Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1118 Ironhands Beast Tamers

Chapter 1118 Ironhands Beast Tamers

Michael followed the stream of excited onlookers and eventually arrived at a bustling checkpoint where a guard was issuing tickets for entry. The guard, clearly in a rush, was barking at anyone who seemed to waste his time or had difficulty counting their gold coins.

"Come on, people, it's not rune mastery! One ticket per person, three gold coin each! Move it!" the guard shouted impatiently.

Michael joined the line, patiently waiting for his turn. Vedora, perched on his shoulder, drew the guard's attention with their three heads. The guard pointed at her and said, "You, with the snake, that's two tickets."

Michael didn't argue. He simply handed the guard six gold coins, receiving the two tickets in return. With the tickets in hand, he entered the arena, ready to witness the thrilling spectacle of dragon fights.

Inside the arena, the seating was meticulously arranged in tiers, providing each viewer an unobstructed view of the central battleground. Rows of seats resembled grand steps, rising upward, while a colossal golden dome enveloped the arena's ground, protecting spectators from any unexpected consequences of the intense dragon battle.

The crowd was electrified with excitement, their voices blending into an exhilarating symphony of cheers and gasps. Vendors weaved through the throngs of people, hawking an array of delectable snacks and refreshing beverages.

Michael's gaze was immediately drawn to the spectacle in the arena's center. Two majestic dragons were locked in a fierce confrontation. One, a colossal creature with scales the deep blue of a stormy sea, crackled with dancing lightning around its formidable form. The other, a graceful jade green dragon, moved with serpentine elegance, its eyes locked onto its formidable opponent.

In the midst of the tumultuous crowd, conversations buzzed around him.

"Look at that lightning dragon. It's incredible!"

"Who's your bet on, the blue one or the green one?"

"Did you see that last maneuver? It's anyone's game!"

With the dragons locked in combat, Michael quickly located an empty seat and settled down, his eyes fixed on the breathtaking spectacle unfolding before him.

Michael quickly activated his Eyes of Darkness to see whether the dragons were stronger or weaker than him and found out both the dragons had red aura around him. In other words, both these dragons were stronger than him, even if he fought using his God powers. This made Michael perplexed, but he had a feeling he would find out about the dragons' power soon.

Meanwhile, the grand battle raged on between the two magnificent dragons. The blue dragon, its massive body crackling with fierce, arcing lightning, unleashed a powerful breath attack that sent bolts of electricity shooting toward its green adversary. The sky inside the arena seemed to split open as the lightning collided with the emerald scales of the green dragon.

A thunderous explosion of sparks and sound rocked the arena, sending shockwaves through the crowd.

"By the gods, did you see that lightning strike? What a display!"

"Green's got the poison, but blue's got that shocking power!"

The green dragon retaliated swiftly, exhaling a noxious cloud of poisonous gas that enveloped the blue dragon. Its adversary writhed in agony, the venom seeping through the cracks in its scales, but it fought back valiantly, determined not to be defeated so easily.

The battle was an intricate dance of destruction. The green dragon darted and weaved, striking with precision as it sank its venomous fangs into the blue's shimmering hide. The blue dragon retaliated with explosive bursts of lightning, searing its opponent's scales and sending it recoiling.

As the epic confrontation unfolded, the crowd roared with excitement.

"Look at those fangs, the green one's deadly!"

"The blue dragon's lighting strikes are awe-inspiring!"

The cheers and exclamations of the spectators intermingled with the roars and growls of the battling dragons.

"Did you notice that? The dragons have no collar or anything. They seemed to be fighting in their own free will," Ayag whispered into Michael's ears.

"Hmm," nodded Michael as he noticed too.

The crowd's enthusiasm reached a fever pitch as they passionately cheered for their chosen dragon. The entire arena seemed to vibrate with the intensity of their support.

"Come on, Blue! Zap that green pest!"

"Green, show 'em your venomous might!"

The battle between the two dragons intensified. The green dragon, despite its poisoning and injuries, launched a barrage of deadly poison breath attacks, attempting to weaken its opponent. The blue dragon, now enraged and determined to end the fight, countered with a relentless storm of lightning strikes that seared through the air.

The pivotal moment came when the blue dragon, gathering all its might, unleashed a colossal attack. It drew upon its inner reservoir of electrical energy, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle. Lightning crackled around its form, coalescing into a massive, swirling tempest of energy that enveloped the green dragon.

With a deafening thunderclap, the blue dragon released its pent-up energy in a cataclysmic explosion of power. The blinding, electric storm engulfed the green dragon, its scales glowing with an ethereal blue light as the tremendous energy coursed through its body.

