Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1149 Invisible Pack of Panthers

Chapter 1149 Invisible Pack of Panthers

Michael observed the centipede-like ancient beast, noticing a yellow aura surrounding it. The aura indicated that he had a fifty percent chance of defeating it, but only if he approached the battle strategically. The beast's sheer size and primal ferocity were formidable, even though it lacked any apparent cultivation.

"We should observe it from a safe distance to learn more about its movements. There might be something we can exploit." Cain suggested.

As they watched, Ayag couldn't help but comment on the creature's appearance. "Look at the size of that ugly thing!" she exclaimed, using colorful language to express her disgust and awe at the centipede's monstrous form.

Their plan was to study the beast, looking for weaknesses or patterns in its behavior that could give them an advantage. The ancient monster, unaware of their presence for now, continued to move through the valley, its every step causing the ground to tremble.

As Michael flew towards the ancient centipede beast, his focus was entirely on his target. However, his concentration was abruptly interrupted when he sensed something rapidly approaching him. Before he could react, an invisible force struck him mid-air, sending him crashing down to the ground with a heavy thud.

Michael growled in frustration and quickly scanned the surroundings to identify his attacker. To his surprise, he saw a large black panther-like beast with a shimmering cloak. The beast's eyes glowed menacingly before it turned invisible, vanishing from sight within seconds.

Sarba, witnessing the encounter, gasped in shock, "Was that a panther with wings?"

Ayag, always ready with a quip, teased her brother, "So, weren't you surprised by its ability to turn invisible?"

Michael, picking himself up, commented, "This place is full of surprises." He dusted himself off, his mind already calculating the potential dangers that lurked in the valley. The encounter with the winged, invisible panther had served as a stark reminder of the unpredictable and perilous nature of the Celestial Valley.

As Michael continued to engage with the swift and elusive panthers, Ayag's voice rang out, her tone a mix of annoyance and bravado. "These sneaky furballs are fast, but they've clearly never dealt with someone as awesome as us," she declared, her words laced with her characteristic haughty and ill-tempered demeanor.

"Watch out! Another one on your left!" Ayag shouted, her commentary punctuating the tense atmosphere. "And stop dancing around like a headless chicken! Take them down already!"

Michael, despite the challenging situation, couldn't help but admire the panthers' skill and coordination. As he parried another swipe from a panther, he responded with a tone of respect, "These creatures are impressive. Their speed and teamwork are remarkable."

"Sure, they're fast, but they're not unbeatable," Ayag retorted, her voice a mix of confidence and impatience. "Just slice them already!"

Michael, acknowledging Ayag's urgency, replied, "I'm working on it. Their tactics are more sophisticated than I anticipated."

Sarba, observing the battle, chimed in with a hint of worry, "Be careful, Michael. They're not ordinary beasts."

Michael nodded, fully aware of the challenge at hand. He continued to maneuver and strike, his movements a blend of defense and attack. The panthers, undeterred, kept up their relentless assault, their invisibility and speed making them formidable opponents.

Amidst the flurry of attacks, Ayag's voice cut through the chaos, "Use the Ring of Fire to burn them down!"

Michael, responding to Ayag's suggestion, executed a spectacular move to evade another panther attack. He leaped high into the sky, flipping backward in a show of acrobatic prowess, his cloak billowing around him. As he landed, he said, "There are other threats in this valley. Using flames might attract unwanted attention."

He then flashed a sly grin, "I need to take this battle somewhere more secluded to finish it off." π“―π’“π’†π’†π’˜π’†π’ƒπ“·π™€π’—π’†π™‘.𝓬𝙀𝙒

As Michael engaged with the panthers, he couldn't help but comment on their mistake in choosing him as their target. "You've messed with the wrong god," he taunted.

With that, Michael began to strategically retreat from the area, deliberately leading the panthers towards a more secluded location. His movements were calculated, ensuring that the panthers followed him, away from potential threats or interferences.

As Michael led the panthers away, his environmental scanning picked up several powerful beings hidden within the valley. The glow of their eyes in the distance and the faint outlines of their formidable presences indicated that the Celestial Valley was teeming with creatures just as dangerous, if not more so, than the panthers themselves.

The panthers continued their relentless assault with attack and retreat tactics, their coordination and agility unyielding. Ayag, growing increasingly frustrated with their elusive attacks, growled, "Can't these things just stand still for a moment?"

Michael, however, remained focused, skillfully navigating through the valley to avoid the other powerful beings detected in his scan. He moved with purpose, drawing the panthers further away from potential dangers or interruptions.

Finally, finding himself in a more isolated area, Michael sensed that the panthers were the only immediate threats nearby. He stopped, turned to face his pursuers, and declared confidently, "It's showtime."

At that moment, Michael stood in a desolate area, the strong wind whipping around him and sand beneath his feet. The environment was harsh, an unforgiving landscape that seemed to stretch endlessly.

He noticed that the invisible panthers had halted their assault, no longer attacking him with their previous ferocity. They seemed to be reassessing their strategy.

