Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 274: One cannot avoid a Cliche fight

Chapter 274: One cannot avoid a Cliche fight

The streets were filled with soldiers and nobles. Either side of the streets had various shops such as utensil shops, markets, meat shops as well as small restaurants. Despite the crowd walking in front of him, his eyes were fixed on Herius who was accompanied by twenty spartans and twenty-five legionary soldiers. It’d be impossible to assassinate Herius unless the assassin is Michael who could use Arch energy.

However, it was not Michael’s plan to assassinate Herius. 

“Let’s just take him already” Gaya started to lose her patience after following Herius for almost half an hour. The gentle warmth of the morning sun now transformed into the scorching sun. The noble ladies were frantically waving their fans to cool themselves. He felt pity for the ladies who had to wear corsets and thick clothes.

“Where the fuck is he going?” She craned her neck slightly to see Herius’s party. Soon she got to know the answer for her question when she saw a four-story building with two seven feet lion statues standing outside.

Unlike the rest of the buildings, the one Herius was walking towards was built using decorated glasses and some kind of redwood. The beams were made of wood while the walls, windows, and doors were made of glass. After Herius entered the building through the front door, Michael and Gaya reached the two lion statues.

Even among the nobles, only those who had spartans as bodyguards entered the building.

“What’s this building? An inn?” 

“I don’t think so,” Michael noticed the nobles showing some kind of card to the legionary soldiers standing by the door before entering the building.

“We should do the usual. Rent a room in a tavern nearby, watch his every moment using Spyders and then decide what to do with him next” 

“I’m hungry” the white head’s voice came out from Gaya’s satchel. Seeing the sun was roasting them and there was no way of getting into the building without revealing their power, Michael decided to go with Gaya’s plan.

Under the shade of the buildings, they strolled on the street looking for a tavern nearby. Nearly twenty meters away from the building Herius entered, they found a lively tavern called the lost castle.

From the outside, the tavern looked somewhat grand, peaceful, and cheerful. Marble stones and pillars made up most of the building’s outer structure. It was difficult to see through the small, curtained windows, but the inviting music from within can be felt outside. The music had a medieval vibe to it which was very pleasant to listen to.

“Move your ass human, something smells really nice in there” Gaya gave a light pat on the satchel hoping to shut up the white head before walking towards the door. She too felt hungry after all the walking and flying.

As they entered the tavern through the hard wooden door, they were welcomed by laughing voices and the smile of a waitress. The bartender was a bald middle-aged man. For a moment, a small smile appeared on his face but after scanning both of them from top to bottom, that smile disappeared from his face. 

Nonetheless, the tavern was as lovely inside as it was on the outside. Rounded, stone beams supported the upper floor and the light fixtures attached to them. The walls were decorated with mounted animal heads, hides, and small animals. It was clear the owner is an avid hunter and the smells coming from the kitchen indicated that the animals don’t go to waste.

The tavern was packed. Commoners and lesser nobles seemed to be the primary clientele here. Several long tables were occupied by spartan soldiers. The other, smaller tables were also occupied by legionary soldiers who seem to be enjoying their time by harassing girls in rather ragged plain clothes. When Michael and Gaya stepped into the tavern, in addition to some legionary soldiers, a few toga-wearing golden-haired youngsters turned their heads towards them. Ignoring their gazes, Michael walked towards an enmity table in the far end of the tavern. 

“It’s cool here” the sun’s heat could not be felt in the tavern, not even a bit. Michael looked surprisingly around the room to find how they were cooling the inside. 

“Sheela!” Despite the bartender’s hostility towards outsiders, he shouted at one of the waitresses to go to Michael’s table. 

“Oh quit whining Pablo, Sheela is serving us” a legionary soldier on the other end of the tavern from Michael’s table replied the bartender, raising his voice.

If it was Noah, he would have jumped the gun to fight the legionary soldiers for harassing a waitress. Michael was different, he remained calm but he had a feeling that a fight was ahead because just like the bartender, some of the legionary soldiers too stared at Michael and Gaya with hostile looks on their faces.

