Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1130 Bidding War for Liquid Armor

Chapter 1130 Bidding War for Liquid Armor

The auction resumed as Meenal returned to the main stage, her presence commanding the attention of the gathered audience. Commoners and VIPs alike in their exclusive pavilion took their seats, eager for the proceedings to continue.

Meenal addressed the crowd with a cheerful smile. "Welcome back, everyone! I hope you had a pleasant break. Are you ready to continue with the auction?"

In unison, the people responded with enthusiasm, their voices blending into a harmonious chorus. "We're ready!"

Meenal chuckled at the collective response, the energy in the room palpable. With a nod, she signaled for the auction to proceed, setting the stage for the next round of bidding and excitement.

Then, Meenal gracefully waved her hands, and a familiar portal opened behind her. A glass cage containing a swirling, silvery liquid began to float out of the portal, hovering beside her in a mesmerizing display of otherworldly craftsmanship.

The audience collectively wondered about the nature of the liquid as they watched in fascination.

"This, my friends," Meenal began with a mischievous grin, "is an extremely rare liquid armor, straight from the Metal God's kingdom."

A gasp rippled through the audience at her revelation.

"The domain of the Metal God boasts the rarest metals and the highest-quality metalworks," Meenal continued, her tone brimming with enthusiasm. She couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, it makes sense, doesn't it? It is the Metal God's domain, after all!"

The crowd listened attentively, intrigued by the promise of such a rare and coveted treasure.

Meenal couldn't resist teasing the curious crowd. "Now, I can hear you wondering, 'How can a liquid be an armor?'"

Laughter rippled through the audience, caught in her playful banter.

"Well, my friends, let me show you," Meenal declared with a hint of excitement. She carefully opened the glass cage, revealing the mysterious, shimmering liquid. π—³π—Ώπ—²π—²π˜„π—²π›π§π—Όπ˜ƒπ—²π₯.𝗰𝗼𝗺

As everyone watched in fascination, the liquid began to slowly creep onto Meenal's hands, flowing gracefully like quicksilver. It spread through her entire body, covering her in a seamless, shining embrace.

The silver liquid continued to transform, taking on the appearance of a perfect armor that adorned her body. The armor glinted with a lustrous sheen, its surface smooth and flawless. Intricate patterns and elegant engravings adorned the surface, giving it an otherworldly, celestial beauty. It encased her entirely, leaving only her face uncovered, as if sculpted by the hands of a divine craftsman.

The audience was left in awe, marveling at the stunning sight before them.

Rurik was awestruck by the liquid armor, his eyes fixed on it with wonder. "I've seen countless pieces of metalwork in my life, but this... How does it even work?" he mused aloud.

Even a master blacksmith like Rurik couldn't fathom the secrets of this extraordinary creation.

Ayag, perched on Rurik's shoulder, chimed in. "Let's not think about it too much. Instead, let's make it ours!"

As if on cue, Ayag encouraged them to bid for the mesmerizing armor, igniting excitement among the spectators. The bidding was about to begin when someone from the crowd shouted, "How strong is that armor? We need a demonstration!"

Meenal chuckled in response, her tone playful. "Why can't you take my word for it?" she playfully remarked before conceding to the demand.

"Very well, I'll give you a demonstration."

With a clap of her hands, a portal opened once again. This time, a towering knight clad in crimson-red armor stepped out, holding a gleaming longsword in his hand. His imposing presence commanded attention, and the crowd fell into a hushed anticipation of the impending demonstration.

"Let's put this armor to the test, shall we?" Meenal raised her hand and declared,

The crowd watched the knight with bated breath, their anticipation palpable.

Gasps rippled through the onlookers when the knight raised his longsword high, then struck Meenal with what seemed like incredible force.



But to their astonishment, the longsword did not even put a dent in the liquid armor that enveloped her. It remained unscathed, reflecting the shimmering light in defiance.

A stunned silence followed as the realization sunk in. The liquid armor was as formidable as it was beautiful, leaving the crowd in awe of its protective capabilities.

"Strike me again, with more force. Use this." Meenal, undeterred by the previous strike, ordered the knight.

With a flick of her wrist, she took out a war hammer and gestured the knight to take it. Obeying her order, the knight exchanged his longsword for a massive warhammer. The audience, her admirers in particular, couldn't help but shout in concern.

"Lady Meenal, please be careful!" One of Meenal's ardent supporters cried out.

The knight, now wielding the formidable warhammer, swung it with tremendous force at the liquid armor. As the weapon made contact, a resounding clang echoed through the room, and sparks flew when the armor absorbed the blow. The crowd gasped collectively, stunned once more by the armor's incredible durability.

"As you can see, this liquid armor can withstand even the most powerful of strikes!" Meenal's voice rang out confidently as she stood unharmed,

"What makes this armor even more remarkable is that it can be worn by individuals of any cultivation stage, providing the same sturdy protection across the board." Meenal continued her explanation, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

She could sense the audience's temptation, their desire to possess such a unique treasure.

