Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1172 New Base Of Operation I

Chapter 1172 New Base Of Operation I

With devilish amusement dancing in her eyes, Rin snickered. "I'm well aware of the array your previous self installed between the realms of gods and mortals." She leaned in closer, her grin widening.

"And I've found a way to bypass it, to let others do the dirty work of killing the seal bearers."

Her words hung heavy in the air, filled with ominous intent.

"As we speak, someone is eliminating a few of those bearers," Rin revealed, her tone laced with malevolence.

Michael's composure wavered momentarily, a mix of shock and surprise evident on his face. The implications of Rin's words were far-reaching and deeply troubling.

The child's demeanor shifted as Rin's presence began to fade. Her smile vanished, replaced by a hiss of arrogance.

"Never forget, I am the Princess of Murder," she declared, her voice seething with a deadly promise.

As her presence dissipated, the child's body slumped slightly, the spell lifting, and she scampered away, seemingly oblivious to the ominous exchange that had just taken place. Michael stood there, processing the dire news, aware that the stakes had just been raised significantly.

"What exactly did she mean by that?" Pink's voice trembled with concern, breaking the tense silence. Her eyes were wide with fear, understanding the gravity of Rin's words.

"If the barrier falls, the gods could invade the mortal realm," she continued, her voice laced with dread.

"The mortals could be turned into mere generators of worship energy, fueling the gods' insatiable thirst for power."

Michael's expression hardened, a fierce determination evident in his eyes.

"I won't let that happen," he declared resolutely. His tone left no room for doubt, showcasing his unwavering resolve to stop the gods from growing stronger.

Ayag, perched on Michael's shoulder, chimed in with a note of realism.

"I hate to admit it, but Rin doesn't seem like she was bluffing," she said, her usual playful tone now laced with seriousness. ๐™›๐’“๐“ฎ๐“ฎ๐’˜๐“ฎ๐™—๐’๐™ค๐“ฟ๐“ฎ๐’.๐“ฌ๐™ค๐™ข

"We need to leave Durran," Michael concluded, his mind racing with strategies and plans.

"Away from Rin's grasp, where we can carefully plot our next move."

The urgency in his voice spurred Pink into action. They both understood that time was of the essence, and every moment spent under Rin's watchful eye was a moment too dangerous to risk.

Wasting no time, Michael and Pink strode towards the Celestial Palace, their steps synchronized in purpose. The grandeur of the palace loomed before them, its towering spires reaching towards the heavens, a testament to the architectural marvels of the realm. The massive doors swung open, revealing the grand hall, resplendent with its high ceilings, intricate carvings, and shimmering chandeliers casting a soft glow over the polished marble floors.

Their presence attracted curious glances from the palace attendants, but they continued undeterred, their focus unwavering.

Upon reaching the hall, an elf salesgirl approached them with a polite smile. Her slender form was adorned in the traditional attire of palace staff, a blend of elegance and functionality.

"How may I assist you today?" she inquired, her voice melodic and welcoming.

Michael, maintaining his composure, replied, "We're looking for a travel rune to Verdant Forest."

"But the Runemasters Guild possesses a divine portal for such travels. Why spend a considerable amount on a separate travel rune?" She asked, her eyebrows arching in surprise.

Michael crafted a response that masked his true intentions.

"We need it for research purposes," he explained, not revealing his possession of a portable portal.

The girl nodded in understanding, accustomed to the varied and sometimes peculiar requests of runemasters. Assuming Michael to be one, especially accompanied by a half-orc like Pink, she found his request within the realm of normalcy.

"Please follow me to the second floor, young master,"

She gestured for them to follow her to the second floor, where they were welcomed by an array of glass racks filled with an assortment of runes, tools for rune engraving, and various enchanting items. The variety was staggering, each item pulsating with its unique energy signature.

Leading them to a corner of the room, she sifted through various travel runes engraved on card-sized rocks. Each rune glowed with a different hue, signifying the specific destination it was linked to.

Michael's gaze settled on a rune with a tree-shaped engraving, its soft green glow beckoning.

"How much for this one?" he asked, pointing towards the Verdant Forest rune.

