Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 226: Welcome to the Southern Continent

Chapter 226: Welcome to the Southern Continent

“It’s been 33 days since we left the Dradel,” Michael said, watching the cloudy night sky. Today was a rest day from his hellish training. He wanted to spend the day with Gaya peacefully but she was unusually silent. She was standing on the edge of the ship, staring at the direction they came from.

“What is it?” 

Michael came to her side to accompany her in staring at the dark sea. 

“I’m feeling something I’ve never felt before,” she said. Her voice was quieter than usual.

“It might be seasickness,” Michael just shrugged. Surprisingly she didn’t laugh or give a reaction at all, she just kept staring at the horizon.

“I can’t describe this feeling, it’s like someone’s desperately calling me. Do you think something could have happened at the sect?” He shook his head.

He made sure that his sect stays safe before leaving, but even after everything he did, it’s far beyond his control if something still happened.

For now, he wanted to get the artifact related to Nightcrawler’s artifact as soon as possible. After that, he would revive the demon soul waiting back at the Abyssal.

Instead of using words, Michael just wrapped his hand around her shoulder. She gently kissed his arm before resting her head on his shoulder. Having him beside her made her feel better.

“In a few more hours, we’ll cross the void line” 

On top of her words, he could already feel the density of the Arch energy gradually decreasing in the atmosphere. He took a long breath, after crossing the void line, it was up to the system to save their bacon.

[The system will scan the atmosphere to create a solution in an hour] the system reassured Michael. 

The further they moved towards the invincible void line, the force of the wind increased significantly. His long grey long coat fluttered back in the wind along with his raven black hair.

Approximately two hours later, Michael noticed a significant decrease in the snowfall. In the distant sky above the horizon, he could see a couple of glimmering stars in the sky. He was staring at the welcoming sight of the cloudless sky when he noticed an object floating in the sky.

[The system has scanned the atmosphere and found that something extraterrestrial is consuming the Arch energy in the atmosphere around the Southern Continent] Michael entered the system after he heard the words.

“Extraterrestrial? Can you identify what sort of alien we are dealing with?”

[System’s level is too low]

He sighed except the system’s next words shocked him even more,

[But the system recommends not to go search for the extraterrestrial being at least the host is an Immortal]

“I thought i’m the only alien in this world but it seems I was wrong. What about the solution? If it’s consuming all the Arch energy…” his voice trailed off

[Although the extraterrestrial being is consuming the Arch energy in the atmosphere, it’s not void of Arch energy.No cultivator or a magical beat could use the tiny amount of Arch energy in the atmosphere but]

“But you can” he finished the system’s words

[Yes. So get ready to give the system 40,000 badass points to enable the Energy extractor function] 

System version 3.0

Host: Michael

Cultivation Level: Core Formation stage, level 3

Experience Points: 5000/400000 

Badass Points: 92000 

Skills & Spells: 

Wind Blast – LVL 2

Responsive Shield – LVL 3

Environment Scanning – LVL 2

Ignitia – LVL 2

Lightning Dash – LVL 2

Energy Devouver – LVL 1

Death Range – LVL 2

Techniques: Swords of Destiny – 90% Mastery

                  Ring of Fire – 59% Mastery

                  Serpent-Maga – 80% Mastery

Occupation:    Core Disciple of Sunrise Sect 

                      The Guardian of Sunrise Sect

                      Lord Lucifer of the Abyssal

Status: Healthy

Goals: Control the world

          Rebuild the Order of Death

Utility Function: 

Banker – LVL 3 (Ratio – 1000 gold coins: 10 badass point(s))

Runic Teleportation

Wealth: 11,000,000 Gold

Special Trait: 5-Star Alchemist

                    3-Star Inventor

Subordinates: Gaya – Warrior (loyalty level 100%)

                      Raylene –  5-star Chef (loyalty level 98%)

                      Aria – Assassin (loyalty level 29%)

Base of Operation: Sunrise Sect

                              The Abyssal

“40,000?! Jeez,” he sighed in his mind before asking more about this function,

“So if I pay what you ask and enable the function, can I use my full cultivation power in the Southern Continent?”

[No. You will be able to use your cultivation power 3 hours a day. Your chosen subordinate can use their cultivation power for 2 hours a day]

“You know what? I’m not even surprised” he knew there must be a catch when it comes to system’s offers. Despite the time limit restriction, he had no other choice than enabling the function for 40,000 badass points.

