Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1180 Borgin Ironfist

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Chapter 1180 Borgin Ironfist

When they entered the Ironhand Beast Tamers, they were immediately enveloped in a rustic ambiance, filled with the earthy scents of fur and untamed wilderness. The interior was spacious, with high ceilings supported by thick wooden beams, and the walls were adorned with various hunting trophies and tools of the beast taming trade.

Around them, muscular beast tamers moved about their business, their bodies adorned with tattoos that told stories of bravery and skill. These tamers, comprising various races from towering orcs to agile elves, each carried an air of rugged experience and a deep understanding of the creatures they worked with. Their attire ranged from leather vests to full armor, each piece uniquely designed and decorated with accessories symbolizing their achievements and status within the guild.

In one corner of the room, a large cage drew their attention. Inside, an imposing eagle bear paced restlessly. This magnificent creature was a sight to behold, with the sturdy body of a bear and the wings and head of an eagle. Its feathers and fur seamlessly merged, creating an aura of wild beauty and power. Its screeches echoed through the hall, causing some patrons to glance nervously in its direction.

Patrons of the guild, a mix of adventurers and curious onlookers, whispered amongst themselves, their voices a blend of fear and fascination. "That thing is massive!" one patron exclaimed, while another added, "I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of those claws."

Meanwhile, the beast tamers around the cage taunted the eagle bear, seemingly unafraid of its strength and ferocity. "Calm down, big fella," one tamer laughed, banging on the cage with a gauntleted hand. "You're not so tough behind those bars!"

"That must be an eagle bear. I've never seen such a creature before." Gaya watched the eagle bear with awe and surprise. Her eyes shone with a mix of excitement and curiosity as she observed the majestic animal.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the Ironhand Beast Tamers shifted from one of controlled excitement to chaotic panic as the eagle bear, with a deafening roar, broke free from its cage. The massive beast's strength was on full display as it tore through the metal bars like they were made of paper. Patrons screamed in terror, scrambling to find cover. "Run, it's loose!" someone yelled, their voice trembling with fear. The room erupted into chaos, with people tripping over each other in their haste to escape. Meanwhile, the beast tamers, although taken by surprise, quickly sprang into action. "Get the nets!" shouted one tamer, as he darted towards the equipment room. Another tamer, a burly orc with scars across his face, threw a smoke bomb towards the eagle bear, hoping to disorient it. The bomb exploded in a cloud of thick, choking smoke, but the beast seemed unfazed, its powerful wings flapping to clear the air.

From a safe distance, Michael and Gaya observed the scene unfold. "This is going to be messy," Michael commented, his eyes tracking the beast's movements.

The eagle bear, now enraged, lashed out at anyone within reach. Its sharp beak snapped shut on a tamer's arm, the sound of bone crunching echoing through the hall. The tamer screamed in agony as he was flung aside like a rag doll.

In a swift motion, the beast took flight, its large wings causing gusts of wind that knocked over tables and chairs. As it soared above the patrons, it launched a volley of metallic, dagger-like feathers towards the crowd. The feathers whistled through the air, embedding themselves in walls and, unfortunately, in some of the tamers and patrons.

"Watch out for the feathers!" warned a tamer, as he narrowly dodged a lethal projectile. π’»π‘Ÿβ„―β„―π‘€β„―π˜£π˜―π˜°π‘£β„―π˜­.π‘π˜°π“‚

The room was now a battlefield, with beast tamers using all their skills and tools to subdue the creature. One tamer, a quick-footed elf, leaped through the air, attempting to throw a lasso around the beast's neck. However, the eagle bear was too fast, evading the lasso with a swift turn.

Another tamer hurled a potion at the beast, which exploded upon impact, releasing a cloud of freezing mist. The mist seemed to slow the beast momentarily, but its immense strength allowed it to break free, shaking off the icy residue with a fierce roar.

Blood, feathers, and debris littered the floor as the battle raged on. The sounds of combat were intense – the clanging of weapons, the shouts of the tamers, the screeches of the eagle bear, and the cries of the injured.

Gaya clenched her fists, itching to join the fray, but Michael placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, signaling her to stay put. They both knew that intervening might escalate the situation further.

