's audacious plan.

"You want us to hit one of the most protected places in the whole of Durran, yet you're only giving us one day to prepare," Vilnius growled.

"It's me who does the planning, Vilnius. I don't do failing," Michael stated firmly, emphasizing his confidence in the scheme.

(The next chapter will start with heist planning. Stick with me because the upcoming chapters will be a thrilling ride!!!!)

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