The people in the arena gasped in shock and awe.

"By the gods, look at that! It's a maelstrom of lightning!"

"Green doesn't stand a chance! It's over!"

As the tempest of lightning faded away, the green dragon's once-vibrant scales now lay charred and blackened. It let out a final, mournful roar before collapsing onto the arena floor, defeated.

The victorious blue dragon, its electrified form still crackling with residual energy, gazed upward at the darkened sky. It let out a triumphant roar, a thunderous bellow that echoed throughout the arena. The sheer intensity of its cry sent shivers down the spines of everyone in attendance.

Electricity danced in the air, making the hair on the back of necks stand on end. The dragon, clearly reveling in its victory, spread its colossal wings and beat them with incredible force. The shockwaves of its mighty flaps rippled through the stadium, causing banners to flutter wildly and spectators to clutch their seats in awe.

Amid the electrifying aftermath of the battle, a burly, bald-headed man with bulging muscles approached the center of the arena.

He raised his arms, and his deep voice boomed, amplified by magical runes that carried his words to every corner of the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen! After a fierce and awe-inspiring battle, the victor is none other than the Thunder King!" The man's announcement was met with an explosion of cheers and applause from the crowd.

The name "Thunder King" resounded through the arena as spectators celebrated the dragon's triumph.

As the bald-headed man continued to stand proudly at the center of the arena, the victorious blue dragon obediently settled beside him, its crackling form now a bit calmer but still retaining an air of electric might.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the man declared, his voice still resonating through the arena, "I present to you the Thunder King!" The crowd erupted in applause once more.

"Now, my fine spectators," the man continued, "imagine having this magnificent creature at your command. The power of lightning and thunder coursing through your veins. The awe and fear you would inspire in your rivals. The Thunder King is a symbol of might and authority!"

He emphasized each word, his enthusiasm infectious, as he painted a picture of grandeur and dominance.

"Owning the Thunder King could make you the most powerful force in Sagespire and beyond. At the Divine Tower auction, this majestic beast will be offered to the highest bidder. You won't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

The people in the audience gasped in amazement and surprise. Whispers and excited chatter filled the air as they discussed the prospect of acquiring such a formidable creature.

"I can't believe it!" one spectator exclaimed.

"The Thunder King at the Divine Tower auction? This changes everything!" another person marveled.

"To witness more thrilling dragon fights and to explore the possibility of acquiring other rare and formidable beasts," the man proclaimed with a theatrical flair, "simply contact the Ironhand Beast Tamers! We are here to make your wildest dreams come true!"

With a final flourish, the man tipped his hat to the audience and bid his farewell. He turned and walked regally toward a giant door at the edge of the arena. The crowd watched in awe as he disappeared into the shadows beyond.

The arena buzzed with excitement as the spectators continued to discuss the astonishing events they had just witnessed.

"Ironhand Beast Tamers, huh? We need to check them out before we leave," Michael mused, his curiosity piqued by the mention of this new faction. Goldspire seemed to be full of surprises.

"This auction seems more exciting than we gave it credit for," Ayag observed, her serpentine heads swaying with interest.

"The next fight will be between Gaddorock, the Ape, versus Larni, the Spider Monkey!" another voice echoed through the hall, reigniting the crowd's excitement.

Michael, however, had other plans. He stood up, his gaze fixed on the exit.

"Where are you going?" Ayag inquired, puzzled.

"Aren't you a bit curious about the Divine Towers?" Michael replied, already making his way through the bustling crowd. Eventually, he stepped outside the arena, where the crowd was still pouring in. π—―πžππ—»π¨π―πžπ₯.πœπ—Όπ¦

"I guess we're going to the Divine Towers before the auction, then?" Sarba remarked, summarizing their new direction as Michael nodded.

Once back on the main street, Michael scanned the area, his gaze falling upon the various food stalls. He approached one of the vendors, who was busy flipping skewers of sizzling meat.

"Excuse me," Michael began, "could you tell me the way to the Divine Towers?"

The vendor, a plump man with a chef's hat, wiped his hands on a stained apron and pointed in a specific direction. "Head down this street, keep going until you see the grand tower with golden engraving. You can't miss it."

Following the directions, he navigated the winding streets of Goldspire until he arrived before a grand and elegant tower. It was a towering structure adorned with intricate golden engravings and surrounded by a meticulously pruned front lawn.

The tower itself gleamed under the night sky, its golden fa?ade glistening with an ethereal light that seemed to radiate from within. The entrance was guarded by stern-looking sentinels dressed in elaborate uniforms, and a large, ornate board displayed information about the upcoming Divine Tower auction.

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