Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1101 Harvest Day Heist I - Flawless Plan

As the sun descended beneath the horizon in Durran, Elmer and his crew smoothly infiltrated the bustling city, their presence blending seamlessly with the celebratory crowd. The upcoming harvest festival, slated for the day after tomorrow, had momentarily relaxed the vigilance of the city guards. Their focus had shifted towards identifying potential threats, primarily anyone carrying weapons or volatile alchemical substances, which Elmer and his crew cleverly circumvented by storing their tools in specially designed space rings.

Elmer's voice resonated softly through his earpiece as he reported their successful entry into the city. "We're inside the city."

"Good," Michael's voice replied in his head, a technological marvel that still left Elmer in awe. The power of these tiny devices allowed them to communicate effortlessly across vast distances.

"The clothing store owner is closing up shop and preparing to immerse himself in the festivities. It's your cue," Michael informed John, who was diligently monitoring the unfolding situation from his remote location, with the Spyder feeds granting him a comprehensive view of their surroundings.

"We're en route," Elmer replied, as he navigated the lively crowd, making his way toward Eden's Garden, the coveted target, with the adjacent clothing store offering a discreet entry point for their impending heist.

As Elmer and his crew approached their destination, they found themselves immersed in the heart of the festive crowd. Laughter, music, and the enticing aroma of street foods filled the air, while colorful stalls adorned with trinkets and delicacies lined the bustling streets. The night sky was illuminated with breathtaking fireworks, exploding in a mesmerizing display of vibrant colors, drawing exclamations of wonder and joy from the revelers.

"Look at those fireworks, they're incredible!" one spectator exclaimed, craning their neck to catch a better view.

"Did you try those candied apples? They're amazing!" chimed in another, holding up a sticky, glistening treat.

Elmer momentarily allowed himself to be captivated by the festive atmosphere. He couldn't help but steal a glance at the bursting fireworks overhead. But Michael's voice crackled in his earpiece, snapping him back to the task at hand.

"Elmer, stop gawking at the fireworks and get to the clothing store," Michael's voice urged, a reminder that their mission required unwavering focus amid the distractions of the celebration. With a nod, Elmer directed his crew towards the adjacent clothing store, determined to stay on course and execute their plan with precision.

As Elmer and his crew reached their destination, they found themselves standing before Eden's Garden, a grand and alluring establishment. The adjacent clothing store, a two-story building made of colorful marble stones, displayed a fashionable mannequin behind a glass window, its garments catching the dim light of the evening.

"Enter the building through the backdoor," Michael's voice instructed, guiding Elmer's crew towards their next move. The task of bypassing the entrance fell upon Elmer, who received a playful challenge from Michael.

"Impress me with your lockpicking skills," Michael's voice, tinged with amusement, came through the earpiece.

Elmer couldn't help but chuckle at the friendly banter between himself and Michael. "Get ready to be amazed," he quipped before making his way to the rear of the building.

Meanwhile, the two dwarves in the crew, ever resourceful, set to work with a clever distraction. They approached the glowing orbs adorning the surroundings, deftly draping dark cloths over them to obscure the area, casting shadows that concealed their actions.

Elmer focused on the task at hand, using his lockpick tools with practiced finesse. In a matter of moments, the lock yielded to his skill, and the door silently swung open.

"Good," Michael's voice echoed in approval through the earpiece, signaling the crew to proceed with their mission.

Inside the clothing store, the dimly lit interior revealed a myriad of elegant garments and shelves neatly displaying various accessories. The soft, ambient light cast a warm glow over the mannequins and racks of clothing, giving the space an inviting ambiance.

As the dwarves efficiently removed the dark cloths from the glowing orbs outside, they moved with silent grace towards the entrance of the clothing store. Once inside, they carefully closed the door behind them, ensuring their entry remained unnoticed in the bustling festival crowd outside. 𝑏𝑒𝘥𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝘭.𝘯𝑒𝑡

Michael's voice, calm and composed, directed their next steps. "Your target wall is on the east side, second story," he informed them. "Reach there and get to work."

The crew acknowledged Michael's instructions with a series of nods and quiet affirmations.

The crew proceeded cautiously up the creaky wooden stairs, their movements deliberate to avoid any undue noise. The stairs seemed to protest every step they took, groaning with age.

As they ascended, the dwarves couldn't resist a jibe at the orcs, their deep voices carrying a hint of mockery. "A bit heavy on those feet, aren't ya?" one dwarf remarked, earning a few grumbles from the orcs.

The orcs, not to be outdone, responded with a taunt of their own. "Well, some of us are built for more than just tunneling, you know."

Before the exchange could escalate further, Michael's cold voice intervened, instantly silencing the banter. "Stop squabbling, unless you want your tongues cut out."

The threat hung in the air, and both orcs and dwarves swiftly shut their mouths, refocusing their efforts on the task at hand.

