Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1098 Party Crashers

Chapter 1098 Party Crashers

With twenty hours remaining until the commencement of Michael's next heist, he found himself reclining in Vilnius's imposing throne.

"Everything's in place on your end, Pink?" Michael inquired through his earpiece.

"Yes, I can access the feeds from Eden's Garden. It's frustrating not being able to manipulate them. Back on Earth, I could hack into those security cameras and mess with the guards," Pink lamented.

"It's fortunate that technological advancement is lacking in this world. Imagine these cultivators and gods wielding the power of technology," Michael chuckled. π™—π™šπ’…π’π™€π™«π™šπ’.π’π™§π™œ

"Don't underestimate those security cameras, though. Seraphine has runes and spies that rival the abilities of security cameras. Nothing happens there without her knowledge," Pink reminded Michael of the Goddess of Information's influence.

"Sounds like she'd make a valuable ally," Michael contemplated the idea of having Seraphine as a subordinate.

"I doubt it. She's one of the Pantheon's most loyal deities," Pink replied.

"How's Vedora doing out there?" Pink inquired.

"I've left them at the Durran library with Gilrut. I want them to absorb as much knowledge about this world and the book we're planning to steal as possible," Michael informed Pink.

As he conversed with Pink, approaching footsteps caught Michael's attention.

"I have to go. Keep a watchful eye on our companion," Michael instructed Pink.

"I will," Pink replied with a chuckle.

Anticipating that Vilnius and Elmer would be accompanied by additional orcs, Michael rose from the imposing throne. It was crucial that no one in the Vilnius gang discovered his true identity as their leader.

"You're back," Michael greeted the group as they entered the room.

Before him stood Vilnius and Elmer, accompanied by four orcs and two dwarves.

"We've completed all the tasks you assigned," Elmer announced, handing the blueprint over to Michael.

The orcs and dwarves stared in amazement at the human newcomer who had recently become part of their gang. These orcs were the typical hulking, green-skinned brutes, while the dwarves were short, had long bushy beards, and emanated the distinct aroma of ale.

"Tell us your plan, John," Vilnius instructed.

"Of course, Boss," Michael responded, maintaining the facade of working under Vilnius. The orcs and dwarves didn't seem to suspect anything, assuming Michael was just another member of Vilnius's gang.

Michael spread the blueprint on the table, revealing a yellowish parchment with a hand-drawn layout of the building's interior and exterior. He meticulously scanned the blueprint before turning his attention back to Elmer and Vilnius.

"Can we trust them?" Michael inquired, referring to the orcs and dwarves.

The orcs and the two dwarves expressed their frustration with growls, but Elmer vouched for their reliability.

"Very well, Elmer," Michael shifted his gaze from the orcs and dwarves to Elmer.

"Tell us what you've learned from your surveillance of Eden's Garden," Michael requested. He had already gathered extensive information about the place using the Spyders, but Michael was keen to assess the team's capabilities when it came to executing heists.

Unbeknownst to the crew, Michael considered this operation a test, with the real heists yet to come.

"As I mentioned earlier, the place is guarded by five guards outside, all heavily armored. Inside, there are twelve guards. Eden's Garden opens at six in the morning and closes at eleven, with customers being asked to leave an hour before closing time," Elmer reported.

"While they're open for business, I observed runes in place that prevent customers from taking products outside without proper payment. Only the staff possesses the special runes required to remove the enchantments from the products. Furthermore, you can't store anything in your space rings due to runes that prevent items from being stored within them," Elmer explained as Michael pondered the information.

Vilnius couldn't help but snicker inwardly, convinced that John was setting himself up for a miserable failure. However, Michael's finger traced a path on the blueprint, leading to a room located behind the main hall where products were sold.

"This room," Michael pointed out, "it's labeled as the power room. Tell me, what do they have in there?" He directed the question at Elmer and Vilnius, though he already knew the answer.

Vilnius mumbled, "Celestial crystals to power the runes."

"But you can't access the power room without the manager's palm print," Elmer added. As he spoke, he recalled Michael's request to find the manager's whereabouts. The realization began to dawn on Elmer that John had meticulously planned every aspect of this heist.

"The manager lives in the Park District, but his manor is heavily guarded. Approaching him won't be easy. And even if you manage to get close, how do you plan to make him cooperate?" Vilnius inquired.

"Who said anything about making him cooperate? We just need his palm print," Michael replied coolly, leaving Elmer and Vilnius to grasp the implications of his words.

"I'll take care of obtaining the palm print," he added.

Michael then pointed to the eastern wall of Eden's Garden. "This is our entry point. There's an adjacent building, a clothing store. They won't have the same level of security as the Eden's Garden. It should be a straightforward breaking and entering. I assume your crew can handle that," Michael asked, to which Elmer nodded.

