Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 216: Preparing to leave the Northern Continents I

Chapter 216: Preparing to leave the Northern Continents I

Just by meeting House Kane first instead of House Fisher, Michael may have pissed off the elders of House Fisher. After what he witnessed in the auction, House Fisher didn’t seem like a family that plays by the rules and accepts a fair defeat. It was kinda obvious that if he beat Alex in the upcoming tournament, he would get into the bad side of House Fisher. 

“Think of this as a mutually beneficial relationship. Although I might not look like someone who could help the great House Kane, I think you elders know my potential” the elders were surprised to see him speak what’s in their minds. If anyone else tried to become their friends by trading these herbs, the elders might not have accepted the deal but when it comes to Ghost, they immediately decided to accept the deal.

“Don’t worry Master Ghost, House Kane always protects their friends and you are one of them” Elder Walter stood up, reaching out his hand for a handshake.

With a grin on his face, Michael shook his hand again. He then took the silk apples and herbs.

“We have a bright future ahead,” Michael said, handing over the herbs to Elder Walter. In return, Elder Walter flicked his wrist as two six feet tall silver banners with a huge ‘K’ embroidered on the middle appeared beside Michael.

“Keep one to yourself and place one in your sect. The banner will let everyone know that you and your sect are under the protection of House Kane” This banner thing worked in favor for both Michael and House Kane. As Elder Walter said, it would protect Michael and the sect but it also symbolizes House Kane’s relationship with Michael. These elders were definitely playing the long game by offering the banner as well as gambling on Michael’s bright future.

After taking over the world to himself, he might consider giving House Kane a chunk of it because of this deal. He would neither forget nor forgive his enemies but at the same time, he would also remember his allies.

“Alright elders, I’ll see myself out “

“There’s no fun in letting you out of this room alone. Come on, I want to see their faces when they realize you chose House Kane over House Fisher, hahaha” Elder Martin laughed out loud. He put his hand around Michael’s shoulder like they were best friends.

Michael didn’t mind it. If he were to be seen with the elders of House Kane in a place like this, people would spread the word that he’s a friend of House Kane faster. Considering he would leave for the Southern continent soon, he had to make sure his sect and the herbal garden stayed safe while he was away. Coupled with the existence of Soul Refiner at Sunrise sect and House Kane banner, no one would dare to attack them.

However, contrary to their expectation, when they opened the door, they saw the door to the VIP room two is wide open. There was no one inside the room.

“Shit, bastards ran away to save themselves the shame” 


Leaving the elders of House Kane, Michael followed the nobles to Varags’s room.

“What took you so long?” Gaya was waiting for him outside, which seemed to be Vargas’s room. She was wearing new clothes and her Aelia face.

“So everything’s okay?”

“Yeah, those old fucks are still waiting outside the ladies restroom, hehe”  she then tossed a space ring to Michael,

“Noah was here before someone from the guild came to take him away. I took the token from the ring and got our coins”

“Thank god. Seen with him is like asking for trouble considering the number of enemies he has” he sighed in relief. The auction blessed him with millions of gold coins and a powerful ally but if he was to be seen with Noah, it might attract the eyes of Noah’s enemies towards him.

“Let’s get out of here” They rushed out of the auction manor before House Fisher could see Michael. Plus, he was too excited to examine the Primordial rock they bought.

[A suitable place for a runic teleportation nearby] when he stepped out of the auction house, it was already dark. The howling sound of the wind indicated to them there’s a blizzard coming. Lines of carriages were waiting outside the street blanketed in snow for the nobles. 

“Are we teleporting?” Nightmare asked, looking at the weather.

“Oh, shit” Gaya sighed, following Michael behind. When they reached a dark alley near the auction house, she saw a golden light appear from Michael’s hand before disappearing into the wall. Before she could say anything, she felt the familiar vibration as she closed her eyes.


When she opened her eyes, she was welcomed by Michael’s darkroom in Abyssal.

“I need…to…lie down” Nightmare stuttered as he flew towards the bed to lie down while Gaya took some deep breath controlling the urge to throw up.