The salesgirl checked the price tag attached to the rune and replied, "This rune costs a hundred thousand gold coins."

Without hesitation, Michael reached into his pocket, pulling out a space ring containing the required amount in gold coins. He handed the ring to the girl, who carefully counted and verified the amount.

"Thank you for your purchase," she said, handing the rune to Michael.

"May your research yield fruitful results."

With the rune securely in his possession, Michael nodded his appreciation. Pink, who had been silently observing the transaction, gave Michael a subtle nod, acknowledging the success of their mission.

As Michael, Vedora, and Pink stepped off the bustling streets, they sought the quiet anonymity of a dark alley. The contrast between the lively streets and the secluded darkness of the alleyway was stark, providing them a moment of respite from the watchful eyes of the city.

In the shadowy confines of the alley, Michael's hand moved with practiced ease, flicking his wrist to take out the portable portal from his system storage. The small, cube-sized device materialized in his palm, its surface shimmering with an ethereal glow.

Carefully, he placed the newly acquired rune atop the portal. The rune, glowing with a soft green light, seemed to pulsate with life as it made contact with the portal's surface. The portal hummed softly, vibrating as it absorbed the rune's energy, integrating it into its mechanism.

Perched comfortably atop Michael's shoulder, Ayag peered down at the portal with an eager gleam in her eyes.

"Let's go!" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable in the stillness of the alley.

With a nod from Michael, he and Pink stepped forward, entering the portal. The world around them blurred into a whirl of colors and lights as the portal's magic enveloped them.

In mere moments, the bustling city, the grandeur of the Celestial Palace, and the dark alleyway were left behind as they journeyed towards the lush landscapes of Verdant Forest, ready to uncover what awaited them in their new base of operation.


As the vortex of the portal subsided, Michael, with Vedora perched on his shoulder, and Pink stepped into the breathtaking domain of the Goddess of Nature, Flora. They found themselves surrounded by an enchanting forest, a symphony of vivid colors and diverse life forms.

Michael's gaze wandered across the forest, taking in the sight of the trees that ranged from towering giants to delicate miniatures. Each tree was unique, with leaves of various hues โ€“ emerald, sapphire, ruby, and gold โ€“ creating a kaleidoscopic canopy above them.

"Look at those creatures!" Pink exclaimed in awe, pointing towards a group of animals that resembled deer, but with crystalline antlers that shimmered like diamonds in the sunlight. Nearby, a flock of birds with iridescent feathers flitted through the air, their wings casting rainbow glimmers as they flew.

"The flora here is unlike anything I've seen," Pink murmured, her eyes wide with wonder. She marveled at the vibrantly colored flowers, some as big as her head, and others that glowed softly, illuminating the forest floor.

But Michael remained focused, his mind on the task ahead. He pulled out the map and activated his Environmental Scanning skill, overlaying the map's details onto his visual field. The map's marked location synced seamlessly with his skill, revealing a clear path through the forest.

"We need to keep moving," Michael said, his voice cutting through the enchantment of the forest. "Our new base of operation is this way."

With purpose in his stride, Michael led the way, with Pink following close behind.

Eventually, after traversing the verdant expanse of the forest, Michael, Pink, and Vedora, perched atop Michael's shoulder, arrived at a clearing dominated by a colossal mushroom. It towered above them, flanked by tall, thick trees that seemed to stand guard around it.

"The map points to this location." Michael, studying the map, said,

His gaze swept over the enormous fungus and the surrounding area, searching for any indication of their hidden base.

Pink approached the mushroom's stem and inspected it closely, but to her, it appeared just like any other part of the forest. She glanced back at Michael, her expression a mix of curiosity and confusion.

Activating his X-ray vision, Michael peered beneath the surface. His eyebrows shot up in surprise at what he saw. Hidden beneath the ground, a second mushroom, an exact replica of the one above ground, was nestled deep within the earth.

"What is it?" Ayag inquired, noticing the change in Michael's demeanor.

Michael turned to his companions, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Our new base of operation is underground," he revealed. "There's another mushroom beneath us, hidden deep below."

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