Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1134 Raphael’s weakness

Chapter 1134 Raphael's weakness

As the auction continued, the nobles from prominent families persisted in their fierce bidding war, each trying to outdo the other to claim the precious crystal containing the primordial water droplet.

However, to the astonishment of all, a few brave commoners decided to enter the bidding fray. Their presence in this high-stakes competition surprised both the nobles and the commoners alike.

"Eleven billion five hundred million!" one of the courageous commoners shouted, prompting whispers and gasps from the crowd.

"Are they out of their minds?" a noble muttered to his companion.

The auction hall had become a battleground, not just between rival noble families but also between the social classes.

The sudden participation of commoners in the bidding didn't sit well with Rurik and the other nobles. They were initially stunned, but their surprise quickly turned into irritation. Rurik, in particular, couldn't believe what he was witnessing.

"Are they mocking us?" one noble muttered.

Another noble chimed in, "This is no place for commoners. They can't even tell how many zeroes in a billion,"

Some nobles started taunting and threatening the commoners who dared to bid, warning them not to disrupt the auction any further.

Meenal, who had been enjoying the excitement of the auction, frowned at the turn of events. She stepped forward and addressed the commoners who had bid.

"Participating in the bidding without the means to back your bids is a serious offense," she warned, her tone firm. "I won't tolerate any disruptions."

"Is there a rule against commoners bidding in this auction?" The robed figure among the commoners calmly raised his hand and asked.

"There certainly isn't." Meenal hesitated for a moment before responding.

"Then there's no reason to question our presence here." The mysterious commoner nodded and replied.

As the commoners boldly continued to participate in the bidding, curiosity and suspicion ran rampant in the auction hall. Many couldn't fathom how someone sitting among the commoners could afford to bid more than eleven billion gold coins for such a rare and valuable item.

Rurik, who was among those puzzled by the situation, couldn't help but voice his thoughts, albeit in a hushed tone. "How can someone from the common area have access to that much wealth? It's ridiculous,"

Raphael, sitting calmly in the Blacksmith Guild pavilion, responded to Rurik's question with a sly smile. "Not all wealthy people choose to flaunt their riches in the VIP pavilions. There are many mysterious figures who prefer to hide in the crowd, watching and waiting for the right moment to make their moves."

As the auction war for the primordial water droplet intensified, the bidding continued to climb to staggering heights, reaching more than fifty billion gold coins.

"Fifty billion? This is madness!" One noble from the Alistair family, feeling the pressure of the escalating bids, muttered.

. "We can't afford to go any higher. It's time to back off." Another noble from the Kael family, looking worried, said

Gradually, one by one, the nobles began to back off, realizing that the price had exceeded their limits. The tension in the hall was palpable as the bidding seemed to be reaching its climax.

However, just when it seemed that the auction was about to conclude, the mysterious commoner in the robed attire calmly raised his hand and countered the bid with unwavering determination. In a composed tone, the commoner said, "Fifty-one billion."

The crowd fell silent, stunned by the unexpected turn of events. The bid had now reached an astronomical sum, and the mysterious figure showed no signs of backing down. It was clear that this bidder had deep pockets and was determined to obtain the primordial water droplet.

"Is there anyone else bidding?" Meenal surveyed the room, her eyes scanning the crowd as she inquired.

The silence that followed was deafening, and it was evident that no one else dared to challenge the mysterious bidder.

With a deliberate pace, Meenal continued, "Fifty-one billion going once..." She paused for effect, allowing the gravity of the moment to sink in. "Twice..." The tension in the hall was palpable as the seconds ticked away. "Sold to the bidder number six-six-six." Finally, she concluded.

The crowd erupted into a mixture of astonishment, awe, and curiosity. All eyes were on the mysterious bidder who had just secured the primordial water droplet, an item of incredible rarity and power. The atmosphere in the auction hall crackled with intrigue as whispers and discussions about the identity of bidder six-six-six filled the air.