As the two were fighting with the urge to throw up, Michael took out the Primordial rock from his space ring. It looked no different than a normal rock on a street.

“You cost me 155,000 gold coins” 

“It better be worth it,” Gaya said.

“System, do your thing” he willed the system as the rock began to tremble. Gaya walked closer to the rock to see it’s radiating a faint whistling sound as well as a dim light.

[Extracting Demon Soul…]

[10% completed…]

[11% completed…] 

[Estimated time for completion is two days…]

“You never told me what’s so special about this rock?”

“There’s a soul of a demon inside”

“Yeah, WHAT?!” It took a second before she realized what he just said.

“A demon? What the fuck are you doing? Stop it!” She tried to take the stone away from Michael’s hands but he just stopped her from doing so by wrapping his one arm over her waist.

“Don’t worry” he whispered into her ear sending a chill running through her spine. Getting tightly held like this froze her body and mind. They had been kissing, cuddling, and hugging for quite a long time yet every time felt like a first time to her.

“Do you know anything about demons?” He pulled her perfectly structured body even closer to him. Although she wasn’t the type of girl to blush every single time a man touches her pinky, a red shade did appear on her cheeks.

“Not much… I only read about them…they are bad” her words stuttered. For the commoners, a demon was nothing but a myth. However, the Great clans and kingdoms like Nagaland had records about demons that weren’t just stories.

“Aren’t we?” He put the rock on the table, turning his full focus on the beautiful woman before him. 

“We are the good kind of bad. You really know what you’re doing?” he could still see some concerns in her eyes but they also contained the unwavering trust.

“Are you gonna tell me that you learned how to bring a demon back to life from the memories of Abras?” 

“No. I’m sorry that I’m not telling you everything. I trust you with my life Gaya but I can’t tell you…” before he could continue, she put her finger on his lips, interrupting his words,

“We are going to be together forever so I’m sure that you’ll find the right time to share things with me” she then took the initiative to close his lips with hers regardless of Nightmare’s existence.


“Mama, Brother Ghost, and Sister Aelia are here!” Cindy screamed as loud as she could. Raylene rushed out of the kitchen to see Ghost carrying Cindy who is carrying Nightmare in her hands.

“Master Ghost” Raylene shoved all of Cindy’s toys trying to make the place presentable. This house was recently built and gifted to her by the sect. Regardless of the fact this is a new home, it was filled with furniture and ornaments, courtesy of Gaya.

Gaya personally decorated the house herself. The interior of the house resembled a high-end apartment. A few glass walls accompanied by white marble walls gave a majestic charm to the house. Still, it was hard for Raylene to keep the house clean due to her busy schedule. She had to go to the restaurant in River town every morning to help the dwarf in the kitchen fittings, prepare food for Cindy and the children at the sect, cultivate with Sect Leader Claire, learn how to write and read from Elder Mark and in the little bit of free time she has, she had to improve her cooking skills. Of course, Gaya would come to judge her cooking by finishing all of them.

“Are you busy or something?” Michael plunged into the sofa with Cindy in his arms. Gaya didn’t sit beside him but stormed into the kitchen following the delicious smell of food.

Cindy was a year older now. The baby fat in her face was slowly disappearing but her childish behavior wasn’t going anywhere. She crawled her little body into Michael’s winter coat.

“I was just preparing dinner for well…everyone, ” she laughed. One could see the tiredness in her voice but it was overshadowed by her happiness. Her face was brighter than usual,

“Master Ghost, when are we opening the restaurant?”

“About that, I want you to hook the customers of Majestic with your cooking skills” she gawked at him cluelessly as he began to explain,

“A fancy building isn’t going to draw the amount of crowd I want. If we are to open the restaurant with a bang, we need to spread the word of your skills to every single noble in this kingdom”

“This is…so…good” from the kitchen, Gaya howled. It was like a blind cat got into the kitchen, the sound of utensils clashing came from the kitchen nonstop.

“We need to make Aelia out of every single noble,” He said, letting out a sigh.

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