“What’s crawled into their asses?” Gaya noticed these hostile gazes on them and she did not like them. If only she wasn’t hungry, she would have beat the crap out of them. For now, answering her cravings was her first priority. Sheela, a brown-haired girl who wore a tattered brown top and greyish skirt. The girl was a commoner that meant she had a better life than the slaves Michael saw. Yet in the tavern filled with legionary soldiers, lesser nobles, and few spartans, a commoner like her was the lowest kind. 

When Michael thought about it, the situation in the Southern Continent wasn’t much different than Elon except in Elon, there were only two kinds, cultivators and those who stuck at Arch sensing or Foundation stage all their lives who were called commoners by the cultivators. In the southern Continent, there were three kinds, Nobles, Commoners, and Slaves.

In a rich city filled with nobles and lesser nobles such as this, the nobles practically treated comments like their slaves, it was the girls who got the worse. It’d be a miracle if they lived through a month without being harassed or forced upon by a noble. Not that it was okay but atleast most of the cultivators would leave their victims with enough gold coins to live comfortably. In the Southern continent though, the nobles were far more heartless than those cultivators.

“Honey, why don’t you serve yourself to us?” 

The other waitresses were nowhere to be found while Sheela was being harassed by some noble youngsters.

“Can we kill them already?” The white had enough of waiting. Since it inherited Gaya’s personality, it hated waiting for food. 

“Fuck them up!” 

“What the?” Gaya was stunned after hearing the white head’s shout.

The youngsters who were harassing Sheela stopped what they were doing as almost everyone in the tavern looked at Gaya and Michael.

“Well I wanted to avoid a cliche restaurant fight but here we are” Michael shook his head disappointedly.

[hehehe, looks like you’re about to have a cliche fight]

The system laughed inside his head.

“At Least I don’t have to use Arch energy to beat these guys”

“Did you say fuck them up, bloody foreigners?” a legionary soldier slowly stood up from his table, menacingly looking at both Michael and Gaya. The noble youngster finally let go of Sheela as their focus turned on Gaya, a much more beautiful girl than Sheela.

“I had a long fucking day and im fucking hungry, so I strongly suggest you assholes reconsider what you’re about to do” Gaya removed the satchel as she put it on the table. Everyone including the few spartans was completely surprised by her words but soon their surprise became anger. They couldn’t tolerate an outsider and a girl disrespects their fellow soldiers.

“You better get on the ground, begging for forgiveness bitch” the legionary soldier gritted his teeth,

“You got insurance for this place?” Michael asked the bartender,

“Why do you care? It’s your bitch friend who needs one” the bartender’s answer surprised Michael and at the same time, angered him a bit. He didn’t know how they found out that they were foreigners or why the bartender was hostile towards the outsiders.

“Wrong answer” Michael slowly moved his hand back behind the chair, releasing Spyders onto the ground. Since they might take longer than they actually planned, he didn’t want Herius out of his sight. Therefore, he released the Spyders so they could get inside the building and monitor him.

“Apologize for your words or we will have to arrest you” a spartan soldier stepped forward.

“Arrest me? You’d be lucky to lift a fucking finger when im done with you” finally Gaya stood up, cracking her wrist.

“Let me take a shot, soldier” suddenly the youngster who was harassing Sheela stepped forward with a wicked smile plastered on his face.

“Oh fuck this” Gaya lost her patience as she picked up the candle holder on their table before throwing it towards the youngster. The candle holder’s round base hit the youngster’s face with enough force to make him stumble backward and fall. Her movements were so quick as the legionary soldiers standing beside the youngster had no time to react at all.

“Arrest her” the spartan soldier seemed calm despite her actions. However, the legionary soldiers and the youngster’s three noble friends got extremely mad. Their bodies shivered in anger.

“Lock the fucking door, I don’t want them running away” the legionary soldier ordered the others.

“You’re gonna regret that” Finally Michael himself stood up. At the moment, none of the soldiers or spartans knew who they were messing with.

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