Ayag, puzzled by the sudden change in the panthers' behavior, asked, "What's happening?"

"They're restrategizing," Michael surmised. "They're adapting to the new environment."

Ayag scoffed, "Even the beasts in the realm of gods are cunning, smarter than many in the mortal realm."

As if to prove her point, one of the invisible panthers suddenly dashed towards Michael, a blur of motion. However, as it landed on the ground, its feet sank into the sand, impeding its swift movement.

Michael's grin widened as he realized the advantage the terrain provided him. "Now it's my turn," he declared.

He unsheathed both of his dark swords from his back, the blades glinting ominously in the dim light. His stance was confident, ready to seize the offensive now that the panthers' agility was hindered by the sandy terrain.

Michael, seizing the initiative, dashed towards the trapped panther, fully expecting the others to converge on him in an attempt to protect their comrade. As he moved, a smile played on his lips, knowing his plan was about to come to fruition.

Without hesitation, Michael cast the "Ring of Flames." Black flames erupted around him, forming a searing circle. Waves of dark flames shot out from him, creating a spectacle of fiery destruction.

The panthers in the air, caught off guard by the sudden inferno, reacted instinctively and attempted to fly away. However, the dark flames licked at their skin, burning them despite their attempts to escape. The intense heat and light from the flames disrupted their invisibility, revealing their true forms.

The panthers now appeared with scorched yellow fur, their expressions twisted in anger and pain. The elegance and stealth they had previously exhibited were replaced by a visible rage and desperation.

Seizing the moment, Michael swung his sword with lethal precision at the panther on the ground. The blade sliced cleanly through its neck, decapitating it in one fluid motion. The panther's head flew through the air, as pale blue blood splattered across the sandy terrain.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a Spiritual Embryo Realm Invisible Panther. The reward is 5000 Experience points and 2000 Badass points]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being a badass. The reward is 5000 Badass points] Michael, capitalizing on his advantage, leaped into the air, launching another wave of dark flames towards the injured panthers. The flames, black and intense, swept across the battlefield, further scorching the terrain and the creatures within it.

The panthers, their fur singed by the flames, appeared to have lost some of their initial speed. The burns inflicted by the dark flames hampered their agility, a crucial element of their fighting prowess.

Undeterred, they roared defiantly and charged at Michael. They tried to utilize what remained of their speed to outmaneuver and kill him. Their movements, though impaired, were still swift, a testament to their inherent strength and agility.

Michael's medallion, a subtle but powerful artifact, masked his true godly powers from the panthers. To them, he appeared as a mere Qi Awakening stage cultivator, significantly underestimating his actual strength. The panthers, believing themselves to be at an advantage with their Spiritual Embryo stage cultivation - one stage above Qi Awakening - were confident in their ability to take him down.

This miscalculation worked in Michael's favor, as the panthers engaged him without the wariness they might have shown had they known his true power. They attacked with a combination of raw power and injured desperation, each trying to land a decisive blow on what they perceived to be a weaker opponent.

Michael, fully engaged in the battle, wielded his dual dark swords with lethal precision. Each movement was a calculated dance of death, his blades cutting through the air with deadly grace. He channeled dark flames along the edges of his swords, enhancing their destructive capability.

With every strike, Michael utilized his "Lightning Dash" speed spell, a blur of motion that allowed him to outmaneuver the panthers' attacks. He darted from one panther to the next, his movements so swift they were almost imperceptible.

As he engaged one of the panthers, he sidestepped its pounce and spun around, his sword slicing through its hide. The panther yowled in pain as it fell to the ground, its life extinguished in a single, precise move.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a Spiritual [Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being a badass. The reward is 5000 Badass points]

Ayag, watching the battle unfold, couldn't hide her excitement. "Ha! Take that, you oversized fucking furball!" she yelled, her voice filled with glee.

Michael continued his onslaught, seamlessly transitioning between targets. Another panther lunged at him, but he anticipated its trajectory. In a swift motion, he ducked and thrust his sword upward, impaling the creature through its jaw.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a Spiritual Embryo Realm Invisible Panther]

Finally, Michael stood amidst the defeated panthers, his swords dripping with pale blue blood. The system's notifications chimed repeatedly, acknowledging each victory in the intense battle. Then, Michael crouched down beside one of the fallen panthers. With a practiced hand, he carefully cut a piece of the creature's fur and skin. The material still contained traces of the panther's ability to turn invisible, making it a valuable find.

Ayag, watching Michael's actions, rolled her eyes and expressed her disgust. "What the fuck are you doing?" she asked, her tone laced with distaste.

Michael looked up, holding the piece of fur and skin in his hand. "Their ability to turn invisible is intriguing," he explained. "This skin and fur might be useful. I'm thinking of experimenting with it to see if I can integrate it into armor."

His words hinted at the potential for innovation and the creation of new, powerful equipment. The idea of using the unique properties of the panthers' hide could prove to be a significant advantage in future battles.

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