They reached the second floor and swiftly made their way to the east side wall. Elmer, with a flick of his wrist, produced the wall cutter, a circular blade adorned with intricate runes. The orcs, under Elmer's guidance, plunged the blade into the wall and started to move it in a circular motion, the enchanted blade making quick work of the thick wall.

Michael's voice came over the earpiece, directing them. "We need to finish cutting the wall in five minutes. The staff and guards have all left the Eden's Garden."

One of the dwarves, addressing Michael respectfully as 'boss,' couldn't help but voice a concern. "What if the Eden's Garden changes the rune to enter the power room, now that the manager's been... taken care of?"

Michael's tone was coldly confident as he responded, "They're keeping his death under wraps, and we're lucky. The Eden's Garden is arrogant and overly confident. They believe no one can or will rob them."

The dwarves and orcs exchanged glances, reassured by Michael's conviction.

The orcs and dwarves handled the wall cutter with surprising finesse, the circular blade moving through the stone as silently as a whisper. They soon had a hole large enough to slip through.

Elmer, who was the first to peer through the hole, whispered back, "We can see the Eden's Garden hall."

Michael's voice came through the earpiece, precise and commanding, "Alright, everyone, get to your positions."

With a collective "Yes, boss," they climbed through the cut wall, entering the dimly lit Eden's Garden. The hall was a breathtaking sight, with alchemy goods, herbs, and bubbling cauldrons that glowed in various hues.

Michael's voice guided them further, "The Eden Garden's most valuable goods are on the second floor. Orcs, dwarves, take each room on the second floor."

The crew swiftly dispersed to their designated rooms, blending into the shadows. Michael continued, "Everyone, wait until Elmer destroys the celestial crystals powering up the runes. He'll let you know when it's time to steal the goods."

Elmer silently slinked toward a door with a wooden board that read "Staff Only." He skillfully wielded his lockpicks, their delicate metal components glinting slightly in the dim light, and with precision, he opened the door.

Michael's voice crackled in his ear, "Nervous, Elmer?"

Elmer, now inside a dimly lit corridor, replied confidently, "No."

In the privacy of his thoughts, Michael couldn't help but feel a hint of amusement at how smoothly he had managed to involve a spy in this illegal endeavor. He watched the Spyder feed as Elmer reached a copper door at the end of the corridor, sensing the pulsating energy around it. Elmer inspected the intricate runes engraved on the door, which had no visible knobs or handles.

Taking a deep breath, Elmer retrieved the bloody wrist of the manager from his pouch and placed it against the door. The runes etched into the surface of the door lit up in various colors, shimmering like ethereal veins, and with a soft click, the door swung open.

The door swung open, revealing a palm-sized, high-grade celestial crystal, its radiant purple hues catching the dim light. It rested on a pedestal, encircled by a shimmering blue energy shield. Glowing lines extended in all directions from the pedestal, forming a complex pattern.

Elmer's voice trembled with uncertainty, "John, there's an energy shield surrounding the crystal."

Michael's response was calm, laced with amusement, "Put your hand into the shield and take out the crystal."

Elmer frowned, his apprehension evident. He knew arguing would be pointless. With a resigned nod, he slowly approached the crystal, his palm outstretched. As he reached out, electric bolts shot from the shield, causing him to hiss in pain. The sensation was excruciating, his hand feeling like it was melting while searing agony radiated to his brain.

Michael's voice pierced through the torment, firm and unwavering, "Pull out the crystal."

Elmer took a deep breath, fighting against the searing pain. With determination etched on his face, he pressed his hand further into the shield, clenching his fist despite the torment.


His curses were hushed but vivid as he continued to struggle, his hand inching closer to the coveted celestial crystal.

Michael's voice carried a tone of amusement as Elmer, through sheer determination, managed to pull the celestial crystal out of the shield. Michael cheered him on, saying, "Atta boy!"

In the immediate aftermath, Elmer couldn't contain his cry of pain. "Aaargh!" he exclaimed as the agony surged through his burnt hand when he yanked the crystal free from the shield.

Elmer's hand was a mess, charred and trembling from the pain. Michael quickly instructed, "Pour the healing potion on your hand and drink another one."

Elmer, his breaths still coming in ragged gasps, nodded and took out two shimmering blue healing potions from his pouch. As he reached for the potions, he couldn't help but notice a sudden, eerie silence in the room. The intricate glowing lines that had previously covered the walls and floor faded away.

Michael's voice broke the silence as he gave the order to the orcs and dwarves, "The runes are down. Steal everything you see."

With a hint of humor in his voice, Michael quipped,

"Well, looks like it's our harvest day, my friends." The dwarves and orcs raised their space rings, which promptly emitted a brilliant light. It was as though a miniature portal had opened, and every alchemical good in the room was drawn into the radiant beam and vanished into the depths of their space rings.

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