[Stop pondering too much host. It’s not like you have any choice] the system snickered.

“I have to stop upgrading, you sound more and more like an asshole,”  Michael said in an irritated voice after he heard the system’s words filled with arrogance. The system did not reply as it remained silent until he asked another question.

“So the function is upgradeable or not?”

[The next upgrade will let the host use your cultivation power for 5 hours and subordinates can use it for 4 hours but you’re too poor. Get me 200,000 badass points and then we’ll talk]

The system sounded more like Gaya. He could only deal one Gaya at a time so he remained calm despite the system’s tone.

“Alright, I’ll buy the function” 

[Wonderful, was it so hard?]

“You’re being a jerk because I have to depend on you more to survive in the Southern Continent, aren’t you?”

[hehehe] Michael was stunned for a moment to hear the system giggle. He could tell it’s becoming more and more like a human being with time and level. He wondered how human-like it would be when he upgrades it again.

A few moments after, the badass points decreased from 90,000 to 50,000.

[The system has successfully enabled the Energy Extractor  function]

[The host can now choose a subordinate to share the energy Extractor function with]

“Do I really have to spell the name? its Gaya” 

[Leave the system and place your hand on subordinate’s forehead] 

Rather than Michael exiting the system, he was thrown out of the system as everything around him began to move.

“What an asshole of a system I have” he cursed the system in his mind. He then turned his gaze away from the object to Gaya. Her face was still dull, it was obvious she’s still trying to figure out the reason for her bad feelings.

“This will cheer you up” Michael placed his hand on her forehead. She was about to ask a question when she felt a tingling sensation inside her head. Along with the tingling sensation, she was able to sense Arch energy in the atmosphere as she was back on the Northern continents.

“What?” she let out a quick bark of laughter in shock. Her mouth kept opening and closing.


“I can use my cultivation power for 3 hours a day and you can use it for 2 hours” 

When Michael thought about it, the three-hour time was not less but rather it was enough. By using spells, no one in the Southern Continent would be his match. Hence, there wouldn’t be a need for using Arch energy for three hours.

He just had to find a way to travel without flying because flying was the only thing that could require him to use Arch energy for more than three hours.

“We are gonna rule the Southern Continent!” As Michael guessed, this made Gaya forget about the bad feeling and made her bounce in joy.

He couldn’t help smiling looking at her laugh.

“We still have to deal with the utmost caution, Gaya. What we are about to do will get every major power including the top heads of the Guardian guild. They might not come looking for us in the Southern Continent as it would be equal to suicide, they will use every bit of their resources to watch our every step “

“Can’t we just conquer the whole Southern Continent three hours a day?” she rubbed her hands together, her eyes sparkled regardless of Michael’s statement.

“We will conquer the Southern Continent but I won’t rush it. I don’t think we can rule an entire Continent just because we can use our cultivation power. As a princess, you know more about ruling than me”

“Yeah you’re right” she took a deep breathe controlling her excitement

“It’s not that simple. Let’s just do what we always do first, recon”

He nodded, “why wage a war on a kingdom when you can just control its rulers?” said Michael with an evil grin. Michael wanted to be the shadow ruler of the Southern Continent by controlling every senate. According to Aria, in most of the kingdoms in the Southern Continent, the kingdom was ruled by the Senate instead of a king or a queen. The Senate was composed of ten senators and two consuls who were elected by the senators. The two consuls had the most power in the Senate. They had control of the army and the treasury, the two of the most important bureaus.

Aria also mentioned that only nobles could vote and stand as senator candidates.

The more he heard about the Southern Continent, the more it felt like ancient Rome. The arena and the gladiators were already a dead giveaway yet everything he heard from Aria strengthened his assumption.

“‘ere ye be. We ‘ave crossed the void line fer yer information” they suddenly heard the voice of Captain Lars. They turned back to see him walking towards them along with a group of his crew.

In Lars’s eyes, Michael saw a tinge of pity. Gaya didn’t look his eyes but the cutlass in his hand, she creased her brows

“What do you plan to do with that cutlass in your hand, Captain?”

Lars didn’t answer Gaya but looked at the distant sky as everyone saw a gigantic eagle soaring through the sky towards them. The eagle carried a steel cage that had just enough space for two people. 

“Lars my friend” suddenly a voice reverberated from the sky.

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