As the struggle between the tamers and the eagle bear intensified, the doors of the Ironhand Beast Tamers building burst open with a thunderous sound. In strode a figure of commanding presence, his eyes sharp and focused. The room seemed to grow quieter as he entered, his heavy boots thudding against the wooden floor.

"That's Borgin Ironfist!" a patron whispered in awe to his companion, his eyes wide with admiration. "The leader of the Ironhand Beast Tamers, they say he once single-handedly subdued a wild ice dragon!"

Borgin Ironfist, a mountain of a man with arms as thick as tree trunks, surveyed the chaos before him. His hair was a wild mane of white, and his face bore the scars of countless battles. He wore a leather vest adorned with various furs and teeth of beasts he had conquered. At his side hung a massive, rune-etched warhammer, its head gleaming with a faint magical aura.

Without a word, Borgin reached for his hammer, his grip firm and assured. The eagle bear, sensing a new and formidable opponent, let out a defiant screech and charged towards him.

Borgin moved with surprising agility for his size. He rolled to the side, dodging the beast's initial charge. As the eagle bear turned to strike again, Borgin swung his hammer with incredible force, striking the ground and creating a shockwave that stunned the beast momentarily.

Seizing the opportunity, Borgin activated a series of traps he had set around the room. Nets shot out from hidden compartments in the walls, entangling the beast's wings. At the same time, a series of chains sprung from the floor, wrapping around the eagle bear's legs and hindering its movement.

The eagle bear struggled against its bindings, but Borgin was relentless. He approached the beast, his hammer raised for a final strike. But instead of delivering a killing blow, Borgin placed the flat end of the hammer's head against the beast's forehead and whispered an ancient taming incantation.

The room fell silent as the eagle bear's struggling ceased. Its eyes, once filled with wild fury, now glowed with a calm light. Borgin's voice, deep and resonant, seemed to reach into the very soul of the creature, calming its raging spirit.

With a final gesture, Borgin released the beast from its bindings. The eagle bear, now subdued, bowed its head in respect to its new master.

The patrons and beast tamers erupted in cheers and applause. Borgin Ironfist stood triumphant, his feet firmly planted on the ground, a true master of beasts. As Gaya's gaze lingered on the subdued eagle bear lying at Borgin Ironfist's feet, a sudden, inexplicable connection surged through her. It was as if the boundaries between her mind and the creature's blurred for a brief moment. , "Save me." Amidst the clamor and movement of the hall, she heard a clear, distinct plea in her mind.

The realization struck Gaya like a bolt of lightning. This unexpected telepathic communication was something new, something profound. It dawned on her that this might be a manifestation of her newfound status as the Goddess of Monsters. Her ability to connect with these creatures on a deeper level was both startling and exhilarating.

Still reeling from the experience, Gaya watched as the beast tamers, following Borgin's command, began to lead the eagle bear away. She could sense the creature's resignation, its spirit subdued under the firm grip of the tamers. Meanwhile, Borgin was issuing orders with a commanding presence. "Get this mess sorted, lads!" he bellowed across the hall. "And see to it that those injured are taken to the healers immediately. We'll need to reinforce these cages; can't have our beasts breaking free like this!"

His voice, authoritative yet not devoid of concern, echoed through the hall as his men scrambled to follow his directives. The chaos slowly subsided under his leadership, the hall returning to a state of order.

Still processing her encounter with the eagle bear, Gaya felt a mix of emotions. The beast's plea echoed in her mind, leaving her with a sense of responsibility towards these creatures. She knew then that her role as a goddess was not just a title, but a calling with profound implications. fr(e)ewebnov(e)l.com

After the commotion had settled and the hall was restored to a semblance of normality, Gaya turned to Michael, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "I felt something, a connection with that beast," she confessed, her brow furrowed in contemplation. "It spoke to me, Michael, in my mind. What should I do?"

Considering the gravity of her newfound powers, Michael paused for a moment.

"For now, let's not rush into anything," he advised calmly. "We need to understand your abilities better and focus on the task at hand."

Gaya nodded in agreement, the resolve returning to her eyes. "You're right," she said, steeling herself. "I'll learn more about what I can do. But first things first."

Michael offered a supportive smile, appreciating her sensible approach. "Let's go have a word with Borgin," he suggested, gesturing towards the formidable figure of the Ironhand beast tamers' leader. "We need to find out about Hydras and their breeders."

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