"When you're inside, use the tools you've acquired to drill a hole and gain access to Eden's Garden. Once you're inside, proceed to the power room. Use the manager's palm print to gain entry, and then disable the crystals. That should deactivate the runes," Michael instructed.

"Even if we destroy the crystal and power down the runes, it won't deactivate all of them," Elmer pointed out.

Hearing Elmer's concern, Michael casually tossed a few silver space rings onto the table.

"You can store the alchemical goods in these space rings. I've calibrated them for you. Just point and take what you need. I know that reaching the backup crystals in the town hall is a hassle. So, once these crystals are gone, you'll have six minutes to clean out the place before the backup crystals reactivate the runes," Michael informed them. Elmer couldn't help but be amazed by how well-prepared John was.

Michael then handed out several earpieces to the crew. "Put these in your ears," he instructed. "I'll be monitoring and guiding you through the plan if necessary. But if everything goes according to plan, you'll exit through the hole you drilled."

As Michael concluded his briefing, he folded his arms and fixed his gaze on the crew. "And if any of you minions get any funny ideas about disappearing with what you've stolen..." He didn't need to finish the threat; the implication hung heavily in the air.

"Now, go prepare yourselves. But no drinking tonight. If I catch any of you drunk, I'll make sure you won't have a tongue to taste anything ever again," Michael coldly threatened, leaving the crew visibly shaken. The orcs, in particular, didn't appreciate being threatened by a human they believed they could overpower.

However, the orcs held their tongues, as their boss, Vilnius, remained silent. After the crew had left, leaving only Vilnius and Elmer behind, Michael took a seat on the throne.

"So, Vilnius, how are things on your end? I don't want any problems when it comes to selling the potions and pills in the black market," Michael inquired.

"My contacts are as ready as they'll ever be. Once you give me the pills and potions, I can fence them, provided you manage to get them, that is," Vilnius replied, his voice filled with a hint of resentment.

"What did I tell you about doubting me?" Michael coldly asked, raising his fingers. Vilnius's heart skipped a beat at the thought that if John snapped his fingers, he would experience excruciating pain.

"No, not that again, Boss," Vilnius growled.

Elmer, still in awe of how John had managed to subdue a brute like Vilnius, observed silently.

"You can take the day off, Vilnius. Go out, enjoy your day. You can come back here once everything's done," Michael said.

After leaving the Vilnius gang territory, Michael made his way towards the Park district of Durran. As he ventured out into the city, he found himself amidst the lively celebrations of the upcoming harvest festival. The night sky was illuminated with colorful fireworks that painted intricate patterns against the darkness.

Amidst the festive atmosphere, Michael overheard the excited chatter of tourists and native orcs of Durran.

"Look at those fireworks! They're even more spectacular than last year," a tourist exclaimed with awe in their voice.

"It's always a treat to be in Durran during the harvest festival," a local orc remarked with a grin.

Michael continued through the bustling streets, following the signboards that led him to the Park district. The city was alive with energy and merriment, a stark contrast to the clandestine world he had recently delved into. Yet, he knew he couldn't let his guard down, not with the risky heist on the horizon.

As Michael followed the signboards and continued through the Park district, he soon found himself standing before a quaint and cozy manor nestled amidst a grove of pink maple trees. He glanced around to ensure he wasn't drawing any unwanted attention before speaking into his earpiece.

"What's the plan, Ghost?" Pink's voice crackled through the earpiece, filled with curiosity and anticipation.

Michael replied, his voice calm and collected, "The plan is simple, Pink. I need to infiltrate this manor and obtain the manager's palm print."

Pink's curiosity got the better of him, and he asked, "What's the security like around that place?"

Michael assessed the situation carefully before describing, "The manor is guarded, of course. There are a couple of guards at the front gate, and I've noticed some defense arrays around the premises. But I've got a few tricks up my sleeve to bypass those."

With Pink serving as his eyes and ears, Michael was ready to execute his plan and secure the vital palm print for their upcoming heist.

As Michael observed the manor from the shadows, he suddenly witnessed the lights inside the building extinguish one by one. He couldn't help but mutter in surprise, "Well, that's unexpected."

Just as he was processing this strange turn of events, his instincts kicked in. He sensed movement in the darkness surrounding the manor. Several figures, shrouded in dark robes, were stealthily advancing toward the manor, using the cover of the night to conceal their approach.

Quickly, Michael whispered into his earpiece, "Pink, we have company. Multiple figures, dressed in dark robes, heading for the manor. Looks like we've got ourselves a party crasher situation."

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