"Imagine wearing this armor in an instant, ready to face any threat. And the best part? It can be conveniently carried in a special space ring, which, I must add, you can acquire from the Divine Towers at a separate cost." Meenal further tempted them, describing the armor's practicality.

"Are you all ready to bid for this exceptionally rare armor?" With a gleam in her eye, she asked the eager crowd,.

"We are ready!"

The crowd responded with an excited roar, their enthusiasm shaking the very foundations of the auction hall as they eagerly answered her call.

"And for the lucky winner of the bid, the Divine Tower will provide the winning bidder with the spell to remove the armor at will." Meenal's voice echoed through the hall.

Then, she muttered the incantation under her breath, and the liquid armor began a mesmerizing transformation. It slowly dissolved into liquid form and gracefully flowed back into the glass cage. The crowd watched in shock and awe as the seemingly indestructible armor returned to its previous state.

"With no further delay, let's begin the bidding." Finally, Meenal announced.

"The starting bid for this priceless armor is four hundred million." She paused for a moment, building anticipation, before declaring,

In the common area, gasps of shock and amazement filled the air as people commented on the staggering starting price.

"Four hundred million? Is she serious?" One person exclaimed,

"That's more than I could ever dream of!" Another murmured,

Meanwhile, in the noble section, bids began to rise almost immediately, with increments ranging from ten to fifty million as the nobles eagerly vied for the coveted treasure.

In the noble section, bidding for the liquid armor escalated at a rapid pace. The nobles were not holding back, and the prices were soaring as they competed fiercely to secure the coveted prize. They shouted out their bids and glared at one another, determined to outdo their rivals.

"Five hundred million!" one noble declared boldly.

"Five hundred and fifty million!" countered another, a hint of arrogance in their voice.

The competition became increasingly intense, with each bid raising the stakes higher. Nobles exchanged heated words, urging others to back down and let them claim the prized armor.

"You there, yield! This is a matter of House Alistair!" one noble demanded.

"House Kael demands this armor! Six hundred and fifty million!" another shouted.

The atmosphere among the nobles was charged with excitement, rivalry, and a hint of desperation as they continued to raise the bids at a breakneck pace.

As the bidding war among the nobles raged on, Rurik and House Silverbrook decided to join the fray, determined to seize the opportunity to acquire the liquid armor.

"Seven hundred million!" Rurik raised his hand confidently and declared,

House Silverbrook, known for their wealth and influence, added their weight to the competition. Arlan, the representative from House Silverbrook called out, "Seven hundred and fifty million!"

The sudden entry of House Silverbrook into the bidding sent a clear message to the other nobles that they were serious contenders. The auction hall buzzed with anticipation as the bidding war intensified.

Meanwhile, Ayag couldn't help but mutter in Michael's ear,

"It seems like we're piss poor in this world."

She observed the outrageous bids being made and the fierce competition among the nobles, making it clear that they were operating in a realm of wealth and extravagance far beyond what they were accustomed to in the mortal realm.

Amidst the escalating bids and intense rivalry among the nobles, Raphael, who had been silent and observant throughout the auction, finally spoke up with a calm tone.

"One billion."

Michael frowned, his curiosity piqued. He couldn't help but wonder why this angel in disguise was so keen on acquiring the liquid armor, especially at such a staggering price.

He leaned towards Raphael and asked, "Why are you bidding for the armor?"

"Why did you bid for the book?" Raphael asked as a response to Michael's question.

Michael was well aware of Raphael's mastery over metals, a talent that could potentially make him even more formidable if he possessed the liquid armor. As the bidding war continued, Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that if Raphael obtained the armor, it would only complicate matters for him in the future.

Despite Michael's reservations, the nobles continued to bid fervently, raising the stakes higher with each bid. They seemed determined to outdo one another, their competitiveness driving the price of the armor to unprecedented levels.

"One point one billion!" declared a noble.

"One point two billion!" countered another.

Raphael, however, remained remarkably composed, calmly raising the bid each time without displaying any signs of strain.

"One point three billion," he said coolly.

The tension reached a boiling point as noble families targeted one another, each passionately arguing their claim to the liquid armor. Accusations were hurled, voices grew louder, and heated disputes flared up.

"You have no business interfering in noble matters!"

"This armor is too valuable to be entrusted to outsiders!"

"House Alistair deserves this treasure!"

"No, House Kael should be the rightful owners!"

The arguments escalated into a chaotic exchange of words, with the noble families engaged in a bitter clash over who had the right to possess the priceless liquid armor. The atmosphere in the auction hall became increasingly charged, and it seemed that the outcome of this bidding war would carry significant consequences.

As the tension between House Alistair and House Kael escalated, their heated argument devolved into a barrage of offensive language and curses.

"You bloody scoundrels, House Alistair has the right to this armor!"

"The only right you have is the right to be a bunch of arrogant fools!"

Raphael, seemingly unperturbed by the foul language and escalating hostility, calmly raised the bid once again.

"One point four billion," he stated with a composed demeanor.

Michael couldn't help but notice the intense rivalry between House Alistair and House Kael. It was clear that this bidding war was not just about acquiring the liquid armor but also about one-upping their rivals, with personal vendettas fueling the fiery exchange of words.

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