"That man should have a better escape strategy. Otherwise, many might just take that crystal from his dead body for free." Ayag's practicality shone through as she commented,

Rurik, ever the astute observer, added, "He's no commoner, that's for sure. If he could throw that kind of cash like pocket money, he wouldn't be so weak,"

The debate over the mysterious bidder's identity and the implications of his acquisition continued to swirl among the onlookers, sparking intense curiosity and speculation throughout the auction hall. Even Michael was surprised and curious about the bidder. He was more curious and amused by the token number, six-six-six. That was the number of devil and Michael couldn't help thinking of Dragon.

However, what would the ruler of hell be planning with the primordial water droplet?

Finally, with her captivating presence, Meenal began her closing speech,

"Ladies and gentlemen, what an exhilarating auction it has been! I can't express how much I've enjoyed this thrilling experience with all of you."

She continued, her words captivating the crowd, "Your enthusiasm and spirit have made this event unforgettable. I want to thank each and every one of you for your participation."

With a seductive flourish, she finished her speech, "Now, my dear friends, I bid you farewell. Until we meet again next year at the Divine Tower Auction! You can collect your winning items in the lobby. And, as a token of my gratitude, here's a flying kiss to you all!"

"Now that the auction is over, what's next, Raphael?" Michael inquired, his face a mask of neutrality. He was fully aware of Raphael's intentions, knowing that the rogue god hunter was here to track him down and eventually capture him for the Pantheon.

"You can enjoy your stay in Goldspire for now. I know it won't be for too long. When you step out of this domain, we can do a little dance, and perhaps we'll reach the final act, if you manage to bore me." Raphael, with an air of arrogance and coldness, responded.

He then added with a hint of urgency, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an item to collect." There was something in his eyes that rubbed Michael in the wrong way.

"Fuck," Rurik muttered after Raphael left to collect the liquid armor he won in the auction.

"I can't wait to get back home and take a long nap after all this drama. And you, lad, better pray the nobles don't come to their senses and come knocking at our doors for that damn book."

"I don't think they're the only ones who will be knocking on our door." Michael said with a wry smile.

Afterwards, Michael followed the stream of departing nobles, his curiosity piqued, and soon spotted Raphael in the distance. To his surprise and amusement, Raphael was engaged in conversation with Meenal. The two seemed to be exchanging flirty conversation, with Meenal taking the initiative.

"May I know your name, young lord, and to which illustrious family you belong?" Her words were laced with flirtatious charm.

"Raphael, at your service, but as for my family, well, let's keep that a delightful mystery." Raphael, maintaining his mysterios demeanor, responded with a hint of flirt.

Meenal laughed melodically, her eyes sparkling with mischief. She reached into her pocket and retrieved a small, ornate golden ring, handing it to Raphael with a sly grin. "I've had the pleasure of bringing the liquid armor for the lucky individual who purchased it in person, but I must admit, I never expected to encounter such a handsome young lord like yourself."

Meenal maintained her flirtatious demeanor, her voice dripping with intrigue as she teased, "You know, I would really love to see if that liquid armor is the right fit for someone as handsome and mysterious as you. Perhaps, later, we can find out together?"

"I'd be more than willing to show you just what I can do with that armor." Raphael met her flirtatiousness with his own, a smirk dancing on his lips. Their playful exchange continued, each word teased with seductive undertones. Meenal then pulled out a small piece of paper, writing something down on it. Then, with a sultry smile, she pressed her lips to the paper, leaving a crimson lipstick imprint.

As she handed the paper to Raphael, she leaned in close, her breath warm against his ear. "Don't keep me waiting," she whispered, her voice a tantalizing invitation. With that, she sashayed away, leaving Raphael with the intriguing note and a lingering sense of desire.

Michael couldn't help but chuckle under his breath as he observed Raphael checking out Meenal's butt with a hint of unmistakable lust in his eyes. "Damn," Raphael muttered, shaking his head in amusement.

Then, to Michael's surprise, Raphael unfolded the piece of paper Meenal had given him. His eyes scanned the note, and without a care for the curious and envious onlookers, Raphael pressed his lips against the crimson lipstick imprint left by Meenal. It was a bold and lusty move that made Michael raise an intrigued eyebrow.

"Seems like we have found the weakness of our god hunter," Michael amused having found all mighty Raphael's weakness.

"I expected more from you, my friend," Michael snickered.

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